How to Make YOUR Logo 3D in Blender 2.9 | StreamSchool

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so a while back i made a cool 3d version of my logo that i like to use on various digital sets and animations on my twitch stream oracle fish live by the way it looks something like this and today i'm going to show you how to do the exact same thing with your logo in blender 2.9 and before we get started please do keep in mind that this is an intermediate tutorial i expect you to have at least a basic understanding of how to navigate the blender interface and if you enjoy these kinds of tutorials the best way to show your support for the channel is to hit that like and subscribe button and ring the bell it costs nothing it helps me out and most importantly it lets you know when there's cool new stuff to check out that being said let's get started my name is chris folia i'm your stream scholar welcome to stream school so before we get started actually making our logo i want to take a brief moment to talk about how bezier curves in blender work since that's what we're going to use to trace our logo in 3d so i'm going to go ahead and hit 7 on my numpad make sure i'm in top orthographic view i'm going to select the cube delete it select the light delete it select the camera delete it i'm going to hit shift a on my keyboard going to select curve and bezier and you'll notice that this comes in just like a regular geometry object like a cube or a cylinder or something in blender you can scale it hitting s on your keyboard you can move it hitting g for grab on your keyboard or you can rotate it by hitting r on your keyboard again just like any normal geometry object the differences are when you go into edit mode instead of object mode so if we hit tab to go into edit mode you'll notice now that each point looks a lot different than a geometry object so if we select this point right here you'll notice we have two handles coming off of it so the center point dictates where that point on the curve is located in 3d or 2d space and then each handle dictates how the curve behaves branching off of that point so for instance if i have this point selected i can do g for grab to move it and do r for rotate to rotate it or i can do s for scale to scale it or i could select this handle by clicking on it then if i do a g to grab you'll notice the point stays in place and only the handle moves so doing this i can manipulate the curves i can also hit s to scale the handle to make it shorter or longer and the curve will behave appropriately or i can hit r to rotate and rotate the handle around the center point we can do the exact same thing with the other side and we can make some interesting shapes now if we want to make this shape even more interesting we probably need more than two points and extruding these points works exactly the same as extruding a normal point in blender and geometry so i select this point hit e on my keyboard to extrude i now have another point that's actually a duplicate of that point but it's connected so i can hit e to extrude that maybe move it over here i can hit r to rotate it hit e to extrude that rotate that and you'll notice that as i move this around if we hit tab to go back to object mode this is an opened curve it's not closed it's just a line and you can close this by selecting two points that have a gap between them and hitting f and that will create the joining segments now if i scale this down scale this down we have what looks kind of like an ocarina i guess honestly but then let's say we want this to be a line again we can hit tab to go into edit mode we can select these two points we can hit delete and segments and that will open it right back up we can also delete other segments on here and now we have two lines so those are your options for doing that let's say i want this object to be closed but let's also say we don't want this to be perfectly round let's say you want some harsh corners on here well for one we could take this point and we could scale it down and that'll give us a corner or we could get some actual sharp corners by hitting v and you'll notice we have a bunch of different options here this sets the handle type so you'll notice if i click this point on this handle and i move it the other side of the handle moves with it so if i make this bigger it's easier to see but you'll notice that these move together it's that the handles stay in a straight line if we select the midpoint hit v and go to free now if i move this handle it moves independently of the other handle and there are some other handle points as well we have vector and automatic but the two that we need to pay attention to for the purpose of this tutorial are aligned and free you can make pretty much any shape you want with just these two and this is on a per point basis as well so this handle is still aligned these handles are set to free you can even technically set individual handles to aligned or free but if one set to align and one is free they're gonna act just like they're free so that's the first part of how curves behave in blender that's how you make shapes and you have a whole lot of freedom here to make all sorts of complicated shapes once you know this one other thing you can do if you have a closed segment but you want more detail on it so you can select that point select that point right click and subdivide it then we have another point