THE BEST Air Fryer Chicken Wing (Ranking 6 Methods)

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Really glad I watched this! I always see pictures of good wings but have never tried for myself.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OH_CALI2017 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

There is a lot of good info in this video... But, two things bother me. The confusion of baking powder vs. baking soda is the first. They are completely different ingredients. It looks like the host is using baking powder, since this is what he says first and what he spoons out of the canister. He then starts referring to it as baking soda, and does so for the rest of the video.

The second annoyance is getting all the way to the last technique, and the host not trying a sauce free wing. He should have just gotten more wings and tried the technique again to show us.

I think I will try the baking powder technique. It seems to combine being the best result for the easiest effort.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Hey_Laaady ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wings are my go to air fryer recipe now.

1/2 cup soy

1/2 cup honey

Sesame oil



Hot sauce

Marinate that overnight and pop in the air fryer with or without a costing. Fantastic.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sBucks24 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Been subscribed to this guy since Brothers Green Eats. Good stuff.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Squirrel_Nuts ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I just want wings now. All of the wings.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AirFryersDotCom ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 08 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
45 seconds left at 380 for 15 minutes let's see where we're at whoa oh my god i did not expect that today is a very exciting day for air fryer fans across the world because by the end of this video we should have some answers one of my favorite things to cook in an air fryer are chicken wings because they're super simple to make you don't need any oil to get them super crispy and clean up is a breeze but there are so many different pests you can take to get a crispy chicken wing in the airfryer and i'm not talking about different sauces or different flavors i'm talking about techniques and today i'm going to be testing every single technique that i know of some that i've tried before some that are brand new for me when it comes to air fryers and hopefully by the end of this video we shall crown the perfect air fryer chicken wing before we start air frying we have to set ourselves up for success so i just want to cover a few things and the first thing is a chicken wing which for a lot of you might be pretty obvious but depending on how you actually buy your wings in this case these wings are full so you can see right here we have the entire wing of the chicken we have the drumette right here we have the flat right here and then the tip right here so i'm just going to give you the easiest butchering lesson that you can possibly have if you have zero butchery skills well this is a great place to start so the first thing i'm gonna do is take off this little tip because i don't need the tip and all you have to do to take off that tip is straight up just cut it off it's as simple as that and the same goes for in between the drumette and the actual flat there's this flap of skin right here and you're gonna just open that up right there and just slice right through the skin and that will reveal the little joint right there and all you have to do is kind of wiggle your knife around until you get through it so i didn't have to pop any bones i was just feeling for the seam so again right here we're just going to cut off that tip and then the same thing goes here cut through that skin and then just kind of wiggle our knife around until we find that space between the joint right there and then with basically no resistance we cut right through the chicken wing so there we go drumettes flat and tip i won't be using the tips because there's barely any meat on there but there's a lot of good collagen in these tips so i'll save those for stock so i've got two packs of chicken wings to break down and after that i'll see you for a little sauce tutorial so first we have to establish a completely even playing field for these wings at least as even as possible no flavor advantages i'm talking about so what i'm gonna do is create one all-purpose wing seasoning which all of the wings will get a coating of before they go in the airfryer and that wing seasoning is one teaspoon each of garlic powder ginger powder onion powder cumin powder smoked paprika powder chili powder black pepper powder and then one tablespoon of salt so i'll be seasoning the wings with that i'll also be mixing in the seasoning to different breadings as we try out different techniques today but of course it's a wing and it needs some winged sauce so i'm gonna do an all-purpose wing sauce one of my favorite sauces that will go on the wings after they come out of the airfryer once they're nice and crispy this is an asian inspired wing sauce that uses pretty common pantry ingredients