How to make VIDEOS with Canva [Easier than ever!]

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canva just announced a new set of video editing features and in this video we are going to look into that [Music] what is up everyone my name is ronnie welcome back to our channel this is the right place for you if you want to learn how to design with canva when i say design it's not just graphic design it's anything design you can learn how to create beautiful video projects now with canva and that is exactly the topic of this video indeed canva recently announced some new video features i'm not gonna spoil it right now but this tutorial is going to show you six easy steps to start creating videos with canva as of today we are going to learn about this new opt-in video experience so canva now allows all users free and pro users to start playing around and editing videos with a proper timeline yes you heard it right timeline so i'm going to get into that in the video i'm going to show you exactly what to do to participate in this experiment program that canva is launching to test these new features all right so just a reminder this is my canva free account because i wanted to show you that anyone can have access to this video timeline and these video features so i'm going to work entirely from my kind of a free account when you see this little gradient logo with me and a sticker on my forehead it's my free account i barely use it because i much prefer the canva pro account but for the sake of this video i thought it would be good to start from here all right so first and foremost let me show you how to opt-in to this video experiment on canva so this is the home page this is what you should be seeing when you log into your canva homepage and you will see here different icons right so when you click on the video icon now you will have a series of video doctypes or document types so you have the classic video 1920x1080 facebook videos video message mobile video etc etc tick tock stuff so just click on any of these so these are called video document types make sure you are on the video tab and i'm going to click on the classic one the classic video tab right here now you see this pop-up canva video editor open beta so making a video try our new and free video editor for access to a video editing timeline transitions and multiple audio track so once you're here you can click on try it for free you can say no thanks and it would just close this pop-up and you won't have access to the new experience the new video timeline so that you can edit on this timeline so just go ahead and click uh try it for free but you can also watch the video here so canva has created a very cool video i'm gonna play a little bit of it not too much i got it so i highly recommend you watch this video it's only two minutes super pumped up i i love the video and also in the video they kind of explain briefly they showcase the different steps that i'm going to dive much deeper into in this video but for now i'm gonna click try it for free and start explaining how all of this works okay so that's what you will see you will see something different here at the bottom of your screen with a play button a first rectangle and then a plus button okay so this is your video editing timeline i want to respect a certain chronology in this tutorial so i'm going to bring it back to the beginning and explain the first step we will be covering six steps in this tutorial the first step is to start your project so you can start your project from scratch just like i'm doing right now this is a blank canvas a blank video there's nothing here so i can start here if i have and i want to develop my own vision or if i need a little help and i need a little inspiration i can start with a video template okay so because i am in a video document type remember i clicked on this doctype right here that says video i am in the video doctype and so the templates that are going to be displayed to me in the templates tab right here just make sure you are on templates are video templates and for example there is here about happy birthday big sister so i'm gonna click on that and you see there are three kind of scenes let's call them scenes instead of pages canvas still names them pages so you can apply these three pages to your document let's see what happens here but these are three different video clips you see like a couple of seconds each so that's four seconds each and this one is five i'm going to apply all of these to my project here and you see what happened canva kind of like displayed the three different scenes on this timeline and now i have this time indicator that is kind of moving through a timeline like a video editing program software so that is the first step you can start your project from scratch that means you open a blank document you you start with a blank page or you can start inspired with a template that's what we did here we selected this happy birthday sister template and we applied all of the pages all of the scenes from that template to the timeline step number two is to select your video ingredients from the canva library so let me show you what i mean by that if i go back to the elements tab right here on the left panel i can search for video stuff from here you see here i can see a category that says video i can see graphics but let's say i need for this happy birthday i need cake so cake and i will go to videos you see these different tabs here on top of the elements tab i have other tabs like subtypes click on video for your kick and now you have a collection of different video clips from the canva library so though some of you might be already familiar with this but this is basically how you kind of select your ingredients so i like this one right here what i can do is to take it and grab it and put it wherever i want on my timeline i'm going to grab it and put it here after this second clip right there okay so i have my second clip and then i have my video clip right here okay so that is one kind of ingredient you can find video ingredient you can find in the canva library these are video clips if you're a pro user you will have access to more you will unlock all of the video clips from the library okay so that is video clip that is very nice what else can you find you can find graphics and you could find animated graphics