One Ounce of Gold. How long will it take me sluicing?

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[Music] thank you well hello everyone Denver prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earned your subscription today I am here on the Fraser River at extreme low water spring runoff is just starting so this is about as low as it gets it starts to come up from here and I am here with the high banker on this Gravel Bar that showed me so much gold last year and I want to see what I can get in a couple hours of high Banking and I'm hoping I'll get a lot so wish me luck and I hope you enjoy [Music] thank you [Music] foreign like this I have a perfect spot to run the high banker right there it has a divot a low point in the Gravel Bar which creates a natural tailings pond and it's over 10 meters away from the water's edge which here in British Columbia Canada the rules say on the Fraser we have to be 10 meters back and we can't let the water go directly back into the into the river we have to let it settle out and settle in pond so I got a nice little settling Pond 10 meters back I've got some really nice gravels down there and today I'm going to extract some of the gold that is hiding in those gravels now my goal today is not just to find a whole lot of that Shiny Gold I am on some really hot ground and I want to see how long it takes to find one ounce of gold on this hot ground my claim doesn't compress all of those gravel bars on the far side and at low low water like this when they're really flat I really want to get over there and test those one day unfortunately to get in it's a very long hike from the road way above on the other side you have to take a ferry across you have to drive down take a long hike down but those gravels look amazing one day one day I'll do it it's really unfortunate lately I've had a hard time catching my breath when I'm hiking real hard or walking long distances I don't know if it's my heart acting up again or if it's just the fact that it's been a long winter and I'm really out of shape so I'm being very careful I am going to see the cardiologist in about a week's time to make sure my heart's still in good shape yeah hopefully I can just get myself back in shape so I can do hikes like that even just walking up and down the hill here with a high banker killing me absolutely killing me let's get down there let's get digging now there's quite a berm here with these rocks and the sand on one side rocks and they're creating quite a little Hollow right in behind here and I'm not sure how long they can run into that but we should be able to run a significant amount and the gravels I want are just over here so it's not gonna be too bad to carry it back and forth to the high banker I might be able to toss a little bit I think I can make this work and today I will be using the gold Hogs a piglet high banker just the little guy he'll do the job I need I'm just a one-man team here digging today so I won't be able to put too much gravel through the little guy will be just fine now right here and right there is where I took those two pans in a previous video and got almost a quarter gram of gold I think it was two maybe been three it sure wasn't very much so I'm going to clear the Rocks around here I'm gonna see if I can dig some of this stuff today it is a bit of a walk over to the high banker from here but that's where the high banker needs to be in order to discharge into the tailings pond so that's what it's going to be [Applause] foreign [Applause] getting the gravel to the machine I will guarantee you there's now gold in the Box thank you [Music] the pond is slowly filling up nicely we're running nicely there's definitely gold in the Box hard digging in this big gravel but we'll get there foreign for my first break and breather get a drink get my wind back again for round two I'm not sure if I can see anything in the Box let's have a look I may have shut it down too quick there's still a lot of sand in there but I guarantee there will be gold in that box I see one piece that's worth getting out the close-up lots of great loose Black Sands and small garnets and everything down in the riffles and most of the gold is hidden underneath all that black sand but when I pushed my finger over top of one of them I exposed a really nice little piece of gold one visible piece of gold in the Box a half million invisible ones invisible as in buried in the Black Sands and there's another one hiding out over here I'm sure there's a million of them in there okay maybe half a million it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful day on the fraserhood being right up on this very very loose sand the sand is sucking in the water like mad it just gone I think we take a bit of time while uh I've stopped running and just remove some more rocks and try to make this uh spot a little easier to dig and take some of the really high grade stuff that I can't really dig because it's in little pockets just push it down to where I can dig it easily there's a few spots like that but there's a lot of rocks I can get rid of to make easier digging that one's not budging that one's not budging that one is budging but it's just too heavy for me so I'll have to work around those guys lots of material ready let's go for round two I didn't pull the camera out once during that run I don't think but it's time for break number two I put a lot of material through the box that time oh again not seeing anything on the surface I let it run a little longer this time oh I see a bit of gold in there way up top I see two pieces right there and there but uh yeah I'm sure it's loaded in there with fine gold and the miners Moss is where most of it's probably settling down in right to the bottom so that's gonna be loaded those first few riffles are loaded where did I see the gold last time I think it was like right about here nope those are actually right up here I think it was oh there we go I see gold down in there and lots of it nice now the Fraser River has a lot of black sand and you can really see that here the riffles are just