and it starts off with half a stick of butter three tablespoons of gochujang but you can also use a sriracha the goal here is some type of fermented chili so you get that extra funky umami flavor and then to balance that out with the sticky sweetness we're gonna go in with three tablespoons of honey our salty is coming from a quarter cup of soy sauce and then finally that acidic kick is coming from a quarter cup of mirin and a quarter cup of rice vinegar but if you're missing one of those ingredients just go with a half cup of whichever one you have and i'm just gonna cook that on a medium-low heat for about four to five minutes until those flavors really mingle together nicely and finally the last thing we need of course is an air fryer and i get messages all the time asking me what air fryer do i recommend and i'm very excited to announce that the sponsor of this video is kosuri which is the airfryer that i've been using for years if you've watched any of these airfryer videos you've seen a kosuri air fryer well actually that was an older kosori model this is the kosori pro 2 and it's an absolute beast it's got a nice big 5.8 square shaped basket which can fit a ton of food which is always good to have that extra space and you've got a touch screen with 12 different cooking functions including preheat and warm which is nice and 10 of them are also customizable so you can just set them to whatever you want so that does it for all the prereqs we've got our wings we've got our spice rub our sauce and our air fryer so it's time to experiment and see what is the best airfryer wing so really the goal today is to try out every single oven baked chicken wing technique because the airfryer is just a mini convection oven and the first technique i'm going to try is something that's becoming very popular which is the baking powder technique i think popularized by chef john that's at least where i learned about it and the idea is that the baking powder dries out the skin so it gets that exterior very crispy but you don't actually taste the baking powder once it's cooked so to the first batch of wings i'm just going to add some of that all-purpose spice mix and around a teaspoon and a half baking soda since i only have about six wings here and just make sure that is nicely coated on those wings now the beautiful thing about air frying chicken wings is that there's so much fat within the chicken wing skin you don't actually need to add extra fat that fat's gonna render out through this cooking process and get that skin crispy but i am going to use a cooking spray to coat the bottom so they don't stick and if they're ever looking dry i can just spray them down to just give them that extra lubrication so i'm going to start with the chicken setting at 380 and we will take the time down to 15 minutes and go from there all right we've got 45 seconds left at 380 for 15 minutes let's see where we're at whoa those are perfect 15 minutes damn i thought it was going to take longer than that all right so here's how i'm going to play the judging for every single wing technique i'm gonna try one drumette without the sauce one flat without the sauce and then one drumette and one flat with the sauce so i'll just leave two of these sauceless and coat the rest with sauce so there you go this is the baking soda technique no residual baking soda left behind very crispy looks like it holds the sauce very well so let's give it a try and the reason i'm trying these separately is because there's a big difference between a sauce and a non-sauce wing and also how does the sauce hold up to the breading that's also very important so i'm going to judge each of these out of 10. 10 being the highest of course still blows my mind that you can get a wing that crispy without any deep frying moving on to the sauce oh that sauce look at that we'll see if i get tired of that by round six okay well that's a lot better so this is a bit difficult because it's the first one and i have nothing to judge it off of but i'll give the sauceless chicken wing a seven and the sauce chicken wing a nine these were amazing i think the sauce completely hides any residual flavors of that baking soda whereas on this you don't taste the baking soda but you taste that something is a little different which i didn't love all right for round two i'm going with just a classic breaded chicken wing almost like a fried chicken with some all-purpose flour minus any type of liquid so there's no butter milk or anything like that going into it i'm just gonna hit it with all-purpose spice mix and a little bit of some all-purpose flour and get that coating on there nice and evenly there's a little bit of residual oil but i'm just gonna give that another quick spray pop those wings in i think i'm realizing that the crispiness levels in such a short period of time comes from not overcrowding your air fryer basket all right so i'm going with the same exact settings from last time 380 15 minutes no reason to change it all right same thing 380 just about finished on the 15 minutes let's see what we got here oh those look those look those look great oh you see a little flour residue but not enough to really concern me i would say all right here's your close-up definitely crispy not as crispy as the baking