How to Make & Sell Educational Printables on Etsy (Etsy Digital Download Business Tutorial)

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel my name is marilyn i teach creative people how to sell their art online and today we are all about how to make and sell educational printables on etsy or on any other different platform and the reason why this topic surfaced unlike a lot of my videos that i either have a topic that is really close to me or a topic that you guys request this topic actually surfaced from the place that i'm living in to those of you who don't know i currently live at the four leaf clover in bainsco which is a really nice community of expats and digital nomads so there are a lot of people here that work online doing so many different things and we talk to each other we ask each other hey what do you do for a living we are eager to learn from each other whether we're doing something related i have a few friends here who are youtubers and some of them are going to be hosted in this channel but i also have friends who do nothing close to what i'm doing on youtube but they are interested in things like printables or print on demand and in the past three months there have been several conversations that were really long with me and some of the other tenants here that revolved around the education of english education of kids how to make printables for kids educational printables of various kinds and i think that i spent pretty much the same hour in a loop with each and every one of these people within these conversations going on to etsy showing them the different things that people are selling with educational printables or if they're printing it out on physical copies like flashcards on actual cards or flashcards with printables which by the way we had a full tutorial on how to make and sell flash cards like printable flash cards on etsy and there will be a link to that down below you can go ahead and check that out but today we are all about educational printables and i'm here to basically give you the exact same conversation that i've had with these people because i think that it's a good method of doing things and when i'm talking about educational printables there are so many different types of educational printables and you can just you know type in educational printables on etsy our educational sheets or printable educational games and you'll see so many things that awesome people are selling to help kids educate themselves learn how to write learn how to read do fun memory games and just make it like this amazing fun experience from learning something as simple as writing down your alphabet some of my favorite educational printables when i was looking at etsy were everything to do with trace writing as well as some interactive games that combine color that kids can just look at like for example circle the odd picture like you'd have a picture of an apple a banana a boat and an orange so circle the one that doesn't relate to the other which is the boat because you know you can eat all the rest but i don't think eating a boat is tasty and i was looking at these games and i was thinking to myself that it is rather simple to make a good product all you have to do is check out what sells what's good what people are looking for and make it your own just make sure that you make a collection of it that you give people enough because if we're talking about educational sheets for example a full sheet for the letter a you're not going to be selling it as the letter a you're going to be selling it as a full printable educational book of all the alphabet letters and well that's what i want to design with you guys today so we're gonna go to my computer open canva and design two types of educational printables and later on i'm also gonna show you how to take these educational printables and place them in sort of a mock-up photo so you can upload that photo onto etsy shopify pay hip gumroad wherever it is that you're sewing your printable items the elements that i'm using throughout this tutorial are either free elements that i got from canva or a font that i got from creative fabrica under my license and i took this font and i uploaded it on to canva and i'm gonna leave a link to that font down below so you can go ahead and check it out as well but the most important thing for me to tell you guys is truly make it your own if you know how to use photoshop or procreate or clip studio paint don't use these trace fonts don't use these methods just make it flat out yourself that is the one and only way to ensure that your product your end result your educational printable is unique and special and stands out once we finish designing these printables designing basically the photo that you will need for etsy to showcase these printables we're gonna go back to me and we're gonna talk about the most important things when listing this listing on etsy or on any other platform whether it's the description the tags what are you supposed to basically tell people what they're getting why would they want your educational printable out of all the rest and a little bit of a tip about pricing and discounts but that's for later because right now what we're gonna do is go to my computer and have fun designing two types of educational printables using canva and a font from creative fabrica and how to mock up it for etsy let's get started so the very first thing i did today preparing for this video is to go to canva and to go to my brand kit and then click here on upload a font to upload the carly school font from creator fabrika i am obsessed with this font it's a super cool font we're not going to be using it just as is we're not going to be selling a full page that is just using this font because we want to make sure that we're using it legally i'm also going to be shading it and if you can make your own fonts your own trace fonts for any purpose go ahead and do it for me this was a quick and easy way and i downloaded both the carly school dots and the kali school regular to match