How to make Tepache

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so maybe you're one of those people that aren't quite ready to invest in it kombucha scoby because you don't know if you'd like it or maybe you're just a little bit superficial and you can't quite get over the way they look listen I'm not here to judge but I am here to problem-solve so in today's video that's exactly what I'm doing I'm gonna show you how to make a refreshing probiotic pack drink out of pineapple the drink we're making today is called tepache it originated down in Mexico and the basic ingredients are pineapple rind sugar brown sugar and water there are some different variations that I'll give you in a little bit what I love about this is that you're using material that would normally be scrapped so it's most people throw away the pineapple right and it with tepache you don't you get to use it up so I really love that we're also going to use the pineapple core so how this works is there's a lot of natural yeast found on the rind and the sugar will consume that and that's what makes the drink bubbly and Sol effervescent so let's go over the benefits of fermenting the biggest well known benefits of eating or consuming fermented foods is that it provides probiotic probiotics are good bacteria that you want in your body in your gut it improves your digestive health also improves your immune system let's talk about the benefits of pineapple pineapple is packed with different nutrients it's also has it also has a lot of enzymes one of the most well known M signs that it has and what makes it unique is called formalin so Brewin most of the berlin found on a pineapple is actually all around and in the core which I don't know about you but for me until recently I just threw that in the trash I mean I think you can do some but I would just toss it pineapples also known for reducing the risk of cancer boosting immunity and suppressing inflammation so let's get started I'm gonna go ahead and cut this up Amira just the camera so when you cut this cut it I like to cut it in long strips and I'll show you why so I'll cut this up later and I will make something in a future video that I think you'll enjoy if you like pineapple we have our pineapple rind and we have the core the reason I like to use bigger pieces is because this is our brewing vessel we're going to put the pineapple in here and with fermentation with ferment you want something on top that's going to push everything underneath of the water so that anything that's popped out could get mold obviously you don't want mold in your ferments so my recipe is 1/2 a cup of sugar I've sprinkled in a little bit of cinnamon that's why it's dark like that so I add the sugar and cinnamon add some hot water once everything is dissolved and I filled up a little bit with cool water to cool the temperature down once everything is in the jar then we'll add the rest of the water so I am going to cut the core whoa and then just start shoving these pieces if they're small enough in there so some different variations of this I tried making it with habanero twice the first one was an orange habanero and pine is kind of difficult to cut so the first time you couldn't really taste it and I put about half of the habanero as an orange habanero the second time I put almost the whole habanero as a red one and it was straight fire I couldn't even drink it all because it felt like I was eating cayenne peppers I've also seen people put jalapeno in there which I bought one to use but I just never got around to using it and then it went pay and interestingly you can actually make a fermented drink with any type of fruit because the sugar is going to feed off of the yeast in the fruit that's how soda was originally made righty I don't know if I can get this last one in there hope you guys can see this okay Thank You Kim all right so here's our jar and you could use a bigger jar this Kapali this is enough pineapple could I could probably make a whole gallon of this so I filled up my jar with water excuse me and if you can see that everything is underneath the water that's real important to make sure you have everything underneath of the water that's why I like to cut the strips long it's if you've ever made sauerkraut then you know that the first piece of cabbage that you take off of the plant you say that to put on top to push everything down so I like to do that with the tepache as well to make sure everything's underneath the water which it is so then to cover it you can use a cloth and a rubber band or you can use mason jar lids I found that using the covering it tightly with an airlock lid seems to work best however if you do that you might want to burp it every day and burping it means just opening the lid letting the air out and then closing it back up since this is a ferment it will have a low alcohol percentage I think it's less than two I did make a batch that I had and I had to dump it because I felt like I was getting a little too buzzed on it and I only had a few sips it was a little too strong however if you let it go too long it will turn into vinegar that hasn't happened to me yet mmm probably beat some pretty tasty vinegar but I have not experienced that myself one nice thing to mention is that I have one time got mold on the tepache so you'll see about 12 hours after it's started for a mini white bubbles on the top that's camis that's totally fine when you're doing affirmance such as tepache so I had the bubbles and then there was something fuzzy I will I took a picture of it so I'll put that in right here if you get mold trash it sterilize your jar here is our tepache it's been two days I apologize I had planned on opening us up to show you what it looks like as it ferments but I didn't get a chance today was pretty hectic but we're gonna open it now so I had opened it a little while ago I'm filming this over the second time because I forgot something so it's been sitting in here about 20 minutes this white stuff that's and the reason I'm saying that is because usually it's going to bubble up some I've even had it where it totally bubbled over so you may want to use some type of dish put put your jar in the dish in case it does bubble over so you don't lose that so this this white stuff you see is Khamis which is totally fine if you're fermenting in your kitchen also kombucha I would not put these together because they can cross contaminate so have them in different areas of your kitchen earlier in the video I forgot to mention that before I caught up my pineapple I like to scrub it with a vegetable brush this is the one I use some people say that you should not do that because you're gonna be scrubbing away the yeast however I personally feel more comfortable washing all my vegetables and fruits before I consume them that's up to you I'm not going to do a second ferment with this because it really doesn't need it I'm just going to pour it out and then bottle it and put it in the fridge there you go Tupac J enjoy thanks for watching my video let me know in the comments if you've ever had tepache or if you've even heard of tepache because I only heard about it about a year ago and I've been making it for about six months it's so easy and it's a wonderful drink
Channel: KombuchaLiz
Views: 2,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tepache, how to make, how to make tepache, how to make tepache pineapple, how to make tepache mexican drink, probiotics, probiotic drink, easy probiotics, pineapple, bromelain, tepache de piña, tepache recipe
Id: CPYdasBcYKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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