The Power Of Fasting || Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] prophetic our receive this program of profit passing Java this program will bring you prophetic impartation replication and revelations that will change your life forever to encourage and inspire and motivate you to keep marching toward your destiny now receive this fresh word from profit passion as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul prophetic hour with profit passion Java god bless everyone watching me today this is the gaff of profit person Java right here in South Africa Cape Town to bring you into a place of Revelation transformation and inspiration I'm here today to talk about the power fasting the fasting that can get you to see angels to hear angels to communicate with Ages often times we have been in places where we want to see angels we want to hear God but something keeps blocking us well I have a relation to you that is going to bring you into a place where you can actually fast until God opened your eyes to begin to see angels mainly your own angel we have been normal fasting that is known worldwide which pastors the protis our first preachers have taught us how to preach how to first end Jesus came in the scriptures and the Bible would say is this the fasting that I have chosen meaning there is a fasting chosen by men but then there is a fasting chosen by God my question to you today is what type of fasting are you fasting are you doing the fasting that is chosen by men or you are actually doing the fasting chosen by God I personally have fasted for 40 days and nights not once not twice three times I fasted for 40 days and nights not American fasting I'm talking of African fasting where we don't drink water we don't eat foods we don't touch anything we seek the face of God 40 days and 9 and I spoke to one young man wanted to do what I was doing and I said you cannot do unless God Himself speaks to you go you into this rusting we don't choose 21 days because Daniel did so now it become a religious faster remember religion is when men control God through a system you don't want a fast rate system when the year begins we fast like this when the day is moving we fast like this all because our EHF call for a fasting I can do this you don't want to do that what do you want to do you want to be led by the Holy Spirit you want God to tell you fast tomorrow don't eat anything don't drink anything or do things this way don't do it this way the Bible says is this the fasting I have chosen so we have a normal fasting that is known around churches which is done eat breakfast don't eat lunch 6:00 to 6:00 you are going to be fasting in America they drink water and threw and juice or coffee or tea something like that in Africa we got right 6:00 to 6:00 but we let me take it to another level the first in which we are talking about here is called the flesh fasting where you are starving your flesh what your flesh wants is what you run away from the flesh wants breaks breakfast bread eggs back on all the people eat in the morning well in the afternoon your flesh is craving for something to eat it's craving for something to drink if you're in Africa but hear me now your flesh is fasting for what reason many people you have told us that when you're fasting you are you are you're fasting for the car wrong you're fasting for the house wrong you can do that so if you're fasting why are you fasting I will share with you today we go to the second level fasting and the second level passing is the soul faster your flesh can faster what about your soul and what makes you go closer to God is the fasting of the soul not the fasting of the flesh in the fasting of your soul this is what happens number one the fasting of your soul you you have to run away from what you saw once let me let me break it down the soul is the will the emotion and the mind the mind things that will choose is by the motion X right so it is then in your soul when your so ones wants to watch pornography and you say no you're so one six and you say no you're so wants a cigarette you say no you're so ones to please to eat what we call junk food I want to watch wrestling today I wanna listen to Beyonce today I wanna listen to cardi B I wanna listen to this this I wanna watch the Kardashian what what are you what that's what we call the soul food the soul is craving for something that's junk that's bad to your system but hear me now in him in the Holy Ghost stay tuned you are watching the prophetic hour [Music] if you would like to speak to the Prophet for a private prophetic session register for a one-on-one phone call with him please visit profit passion comm and click the button it says one-on-one on top of the page welcome back you are watching the prophetic guy prophet passion [Music] you have to go to a level where you are not doing this fasting of the flesh only but also the fasting of this off and let it call me one day on a one-on-one program if you go on my website prophet I do a one on one program and where I minister to people prophetically over the phone the phone and she asked it my husband is not a born again my husband is not recent but you want sex with me while this time doing fasting I said what about fasting are you talking about because they are types if you are doing the fashion of the flesh don't eat things that means the flesh but you can actually fast and have sex with your husband but if you are doing so fasting you don't have sex you don't watch TV you don't listen to music you can only worship listen to worship you can only listen to this this and that you can only be you you go up the mountain you don't watch TV you don't read your note phones no what's up nothing what are you doing you are doing this so fasting that connects you closer to God the Bible says God says you are far away from me you you you're way far away from me what are we talking about we are talking about God saying your thoughts are not my thoughts as far is heaven is from the atrium is as far as your thoughts and my thoughts now the thought is in the soul level once you do the fasting of the soul you draw your self closer to God you're green yourself closer to God your spirit is already connected to God my spirit be a fourth witness with the Spirit of God that I am a child of God it be as witness I am a child of God but you're so now is what we have to work on why the Bible says every spirit will go to God which came from all spirit be to your bad person you're good person you're evil person your holy every spirit is going back to the father way it came from period your flesh what's gonna happen to your flesh your flesh is gonna go down to the ground thus you are dust you came and dust you return but it is then in your soul level that you have to understand your soul shall be judged by God because you were not in the right standing with God or you are in the right standing with God and the words are here with everybody watching me today is you need to build a relationship with God not in your spirit level it's already connected to God but in your soul level when you get up in the morning what do you think about do you think about Jesus or you jump on your phone to check your messages or you you you you want to start eating food or write about them oh you think of God over time you love God and you are done for God my message to everybody today is Jehovah God loves you and the grace of the Lord is upon you you must come to a place where you can say I won the fasting of the soul I really want to talk to God and I didn't want to be close to God yes you may have some things that have disconnected you from God but my message to you today is learn about the so fasting I I have a book on my website prophet passionate ROM which I wrote about how to fast you need to download the book and start different levels of fasting your spirit can fast your soul can fast your flesh can fast and once you know these levels of fasting in life becomes easier for you I don't have more weight to speak for the day but my ways that I have for you today is God is good and God is able to reach out to anybody no matter your position as long as you can talk to Jesus it can come closer to you and roulette to you according to any level you don't want anybody to lower you down or anybody to say you are nobody you want to know that God does not look at your color it doesn't look at your edge it doesn't look at your size he doesn't look at your past he looks at you as you are and once you allow God to connect with you your life will never be the same again this is the Gotha prophet Paschal Java signing or today may God bless you and may you stay tuned for more videos coming out you can follow on my facebook Instagram and Twitter as prophet person or subscribe to my youtube channel prophet person for more videos god bless you I hope you've been blessed by this wonderful message and powerful prophetic your patronage blesses many souls around the world to give or to partner with prophet fashion ministries please visit profit passion comm and click the button that says give
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 35,902
Rating: 4.9400501 out of 5
Keywords: benny hinn, noel jones, td jakes, joyce meyer, juanita bynum, jesse duplantis, kenneth copeland, kenneth hagin, billy graham, michael todd, john hagee, joel olsteen, drake, kanye west, tb joshua, prophet ed branson, alph lukau, shepard bushiri, uebert angel, cindy trim
Id: _JXGkT_oSpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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