How to make Stirfry! | Deddy's Kitchen

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[Music] all right we are back back back back back in daddy's kitchen hello father how are you i'm wonderful on this beautiful beautiful what day is it again thursday it's not sunday a sunny day oh i was like what world are you living in yes it is a beautiful beautiful sunny day you guys and we're very happy about that because you know us canadians we need that sun we need that weather so you know it's nice to be in here in the kitchen with daddy today as the sun shines in on us and we're happy to be in the kitchen with you guys because we miss you all the time like all the time natural ready all of the time we are think about to know yes so daddy we are not gonna waste any time okay because we have a nice rather healthy meal that we're making today daddy and i are on a journey so we're gonna take you guys on that journey too i mean don't judge us because some days we might slip up but we gotta whip our butts in shape and get healthier so today we're going to be making daddy tell the people that without further ado what will i make today chicken stir fry chicken stir fry what do you mean what you mean what you mean okay all right so i'm not gonna waste any more of their time daddy we're already a minute and a half in how are we doing this what do we need to do okay i cut off most of it already okay so you so i leave a piece does she show you how i do it okay you're so thoughtful father you're so thoughtful okay so you're gonna show our family how it's done okay so what are you doing just slicing it in strips okay you can cut it the way you want it but i cut it in strips much better for me and some people like to cut it in like cubes right yeah but i think strips are better too so now i have to season it i have all my veggies that i'm gonna mix with it okay i have chinese broccoli sweet broccoli i got it i have carrots i have peppers onions i have beans with that what i leave out here i'm gonna cut these up just to show you how i do it okay being thoughtful as you do yeah so let me wash my board okay [Music] okay people i'm cutting my chinese roughly chinese broccoli chinese like my favorite one yeah so i cut these in three okay okay nothing too crazy i have my string bean string bean green bean what do you call it green bean i cut these in this tree i have my celery okay celery i cut them slime i cut them plants so in in english that is he was slant he was cutting it on a slant you guys but maybe you guys understood that my peppers and a slant again you're funny okay i'm gonna slice my carrot in strips be careful of your fingers y'all please if you can't do this that fast take your time take your time with it cut off your finger i don't want to cut your fingers i don't even think i could concentrate at school all i thought about oh my gosh and i have some garlic chopped garlic fresh and fresh ginger okay okay all right fresh garlic fresh ginger you already know what it is well i am refreshing on here okay so now i'm gonna season my chicken all right so let's follow you over oh you're gonna season this chicken daddy oh yeah i got season it man teach the people them see all my seasoning yeah okay i'm gonna put a small amount like a half teaspoon of ginger because i have fresh ginger already okay so you don't need too much no okay black pepper black pepper teaspoon so half of this one so a teaspoon of black pepper a full teaspoon okay oh your favorite flavor one spoonful one full spoon because you know how daddy feels about his flavor rice y'all some powder garlic powder how much would you say that was it's a spoonful spoonful tablespoon now i'm gonna put some sister mug in it sister maggie i love some sister maggie and for those of you guys who are new it's not actually called sista magi that's what we call it here in daddy's kitchen okay but it is maggie seasoning oh yeah some sesame oil sesame oil interesting yeah this will give you flavors this is so interesting let me put a spoon and a half in it a spoon and a half okay this is very nice give yourself a nice flavor okay okay let me try my trust though okay so now i'm gonna stir it up okay stir oh the sesame the sesame guys you can definitely smell that sesame throughout it's giving like asian inspired yes nice roma very nice aroma okay okay i'm gonna wash my hands go wash you don't want to be cross contaminating as much as you can i mean you're in your kitchen a lot of people just really extra but you know wash your hands okay i'm gonna turn my butt on am i gonna cook my chicken okay what's the pot on high high medium high high okay i'm using corn oil horn oil yeah i'm gonna fry my chicken oh you're gonna fry the chicken first yes okay okay let me make it hot i'm gonna know if you eat fried chicken you know i'm gonna know if we're with chicken for fry right here now but my galore that's the only way you're gonna do it how you do it in the oven we're gonna take a little while let me just follow your daddy may i follow me i'll follow you i mean i'll follow you yeah follow me yeah so what's next we have just waiting in my house to hurt okay hot on the island yeah and then we go in um you're going to hot tub the oil and then we're just going to wait for it to yeah to be hot and then put the chicken and then put the chicken in okay let's see how it go okay while you're hot the oil is hot getting hot it isn't hot mm-hmm i'm gonna put some sconce cornstarch in my chicken okay so this is gonna make it crispy and nice okay okay how do you know how much what was that like a cup half a cup okay this is definitely why we're both sneezing because of this what because i'm about to sneeze two once you do that um okay so cornstarch this is you mix it up so i'm surprised that you didn't like one by one go in there and dust them no no no you don't do that take too much time okay so you can just dash it in there then no you just don't dash it in that now everything is together because they can't touch okay so you gotta take more piece by piece okay that is good that's good all right so into the pot it goes then all right okay my pie is hot pot is hot yeah i'm gonna chicken chicken's going in on the pot you guys chicken is going another pot i'm using my pot already i don't smell it yet but it's probably gonna happen in [Music] i hear you guys take a look so the deeper the pot the better the experience with the splashing yeah that's enough i'm gonna turn the pot down to medium okay so now the heat is on medium i want it to cook a little slower right because you have your cornstarch on it okay and you don't want that you don't want it [Applause] [Applause] okay okay very fast so you heard it here y'all medium [Applause] and take your time with it [Applause] you need one you can't