and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to get back to home and select an a4 document size now if you believe that the majority of your designs are going to be sold by people from the states you can go ahead and choose u.s letter size i prefer to work with an a4 as you've seen in the beginning there are so many educational printables available on etsy so many different styles but there are several ones that are sort of a favorite to me and i like to make them my own way the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go to text and just create a heading and what i want to do here is to create a page that is for a letter so you know let's trace a letter let's color a letter let's make it fun so i'm gonna write down the letter a and this heading this piece of text is basically a guideline for the page and it's most recommended that these will be in the same fonts and styles and colors of your actual etsy store or whatever it is that you're selling these printables this should be branded in your style now i'm going to copy paste this line place it down below and write something like educational printable letters fun by la la and this would be basically a place for you to write down your own store's name this is sort of your way of branding yourself on top of each and every page you can do it in a different font that is a lot slimmer and it will be cool and small and basically mentioning the names of the project the name of the educational book making it a real part of a certain book let me just i want to make sure that this title matches as well let's place it in the middle you can style it in various ways you can give this a heading a line on top of it a banner of some sort for example you can be using this in the back and put the letter a on top of it maybe make it a bit smaller center it sort of style it to make it you know cute and accessible to kids because it is something that kids are supposed to like and supposed to want to do and i kind of like to make everything that i do in black and white for two reasons one is because a lot of parents don't have colorful printers and the second reason is because everything you make in black and white can basically become a coloring page so that's something that i really really like what i'm going to do now is again copy paste another text write down the letter a and go to my tracing font to the carly school dots font and transform it this is a capital a i'm going to make this almost all across the line click on space another a and basically creating several a's for kids to trace i can make them slightly bigger and bigger or smaller is dependent on the age of the kid that you're targeting this to i know that for example we have trace letter pages that are huge and only have like four letters for younger kids we have smaller traces for bigger kids it's all up to the designation of this page i'm gonna copy paste this and then do the same with the small letters with the non capital a and then i'm going to grab again a text copy paste write down just one big a and change the font to the carly school regular the one that is full i'm gonna make it bigger and i'm gonna go to my effect and make it hollow i can also control the thickness of the hollow and this is a cool thing that kids can color so i'm going to put this a here i'm going to copy paste it again and make it a small a again for kids to color and place it here and now i'm trying to think about words let's start with the letter a and staying on my elements i'm going to write down apple outline if i want it to be a coloring page i can just write apple without outline if i just want the graphics and i have a nice free graphics here that i can transform all of the colors into black thus creating an outline and what i'm going to do with this little apple is copy paste this text here and write down apple i'm going to make it slightly bigger like that and in a lot of cases what i also like to do is to grab these two fonts and change the color from infinite black to a bit brighter so it will be actually tracing on it it's not going to be fully black this is a personal decision obviously you can do whatever you want and i'm also thinking about maybe making the word arrow and the error outlines that i have here are not so pretty and let me just maybe just select arrow and we have a bunch of arrows here i'm not seeing anything with a specific gorgeous outline that i would like to be using let me just see maybe this one this is a cool free one that i can flip to the other side place it in here and color everything inside in white so that people could use this one as well as a coloring element and this is for the letter a now all i have to do is basically duplicate this page change it to the letter v and change everything based on that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and this would be another alphabet page for trace writing and for coloring which is obviously something that you're also explaining when you're listing this item on etsy moving on there is also another kind of cool educational game that i really like to do and for that what i'm going to need is just a piece of square well actually i can do it with a circle or with anything else but i prefer to start off with a nice little square and you can choose the different types of shapes to display it in different ways i do love these elements because i do believe that kids can color in them but this is not going to be a coloring project and i'm actually intending to use coloring within this next design so let me just find something cute and it's insane how much i could just search for something cute and go lost and just search for hours and hours and hours trying to see this shape and this shape while it is adorable it's also completely changeable so i can edit pretty much anything i want here and create for example a shape like this or just you know let's just grab a shape that has an outline so we don't have to work with this even though that these are kind of cute but i prefer something simpler let's turn this one into a different