🔥 Perfect Boston Butt Big Green Egg - Pork Butt - Pork Shoulder - Kamado Joe - Grill

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welcome back assets the tightwad and it is July 3rd and we're celebrating Independence Day starting today because the fireworks in our neighborhood is tonight and I'm gonna go ahead and get the big green egg fired up and we're gonna throw on the Independence Day pork shoulder or a Boston but I used up the end of a bag of valued month yesterday so I've got a bunch of small pieces down here but I'm gonna go ahead and shake it out and I have my kick ashcan down in here so I'm gonna sweep all this loose stuff down into the can and I'm gonna reach through the hole and pull a little bit a little bit of the ash that creates a little dam there back into it just using my glove and I'm gonna lift out the can and you can see it's full of small pieces I was dumping the bottom of a bag in the egg last night it's always nice to have a nice fresh bag of lump for a low and slow like we're doing today so I'm gonna drop this can back down in here make sure it's lined up correctly if you end up with a bunch of really small pieces in the bottom of a lump bag sometimes it's a good idea to pull them out before low and slow so that you can get better airflow at the bottom so I'm gonna save some of these bigger chunks I'm gonna put some of the smaller stuff into a cardboard box because I'll dump it on a direct tape later and I don't throw any lump away and I'm gonna pull some of these out to reuse the first all this small stuff like this I'm gonna put in the cardboard box for later all right so we're ready to start building our farm with our nice clean kick-ass basket for our Boston but today and I'm gonna do it Loie slow at the beginning and I may kick up the temperature depending on time but I'm gonna start it off around 250 let me get some lump in here to get started for low and slow cooks I absolutely love the Fogo lump you can see I just opened this bag it has some nice fish sauce or bigger chunks in it I'm gonna kind of put these around the outside of the bottom to start and I'm going to use my tried-and-true method of lighting it's an oil soaked paper towel right down in the center to give that a light here oh I'm AG from the bottom because fire naturally works its way up through the lump we'll get a nice core of coals going by lighting it from the bottom take a few of those small pieces and put it around it here just to give it something to catch right off the bat now I'm just gonna build up with the Fogo won't find a few mid sized pieces and this is probably enough lump right here to get our cook done today but the one thing I've always promised myself I won't do is run out of month so I'm gonna go ahead put some more in them I'm gonna add some smoke and wood around the edges here and no it's gonna burn first in the middle and this is Applewood and right before I put the button on I'll stick a piece right in the center if you ever hear people say filling it up to the bottom of the far ring this is the fire ring here and this is the firebox so there's a seam between the firebox and the fire ring and that's typically where people fill it up to for smoking there's going throw a few extra pieces on here and I know I won't burn all this but it's not wasting love because I can definitely use it later and we were actually doing jalapeno poppers tonight so I'll just be able to open the dents open to get the grill up a little bit hotter for that so this is ready to start going and I'm going to leave it open for about five or ten minutes and then I'll shut it down and let it start getting up to temp and when it hits about 200 to 250 I will start adjusting the vents to where I need them to be for smoking [Applause] all right we'll have our base core fire going now I'm gonna go ahead and shut the lid of the egg I'm going to leave my top great all the way open and the bottom great all the way open as well and I'm gonna watch the gauge climb and as it gets somewhere between 250 and 300 I'm gonna start closing both of migrates to get it down to the temperature where I want to be smoking at today my egg just had 250 so we're getting ready to finish the setup inside the egg but I'm gonna go ahead and share another tip with you when I'm cooking at 250 for long periods of time I want to be able to check the temperature for my back door instead of coming outside so I'm gonna turn 250 to be at 12 o'clock right here on my dial so that I can just peek out the door and I'm looking for that straight up needle I'm gonna add one large piece of smoking meat right here to the middle before I start setting up the egg next I'm gonna put on my plate setter legs up I'm gonna put a ball of foil right in the center and then a drip pan there's a lot of different differing opinions on drip pans I don't do this for any kind of moisture retention I do it simply to keep the rendering fat from dripping down on the plate sitter and giving off a bad flavored smoke they clean it impart flavor on the Boston but I don't see any reason not to have a drip pan people say it helps regulate temperature some people say that was maintain moisture I don't really agree