loaded in Black some of them are locking up a bit because the the light water flow I'm putting it I'm not really rushing this box too much so when I dig my finger through some of them they go muddy and that's a bit of mud down below locking up so that's not ideal but that's a factor of how little water I'm running through this right now but there's so much black sand here as I'm poking around they exposed a piece of gold right there very very very flat gold here on the freezer so it's not surprising this is about halfway down the Box before this settled out because it can definitely surf down all that black sand gold there it is gold see there's a little one beside it too they see one way down in there I see a little guy over here water's still soaking into the pond really nicely I'm having a bit of water fall back off the end of the hopper here when I overload the hopper a little bit and when the water falls off there it's going backwards a little bit and just settling in those rocks there and not soaking in which is very strange you would think it would just go right through the Rocks but luckily it's not because my my pit is way over there now we are probably about 15 about 15 meters from the water right now this water going backwards is not making it down the hill it's staying right there it's not even flowing back into my digging so I'm fine with that no problem still a long ways from the river everything's good still and if not I'm sure Craig will contact me and give me the whoo bad bad bad but uh no I think I'm all within the rules today and considering there's so much black sand that I'm gonna have here I think this might be a great opportunity for me to try out the new Shaker table that I was saying someone who makes Shaker tables little hobbyist Shaker tables those are desktop units sent me one to try out and I haven't had chance to try it out yet because I haven't had the cons to go over it this will give me a good opportunity to get some cons some heavy black sand cons to put over that Shaker table that should be fun but don't worry at the river I'll put it all in pan so you can see what I got before I take it home cleaned up foreign [Music] [Music] get those this is break number three and I'm ready for a snack and something to drink definitely see gold in the Box I see lots in there now I let it run a little bit longer before I shut down this time I saw a real nice flight it was just the sun it's up in the dark but there's a couple nice flakes there up on this ramp a bunch of little stuff I am a little concerned I don't see as much as I would have hoped after three runs in the Box I would be guessing a gram per run but I'm definitely not seeing three grams in there right now hopefully it is All Hiding still I won't know until I clean up I only plan to do one cleanup today but first let's go get something to drink well already then I've had a snack what I've had a drink and it is time to get back to work I looked around here and I think I'm going to actually try to find a different spot to dig I have five minutes on the box right now and I think if I do one more run of 15 minutes that is exactly an hour on the box and uh I think that is what it's going to be today we will do exactly an hour on the box we'll take this home right over the Shaker table and see how much gold is actually in there and that will give me a chance to answer one of the questions ounce of gold well that is kind of an unrealistic expectation people hobbyists out here using High Bankers or pans or whatnot you know they're lucky if they get a gram of gold let alone an ounce of gold on a good day panning I get a gram for sure good day high banking it can be anywhere from three to six grams sometimes less definitely an ounce almost never happens but because I will have one hour on the box it'll be very very easy to calculate on this bar here how long it would have taken me to get one ounce of gold I get that question all the time I know I did a video of it a long time ago same thing same spot let's see if the results are the same here today one ounce of gold wouldn't that be nice all of a sudden it got really cold out here and I see there is some nasty clouds blowing in so I may only have a 15 minute run before snow starts falling and chases me out of here spring prospecting British Columbia you never know what you're gonna get sunburn one moment snowfall on the next let's go look for a spot to dig and get digging here comes the train here comes the train [Music] well another little spot cleared and ready to dig it's a bit closer but it's a bit of a step up to get to the high banker 15 minutes then let's clean up [Music] [Music] that is all I can do that was another 15 minutes I've been a full hour now time to shut her down by the time I shut the down there'll be enough time for that box to run itself as clear as I want it thank you oops my drink got buried in tailings while I let the Box run clear for quite a bit of time there so there's not that many cons not that much black sand but I will be taking it home and clean it out in the Shaker table to get an exact weight but while we're here we're definitely gonna throw this in a pan and see what it looks like I see gold everywhere in this box all through it hey there's a beast oh hey there's a piece there's a nice ice leak and another nice sized Lake brilliant me left the gold pan in the backpack up at the quad which is up the hill quick run up the hill grab the pan and get it back clean it out now last time I did a video where I was figuring out how long it would take to get an ounce of gold it came out to something like eight hours eight hours to get an ounce and I had lots of people say no problem I could do that in a day well that is an hour High banking now that does not take into account driving here it doesn't take into account carrying the stuff Ian's setting up doesn't take into account all the time I spent removing Rock so I could dig easier it was just the time the high banker was running so really you'd have to take into account all those other things too last time I did this video I think