How I Made 70K+ Selling Printable Wall Art on Etsy - Passive Income Tutorial 2021

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all right so 72 732 uh and 30 cents so in the span of um 2020 hey guys so today i want to tell you how i made over 70k passive income selling on etsy and i want to share with you this story because i think it's super cool and i think you can find some areas where you can relate to and besides the story i'm going to share with you which niche i went into how i approached it as a brand new shop also my top essential skills that i think is one of the most important things that you can do you know prepping yourself before you starting a shop to make it truly successful so the story i'm about to share with you correlates to how i was able to make my shop successful and become a full-time etsy seller so make sure to stay to the end of the video so before we get started please subscribe i make videos once a week and it covers everything from etsy selling to print on demand but overall it's about e-commerce and mainly selling on etsy all right so everything started five years ago at that time i was already a certified electrician working a nine-to-five job i was making pretty good money and i was slowly moving up but like to be honest i wasn't fully into it and the reason why i got into that is because my mom she was a single parent and it was a way for me to help support her i wasn't fully sure exactly what i wanted to do after high school even though i was doing really well but my passion wasn't for it and i found myself doing painting and doing graphic design throughout my apprenticeship and it was just a side thing that i always did that was it was a hobby for me but for me at that time i didn't feel like art or just anything else was possible other than just a normal nine-to-five job and at that point i was already doing really well in my electoral career as i was mid-20s i had my own place you know i had bills to pay the thought of going back and doing art or graphic design was just really hard to do because the ways i would be paid as a graphic designer pretty much be like minimum wage starting and it's really hard to start from paying super high and to just go all the way down and start from the bottom again and i'm sure a lot of you guys kind of understand how that feels and when you're trapped in a career path right but at some point you know i finally had enough and i took the leap of faith and i quit my nine to five and applied for a graphic design school and like i was super appreciated on my mom for supporting me through this like it's okay son i got this you know you go pursue what you need to do so to this day i'm still very grateful for for everything she's done for me so fast forward during my schooling one of the other students was telling me about people selling on etsy selling printable wall art and at that point i would generally understand what it meant i was like wait someone would just go on etsy and then just buy a file and then they would print it themselves and at that time i didn't really fully understand it but the idea of it really intrigued me so later that night i went back home did all this research like whoa this is you know it's crazy i can actually see the numbers of all the different shops really see all the sales they're making you can track them you can just refresh your page and every time you get a sale you can you can see them right when i saw that it really clicked like whoa like kind of gain that financial freedom create that passive income as well so the next day went back to my other classmates i was like yo this is crazy you know we gotta we gotta pursue this right and a lot of them thought it was cool but their their mindset was like oh it's you know it's been done people doing already it's not a new idea so they're already too late to try so by that time i was so intrigued by like i couldn't even focus on schooling anymore right my mind was just off to this new idea and but everyone else was still focused on school and obviously my grades started to drop a little bit even though i was one of the top students in class and my teachers were like hey brandon like why is your work slipping right what are you doing you know we can tell you're not really paying attention in class anymore because during class i was just researching everything about sc you know i would still do my work but at night i would i started creating some prints i started creating my etsy shop and my goal was to because i had like one month left before my program ended and i was like okay my goal is to get one cell one legit sale from etsy and that would just give me like confidence but hey you know what i can do this and by the end in the last two days before i graduate i swear to you like i got my my first sale and like i couldn't explain how how happy i felt um the joy that was just like in me like i was like this can't be real you know this has to be someone i knew like i told him i told people about it you know but i realized you know he was home from like somewhere somewhere city in the states and i was like this is a real sale though i couldn't describe how great it felt and i was okay cool like now i can really see the potential even though you know i told some people that hey i want sale i don't know how much did you make and i was like oh you know seven dollars 7.99 you know minus some of the etsy fees oh that's not that much right oh you can't make a living out of that you know you may want to sell in like a month you know so there's going to be people like that that will tell you you can't do it and how you know you're making so little per se or or so inconsistent you know how can you actually make a living out of it but for me i just always thought back to the other people that are doing it and i can see that they are making this full-time job so that was always in my head and it motivated me that i can do it as well as long as i put in the work so after graduation i had to actually find a job because i only had that one sale i can't really make a living out of it right so i did end up working at a print shop they created custom shop signs for like commercial buildings and stuff with neon lights or leds i would supposed to create these these signs for them but eventually they had me installing the science because they found that i was electrician right so then i was like hey like i'm getting paid like minimum wage to actually do electrical work when in my old previous electrical work i was paying at least four times as much for this so you know that was that's a whole lot of story and it was really terrible because it just wasn't fair to me for what i was actually doing for them and that motivated me to keep doing this etsy thing so a day i was helping them out but at night i was working every night trying to keep creating new listings keep making more designs and eventually hoping that it can create more of an income than my actual day job so i continue to work there for next couple months each day each week you know i would slowly see one or two more sales each week in my etsy shop you know i would see more traffic i would i would see more growth in general until one day on my phone i was like whoa like today i'm actually making more money than i did during my day job but that was when it really clicked i was like whoa this is all remote work that i'm doing on my etsy