type of color and place my square here i think i prefer to work with a rectangle maybe something like this would be nice and i'm just going to put it like this and i'm gonna duplicate it to fit the other side let's take them both down shrink them together center them and i can do three per line or two per line you know let's make it three per line let's just center this one up and i've attached this close to this and i'm gonna remove it by counting the number of times that i hit on the left arrow so one two three four five six seven eight copy paste it put it closely on the other side one two three four five six seven eight and let's play around with the colors a bit copy paste all of them maybe not all of them maybe we'll grab one of these then grab two of these and place them to match to make it a bit tinier remove the gap a bit and they are centered and now what i'm going to do is obviously i'm going to copy the line below because i always want to have make sure that i have credit here take all of this remove it a little bit up and this would be educational printable circle numbers and we need a title and i wrote down circle the correct number of the objects make it centered a bit and i do think that i want to work with a slightly different colors here maybe just make it really colorful again you can also make it black and white but i do want to create some more variety within my colors something pastely and nice and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab this text copy paste it and place it in one of these squares here let's move a bit closer and place it all the way down here and right down basically numbers between one and eight so these are numbers that kids are going to have to circle based on the elements that they see here in the pattern in the square and i'm going to collect all of them with ctrl a change the line spacing to be minimized just a bit so i can freely go around here make it a bit bigger and copy paste this to each and every one of my squares and because we have these squares in the exact same ratio if i'm going to copy paste this one here and draw it up it's going to keep the same ratio and it's going to look adorable and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go here to my elements and click on cute for example to graphics and i'm always sitting on the static and the free ones and we have strawberry here so let's go with our little strawberry which is huge make it smaller and put the strawberry here three times and this is basically means that the kid is going to have to circle the number three let's go with a banana and we can place our banana one time let's go with a watermelon and place it twice reverse this one to the other side let's go in and obviously you know you can use your own graphics make it your own people say you know there are so many people selling educational printables there are so many people on etsy selling anything so how can you succeed by making it your own by making collections that people go like oh okay this collection is worth it this is a full book so it's worth it for me and trying to really make sure that you give out an end result product that if this is an educational sheet that this is educational for certain ages and that for example if you have a little niece if you have a kid you would like them to do that as well i think it also relates to pretty much anything and i know that it relates to a lot of people who started things off on redbubble because the reason they succeeded was that they were designing print anime and items that basically they would like to wear and it's true for pretty much anything we have three strawberries one banana two watermelons and six apples and then we have an orange here which i'm thinking about putting either five or four times and i love that i have my guidelines here to help me make everything symmetrical canva is truly awesome once i only put fruit here i can just say circle the correct number of fruit and then i can duplicate this page and circle the correct number of dogs what i'm going to do here is just delete all of the elements go to canva type in dog again i'm only on the free graphics let's zoom in this little plug let's take it up here and put it in five times i can also put like one two three four five six and seven this will be a bit harder you know let's make it eight and then go on to this one put one dog i can also make it a bit harder since i wrote down you know i wrote down circle the number of dogs in each one what i can do is have a dog here and then not have a dog let's do a cat and the whole point is to basically for the kid to circle the number one and not the number two because this is a cat and not a dog so it's a bit more tricky but it is kind of a cool trick to do and a nice educational game for the kids once again take up another dog i'm obsessed with corgis lately i am truly truly obsessed with corgis let's grab another dog here make three of them let's grab this one i want the chihuahua grab this and also grab another one like here so this is two and this so this is actually three dogs here as well that people would have to guess that it's three dogs and here let's grab a ball and put a ball here you know just to trip kick kids and see what they're gonna mark because it's only two dogs here but four elements four objects stepping back this would be another educational sheet and obviously i can go ahead back here and just you know change the colors i can make them into coloring pages use outlines use different graphics but it is a cool fun and easy way to create these things and the next step of creating them once you've created them is to sell them but in the process between making them and selling them we need to create mock-ups of these we need to place them in a way to be featured on our etsy images and for that what we're going to do is we're going to download these files as jpeg files so that we can use them as full on images to demonstrate to people what they're going to get and obviously when you're going to do it you're not going to do