it came out to I could get an ounce in eight hours High banking something like that and I had a lot of people say oh I could do that in a day good luck good luck um there are a lot of people out there that are a lot more fit than me and could go for a lot longer I work for an hour hard today and I'm ready to lay down and have myself a heart attack uh I am exhausted I know there are people that are more fit than me and can do a lot more but this is hard work and if you can do this for four hours straight good on you I can't now it is time for me to figure out how much we got there if you're how long it would take to get an ounce so let's go do that right now pretty easy to take this one apart it's one little bracket with a wing nut pull out the miner's moss oh I see gold underneath the miners Moss that nice wash out that miner's moss in the pan and then this the whole mat just slides out nice and easily very simple and I see gold all through this let's hope it adds up to something one hour's worth of high banking I'm hoping for three to four grams but we'll see always holds on to so much material who knows how much gold is still in there even after I've rinsed it that's why I like these modern Maps so much better than miner's moss so I'm seeing gold all through this section that's the section that's underneath the miners moss and it's an open miners Moss oh look at it all it's loaded just loaded in Gold nice it's an open Riders Moss so uh the material can go right through it and yeah I'm seeing just a ton of gold in there well I just bailed real hard on these rocks the rock I was sitting on while I was cleaning out those mats rolled over and in my attempt to save myself I dumped the pan and then in the damp to save the pan I dumped myself and I bashed my elbow on a rock really hard I landed on my back on a rock and in the mud ow I think I'm gonna quickly pack up here go and lick my wounds cry in a beer or something like that and then clean up these uh cons and show you what I got I gotta be more careful I think I actually saved all the cons at the expense of my elbow that rock there is sitting on it rolled over I bashed my elbow on that rock my back landed on that rock and my head sort of went down into that mud but I think I saved the cons really sucks that I don't know if I lost any of the cons when I fell over the pan was full of water all the water sloshed out but the cons seemed to still stay in the bottom and it would have landed down here and I don't see like fresh stuff on the surface although yeah it got washed by a lot of water what really sucks is I was hoping to get an accurate amount of what I got today and now I don't know if I lost any of it well I'm gonna assume I didn't and go with that assumption for now and if I don't get very much gold I will change that assumption I'll blame me falling of course [Music] so I had a fan of mine send me a little home-built small Shaker table and I just set it up I just turned the water on for the first time never used it I'm going to try to use this to clean up those cons I got at the Fraser River and see if it is an easy way to extract a lot of gold from a lot of black sand now I will do complete videos on this Shaker table sometime in the future right now I have to get myself comfortable with using it first so I'm just gonna experiment today with the cons I got from the freezer and see if it cleans them up nicely check back in the future for a complete video [Music] thank you [Music] I have classified the cons down to 1 16 to run over the table all the plus 1 16 material in the pan let's see if there's any bigger pieces of gold Fraser is known for its fine fine gold not its big gold but look at that a nice big piece hey I can pick it up it's a picker not bad Netflix at least an eighth of an inch across maybe a bit more than an eighth of an inch tall I like that one big flake for the day and 10 billion little ones again I'm not gonna show you this whole thing on camera I wanna use this machine enough before I explain how it works and show it in action not too bad I don't think that's the foregrounds I wanted but I'm pretty sure it's at least three I like it now that is quite the pile of gold yes there's still a few pieces of lead in there I know nice let's get that dried up and Wade actually gonna pick out some of that lead before I dry it it's hard to do two camera lens and the verdict is the verdict is I still didn't get all the wet out anyhow there's a little bit of lead in there and there's my little pile of dry gold it comes out to a pleasant 3.6 grams that's a little bit more than it looked like in the pan and that gold right there is what I'm gonna use to mix up my next batch of Dan herd prospecting Pay Dirt can be purchased on my website now at 3.7 grams for one hour of running the high banker that makes the math pretty easy calculate that all out and to get one ounce of gold it would take me eight hours well eight and a half hours of straight high banker time but remember there's at least double that amount of time with the digging clearing setup transport and everything so eight hours on the baker 16 hours in total and on this extremely hot ground I could have got one ounce of gold and right there is what one else 31.1 grams of Placer gold looks like well everyone I'm sitting down and resting on the way up the hill there's a steep hill to carry all this stuff well I sit here time to sign off hope you enjoyed the video if you did please give me a thumbs up if I haven't entered your subscription yet I hope I earned it today and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because the support of my patrons I get to make these weekly episodes of Dan heard prospecting hope you're all having a great day until the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 210,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, metal detecting, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gupta dham, Real diamond, one ounce, ounce, troy ounce
Id: 6vZdHIu852I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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