so if you click on the settings here you can tick the animated box okay and apply this filter and now canva will show you graphics that are animated so that contributes to bringing some movement to your design so because we want to design a video stuff need to move so this is very cool so for example i can use this one and also add that to my timeline right here okay so now i'm just adding more element i'm just adding more ingredients to my video recipe here on the canva timeline that is step number two selecting ingredients video ingredients from the canva library another type of ingredient you can add is audio okay so once you are right here on the elements tab you can also search for audio so you have to scroll down a bit and you will see the audio category and click on see all and you will see that your music your songs your tracks will be divided into genres like pop epic piano instrumental vocal etc etc i want something happy for this song and you can click on see all for any of these genres so i'm gonna click on happy and see all so just one thing you need to be aware of is that you'll have some free tracks when you hover over the track it says free or this one here says pro with a little crown if it says pro and you click on it you will be able to add it to your timeline so this will come here right underneath your video track you'll have your first audio track and it seems like you can play it [Music] but at the moment of downloading your video that's what you want to do you will be prompted to pay three australian dollars here in my case because i'm here in australia to be able to download this video with this particular track because you're not a kind of a pro user this is my free account so i don't want to do that for now i want to use a free track so i'm just going to use the first one right here so this is a free track i'm happy with this i see here my kick has been moving slightly i want to bring it back to where it was so now i have my timeline [Music] with my music here the happy music so this is what i wanted to show you here now after selecting all of these ingredients and importing them in our project we can move on to step number three which is to create your video scenes on the timeline so that is a big novelty in canva and i believe what is going to propel canva into a video editing software it is that timeline it is critical for any video editing software to have a timeline otherwise it's really difficult to edit videos but now with this new feature the video timeline and transitions i'm gonna get to this in a moment you can create scenes so i can move them around so you see i have my first scene here let me play it so it's just like a title that is coming with some information happy birthday big sister then it moves to you and your sister and then you have the kick the animated sticker and then the final message so that is very cute that is very nice it's a short video indeed so right now canva probably won't be able to edit a full documentary but for short and snappy videos like this one i would say under two minutes for now this is a great tool so step number three is really to create your scenes with different vibes and you can add transitions you see the little plus button here in between each of my clips if i click on it i have different things i can add a page by clicking on the plus page icon or i can change the transition right now there is no transition i believe between the first and the second scene of my project it's just the second scene appearing but if i click on the plus and then the lower button change transition now canva has this new transition menu you see it's by default is going to be on none so no transition but you have here four different transitions to choose from you have dissolve slide circle wipe and line wipe so this is pretty cool because it's basically the classic type of transition you would find in other video editing software dissolve is like a fade slide is when one scene is going to push the other circle wipe is this kind of wipe like circle closing down or opening up effect and line wipe you would have a line swiping your screen just pushing one scene to the side or to the like one of the sides of your project could be up down left or right okay so let's try one let's try line wipe okay you see what happened here so we had this line right here pushing from the right to the left and that is let me come back to the transition here you can choose the direction of your wipe you see if you hover over the direction it will show you how it looks like you don't have to click so right now it's still clicked on the first one i can click on the second one so from left to right up down i like left to right for now you can choose the duration as well so it's going to be much slower i like it to be snappier maybe half a second like so yeah this looks good and that's pretty much all there is to it so easy transition super easy to create different transitions between your scene with this new change transition button so look for it in between the scenes you have created so now i'm moving to the scene number two i'm gonna click on change transition and now from the two sisters to the cake i'm going to choose the circle wipe yes why not in or out let's see what's best probably out like so this is good duration all good and you see there's another button that you can apply the same type of transition to all of your pages or all of your scenes don't really want that because i like the diversity and to craft my transition myself so you have your circle wipe and you see it's kind of represented you see a circle here and then here you see kind of like two scenes pushing each other the last thing i need to do is to add a transition to my last bit right here i'm gonna continue with my line wipes but this time here i had let me see yeah i had left to right so i'm gonna come back here with right to left 0.5 second that's fine and i think this is what i want all right this is probably not the best video in the world guys i'm just trying to show you and explain to you the different features here and how to use them okay so one more thing very important thing i want to show you is that you can now add multiple audio track to your timeline so up until now you could only add one track per canva project and a lot of members of the community were kind of complaining