it with the letter a and the letter b you're going to do it with the entire alphabet you're going to do it with like 20 of these pages and not just two but we're going to go back to home where i constantly have designs set out for etsy stores and the usual size that i'm using and the size that i like to use for etsy listings is 2454 pixels by 20 20. let's just open one of the previous designs that i was thinking about working on grab all of these and push them here as jpeg files it's funny how you can get like a sneak peek into what i'm doing on canva these days and this is something that i've been working on for my own shop but you know what we can fully adapt it i just don't want it fully gone so let me just create a duplicate of this make a copy go grab it so we can do whatever we want and there are some things that are important for me it's always important to have a logo here this is my new logo so i'm just going to keep it here and we have some text elements floating around and let's say the first thing that we have is basically the alphabet so i'm gonna grab two of the pages and again this should be the full alphabet not two i'm just gonna grab two and on each image i'm gonna click on edit image and then shadows and give it a little drop shadow so it's going to be nice and there is coming up a full canva image effects tutorial because there is so much to do with canva images and you guys have requested so i'm just going to skip this part a little bit faster and there is a tutorial on that coming up in the next few days and i'm just going to put this one here this one here and i have a lot of different elements here for example i have this text and this was not designed to be something for kids so it's not really designated for that it doesn't have the colors to be you know kid kind of colorful so what i'm going to do is go around it and try to see if i can make it my own so i wrote down a to z worksheets and i'm thinking i might want to put my logo up shop and this at the bottom and here i've done something like print at home to make sure that people know that this is not a physical copy and i have my background here which i can edit this is a gradient blue background but obviously you can have any background that you want just you know let's go to backgrounds and i can find something easily that will be more playful and more fun you know for kids or for anything that will look a little bit better let's go to the print at home thing let's make it in green write it very big let's make this one a bit smaller let's go to my effects i want to give it a little bit of a shadow maybe something like this print at home and you can write down for example the number of sheets that you have the format that people are getting and i also like to make the logo a bit bigger to make sure that it will cover one of these pages so that people cannot steal these pages without downloading them and the second thing that we need to do is explain something about it or give it a vivid kind of look and for that i kind of like to go to place it where we have amazing mock-ups of kids these ones might be nice like a photo of this and basically next to the kid i'm gonna insert my image here make sure that it's in the right size and of course this was made as a us letter size but it works here as well and download this is not the perfect thing i kind of wanted the girl to be you know coloring this but it is a nice mock-up to visualize how this is something that can combine in the kid's life and i'm gonna download it go back to my design upload it here and what i'm going to do once i have a style here is duplicate this delete these pages grab a nice little girl here and let's see if we can make this cooler and adjust my title and work on something like that now if i have these kind of numbers i'm basically going to do the same i'm going to put these in the back and change the atc you can write down instructions so for example if i'm going to grab this and duplicate it just to have everything i need let's put in this for example place it here and basically create explanations on it trace the letters color the letters color the apple call the arrow and basically create a tutorial around this you can also make more photos with different products that you have or if you have like a complimentary product or something is coming for free with this or you know make sure that people know that you can customize the pages if they want to and once we have that we're all set to be uploaded onto etsy and we're going to get back to me to give you important guidelines of how you need to upload educational printables onto etsy what you need to write down in the tags what you need to write down in the description and in the name i hope you enjoyed this part of our tutorial i hope that you can see that it's all about being creative and trying different things and a lot of the times it's repeating yourself because you know this is what people do with educational stuff we constantly repeat ourselves because if a kid repeats that same action they learn better i hope that you enjoyed this part of the tutorial if you did feel free to give it a like because every time you do youtube thinks that this is a cool video and it's going to show it to more people but i'm going to stop tapping now we're going to get back to me and talk about the most important factors about listing educational printables on etsy as well as what we have in store for us for the end of the month of september and we're back to me and i did enjoy making this tutorial and i kind of hate that i made this tutorial because every time that i do something like this it pops into my head oh i should have an etsy store about that i should make a website about that and i'm trying to stay focused within the niches that i've selected to myself to q4 because i think that a lot of people have this misconsumption that you know if you lack creativity you're not going to succeed in selling printables or selling prints on a man online but the truth is that if you have too much creativity if you