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howdy this is Paul from coach photography and I know you can't see me but I assure you I'm I'm right here so today I wanted to talk about a website that I use called fine art America there's a lot of social media platforms like Twitter Instagram Facebook you know making your own website a lot of that stuff is good and you should do it oh yeah and of course YouTube fine art America is a good one though I think it's lesser-known about I guess you know somebody told me about it my friend mark told me about it and he's the one that helped me with my original website and he got me on this too which is pretty cool so what's cool about fine art America is that you can upload your photography and it's a great place to store it it's kind of like a Facebook page where there's a community and there's other profiles of other artists you can look at other people's stuff but it's set up like a storefront so what this is it's basically if you don't have a website you would you can do this and you wouldn't have to spend any money on a URL obviously you have to kind of go with whatever they're doing but for selling prints and stuff of either drawings or paintings or in my case photography you know they'll make you prints they'll do canvas metal framed acrylic throw pillows phone cases yoga mats greeting cards they basically are print-on-demand service for photography that they make available to anybody on the internet so I clicked on this guy's kind of cool he does like Lego pictures and you know you could buy a canvas print of this you know that's 40 inches by 30 inches and you know put it if put it in your room or whatever that's pretty cool I don't think I'm gonna get it but it's but but it's pretty cool so obviously this is my account and I do wildlife so I don't I don't have any cool Lego shots but it's given me a lot of good ideas actually so you know like I just uploaded this photograph it's a great horned owl that I saw and same deal so if you were to go onto my finder in America you could purchase something like that and you know I kind of like these canvas things are pretty cool because there's no glass and you don't need to buy a frame they're already kind of like good to go so what's cool is I get to pick the mark-up on it so for each item and that includes prints you know I can decide how much money I get from the sale of course there's going to be costs for them to make this and that's the beauty of this you don't have to do anything you just upload the image somebody wants to buy it of course you know fine art America is going to get you know the covering costs in a profit but you get to decide how much the markup for you is so you could say I want $5 for this every time this photograph sells I want $5 for it you can do that you could say I want $100 for it and if you're good enough and enough people want to buy your stuff and they're willing to pay it they'll you could get $100 if you wanted to I don't price mind that high because I don't think anybody would buy buy it in such a ridiculous price so my markup is a lot lower it's like more under it's like in nothing is over $5 on the markup which is actually kind of high too but you know that's up to you it gives you a choice you know so obviously you're not doing any of the work so being able to set your own markup is really cool especially if you know you don't have the time or the energy or the money to set up your own business this is a really good way to get your stuff in an organized place where you can just show people more of it's more about networking with other artists and showing off your stuff than it is really about selling stuff but there's that option to sell so what's cool is to of course it being on the internet you can see where in the world people are looking at your stuff which is awesome so my last visitor was from Michigan you know this one was from Beverly Hills I get them from France and Germany and stuff like that so it shows you where in the world somebody looked at your photograph so this guy in Ottawa could like look at this picture of a coyote I did and decide oh man I like this I'm gonna buy it you know so that's cool so it makes your stuff available for purchase for people around the world so that's cool because that's what you want to do when you create are you want people to see it so if that's the way they want to see it then they can if they just want to look at it as a on your profile and say oh that's kind of neat look what this guy does that's good too so it's not necessarily about making money but it's set up to earn money what's cool about fine art America as well is that it's integrated with you can integrate it with Twitter or Facebook so I now just use Twitter a hundred percent for my fine art America I like uploads so every time I upload a photo it automatically does it to Twitter so I don't even ever have to go on Twitter it just says new artwork for sale Bobcat and then you know that's kind of cool it's a Twitter's another forum there that I'm actually kind of new with but I kind of like it a lot so I kind of want to try to see how how well I can do with Twitter as far as getting just getting your stuff out there so when it comes to this digital media stuff especially on the Internet you don't just use one social media tool it's kind of an integration of all of them so you know again with the Twitter Instagram you know website Facebook fine art America patreon you you tie all these things together and you know it's kind of a collective effort there so my fine art America is integrated with my personal website I'll show you guys what that looks like real quick I'll probably do a separate video on the website itself this is one I paid a URL for and you know it's kind of cool there's different things you should do with it and you can get to the fine art America through there as well so what you want is as many pathways as you can for people to get and see your content and that's what it's all about so up here I have these short icons for Facebook Twitter Instagram email and of course YouTube which is cool so this is all on my website so some you never know how people are going to find you but these are all you know good way to get going and it takes time and work to get all these you know profile started and putting stuff out there it took me a while to get to the point where I have all these different apps and you know platforms that I use to you know show off my work well alright I'm going to cut this video short thanks for paying attention you know check out fine art America I'll put a link below if even if you just do paintings or you do photography you know check it out it's a great way to organize your work and showcase it you know at least have it in a digital format so you can show somebody on your phone someday if they're curious about your work or something like that it never hurts to have a place that have a collection so I'm gonna put a link below for the website so you can make their own profile and go ahead and like and subscribe to this video as well and you know check out the website as well if you want every links for everything are there it's how much photography calm and have a nice day all right bye
Channel: Comish Photography
Views: 3,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fineartamerica, comishphotography, photographytips, selfpromotion, wildlifephotography, sellyourart, wildlife, amaturephotography, ONLINESHOP
Id: CG80-n9vuf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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