Turn 2D Images into 3D Objects with Monster Mash! (Free Web Tool)

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Isn't that a lot of vert for just a background asset?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/leif777 📅︎︎ May 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome to this new video today i want to show you an interesting website that allows you to turn 2d images into 3d objects let's get started ok so just go to monstermash.com and you should find this empty canvas currently we are in the draw mode so we can draw anything on here that we want i'm just gonna draw a random shape in order to show you what this is all about so once you're happy with your shape click on inflate and it will turn your drawing into this 3d object you can move this around and you can see that this is a bit wobbly and we can even animate this uh this shape so just go to animate and here we can left click on the mesh in order to add those dots that we can then move around and to animate it just press the record button select the dot and move it around and the movement will be recorded so let's record again and also animate this other dot and also do it with the third one okay so that's just a random animation but if you wanted to export this you can go up here and choose export animation as gltf file we're gonna do this later but first i want to show you another cool thing that you can do with monster mesh which is to convert a 2d image into a 3d object so for this let's click on new project and start from scratch and this time i'm going to import a template image and i'm going to choose this rhino that i downloaded and first i just want to draw along this base shape just draw along the body and i'm not gonna include the legs for now because we're gonna add them in separate shapes so here we have the base shape let's then draw the legs like this and also the other leg okay and now the thing is that we have draw we have only one leg per side now but we want to have one in front and one in the back and i can't draw the one in the back from here so what i do is i select this leg and double click on it so that pin comes red and monster mash knows that it has to create two of them one in the front and one in the back let's also do it with the back leg and when i click on inflate you can see that we get this textured mesh this looks far from perfect but i think we can use it as a background element and we can also further improve this in blender to make it look a bit better but i also want to add the ears so let's go back to draw and draw a basic shape around the ear double click to make it red and go back to inflate so now we also have these ears if you wanted you could also animate it but i'm not gonna do this for now i'm just gonna export it as a gltf file so we can import it into blender so we don't have any animation so we can leave this at zero frames and click export so let's save this to my desktop then open up blender and let's delete everything we don't need this close the timeline let me enable the screencast keys so you can see the shortcuts that i'm pressing and now to import the gltf file go up to file import and here you should have the gltf option if you don't have this available go to edit preferences and in the add-ons tab search for glgltf and make sure that you have this checkbox text ticked so that that you can import those files so go to file import gltf locate the file select it and import now in order to see the textures you could either switch the textured view or even better switch to the viewport shading menu now let's improve those legs a bit so tap into edit mode select any vertex on the leg and press ctrl l to select all the connected vertices then i want to move this in a bit let's also do it with this ctrl l to select the whole leg bring it in then also fix the backs back legs control l let's bring it in control l g y and yeah this already looks way better once we have the legs brought inside and i think we could definitely use this as a background element in our scene but let's also fix the ears so let's select them ctrl l g ctrl l g y and bring this in here so now this looks pretty good i want to also bring this to the world origin so let's bring this mesh up here go to object set origin origin to 3d cursor and maybe we could also improve this texture so let's open up a shader editor and here we have this basic psdf setup with uh with just an image texture so let's add in a bump map the normal into the normal and use the color the image texture for the height just to give it a bit of surface details now this is way too strong so let's bring the strength down to something on point one maybe point two and yeah i think this looks pretty good but let's also plug this into the roughness and i want to invert this so let's search for the color ramp note and i switch the black and white stops and increase the contrast a bit so we just have a bit of glossiness okay so i'm pretty happy with this result and i think this came out pretty good if you are interested in more quick tips like the one in this video i have a recommendation for you together with the blender pros i recorded a course containing 497 useful tips for blender users in total we have more than 10 hours of content ready for you it will be released this friday but you can already get a free sample version with 27 tips click the link in the description if you are interested i am nick from blender daily see you in the next one
Channel: Nik Kottmann
Views: 1,142,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender daily, blender.daily, image to 3d, 2d to 3d, monster mash, monstermash, monstermash.zone, image to 3d object, 3d object, 2d image, drawing, sketch, convert 2d to 3d, animate, online tool, free tool, photo, photo to 3d object, mesh, 3d mesh, ai, ai tool, ai 2d to 3d, blender tips, blender tutorial, how to 2d to 3d, how to, extract 3d object, tool, website, to 3d, image to mesh, image to 3d mesh, convert to, quick, easy, beginner, add-on, free online tool, web tool, blend
Id: k043OByAG-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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