World's Best And Easiest Egg Foo Young / Gravy Recipe

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okay so today the cocoon lesson it would be the egg foo Yong dragon how style you don't make chicken egg for young today so what you gonna do is you gonna stare with the pink stuff so it depends on how much you're gonna make but right now we have popular about what you say maybe a chop it up I have somebody already and now what I might do is I'm just gonna take it out what you want to do is you want to make sure that the the eastbound is nice and dry you don't want too much water because I know it's gonna start to bubble so what I do is I have a colander holes in it and I just press them because water comes out that's good enough now you're gonna add you ingredients we're gonna add is chicken what you do is this well the chicken I cut it up into fine pieces there you got again and then add your seasoning just a dash of salt little bit little bit sugar maybe half a TSP white pepper powder and sesame oil just a few shapes that's it now you're going to add a little bit of flour look give us some structure that's how you need not too much and then you got your eight what do about six things right now we'll know later and we start mixing it to see if it's the right consistency heat up your oil and here what we're using that pure vegetable oil but also you can also use a vegetable shortening and just let that heat up okay so we got the oil heated up about 325 or so so what you want to do is use a ladle that's about half a cup anything brown configuration just round like this dissapoint Fork I'm just gonna hold it the idea is not to beat it you feed it it turns into water so you're gonna hold it in nice and gentle notice how the consistency kind of I I don't know I just Lurie but a little bit thicker like that right and hit on the side so that what it does is it it holds onto itself so that the bean spouts not sticking up and it should flow if that oil is hot enough make we um will flow there's lots of ways I'm making it for you sometimes they use the griddle it'll be more of a flat almost like a pancake but I like mine to be what you do it you put it in you roll it out and keep it against the wall here so it doesn't spread out so we have maybe seven here so usually it's about one egg to each patty sometimes it depends on the size of the egg you may get more patties so what you do is now let it cook for that what I just put some oil hot oil on top so it'll cook a little bit faster so once you have that structure now you can actually equip it and you can poke some holes in there to cook a little bit faster so what's gonna happen is outsides gonna get all cooked but inside won't be so what are you looking for right now as far as color and consistency you want kind of a light brown coloring to it they want to burn it and make sure that the fire is not too hot I would say 325 is the maximum temperature you want it's pretty close to being the inside it's still kind of soft you can feel it if you push push in a little bit with your spatula you're gonna you're gonna feel that it's snow soft so let it cook a little bit more just a few minutes put it over one more time to get that consistency and so now what I'm going to do is turn off the fighter I'm going to take this out now [Music] doing it for my booze I'm gonna microwave [Music] we just finished microwaving it so this is what kinda looks like right here and the thing about it is it's probably best to be served right away and then you what to do is you will make the gravy in a later video you can also freeze it and then take it off thought-out and then put in the microwave and then heat it up that way or put in the hot oil again to deep fry but that's alright oh yeah today's lesson is on Appian Way the famous Dragan Homosapien gravy which other customers love because they put on their big blue young and rice or whatever what we have here is a soup stock which is we took the chicken bone and we just boil the heck out of it mr. Simonet and then we have my hens Carly white pepper powder salt msg and sugar and then the dark soy to make the baby dark and then a flower and then oil so this is what we do cut up the luna make papi a like a couple of quarts when it hit the water [Music] and you're gonna put probably it depends how much you're gonna make so what we're gonna make it heavy maybe put a couple of tops maybe the hospital [Applause] [Music] [Music] now you're gonna add your shoe stock and if you don't have to stop because if people go to door and get any other chicken stock and be fine just enough to make it so that is clearly thick we're not running computer whisk it that wouldn't burn are you gonna get the seasoning I will just put maybe a tablespoon or so of salt it's a little bit msg not too much and then sugar maybe about the same amount of salt white pepper powder snow bit and a sesame oil just a few shakes and I get dark your taxes something that the girls like them a little bit thicker others or like a little bit thinner what I like to see is up when that bubble comes up but the larger bubbles that indicates that it's about the right consistency for me that's it and then now we're going to do is you're going to strain it out you're gonna get a strainer like this and what with all the creepy inside [Music] [Music] that's our Jamaican almost baby good luck any questions feel free to let me know
Channel: MKG North Martial Arts1
Views: 669,942
Rating: 4.7851443 out of 5
Id: ik1SkGcGLM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
Reddit Comments

Yum, his motions are so graceful and confident. Lost me at microwaving and msg, but still love it

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
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