about only one track really what if i want to add sound effect what if i want to add a recording of my voice on a talking presentation for example and some music now it is possible so to add a second track okay let me find another free audio track okay happy ukulele i just need a free one maybe i switch to another category happy like bright okay safety net and you see i have now a second track right here and i can shorten this track and i can move it around for example i want this track to be exactly the length of my second clip right here so for that let me play it [Music] okay so i have my first track with me [Music] okay so i have more music coming on top of each other so it's really a question of you now kind of audio mixing and in order to do this you can click on the track and you will see a little speaker icon right here so you can decide to lower the volume or what you can do is simply to reduce this track like so so i'm just dragging it with my mouse here then the second one starts and then what you could do i need to go back to find it so a happy instrumental that's my ukulele song i will grab this and start from here great and i can move this track to another place on my timeline so i'm bringing it up here and i will use that for the rest of the video so now if i play this project again from the beginning which i'm not going to do because it's pretty long but yes let me grab my time indicator here [Music] so i have my second scenes with a different music and then we'll transition back to the first track all right so you can now play around with multiple audio track that is what i wanted to show you and of course you can also modify each of the scenes like the audio clips so if you click on it you can make it shorter or longer directly from here or if you select one you will see the duration here you can click on that and you can trim it like so as well now i think you get the point of how to create your scenes with canva on your video editing timeline now moving on to step number four which is bringing these scenes to life with canva you can animate pretty much everything that you have on screen here and i can see the first scene for example so it's taken from the template so it might come with some preset animations on the template you can see for example they are coming from the bottom these boxes right here that is because there is a preset animation on that specific scene and you can see it here it says rise so if i click here and i go to none now if i play this it's just gonna be playing on screen what you see moving is an animated sticker remember these are two different animated stickers they're grouped okay got it i can ungroup them if i want but what i want to show you here in the step number four is that you can animate all the different parts of your scene pretty easily with the animate button so right here for example if you click on animate and you have nothing selected on your page you can animate your entire page okay so if i click rise like before which is the animation that came with the template now if i play it again [Music] see again they will rise from the bottom of the page so that's because i clicked on the animate button and selected the rise animation okay one other control that canva gives you is this little timer right here you can set the duration of this animation so right here it's 10.5 second so it will rise up and then rise down if i play the end of this clip see it moves back up before transitions but if i didn't have this transition here i would have all of the elements rising up and disappearing from my page so that is the thing you have an animation in and animation out so if you use any of these animations it's always going to be in and out so just remember that for now maybe in the future we'll have more control over these features but for now it is how it is so let me try another animation for example this pen animation and play that from the beginning again okay so now you see they are panning from the side and they will also disappear at the end there is always an in and an out animation all right so that is if you want to animate your entire scene meaning all of the ingredients all of the elements on that specific scene so all of the boxes but what if i want to animate just one thing so let me show you first i'm gonna get rid of the animation so i'm gonna click on none here okay so none so nothing is animated just the sticker but that's not a preset animation that's just an animated sticker now i want one thing to be animated and that is the big sis part okay so i will click on this and you see it's a group of things it's a text box and then there's a shape behind it the pink shape so it is already grouped let it group everything that is grouped will act as one element just remember that rule if you want to animate a specific group of elements first group it and then animate okay so the group is selected i'm gonna click on the animate button and you see now i have an extra option right here an extra tab we have page animations and text animation so now because i clicked on this and it has a text box in it i can animate this as a text for example the bounce i have different types of animation i like the bounce so i'm going to keep the bounce and i'm going to go back to the beginning and show you how it works again you see so now i've decided to animate only one specific element and you can do this for all elements for example you can really be creative here and add different transition to different elements now i have added three different transitions to three different elements [Music] don't go over the top because that is a classic video editor mistake when you start video editing you just like go crazy with all the transition usually less is more when it comes to transition but it's really for you to have some fun i just wanted to demonstrate here for the purposes of this video that you can animate individual elements as well as your entire scene just remember to select the group of elements you want to animate and then click on the animate button right now it's bounce but it should say animate if you are on none like so and then select which element you desire to animate alright so this is step number four moving on to step number five step number five is one of my favorites because it allows you an extra layer of customization and that