with any of that but I do know that it keeps the fat rendering from burning and giving off bad flavors so I have my water pen in there I did use hot water from the tap I don't try to boil it or anything I'm just trying to get it closer to the temperature and then I'm gonna drop my rack right on time I'm cooking all my straight stainless today I do have the cast iron grates but there's no reason to use cast iron when you're doing a low and slow if that's all you have it absolutely works that's all I had for several years but we've got the stainless grate on I'm gonna go ahead and shut it down and this is actually ready for our meat since I was already out 250 before I opened the egg and you know it's going to heat up when you open it it's going to rise pretty quickly so I'm going to go ahead and shut it down to about there on the top and to about here on the bottom this should be right around 250 or 300 for my egg I'm shooting for about 250 so I'm gonna let it sit here for about 45 minutes to stabilize I'm waiting on this white smoke to clear if you smell it it smells really bitter and we're waiting on more of a clear blue smoke to be coming out of the top before we get started that usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes after I get to this point about an hour total all right I have to butt out of the cryovac and I rinsed it with water and patted it dry with paper towels so now I'm going to add my first part of the rub which is a mustard it does not impart flavor on the button in any way it simply acts as a bonding agent I'm gonna have notice I'm using one hand here as a clean hand holding the mustard bottle in one hand to rub it all in now I'm going to flip it over and do the same thing on the back now that I've got mustard all over it I'm going to open up my rub here I'm I love the honey hog for meat church I'm not sponsored by them I pay for all of my rubs at this point I'm gonna shake on a liberal amount of honey hog here I use this rub on almost everything actually I do have another suite of rubs I'm gonna go ahead and rub this all over and now I'll flip it back over and shake a good amount on the top here I love the marbling on this but it looks really good because of all the marbling or fat content in a but it is hard to mess it up as long you don't drastically overcook it you'll be good to go and it's gonna be delicious all right so I have my butt fully covered with rub I'm gonna let it sit here until the egg is ready I'm not even gonna worry about wrapping it because I started this after the egg was already started which is totally fine some people suggest that you do this the night before I like Boston but not more of a ham flavor if you know anything about curing ham you put salt on it and that's what it starts to cure it it doesn't cure overnight so it's not truly turning it to him but I think adding the rub right before you put it on the egg is totally fine this was previously frozen I pulled it out a day and a half ago set it on the counter for about three or four hours to knock off the main part of the fries and then put it in the fridge for the rest of time so it could thaw it all the way through so this is now ready to go on the egg when the egg is ready for it you can see our smoke has turned more into the blue colored smoke as opposed to the white colored smoke and our temperature is around 225 so we're going to go and get our Boston button on there's no need to burp your egg at this temperature I'm going to set the meat on the egg here we're gonna run two different temperature probes today this one is called the meter I'm gonna run it straight down into the center and this one is a cheaper one from Aldi that I wish I could find more of but I'm gonna insert that all the way in and I'm gonna go ahead and shut down the egg and it will pick up our temperature on this probe in just a little while and then I'm gonna go inside and set up the meter cook I'm going to set up our cook on our meter and to get started I just touch the setup cook option I'm going to choose pork to shoulder that's what a Boston butt is and I want my target temperature to be smoked at 203 degrees and now I can click start cook just telling us to make sure that we've got the meter inserted past a little line in it so that it doesn't burn up and it will start estimating the cook time which is not super accurate but what I'm looking at is the internal temperature the ambient temperature and the target temperature and I'm gonna set this up with the meter cloud today so if we have to leave the house for any reason I can access this from my phone all I have to do is keep my iPad within Bluetooth range of the smoker and connected to the Wi-Fi of my house and then through the cloud services I can take my phone anywhere I want and I can still access the cook details through my iPad I'm going to set up my cook on this one I'm just gonna hold down the mode button until it starts flashing and I'm going to turn it up to 203 and this one will also give me an alarm whenever the temperature gets up here this one is wireless so I can take it inside but it needs to be within 20 or 30 feet to work accurately the Boston butts been on for about 30 minutes