Tepache Fermented Pineapple Enzyme Tonic for gut health at Home
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Channel: TazPantry
Views: 36,720
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Keywords: tepache fermented pineapple ensyme tonic, tepache recipe, fermented pineapple peel drink, tepache mexican drink, pineapple enzyme tonic, how to cut pineapple without waste, how to make tepache drink, pineapple probiotic drink, pineapple peel enzyme tonic, lacto fermented pineapple peel, how to make tepache pineapple, how to make tepache mexican drink, pineapple enzyme tonic at home, pineapple probiotic enzyme tonic, digestive enzyme drink, pineapple enzyme drink
Id: zHV3DkBNHv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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