use yeah i'm gonna use that fire right here you know what you don't want to scratch up this part okay you're gonna cook this these chicken strips at least six minutes okay okay are you gonna take them out and your next batch is same so six minutes for the next batch and for the next batch into the next batch and like how are you sure that it will be cooked because they're gonna go back into the pot up with the veg okay are you gonna finish off okay okay all right so it's going back in for a second round so it'll for sure be cooked yeah okay you got this little dish over on the side you're just going to throw the cooked ones in here and then you're just going to rip rotate and then we will meet you guys back when the last batch is done so i feel sorry for y'all because i just got a taste of some of this chicken and whoa the chicken sweet man i know it looks it looks a little light right now it looks a little light bright but i'm telling you the melanin is coming okay it's coming it's coming it's gonna get cooked up cook up cook up okay okay i have my fresh garlic and my fresh ginger okay i'm white one in another pot i'm gonna put it in the pot okay you got some of that nice aroma [Music] okay aroma okay garlic and ginger aroma this fire is on medium fire is still on medium i love that crust we're not cooking too fast we're cooking at a good pace look at me like i know what i'm talking about of course you know what you have that about thank you that was very affirming daddy i appreciate that good luck why not just throw it in the baby you know i'm gonna turn up my stove to my eye okay because the veg is cold and it's cutting down the heat right all the veggies just went into the pot oh it's on high yes i'm so sorry guys see a little rusty the heat is back up on high and daddy you just use the remaining oil that was left in the pot right you didn't add any extra okay because you don't want an oily stir fry no that's the last thing you want yes so i'm gonna season my pot okay with your favorite it's my favorite i'm putting two spoonful in it because this is very trouble this is all vegetarian all vegetables vegetable or vegetable i call it vegetable vegetable one thing that jamaican gonna do is give you all those syllables vegetables comfortable it's funny because they only think that we're singing when they when we sing their songs you know a big truth if it's an old school reggae song they're like oh she's sing but dare i sing like i don't know cardi b or something he's like okay [Music] [Music] i love me a good fresh bed people i have to cut down on all the meatballs what if i meat were eating yes they have a cutback yeah i need a little some way yes i'm going to get my my blood sugar normal yes my blood sugar is high yes so i have to cut back yes oh daddy look at you confiding in your family you didn't have to share that with them you know you never have to share that but that's not good but that goes to show that you really love them and i also feel like they're gonna be supportive you guys are the best family ever and i know that you're gonna hold us accountable and really just push us to you know maybe make some new meals so you know what i need you guys to do right now write down in the comments me and daddy are like stumped for like ideas on healthier meals write down in the comments right now what you want us to make or what you want daddy to make his version of on a healthier tip because we gotta get you know empty and strong yeah and we can get and creative with these meals right because yeah daddy's getting older so he cannot afford to have high blood sugar so we're gonna get this under control not true daddy okay the father teaching me a different way of cooking yes yes vanessa father the creator yes he's my father he created me yes yes and it's going to be awesome mommy just got it you guys just saw her in the back coming through all the mercy but um yes we're about to be right back so anyway you just put the lid on though i put the lid on and i turn it down back to medium okay so let's see what it's looking like one sweat okay so that's the ball the goal is to get it to sweat not fry sweat sweat okay all right when it's sweating it's cooking okay you don't you don't want and you want a crunch yes you gotta have some crunch in it i hate when there's no more crunch left okay all right so how long are we going to wait do you think what is until you can add the chicken to it oh not five minutes okay five minutes five minutes we'll be back yes okay i'm hiding my chicken adding the chicken to the pot come on daddy come on whoa [Music] [Applause] it smells so good guys notice that there was no salt added and everything that i've taste tested is delicious not even seasoning sauce that's even squeezed inside go in it nothing okay [Applause] [Music] bring it over here from the place i stopped the sauce let's see the brands okay let's take a look at this oyster sauce oyster flavored sauce okay perfect okay i'm not cooking too much but this is salty just to give flavors okay now i want to stir it up um guys it smells so good it looks so good what i love about how denny makes like certain things like this is how he's able to keep the crunch of the veggies at the same time but you know a lot of people like cook out the veggies and then it's just like a slop right yeah it's kind of cooking but it's like so okay this simmer for five minutes okay and it's done all right i'm ready to chicken oh let me try this chicken you guys you guys look at that look at it look at it not overcooked i know you're thinking why isn't it a little more but it's delicious oh my gosh this thing is oh my god the stir-fry is beyond oh it is so tasty oh my gosh goodness she almost cleared her whole plate before i oh so delicious oh i know you guys have to try this oh my goodness mommy my cat with the extra days it is so good it's so tasty the vegetables are so crispy they're not soft or the chicken just has the right texture the right taste the right amount of seasoning spices that you use is just beyond me and she cleared her whole plate before i got over too so oh you guys you need to try this recipe all right and they shall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] peace and love always [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 27,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make stirfry, how to cook stirfry, stiryfry tutorial, deddys kitchen, how to cook like a Jamaican, momma joans house, dem and ika cooking, cooking lessons, dani dmc cooking, flaws of couture, jamaican chef, jamaican food prep, jamaican youtuber, canadian youtuber, food network, food channel, youtube black
Id: ZTW0xY0u0IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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