now and you can see our temperature has stabilized right at 250 which is where I want it and we have the nice clear blue smoke coming off from the Applewood that we put on there and we're just gonna leave it we're not gonna have to do anything for the first three or four hours when it hits about 160 I'll decide if I'm gonna wrap to speed it up or just let it ride it'll really depend on the bark and how that's forming but we will make that decision when we get there we're a little over three hours in and my internal temperature is up to 113 so we're going to take a look and it's got some really nice color some bark setting in good it's got a long ways to go though we'll check back in at 165 I don't want to leave this open too long as the saying goes if you're looking you're not cooking but I just wanted to give you guys an update we've reached 171 internal temperature while I was gone to the store so I'm going to open it up and it looks beautiful it's got a nice bark on it I'm gonna go ahead and wrap it so that we can get this finished and time to rest before dinner so wrapping is exactly what it sounds like I'm gonna lift it and put it on this foil and then wrap it up and then we'll get it right back on the egg so rapping does a couple of things it keeps the bark from getting too black and from burning on the outside and it also helps power through the stall so what happens in the stall scientifically as the meat starts to sweat and it evaporates and as it evaporates it cools the meat similar to how your body functions so wrapping it keeps all that moisture inside that's trying to evacuate and keeps it from cooling itself when doing a Boston but once it's wrapped you can easily bump your temperature up to 350 that's in the turbo but range if you want to research turbo but just look it up on youtube or on any other big green egg forums and you'll see it but we're gonna bump it up to 350 to finish the cook and we're not gonna even peak again until it reaches about 200 and we'll start checking for doneness with the probe alright we are at 203 internal temperature so I'm going to go ahead and lift this up and I have my meter probe right here but I'm gonna go ahead and stick in this other probe just to see how tender it is it should go in with zero resistance and that's nice and tender there the only resistance I should meet is hitting the bone as long as it's sliding in nice and smooth what that means we are done oh yes going in like butter and we're sinking right up at 2:04 on this one as well so it's time to pull it off I have about an hour and a half before people are coming over to eat so I'm gonna do what's called FTC that's foil towel cooler I've already done the foil I'm gonna wrap the whole thing in a towel and then I'm gonna put it in a cooler until about 30 minutes before everybody gets here when they get here I'll take it out and put it on the but I'm not going to shred it until it's absolutely time to eat so one lesson I learned the hard way is that you never use sharp instruments or anything with a point to move your meat from here onto the towel the cause what's going to happen is if you use something sharp it's going to puncture the bottom of the foil and your juice is all going to leak down so I looked it up as nicely as I can here and then I wrap it up in the towel doesn't have to be super nice and I'll drop it down in the cooler and it's gonna leak out some of the juice but it's fine if I were letting it sit for more than two hours I'd probably use the nice or cooler than this but this is gonna let some of the heat escape so that it doesn't overcook you can see from this graph from the meter app that there was no stall on this Boston butt and I attributed that to going with the low and slow and then transitioning into the turbo but when it should have normally hit a stall another indicator of a nicely cooked Boston butt is when the bone pulls out easily and clean this was my first time shredding a Boston butt by hand using these thick nitrile gloves and while it did protect my hands a little bit the heat came through pretty intensely so I may try some of the cotton liners next time but the butt shredded super easily and it was nice and moist and tender here's the finished product after I shredded it you can see some nice pieces of bark in there and it was delicious I hope you enjoyed this video and at least learn one new tip if you did give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel make sure you click the notifications bill so you'll see the next video I post as well if you want to see some other cooks click them on the screen right now and they'll open right up on your device and I hope you guys have a great day
Channel: TightWadDIY
Views: 212,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smoked, smoker, smoking, meat, pork, pork shoulder, boston, butt, boston butt, kamodo, komodo, big green egg, bge, kj, kamodo joe, komodo joe, traeger, pellet, grill, grilling, grilled, rub, best, easy, delicious, perfect, viral, low and slow, turbo, tightwad, tightwaddiy, how to, diy, kamado, juicy
Id: 3C6K8EIInms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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