soda also the appearance of the crust doesn't look as even as the baking soda either but let's give it a try before i get into these i do have to mention that i was getting a little chemical aftertaste on that baking soda around five minutes after i ate them so if i was judging on post performance i would probably take away a point because i don't like that baking soda chemically taste in your mouth let's try these oh raw wing first that's really good yeah pretty crispy it's got a nice little crackly crust there you can really taste that spice mix in there as well the flour is definitely a nice carrier of the spice let's get into these [Music] the flour coating is performing really well it's not crazy crispy with the sauce but it definitely absorbs it well and you still get that crunch you still get that texture in no way is that a flimsy coating on there with the sauce all right i'm gonna give both of those a nine i know that's that's high coming out of the gate on the second wing but both of those were near perfect on just a flower coating all right so this next one is something i normally wouldn't try for chicken wings but because we're trying every type of technique i wanted to see what a three-part breading would do in the air fryer something that you would use for say a chicken parmesan so what i did was i got my flour i got my egg and i got my bread crumbs ready and of course i hit all three of those with that spice mix so that flavor is consistent dip the chicken wings into the flour then into the egg which then holds on those bread crumbs so i gotta say those are looking pretty sexy i don't know what they'll do in this air fryer but i've got pretty high hopes just from the initial book 380 again on 15 sticking with the same settings all right so i just took a peek six minutes left you can see they're burning a little bit they look a little dry to be honest so what i'm gonna do is just give them a coating of some of that and cook them for a few more minutes i can hear a lot of oil sizzling in there which is a good sign so let's see what's going on okay all right so that spray definitely that helped those are looking much better so let's get a few of those really interested in how the sauce holds up on and a little extra sauce for this thick coating all right so here's your close-up we've got the sauceless wings here a little on the dryer side few small dry patches there pretty even coating i would say now the sauce ones i'm very impressed by like how good does that look that's a thick coating and the sauce is holding up really nice i don't have the highest hopes for this dry wing but let's try it actually actually not bad i thought that would be a lot drier interesting discovery i think the thick breading trapped in the moisture this wing is 100 juicier than the other wings that's a nice wing my friends it's a very nice swing now that to me looks sexy i'm nervous let me try the flat wow breading for the win all right so that took a bit of a turn compared to the last two wings and that makes sense because we've got a thick coating a thick breading on this so it really absorbed that sauce you can see i needed to add extra sauce to really get this thing coated but on top of that that breading kept it juicier so i've got to give it some bonus points for a juicier wing that's just as important as that exterior so the salsa i'm going to give a 8.5 i'm going with half points now that we're getting serious and this guy i can't give it a 10 because there's definitely some improvements i could make but i'm going to give it a 9.5 which is so crazy because i was certain that that would be one of the worst ones all right so this next technique is something that caught my eye a few weeks ago when i was researching this video from joanne hey joanne baked chicken wings and they look pretty crispy and the idea here is something that i've never tried before which is see she tried the baking powder here she's parboiling the chicken wings you're actually rendering some of the fat off before they get baked which ends up giving you a crispier final texture now i have no idea if this is going to work the idea of pre-rendering i don't know if that makes sense because i want that extra fat which is going to help get the wings crispy in the oven but i'm going to trust joanne on this and try him in the air fryer she used the actual oven for this technique but what i'll do first is get my chicken wings in a pot of water on a simmer for about five to seven minutes and then i will dry them off nicely hit them with that spice mix and then they're off to the airfryer and a little more spice max 380 15 minutes oh by the way one thing i love about this kosori air fryer that i can demo real quick this slides forward which exposes the release button so when that's locked you can't release the basket but when it's open if i press that the basket comes right out which is great because i've had air fryers where i take this out and i'm pressing the button and then this thing just falls on the floor and creates a big old mess so i'll just pop that release and then all that oil is at the bottom which is great and you can just pop those i should have been doing that the whole time the first one without some type of external coating just the crispiness