is the possibility to record yourself i've already talked about this feature on the channel but it is called in editor recording and the way to find it you need to click on your upload button right here and you will see a button that says record yourself hi you will see a kind of a preview of your setup so you will have your camera your default microphone i'm going to change that to my road so i have a better audio and then you can click on start recording once you're happy with the result and it will start recording your webcam and your microphone hey oh you will have a countdown sorry about that you'll have a countdown hey big sister happy birthday to you i love you and i can't wait to celebrate with you okay so i recorded my message so i clicked on end recording and now i have this message that is captured here you can save and record another one or you can save and go back to editing so that's what i'm gonna do do you have a countdown hey big sister happy birthday to you i love you okay so now you see that the video is uploading in my upload media it is right here it's recorded perfectly but there is a little bit too much at the beginning and a little bit too much at the end that i don't want so what i'm going to do i'm going to delete this and i'm going to create another scene right here and add my video hey big sister happy birthday another thing i want to show you is that you can add your video into different types of grids so if i go back to my template here you see this template had a grid here actually it has the same one here so okay change of mind which is fine i'm going to go back to my upload button and take my video and bring it to the page okay so the first thing i'm going to do happy birthday to hey big sis hey big sister okay i'm gonna start here happy birthday you see what i did i just clicked on the video let me do this again so i just clicked on my video clicked on the scissors i love you and i can't wait to set up celebrate with you okay celebrate with you around seven seconds i should stop so i'm gonna trim from the back all the way to 6.5 hey big sister happy birthday to you i love you and i can't wait to celebrate with you okay this is good now this video is trimmed i can place it in the frame so this is really cool you can see like i trimmed my video and i placed it in the frame and now it's part of my video and it fits nicely in my template let's have a look okay so i noticed straight away that the sound of this video clip is way too high so i can click here adjust maybe i can choose a different part of the song i'm just going to use the beginning but i'm going to reduce the volume by using this little volume button right here and bring this way lower to 25. okay let's play that again hi big sister happy birthday to you i love you okay so what i see is that this video clip is a little bit too long my sister happy birthday to you and this one could probably start a little bit earlier let me see if i can zoom in this video timeline yes i can this is pretty good let me get to the right place now i feel like i'm editing a video in canva this is awesome okay so i want to move this slightly so we have a clean audio transition sister happy birthday to you i love you okay all right i think now it's clean let me bring the time indicator back here happy birthday to you i love you and i can't wait okay so i probably need to adjust my audio clip my video clip that i recorded of myself a little bit more the transition at the end is a little bit too snappy but i think you get the point you can record yourself which is awesome and basically create all sorts of videos i mean you could probably create tutorials in the same manner you could create all sorts of explainer video talking presentations vlogging anything you want really but for now try to keep them short until maybe canva rolls out more features but try to see also if you can push it to the limit like how big can you create with canva and canva video mia i'm super excited about this this is really the first major step towards canva becoming a video editing solution which is super complete and i'm really looking forward to this right step number six is optional it is if you want to collaborate with your team you can always share that design let me show you so you see the big share button right here because this is my free account i don't have a team on this account but if you did have a team you would see the different members of your team and you could share that project with them a different way to sharing this project and so that they can collaborate with you on the project would be to go here share a link to edit i would copy this link and send that to a teammate for example diana i could send that link to diana and she could come and work with me on this project collaborate we could message but that is probably some features for another video let us know what you think about this new world opening up the world of video editing it is super exciting are you already signed up like to this opt-in video editing experience have you tried it yet if yes what do you think like what are your first impressions where do you think this could go i'm really interesting of knowing so let us know in the comments and by all means every time canvary release major features that kind of make it an even better video editing solution we will cover them on this channel so make sure you subscribe so you never miss these updates and that is what i wanted to share with you today you can check out some other videos we might have for you right here about creating videos with canva i know diana loves to make them and that's it for me i wish you a very good day and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 43,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Edit Videos with Canva, canva tips and tricks 2021, canva tips 2021, animated video music canva, how to add music in canva video, how to create animated video in canva, how to make an animated music video for free, how to make an animated music video with canva, how to make animated video in canva, how to make animated videos music, how to make animated videos with music, video animation music canva, video with animations and music in canva, Video editing canva
Id: dWLEbOKXlh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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