in between and we can add more detail but that is the basis of how to make curve shapes in blender so if i hit tab to go back to object mode you'll notice we also have a curves panel over here on the right so this is set to 3d by default that means if we rotate around in 3d space we can move these points around in 3d space as much as we want and that can give us some interesting results it's actually very useful for making pipes and things but since we're making like a flat extruded 3d medallion of our logo we actually want this to be in 2d space which means that this point will not move up and down it'll only move around in 2d space which is exactly what we want so then if we go down to fill mode we can set this to both that will fill the top and bottom once we've extruded it then if we go to geometry you'll notice there's an extrude slider if we click and drag on that you'll notice nothing is really happening and that's because we're looking at this from the top but if we look around in 3d you'll notice that this is now extruding into a 3d object and this is important for me to show you right now because of how this behaves so if we hit tab to go into edit mode we hit shift a to add and we add a circle you'll notice that we now have two individual objects we have a circle and we have our deformed lumpy ocarina or submarine but if we take the circle and hit g to move it inside here and scale it down you'll notice now that it's cutting away from our object it's cutting a hole straight through it so the reason this is important to understand is because as we're working on our logo we're going to want to keep our curves separate until the end when we actually convert them to 3d so for instance if i hit p and separate this circle to make it its own object then hit tab to go out of edit mode into object mode now we have this and this and we can extrude this guy a little bit more to make him a separate shape and uh that that's all there is to that i just thought that that's just important to understand as we move forward so now that you understand the basics of curves there's a little bit more detail here you can also add a bevel to your object under the geometry panel which will offset it then you can offset that as well from your designated curve and that is a non-destructive workflow if we go into transparent mode by holding z and going to wireframe you notice as we offset it we still have our base curve that we drew that all this is based on the offset is completely non-destructive as is the bevel so now that you have a basic understanding i know i moved a little bit fast there but now that you have a basic understanding of how bezier curves in blender work we can move on to actually creating our logo so for that i'm going to select this curve and delete it select this curve and delete it then i'm going to hit shift a on my keyboard go to image and we're going to create a reference image so mine personally is located under my stream school folder you need to find your logo so i'm going to grab my fish logo and this is what we're going to create for this or this is what i'm going to create for my tutorial you can at this point you can either watch what i do and then try to do it later or you can try to follow along with your own logo but as we start here after i've imported my reference i'm going to go to the image tab right here i'm going to check the transparency box and i'm going to set this down to a lower transparency so we can see our outline as we're working on it having these colors too vivid makes it pretty difficult to see your curve and there's one other option here if you want to skip the tracing altogether if you have an svg file of your logo or scalable vector graphics file of your logo you can go to file import svg scalable vector graphics and you can import that and it'll come in it'll have everything already traced for you but trust me when i say that tracing it yourself will yield much cleaner results so i'm going to undo that and let's get started tracing this so the outside of my logo is a circle that's really easy to accomplish i can just go to add or hit shift a on my keyboard curve circle hit tab to go into edit mode s to scale it up until it about matches my logo hit tab to exit and then do it again shift a curve circle tab scale it up tab to go back to object mode and you'll notice until we get to making this 3d i'm keeping all of my curves separate objects that is very important just to keep things separate clean and organized until we get to the 3d point otherwise it will just get confusing unless you are really comfortable and know what you're doing so then we have some more complex shapes to trace here so i'm going to start with the exterior of the fish then maybe do one more object and then i'll speed it up and see you on the other side but let's go ahead and trace the outside of my fish or whatever it is you want to trace so i'm going to go ahead and hit shift a i'm going to add a bezier curve hit tab to go into edit mode and we're going to start on this corner right here and you'll notice this is a sharp corner so i probably don't want this to be aligned i'm going to hit a v go to free select this handle and move it down so it's matching up with that edge select this handle and move it so it's about matching up with that edge now this one is going to a round part of the logo so i probably want this one to stay aligned and i'm