have too many ideas you're basically going to have too many ideas to actually do something so i'm going to hold myself tight and i'm going to say no i'm not going to be selling educational printables i decided to have an affiliate website with jigsaw puzzles and print on a man for puzzle lovers and i've decided to have an etsy shop for clip art and seamless patterns with my own art that i'm starting to make with procreate as well as spend a lot of my time creating acrylic pouring digitally and placing it on other platforms for print and a man and i'm super excited to be telling you all of that in a different video because if you just stayed for this video then you probably want to know how you can sell these educational printables on etsy i mean what do you need to write down so let's break it down for you starting with the very first thing that you need to have a name and for the name i do recommend that if you make these collections you give them a name of your own like circle the objects educational printable book or something that talks about what is so special about that book and of course as i said at the beginning you won't make a single sheet for the letter a in a single sheet for the letter b and people will purchase them separately you'll make a full book for all the abc but what you can do is make a small book for the letter a a small book for the letter b and so on and so on creating multiple books for all of the letters on the alphabet and there are so many different types of games that you can do you just have to figure out what games can you do that people want to buy and the name make it your own start with the name of the actual book as if you are an author of a printable book for kids a printable sheet a learning sheet a learning book an educational bundle for kids and start with that you will need to use several times the words printable digital downloads educational education book learning sheets or homeschooling all of these are amazing words that can be involved within the title of the name however when you look at the title of the name that you've created try to see around three or four key phrases within that name that repeats themselves and then those three key phrases other than being on your tags will also be showing up in your description moving on to the description there are several things that are important that you will have in your description the first thing is telling people what the product is introducing it to them imagine that i'm sitting in front of my friend and she tells me you know what may i'm looking for an educational printable for my child to learn the alphabet and she can't see my screen but i'm opening my laptop and i'm opening etsy and i found an awesome listing and i found this really really cool printable educational book for the alphabet and i'm telling her what it is i'm describing to her that i found a 26-page educational printable learning book to learn the alphabet with trace lettering of all the letters of the alphabet capitalized and not capitalized as well as some coloring elements with words that begin in that alphabet letter for each and every page these are black and white pages that she can simply download and print at home what i just described to her is exactly how you're going to start your description for your listing on etsy and right after that description you're going to make a mark a note a very big one that there is no physical product nothing physical is going to be shipped to that person this is a digital download item that people can download and print at home you'll also be mentioning under that the exact file type that people are getting the size of it and the amount so for example if i would have done the entire alphabet and download everything on a pdf on a4 size so i have one pdf a4 size with all of these pages the number of pages that you've done whether they're 10 26 or 50. right under that you're going to write some extra words about why this product is good who is it good for is it for preschoolers is it for first grade second grade is it for people learning english as a second language or as a first emphasize what this product can do for someone's child or for a grown-up if they're learning a very late age english as a second language if you're doing a game resembling to what i did in the second educational sheet when i was talking about you know you have to circle the correct number give out instructions to the parents who are printing it out for their kid to know what is the goal of this educational game make sure that people understand how to use this what they're getting the fact that they're getting a digital download item and how is this beneficial for the child if you can create any of these pages in a custom manner make sure to note that as well as well as note other different products that might relate to this specific product so for example if i have done all of this alphabet educational sheet with the tracing of the letters and the coloring i could also say there is another listing that goes along with it with number trace writing and i'll give a link to that listing wrap all of this description with a simple thank you for having a look at my listing as well as letting them know that they can contact you through etsy at any time should they have any questions right under that we have the tags and i know that a lot of people are using services like e-rank or marmaly to basically know what tags to be using for their etsy listings and i think that for the majority of these you pretty much have the same tag because these are printable learning sheets these are educational printables this is an educational game this is homeschooling sheets homeschooling printables and all these different types of tags but you'll also have tags that will be more specific to the actual product for example circle game preschool educational game printable preschool stuff like that for the second type of design that i did for the first type alphabet tracing a to z tracing game tracing printable learn how to write handwriting