Create & Sell Digital Products EASILY | How to ACTUALLY create and sell your digital products

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last week i took you through seven different types of digital products that you can create to sell and make passive income and do the darn thing in your business in your brand etc etc etc and today i want to talk to you about how you actually create them and how you actually sell them so it's not enough to just know what they are and which one you want to do but now i'm going to talk about how you actually create them how you actually sell them and how you actually get people to buy them let's go [Music] so hello welcome back thank you for being here if this were to be the first time that you are finding me my name is jessica stansberry and i am here to help you work less live more and make mo money because that is what i am about so if you're like oh girl yes let me learn more about that then make sure you hit subscribe so you don't miss any other tips and tricks each week here on this channel ah i just noticed that my tongue is really red i ate a red jolly rancher right before i started filming so if you're wondering that's what's going on there before we get started i want to mention again about the digital product blueprint that i have created for you it is literally a blueprint on how to create and sell digital products so if that is something you want to learn more about after watching this video definitely go grab that i will put the link across the screen right here as well as below in the description but just head over to digi product blueprint to grab that so one of the very first videos that i put out here on youtube was called how to create and sell digital products and i mentioned in last week's video that kind of blew up without me knowing it and it was something that got a ton of views for a really long time and i filmed it in 2016. so i feel like we need an updated version of this and an updated version of jessica's brain on this too because i was very new to creating digital products at that point and now we're several years in to creating them pretty consistently and i can give you a little bit better of advice okay so the first thing i want you to think about is what type of digital product do you actually want to sell now you can reference last week's video all about seven different types of digital products that you can sell and kind of go through those and see what fits your needs best but you first need to determine which one of these digital products you actually want to sell now i want to talk about like how you make that decision how do you come to the point where you're like i want to make an e-book or i want to make a workbook or whatever and essentially it's not that hard basically you need to figure out what your client or customer or your ideal client or customer the person you want to buy this thing from you what they're struggling with that you can help them with what they're struggling with that you have a solution for okay so what are they having issues with that you have the answer to their problem y'all this lighting in here is a partly cloudy day and i know better than to film on a partly cloudy day because it gets cloudy and then sunny and cloudy and sunny but y'all are just gonna have to be okay with it okay so once you kind of figure out what they need help with and how you can help them with that what kind of solutions you have to give them then you can kind of see you can use process of elimination on the different types of digital products that there are to create and say you know that solution can't really be delivered in that way that that solution can't really be delivered in that way um this way might work this way might work etc etc so again all the ways that i talked about last week are applicable so we've got ebooks workbooks digital planners journals that kind of thing templates for systems and programs printables digital art and sweat files are everything i covered last week and there are some more that i have listed out in that blueprint that i mentioned in the beginning and that i have linked below in the description but essentially use process of elimination okay you know i need to give them this and it won't like i can't deliver them that in this format okay we don't need to do that then get in the mind of your client or customer and say okay how would they best like to receive this information of these choices would they like to just have a swot file where i give them copy and they can copy and paste it into whatever they want would they like to have a template would they like to have a workbook or an ebook how would they prefer to get that information and if you have any type of audience already established ask them go on instagram stories and do a poll go here on youtube in the community tab and ask them a question you can ask them things like don't feel like you can't ask your audience for their feedback if you don't already have an audience and you want to know you know which one would be best go find one or two people who fit your ideal client avatar and who have the same problem and go ask them say okay i know that you have this problem and i want to create a resource to help you solve that problem which one of these is best so you've got to figure out what is going to work best as a digital product to solve the problem you're trying to solve so that's the first step is really figuring out what you're going to create right and what you're going to sell the second step to this is how do you actually create it right every different type of i can't stop looking at my tongue now every different type of digital product is going to have a different way you can create it in a different way you can sell it and every person is going to have a different preference for how they're going to create and sell okay so i'm going to name off some things you can use to create your digital product but don't think it's exhaustive or that it's the only thing you can use and don't feel like you know because i said you need to use or because i said like this was an option and i didn't mention this thing that does it very similarly that you can't use that thing that you like better i'll explain more in a minute but everything's going to have multiple ways to get it done and i'm going to be as simplistic as i possibly can and point you in the easiest ways to do it but that doesn't mean you can't do it a different way so i'm going to start kind of at the easiest and go go to kind of the hardest i guess would be how we're going to do this as far as how to create them so when you have something that's text based like a swipe file for copy or a ebook or a workbook do not make this harder than it has to be you can create it in a google doc download it as a pdf and give it to them that way you can create it in a google doc and send them the link to make their own copy and sell it that way you do not have to over complicate this so if you're wanting to make an ebook or a workbook or swap files or something that is text based don't hesitate to use the easiest tool you have at your disposal which is basically google docs now you might want to for like a workbook or an ebook you might want to have a graphic created or you might want to create a graphic for the cover or something like that but don't feel like you have to go too over complicated the importance here is the information that you're giving it's not how beautiful it is