just gonna again use the same keys r to rotate s to scale g to move and you absolutely can use the widgets here if you really want to to move things but trust me when i say the hotkeys are going to make your life so much easier so i'm going to go back to my selection tool and i'm just going to use the hotkeys g to move s to scale r to rotate and i'm going to adjust these handles until it about matches up with the logo and the more you get comfortable with this the faster you'll get at it for sure you'll be able to estimate what handles should be doing to get the shape you want and these these outlines are slightly different colors i'm going to make them one color for my 3d logo so this one probably needs to be free i want this to be a harsh corner and these aren't quite matching up with my logo so probably want more detail here so i can select this point select this point right click and say a subdivide this one probably needs to be aligned so i'm going to hit v scale it move it around until it about matches up i can scale this down and now we have a curve that matches pretty well so then i'm just going to extrude it out probably take this one to the tip right here make it aligned rotate it scale it down this handle is not quite matching up so i'm going to move that one and again i don't think i need to repeat all the keys i'm pressing here first of all they're showing down here but also i'm doing the exact same things over and over again so here i decided i needed more detail so i subdivided and you can add as many points as you want but i would be hesitant to add more points than you absolutely need getting the shapes you need with as few points as possible with bezier curves is a real art form and it's very nice if you add too many points you really start to bog yourself down so try to get away with as few points as possible but when you need to add detail you need to add detail so again same hotkeys e to extrude i'm gonna scale this in until the shape matches and move this out probably want to add some more detail here so i'm gonna subdivide that and again exact same keys g to move s to scale r to rotate all the way around i'm going to extrude right here scale this bad boy in until it matches and the more you practice this the faster you'll get at it but it still is tedious and time consuming especially depending on the complexity of your logo if you have like a really complicated logo this is probably going to take a decent amount of time do a very simple logo it's probably going to go pretty quick unfortunately i have a pretty complicated logo so this is going to take a decent amount of time for me i'm going to subdivide this one because i need more in detail scale this in until the curve matches select this point extrude it down here scale this one out scale this one out probably need to subdivide this one and you'll also notice that when you subdivide a point the overall shape of the curve is not modified until you move the point so it subdivides intelligently i'm going to extrude this one down like so scale this out i probably need to subdivide this one scale this just like so extrude this one probably need to subdivide these and i chose this complex shape first just to spend a bit more time explaining every thought along the process and this is more of a harsh corner we can get away with here so i'm gonna set hit v on my keyboard set this to free and just scale this in extrude this out these can probably be aligned again and this part of the logo is a little bit lumpy so it probably doesn't need to match up a hundred percent perfectly then again i am a perfectionist so you do you i guess rotate this one down here scale it on up just like so hit a v set this one to free since we have a corner here extruded on out i'm going to move this one all the way down here to the next corner i'm going to select these two and subdivide them and again these this is going to be situational to your logo and what shapes you need to match but i probably need to subdivide this even one more time just to get some extra detail in here like so subdivide that and beautiful we have that curve matching and we're almost done with the outer fist shape so i'm going to extrude this probably to this point right here modify the handles to match sometimes the handles get a little bit reversed so you have to make sure your handles are facing in the right direction here we can probably put the tail at a point if we really want to so i'm just going to extrude this down here and again situational to your own logos in your own situations uh this being at a point means i need to actually extend it out a little bit further probably subdivide this set this one to aligned rotate it down scale it i probably also need to really subdivide this one if i'm being 100 honest move this point in just like that extrude this one up or these ones i can just go ahead and hit f to close it then adjust these handles to the best of my ability and then maybe subdivide it one more time just for the extra detail and what i mean by that is you'll notice by default you can actually see how the curve is made up of individual facets like there are corners here and if you subdivide this that gives you more subdivisions so subdividing it gives me more detail in that way or if you come over to the curves panel you can up the resolution as well of your curve to get rid of that the render resolution will i believe