printable handwriting game handwriting assistance and just try to really describe the big category within your tags which is you know printable educational sheets learning sheets printable pages printable pdf educational book for kids put that in as the biggest categories with several tags but also several tags that describe the exact product right at the bottom of everything we're doing on etsy there is this part that is the hardest for most of the etsy sellers that i spoke with and that's the price and the thing is i'm not going to tell you how to price your items i'm not going to tell you hey you worked really hard on that take 25 for that printable book because if you're a new seller if you don't have any reviews if people don't already trust you why would someone pay 25 on that book when they can get it for five from a different seller with more reviews so the first thing that i will tell you to do is do marketing research find people who sell something similar to your item and see how much they're pricing it with my own personal way of pricing things online is look at your other competitors look what the best competitors in your field are selling how much they're pricing their items make an average of that so let's say i found that the majority of people who are selling this alphabet tracing coloring printable educational book sell it for five dollars let's say that's the average what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take that average amount add 30 percent to it but go to my etsy store to my dashboard to my promotions and marketings and add a sale so that if people purchase three items from my shop or more they get 30 off and in that method it's really good for getting started because you'll have more people purchasing more listings and they might want to purchase something from you knowing that they'll get a discount if they purchase several things because i don't know any kindergarten teacher or homeschooling parent that only needs one educational printable for their kid they never need anything else it just doesn't exist so make sure to capitalize on that by adding sales for volumes i do hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and i was kind of conflicted if to make this tutorial using canva or using clip studio paint or actually using procreate because i have been getting a lot better with my procreate skills and i love using clip studio paint to doing a lot of things but i really wanted that this concept will be accessible to the majority of you and i know that the majority of you are using canva if you want me to make other tutorials like let's say how to make critical greeting cards using procreate how to make printable wall art using procreate how to make seamless patterns using procreate how to make printable cards or planner sheets using clip studio paint if you have any other kinds of tutorials that you want me to use more appropriate or clip studio paint please let me know in the comment section down below you can also let me know if you have more types of printables on etsy that you want me to make a tutorial for or if you want me to investigate further on methods to sell digital downloads online not on etsy we've had a video about that several days ago i think it reached an amazing amount of views in a very short amount of time i'm starting to understand that a lot of people don't want to use etsy and please let me know if there is a specific specific method website platform that you want to be selling your digital downloads on and need to make a tutorial on that isn't etsy and yes i'm pretty sure pay hip is going to be one of them i'm obsessed with pay hip and i'm sure going to make a little bit more tutorials on pay hip in the coming months and we'll be seeing you guys on thursday the 23rd for a shop review video and i still have not decided what kind of shops i will be reviewing but you can still participate there is a link down below in the description for a google form where you can go in and anonymously submit your shops those could be shops on etsy pay hip shopify redbubble society6 wherever it is that you're selling your print on man or printable items and i know that a lot of people have been mentioning the fact that i don't do a lot of shop reviews and that is going to change in q4 starting october with shop review videos on a weekly basis on saturday that 25th i am all here to talk about canva image effect because there are so many image effects that can be used for both print on a man or for printables including how to delete a background and using the deletion manual tool that is available on canva i know a lot of people don't know that you can actually manually delete stuff on canva but it is pretty pretty awesome and on the 27th and 29th we have product review videos though they might switch up at the last minute to different type of reviews based on the videos that you will ask me guys to make you because q4 as i said is gonna be incredibly different and we'll be talking about the schedule for q4 when i'll make the first video of q4 on october 1st with my goals for september have i met them what are my entire goals for the last three months of 2021 aka q4 in order to reach this stable platform my stability for 2022 with passive income and with that being said that was it from me for today i would like to thank you all so much for watching and as usual i'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Mey Aroyo
Views: 3,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mey aroyo, how to sell printables on etsy, how to design printables for etsy, how to make money with etsy 2021, how to sell digital downloads, printable educational games for kids, how to design printables for kids, etsy digital download business ideas, maya mey arroyo, what to sell on etsy, educational homeschooling sheets for kids to sell, sell homeschooling printables for kids, etsy printables canva tutorial, make printables with canva
Id: c5YVMBdugRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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