Fermenting Homemade Giardiniera in a Kilner Fermentation Set

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hey welcome back to better done yourself today I'm gonna turn yourself I wanna make Italian Jordan era Italian Jordan era is well Jordan era means in Italian from the garden so basically it's just it's a medley of garden vegetables that you know you might have gotten some you might be familiar with these I think you know what I'm talking about if you go to an Italian restaurant you order the antipasto platter and you get like some little kind of rolled up pieces of meat and some of those little pickled vegetables that's what we're making that kind of pickled well what you're eating there is probably made with vinegar with a just cup of vegetables up soak them in the vinegar I'm gonna turn that I'm gonna take my Jordan era and ferment it and make something that's actually good for me something that's got a lot of probiotics in it something that's you know really preserving that the nutrition and the vegetables and to do that what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut the vegetables up stack them in this this is no killer just sent me this this is awesome this is the killer fermenting set what kill nurse done is provided a 3 liter 3 quart you know 3/4 of a gallon jar nice heavy-duty vessel and fitted it with silicone cap and an airlock and I'll show you how all this works in a little bit provided a couple of little weights so that what we're gonna do is we're gonna chop all our vegetables put them in the jar fill this up with salt water weight them down with the ceramic weights fill the airlock and create an environment that will foster the good bacteria that's on the vegetables all these vegetables have a little bit of bacteria on them I mean unless you really cook them or sanitize them and you know with whatever high heat and chemicals they've got probiotics on them I want to harness those those good bacteria and use them to ferment the vegetables that is to take these vegetables and allow them to sort of rot but not rot in the traditional sense not rot with all kinds of bacteria that's gonna make them into compost I'm gonna make a delicious appetizer with them so what I want to do is I'm gonna fill my jar and then cover them with brine cover them with saltwater the probiotic bacteria the lactic acid bacteria that we're gonna use to make our lactic acid burn men don't mind the salt everything else everything else that makes your veggies go bad and the fridge everything that you know you pull something out of the back of the fridge and it's covered with mold it's covered with slimy and gross and mushy all of those bacteria can't stand the salt water and they need oxygen so by covering your veggies with salt water and then just letting them sit out at room temperature for a couple of days you get something really nutritious probably even more nutritious than the original vegetables and you also get that lactic acid breaks down the carbohydrates of the vegetables and creates lactic acid and pickles the vegetables so you're kind of doing a lot of things at once and it's a great technique to make really delicious foods really simply in the kitchen and if you can find something cool like a kiln or jar to ferment them in it really it comes out really nice so without too much more talking let's get these vegetables cut up so what I like to do is just you know make like I said my little snack size of everything we'll probably just do some little discs of carrots here I liked it just peel the peel the carrots when you make something like this think about the finished product you think about what you're gonna end up with I'm aiming for like I said that little tray of of assorted pickled vegetables that they that they put on my table in the Italian restaurant so I want to make them look pretty yeah this is you know something I'm gonna put out for my guests when I'm having friends over for dinner and I want this to look nice so spend a little bit of time and you know prep the vegetables peel the peel and trim the carrots so we're just gonna make a little snack sizes of everything here and just what you're making a second but essentially I mean I'm doing kind of large pieces of all my salad ingredients so kind of vegetables up and then we're just gonna fill this jar with all these beautiful vegetables another very popular ingredient in traditional Jordan era is the Francini peppers but Berlin scenic peppers are like basically impossible to find I'm not gonna suggest that you go looking for them if you can find them more power to you but I searched high and low I've been to every store I can think of in the area I cannot find fresh pop rozina so someone didn't have any these though these are shishito peppers I like to use these these are probably as close a pepper you know they're not real hot they've got a little bit of heat so they give you a little bit of flavor throw a couple of these in there depends on how spicy you like it these I just picked up at the farmers market I think they were a dollar for this bag of them their ingredients cauliflower I'm just gonna do probably and I'll half a head of cauliflower and then cut the big central core out of there and then just do our little snack sizes of each of these florets so you know just bite size I don't want this big core in there probably never four men might ferment in about six months I'll be able to eat it but like I said you know we might be eating this in three or four days so if we can get kind of all of these open surfaces these are gonna allow the brine and the bacteria to get into this so we're just doing our little our little bite-sized florets yeah I'm not I'm not cutting all the way through I like to make them pretty just cut through the thick stem and then break the cauliflower so it naturally keeps these these blossoms if you want to call them that keeps the the flowers of the florets intact so we just cut through the stem and then pop them apart next on the block sweet pepper bell pepper you can use green I like the the red and the yellow and the orange ones better these are actually ripe green peppers are not ripe which is why if you taste them they're kind of bitter next time you're in a supermarket if you're a green pepper kind of person grab wha-what are the ripe ones and take it home and spring it on your family I think you'll be really supposedly surprised how much better these taste not anything bad about green peppers but I'm just saying make sure that yet you know what's available to you out there so again we're thinking about our our final product here so we're core it and then we're just gonna make these little these little julienne strips these go right in I like to cut the white ribs out I think these are really better you know on hot peppers this is where the heat is in bell peppers there's that same spiciness but it's not hot it's it's actually bitter so I like to just go and make my little julienne strips cut the rib out when you get to it make sure they're reasonably sized maybe enough up let's do I said these are supposed to be bite size I'm thinking these aren't bite size I think probably half size Turner inch strips let's get those in there what's like onions and celery and I think we've pretty much got a jar full here I'll probably use about half of this onion think not not because of the flavor of the onion but just for space requirements for one and run another room a little overzealous in my vegetable selections