subdivide it as much as it needs to be i'm not 100 sure on that anyway i'm going to give it more detail set this one to aligned and that is our external fish shape so i'm going to do maybe two more shapes and then i'm going to speed this up since you understand the process anyway i'm going to leave edit mode you can switch between edit and object mode here or just by hitting tab on your keyboard again make sure you're in object mode before you start the next shape i'm going to hit shift a go to curve bezier and let's work on the i gonna go to edit mode move this point right here the eye should be pretty easy i can just make both of these free select the individual handles select these two and hit f select the handle select the point select the handle and we have our eye looks pretty cool so now for a more complex shape i'm gonna go out of edit mode hit shift a curve bezier hit tab to go into edit mode i'm gonna adjust this we probably want to subdivide this just to have a point in between give us some extra detail here move these around set this one to free set this one to free extrude this v aligned move this like so hit f to close that off and adjust these handles and we have those shapes so for this for the sake of this logo i need to trace out every single shape here and that's gonna take a while so i'm gonna go ahead and speed up uh the tutorial so time lapse just so you can see what i'm doing um but overall it's the same repetitive tasks that we've been doing add a curve adjust the curve in edit mode go back to object mode add another curve so i'll see you all on the other side [Music] so all said and done that took probably the half an hour i'll flash the actual time up on the screen i wasn't really paying attention but if i select my reference and hit h to hide it you'll see that now i have a curve object for literally every aspect of my logo and it's important to note here that i also did the exterior and interior of the outlines because we're going to need that so now comes the fun part i'm actually going to subdivide this a little bit further just to get a little bit more resolution in there now comes the fun part which is art directing this thing you have to decide which things you want to extrude further and which things you want to extrude not as much what i mean by that is what i could do right here is set this to 2d extrude it um set the fill mode to both and that gives us a disk then for the inside of the stroke i could set that to 2d x set that to both and extrude that and now that gives us that gives us the logo so we have sort of a wedding cake pattern here where it's like the light outline the dark center alternatively we could cut this circle out of the main circle to make it sort of a donut and that's what i would prefer to do so i'm going to select the interior curve and the exterior curve i'm going to hit control j to join those two and now you'll notice that the interior one is cutting out of the exterior one so the next piece that i might want to do that with is the overall dark outline so i'll select this everything that makes that up so i'll select this curve this curve and this curve and at this point with your logo just select the things that you think belong together and join them so i'm going to select that curve that curve in that curve and i'm going to hit control j to join them now they're one curve object i'm going to set it to 2d go to fill mode both and now you'll notice we have just this outline piece which is really cool and for the i that's its own thing so i'm going to hit alt h really quick to look at my logo and if you think here we probably want all of these pieces that are the same color to be one curve object so at this point in the process just go through and join everything that you think belongs together so like these fin pieces right here are all the same color as the shading the shading the shading the shading this shading this shading the shading the shading i'm just holding shift to select multiple of them so i might hit ctrl j to join those i hit 2d under the curves panel set that to both and extrude that and then this shading and this shading are the same color so i can hit ctrl j set that to do 2d not doody oh it's a weird thing to say and then we can extrude this and you'll notice we're missing some pieces now and that's because we used the interior body and the interior of the fin color to cut out from the outline so we'll duplicate that in just a second but we can select the eye so that's a 2d since that'll be its own object we can extrude that and set it to both so it actually fills the caps so this fill mode by the way you see that to none you only extrude the exterior set it's a front you only get a cap on the top if you set it to both you get a cap on top and bottom so that's what that is that's why that's important now this outline we can probably join with our other outline and now we have our fish coming together so then as you construct this you need to think about which pieces of your logo need to be the thickest if it's thicker it's visible on top of something else so if i make this outline the thickest out of everything or the same as this outline so this outline let's make it like point one this one also make point one i'll match those two those are the most extruded pieces on the fish so now you'll notice we're missing the body so let's go ahead and we're missing the body and we're