shop right i can be anywhere because i was doing a lot of it even at my normal day job i got to stop working this job i quit so i ended up quitting i realized that yeah this is remote work i can actually travel if i wanted to i mean this was you know back in 2017 2018 so i was able to to travel and then i ended up traveling for a year and a half i was traveling and i was working on my etsy shop you know i was in bali thailand vietnam other places in southeast asia and then went to south america uh you know went to colombia and bolivia and and just yet full year and a half i'll try to share some pictures somewhere here but it was it was truly amazing and i was very grateful for the whole experience and the reason why i'm telling you all this right now is because i want to share with you that this is very possible for for you to do someone from me that was a normal kind of five worker that just had like sort of a dream and seeing the possibilities of what it can be i think it's truly possible for you as well and i hope it kind of help inspires you to try to just take that first step and to create your own shop and to just don't quit now i can tell you some of my core fundamental tips that kind of jump started this whole process for me and i've created multiple etsy shops now i kind of have this similar strategy as i go through them and hopefully i can share them with you right now so tip number one is be self aware of your skill set and what your strengths are as i mentioned previously i was always into art you know i was always into design so for me to jump into that niche where i created printable water just made sense for me you should pick the niche that you most enjoy and most passionate about and just apply the same strategies number two is pick a niche that is proven to sell the last thing you want to do is putting all this effort into starting a shop and realize that the product itself is just no it just doesn't work the audience is telling you no this is not a product that we were looking for and i'm not saying for anyone to start a business you have to do something that's been done you know there are a lot of great ideas you can do but in terms of you're starting out as a beginner that's someone the last thing that you want to bank on right unless you're hella confident about this this new idea you got but generally you there's so much other things you need to learn when you first start a shop that you want to have a niche that's been proven and then all you got to do is just learn everything else to kind of make that happen so number three is pick a few shops that you admire and that you want to model and this kind of plays off of the rule number two that you can find these shops and you know they're successful so all you gotta do is kind of look through everything okay cool they're doing photos like this they're doing their descriptions they're doing their titles similar to these formats and if i create my store similar to how they're doing it you know the chances are you know mine will succeed okay so number four i think this one's just really important that no one really talks about is to learn basic photoshop and photography skills more importantly for photoshop and i was fortunate enough that in my niche photoshop was just something i used to create my actual products and it wasn't something just for the photography part for anyone that's doing a niche that's not using graphic design or anything it's very vital to use it because when you display your shop everyone looks at how good your photography is everyone looks at how good your branding is and if you just know a little bit about color correction and just how to crop things properly and certain manipulation skills that you can really create good visual for your branding it just elevates your your shop just tenfold you know i've i mentor other sellers the number one thing i always tell them is you know you can focus all you want on their products and i'm sure it's great but the one that will actually sell is not how great your actual product is but how good your branding is and how much people would trust you because if they can see that your branding is on point they can see that everything is just nicely cropped everything's nicely color corrected they they know that you know you put so much time in the branding your product is guaranteed to be good for the most part it's going to be really good as if you really put in the little details in your whole shop so that's my recommendation is just to you know spend an hour a day or or less if you want but just watch a photoshop video you know just look at beginner photoshop videos and and this is something that regardless if it's for this one shop it just will help you out for your rest of your life if you want to do anything and and photoshop was just one of the best tools to learn and if you already have questions about photoshop or anything you want to do just put it down in comments below and i will try to create videos for you so for my last essential tip i want to share with you is don't quit so like i mentioned before you know you find the competitors you know that they're doing it well you can see when it started you can see how many sales are making a day and that itself can if you just keep thinking about that you know that'll keep you focused so keep you motivated and i know sometimes when you first start it can be really slow like like i said you know when i first started it took me a couple months to really start getting momentum and getting enough sales and you just need to be patient because it takes a long time and most people right before they're about to like break open to that growth they quit right before that point it's just it's weird but that's just how it goes like you know you'll be stagnant for a long time and that's just how it is and they'll just but you know what i had enough but if they just pushed it a little bit longer they would have started seeing that that growth and and it would have been totally different for them so you know that's something i'm gonna tell you you know it's just don't quit just believe in yourself you know keep improving keeping better you know your photoshop skills and all these different things like just start just start doing it and then eventually you can improve them and get better and better at it so there are my five essential tips hopefully you enjoyed my my stories and hopefully these tips will help you in this journey if you're new or just starting so let me know if you have any questions you know put in the comments down below if you like the video give it a thumbs up and yeah you know i try and create videos once a week now so so stay tuned subscribe i'll talk to you soon bye
Channel: Brandon Timothy
Views: 139,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art selling websites, how to sell art online, etsy digital products, selling printables on etsy, etsy passive income, sell digital products, art printables on etsy course, printable wall art, make money online 2021, how to sell your art on etsy, how to sell digital products online, sell digital products online, selling digital products online, sell digital products on etsy, digital products to sell on etsy, etsy digital product ideas, selling art online, sell art online
Id: vzrPkj1Nsz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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