of the skin here and that's kind of what it's looking like a little basic so we'll see on the actual taste test yep it's a little bit on the dry side i think parboiling them first then cooking them it was just too much cooking time and they dried out a little bit i'm not getting any type of extra crispiness either moving on to the saucy yeah i don't know if i messed up that technique but the parboil rendering them first as she said doesn't accomplish much with these wings other than overcooking them a bit sauceless wing i'll give a four and i'll give this a 4.5 just because it has sauce on it all right next technique i'm going to be using some starch specifically some cornstarch which you see for a decent amount of fried chicken recipes out there especially a lot of asian inspired recipes sometimes people mix in the corn starch with the flour i'm just gonna do it straight up so first i'm gonna hit the wings with the spice mix and then just give them a nice even coating of the starch just like i did for the flower wings all right there we go those are the cornstarch going in and we're gonna do what we've been doing 3 80 15 minutes see you later all right let's see looks like most of the corn starch is gone i don't really want to cook them too much longer and risk over cooking and drying out the wings so i'm just going to pull them here we go on a little close-up we've got sauceless pretty crispy yeah no cornstarch residue left behind i mean even coating i would say sauce looking pretty standard let's give it a try juicy not loving the flavor of the coating there it's going to the saucy so it's got a really nice thin crust you can see that right there like let me get a close-up of that there's just a beautiful almost glass-like coating on that with the cornstarch and the sauce completely takes away that flavor that i wasn't liking on the raw wing i'm going to give the salsa swing a 5 and i'll give the sauced up wing a 7.5 so not bad but not great so for this next technique i wanted to try out the concept of a twice fried wing or in this case a twice baked wing where we start out at a very low temperature and we slow cook the wings a bit to get them nice and tender then we take them out of the oven let them cool in the fridge and also dry out and then back in the air fryer at the highest temperature it goes for a few minutes so i'm gonna use the flower breading i thought that was just a pretty standard breading so i can compare this technique and see if it actually performs better than the flower wings we made before so we've got our flower and spice coated wings finally i'll get to set this for a different temp so what i'm going to do is 250 and we're going to put that on for let's start with 20 minutes and we'll go from there all right 20 minutes 250. okay so you can see still some of that flour exposed but i'm gonna pull these i'm gonna let these dry out in the fridge see in about a half hour all right we're going back and i will just give that a little spray since they dried out of it and we'll crank this temp up 400 let's try six minutes all right here we go oh it seemed tender and juicy you know what i'm gonna give it another few minutes let's go two more minutes at 400. all right let's see what we got [Music] okay i'm happy to pull those babies sauce me and toss me oh no i forgot to say keep forgetting to save the freshies all right these are all sauce so we won't know what the fresh will look like so this right here will be the last wing which is perfect timing because i am certainly sick of wings how could something so good at the beginning of the day become kind of like at the end of the day okay i think i'm on to something i'm glad i tried that i can feel the crust is fantastic on this and i think it's slightly juicier from the twice frying technique try the drum up oh yeah sorry i got a little excited there i'm gonna give it an equal rating to that three-part breading just because it's such a different wing this is much more of a classic chicken wing there's a simplicity to it that i really like so if you like the really crispy intense breading that holds a lot of sauce go with the three-part breading that was my favorite in that category and then this twice fried with the flower coating is my favorite just classic wing so those are the winners thanks again to kosori for sponsoring this video if you click the link below in the description kosori's giving 15 off this exact air fryer for the first 250 people that use that link and again i highly recommend kosori if you're looking for an air fryer they're a great company they're based out of the us in anaheim california great customer service and they're really leading the game when it comes to air fryer technology this thing performed to the max today and sometimes you just got to get in there and try it out and see what's the best and today i got some answers and hopefully you got some answers too
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 1,039,650
Rating: 4.9263511 out of 5
Keywords: brothers, green, mike, michael, josh, joshua, greenfield, cooking, how to, recipe, video, how to cook, how to make, cooking video, enzyme tire spunk
Id: qKzF0V3ErXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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