missing the background here as well so let's go ahead and fix that so first of all to get the body let's select our outline object hit tab then i'm going to hit alt a to deselect everything i'm going to hover over a vertex of one of the curves that i want to select and i'm gonna hit l on my keyboard so that selects just this entire body piece if i drag it out it's no longer cutting a hole if i drag it back in it's still cutting a hole what i'm gonna do though is i'm going to hit shift d to duplicate it right click to leave it in place then i'm gonna hit p and where it says okay i'm gonna click separate and that'll separate it into its own object you'll notice it's extruded a little bit far compared to the fins and the eyes and stuff so we can set this down to maybe 0.5 zero five sorry so now we have the eye extruding out further we have the shading extruding out further and we have the fill extruded in out the least i'm gonna set all of these things to point zero eight maybe hit ctrl c and paste that there paste that on the eye paste that on all the shading and everything then let's do the exact same thing for the fin so alt a to d select everything in our edit mode hit l shift d to duplicate right click to set it in place p to separate tab to go back to object mode select it and then we'll set it to 0.05 on the extrude so now we just have one more piece to do and that's going to be the circle in the very background which if we think about it we want all of this stuff to be visible on top of that circle so that circle needs to be extruded the least so i'm going to select my ring hit tab alt a to deselect everything hit l to select the inner circle shift d to duplicate right click to put it in place p to separate i know it's a lot of hotkeys bear with me hit tab to go back to object mode select the circle and we'll set this extrude maybe at a point zero four and there we have it our 3d logo and you can construct this again free creative freedom on how you want to construct this maybe you want the outline to be cut out maybe you want the center piece to be wedding cake stacked that's all up to you i did this the way that i wanted to so i might take some of these things like the outline and try to bevel them just a little bit you will realize very quickly if you try to bevel things that are very sharp you're going to get some artifacts so i just be careful about that maybe try to round it off make it less sharp i'm not going to worry about it for the sake of this tutorial also if you bevel it and it does cause some artifacts one way to fix it or to try to fix it could be to offset in the other direction because you'll notice when you bevel that it offsets it and it offsets it outward from your main um outline so you can undo that by offsetting in the negative direction and that can give you potentially better results beveling things does make them look nice i'm not going to worry about it too much here because we're already running pretty long on this tutorial but play with it come up with something that looks good for your logo if you don't have a bunch of really sharp corners then the beveling will probably work fine regardless that is how you make the 3d logo now let's add some color to it so if we go to our top view and we split this viewport set this to um let's split it one more time set this to an image editor grab our logo reference so we can color pick colors then i'm going to select the outline just one object at a time here i'm going to go to rendered preview mode so we can actually see the colors and you might want to add a light here as well just so you can see what's going on so i'm going to hit shift a i'm going to add a sun and i'm going to rotate it at an angle just so we have some lighting on our logo and for this i'm going to give it some contact shadows and what we can also do to make this a little more visible is we can add some ambient occlusion as well up the distance maybe the factor i don't know i honestly don't know why that's not occluding better uh you mess with that just to see your shapes better we're going to or you can set this view to the rendered preview do whatever you're comfortable with and set this one to solid but what you can do up here all right select the outline go to the materials panel i'm gonna hit new this is gonna be fish outline you don't actually have to name these i would personally recommend it though select the base color i'm gonna grab the picker and pick somewhere in between since this is a gradient looking cool and i'm i'm gonna make mine metallic i want it to be like i want it to shine like metal so now it looks like it's a metal medallion of some sort uh we can also change the roughness of this if we want it to be like super shiny or we can make it really rough i think like 0.35 is pretty good for a typical metal so now it shines in the light as we rotate around i'm gonna go ahead and yeah there we go it's not a good view of this then for the backdrop make another new material color pick it i'm going to color pick somewhere in between make this one also metallic and we'll make this one also 0.35 and that's pretty dark so i might even make that a little bit brighter something like that looks pretty cool so and then move on to every other piece so the outlines here make a new one color pick of the outlines which we might need to make brighter to compensate yeah definitely make that brighter i think especially