here but I think maybe we'll just do some kind of larger squares of onion so no no these bite-size these look good break them up get them in the jar fast before you start to cry don't get the juice in your eyes and then lastly I just want to do a little bit of celery so we'll do not really slices but kind of go in the time that our little bite-sized routine here so I know these probably an inch long I've got three stalks going in turn them a trim the ends a little bit of celery now let's let's talk about what we need to get this to ferment properly what I want to do is ferment this in 2% brine solution now when I say 2% brine solution I'm talking about the entire volume of this jar because the brine when we put it in here is going to do some osmotic reaction processing on our vegetables and the brine is going to move in and out of the the vegetables literally kind of diluting the the water the brine that we pour in and the salts going to get into the vegetables so we want to end up with a jar full of vegetables that are 2% brine and water that's 2% brine so there's a trick it's not our bear with me so now to get this to work properly what I want to do is build this like I said with about a 2% brine solution now the the water itself is gonna hold all the salt initially and what we need to do is figure out how much so now they get this to ferment properly we're gonna have to fill this with make the speed vegetables and 2% brine in order to get that we need to figure out how much water it would take to fill this jar up and then add the salt to that water so let's just fill our Kilner jar up with fresh water don't use chlorinated water use if you have to buy a jug of spring water but this this is my I have a will so I don't there's no chlorine in my water a lot of places put a lot of chlorine in the water if you've got chlorine you'll know it it smells like pool water you really need fresh water so fill this up with spring water dechlorinated water I've seen people that have a chlorine problem and they actually put some lemon into it and just let it sit out overnight and that helps the chlorine to dissipate but that chlorine you know the city puts the chlorine in the water to kill the bacteria what are we doing we're trying to foster bacteria so that chlorine in the waterr brother's not gonna work for us but all right we've got our water volume now let's just hold all this down we serve that water up to this much water I'm gonna add 60 grams of salt yeah or if you like this is this is actually a quarter cup if you don't want to do all of this generally you can kind of see where we are we're at about a quart and a half and our quarter of a cup of salt so now we've got our our volume of water in here we'll give this a good stir get our salt dissolve the other thing you want to think about when you're mixing up your brine is now do you want to add some flavoring to this do you want we could do I like to do a couple of bay leaves the bay leaves give the the Jordan era a nice taste just tuck these right down in here and another thing the bay leaves do is they have a lot of tannins in them but tannins will actually preserve the pectin in the vegetables now the pectin ism' is what the cell walls are made out of so if we have you know that kind of think of like a sponge all made out of pectin that's that the cell walls are the vegetables the salt prevents the the bacteria from breaking down those those pectin and it keeps the vegetables crunchy so the accommodation of the salt and like I said the and the bay leaves really do a nice job of protecting the the pectins and you'll get a nice crunchy end result other things you can add I like to do so black peppercorns I've got a teaspoon probably a handle like 20 peppercorns maybe some mustard seed is is nice if you're into that I put the shishito peppers in it maybe you be used Alabama's which would be delish if you feel like you know I really want a little bit more heat maybe just some a little bit of a pepper flake and pepper flakes fun too because it's red and it's pretty but like I said I don't really do a lot of spicy so I think the shishitos would be good for me I think that's gonna work great now mm in ago when we pour the water in and how all the vegetables blowed it up that's not gonna work in our ferment so killer has a great solution what they've done is provided these little ceramic weights they probably weigh probably four to five ounces each and made them so they can make a little lid on top of your vegetables but this it wouldn't fit so they split them and then you can kind of put each half in side-by-side and if you've gotten the vegetables right up to where I've got them here you'll see that they fit in there just to how perfectly so we've got our spices we've got our bay leaves we've got our salt we're just about done here I think we can fill up our killer drone one last time attach our silicone lid what do we got going here this is basically an airlock which is there's a tube going right through it and the air comes out through the tube this is a little cap what we're gonna do is we'll add a little bit of our brine and we'll make kind of a well there when you drop the cap in now the air can go up the tube and you'll see the cap moving around you'll see little bubbles coming out but oxygen get back in to our fermenting jar and cause problems so we'll put that in place pop the top on and this is ready I'm just gonna let this sit like I said for a couple of days before I give it my first taste and then every couple of days I'll taste one let's see does it taste like a salty vegetable or is it taste like the yummy fermented giardiniera peas and then once I feel like you know I taste a piece on you know a couple of days from now and it's got that just the right amount of lactic acid it's got the right amount of zing to it then you know I can take this off I can take the weights out and take this whole thing and just put in the fridge that it will continue to ferment but very slowly because it's cold in the refrigerator and so it'll ferment a little bit more but it's not gonna you know be full-on fermenting so once you you know taste it once you got it so you like it pop it in the fridge and enjoy it with your friends and know that you're eating super nutritious vegetables know that you've got some great probiotics growing in here and you've got a real pretty jar to put out compliments of Kilner thanks everybody for watching you guys if you have any questions about anything this process if you want to pick one of these up click the links down below it helps me I get it I get a little bit of a commission from the Amazon company when you buy stuff from Amazon if you follow one of my links before you go to Amazon and ask any questions you have just you know leave a comment below I always you know answer my questions really quickly so if you have any questions about the process be sure to leave a comment below and I enjoy fermenting guys see you next time
Channel: Better Done Yourself
Views: 30,862
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Keywords: kilner fermenting, kilner fermenting jar, Kilner Fermentation Set, Homemade Giardiniera, Giardiniera, fermenting, fermented, probiotics, probiotic vegetables, lacto fermentation, lacto, healthy snacks, low carb diet, keto, better done yourself, how to ferment, fermenting vegetables, fermenting food
Id: -ygnlzBplxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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