if you're going metallic the colors usually end up a little bit darker so color picking is not going to be a hundred percent exact science here but you know what to do at this point just mess with it have fun make this awesome metallic you can look around make this one like point three and you don't have to make these metallic you can also make them plastic if you want to oh i'm sorry point three on the roughness is what i meant to do yeah there we go i got like a nice shiny fish logo that shims in the light now for this shading add a new one color pick it make that one metallic roughness point three just because i want mine to be a metal 3d logo we can select this shading new color pick that set that to metallic roughness point three now the eye you'll notice is glowing and emitting light so for that one i'm gonna do new i'm gonna set this one to emission uh maybe set it to like five notice it's not casting light because this is eevee and objects don't do that in eevee but what we can do is give it some bloom so if we go to bloom that will glow which looks pretty cool finally the back of the fin we can just select the body hit ctrl l to link materials and now those will match and obviously you're going to want to play with your own colors make it look nice i really really want that bevel so i'm gonna bevel this just a little bit maybe like point zero one just a little bit so it catches the light you know you can do that for all of these because it looks so much nicer bevel 0.01 and that's looking pretty cool bevel 0.01 so finally to make all of these the same object i would not recommend joining these in the way that we joined multiple curves because that will just mess everything up so instead what you can do is you can select all of your curves i'm using the outliner you can also select in your viewport i'm gonna hit m on my keyboard m for mom i'm going to say new collection and i'll call this logo medallion hit enter hit enter again so now you notice we have an extra collection up here in the right and i'm going to uncheck that going to select my reference and delete it but then i can hit add collection instance and grab logo medallion and i can rotate this around it's all just one object you can't edit this because it's just an instance of that collection but now if we if let's uh let's move our medallion up here if we do modify this you'll notice that our instance gets modified along with it that actually looks pretty cool no complaints here it looks kind of like a guitar pick and we can hide our collection again and our logo has been edited and that also allows you to make a lot of duplicates and if you edit just the main collection it'll edit all of them which is pretty cool i'm going to undo all of that but that is how you make your 3d logo in blender one final note here is if your logo has text you can trace it the same way that we traced all of this but that's very tedious so what you can do is let's say we had text around this we could say or under i could say shift a text move that down here type it i'm going to say oracle and you can change the font under the text panel here you can go down to font folder grab a font that you like i'm going to go to my google fonts grab windy one shut it google ah man grab it and then what you can do is you can uh well for one if you don't want to modify this at all you can just extrude it and bevel it directly from the from the text panel but if you do want to modify the points on this to make them curve across or whatever you can hit f3 type to bring up your search menu do convert to and curve from mesh slash text so now if you hit tab it's an actual curve object and you can manipulate individual pieces of this to like rotate around for instance this is the jankiest looking text i have ever seen in my entire life but it's not horrible yeah it is then we can extrude that and uh bevel it in the exact same way that we did the rest of our logo like so and then maybe match the outline like so add this to our logo collection turn that off and now we have our medallion logo so anyway that is how you can make a 3d logo in blender i know i moved quickly through some of that stuff hopefully you were able to follow along uh what you use this for i don't know that's gonna be up to you but that is how you make a 3d logo in blender hopefully at this point you have a cool new 3d version of your logo to use for well whatever you want if you have any questions or just want to come hang out with an incredible community i'm live at least every friday at oracle fish live and if you found this video helpful make sure you hit that like and subscribe button below the video for new content every single week until next time my name is chris folia i'm your stream scholar and class is out you
Channel: Stream Scholar
Views: 49,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oracles stream school, streamschool, stream scholar, stream school, live, live stream, twitch, twich, blender 2.9, blender 2.9 tutorial, blender tutorial, 3d logo, 3d logo blender, 3d logo blender 2.9, 3d logo tutorial, blender, blender 3d, blender 2.83, blender 2.8, blender 2.83 tutorial, blender eevee, logo 3d blender, 3d logo animation tutorial, broadcast, blender 2.90 alpha, how to grow on twitch, twitch tips and tricks, twitch overlay
Id: hEEKRoEiy9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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