that you when you deliver it now i'm not negating that beauty is worth a lot with these types of things that you should like completely ignore the looks of something absolutely not but if you you know are just wanting to get started and the looks of something is going to hold you back then don't let it hold you back um create it in google docs sell it and go on about your day okay so text based you want to start on something like google docs if you are familiar with canva you can also use something like canva then you could also if you want to uplevel even more from that there's like adobe indesign so if that is something you're familiar with you can use it but if you're not familiar with it don't think that that's what you have to use to get it done use google docs okay and that leads me to kind of my next step here if you're creating something that is graphics based so you're creating digital art you're creating downloadables that are for graphics you're creating templates that are for graphics you're creating anything like that do not make it hard don't make it hard use canva or some other type of similar solution you don't have to you know hire a graphic designer you don't have to use photoshop you don't have to use illustrator you don't have to use any of that you can absolutely use a simple system like canva to create the graphics that you need to create to get that digital product out into the world you'll notice a theme here guys i do not believe in over complicating anything and this is probably one of the biggest changes um for me as i've created and sold digital products for several years now is that in the past i was really stuck on this is the best way to do it this is the best way to do it this is the best way to do it and i had to do it that way even if it took me 10 000 times longer and i don't believe that way at all anymore i honestly think that done is better than perfect getting the information and things in the hands of the people is better than holding on to it because you don't have the money to hire that person to create it for you when we have all these tools at our disposal to create them ourselves so if you're creating any kind of graphics like i say downloadable art templates of any kind that are graphic based et cetera et cetera you'll want to use something like canva and canva is really freaking easy i'm someone who literally started her business because i loved photoshop and because i loved creating things in photoshop and it took me a really long time to kind of get on the canva train because i was like oh i don't have the same like abilities and capabilities and things like that but i love canva now as a user and so don't over complicate it and think you have to teach yourself all these new systems use what's there and what works now if you're creating something that is a template for a software then you would obviously create that template in that software so if it's a photoshop template you're going to want to create it in photoshop if it is a click up template then you're going to want to create it and click up if it's a trello board you're going to want to create it in trello if it is a canva specific template you're going to want to create it in canva so the template part is kind of easy like if you want to create a template then you already know what system you need to use to create that with so that kind of thing is kind of self-explanatory [Music] so that really breaks down how to create the things that you want to sell digitally and if i didn't specifically list off like the thing you're thinking of i tried to make it where if it's text based use this if it's graphic space use this if it's template based use the system you're creating it for and honestly there's not much else above that if you're creating stock photos which might be one of the options then obviously you would create that with your camera so do not over complicate this get it done however you need to get it done get it done people aren't going to care near as much about the perfection of it as they are about the actual use of it in their journey in whatever they're trying to use it for so take my digital planners for instance we create all of the digital planners that hey jessica in indesign i but i like literally hailed from the world of indesign my college career was putting things in indesign um in photoshop and adobe systems and i've used them my entire life well since college anyway so of course that was the system i used when i went to build out my digital planners but i know tons of successful digital planner sellers who create their digital planners in keynote now i don't know how i assume you can link up the tabs in keynote just the same as you can in indesign but nonetheless obviously it's easier do what's easier there are people who are making six figures selling the same digital planners or similar digital planners to me and they're creating them in keynote get it done you could also probably create a digital planner or a digital workbook or a digital notebook or anything in that category in canva don't over complicate this okay so after you've figured out what you actually want to sell how you're going to provide a solution to a person and you figured out how to create that thing third you need to figure out how to actually get it in the hands of the person buying it and now this is also another way where i have realized through the years that easier is better do what works for you in the situation you're in right now you can change it later you can upgrade it later you can do all the things later okay so how how do you actually sell these digital products because they're digital you obviously have to have a system that's going to allow for the person to be able to purchase and then get a download link or purchase and get a clickable link or something like that to take them to what they just purchased so there's gonna be basically two different ways you're gonna deliver digital products one is that after purchase they actually get the download link like they get a button that says download this file like you know download your stock photos download your art download your ebook download whatever else you purchased okay they're actually going to get a button that says download and they're going to download it the second option is that you are going to deliver them a link to somewhere after the purchase that is not a direct download link and that could be you know maybe you're creating templates for canva you can't actually download a canva template so you have to send them to the template on the internet or you've created a google doc that is a template for them so you can't actually download that google doc in a way that will allow them to use it so you need to send them to google docs so that's really the two different ways you can deliver these things when you sell them is direct download if it's something that is applicable for that and then linking over to somewhere other than a direct download now both of these options can be delivered at checkout slash after checkout with a system etc etc or they can be delivered via email so the simplest way to sell your digital product and i say simplest as in you don't need to pay for anything more than you're paying now you don't need to you know do anything crazy um i don't necessarily mean simple in setup because it may take you a little bit longer to set this up and a little more google juice but essentially if you want to if you are like i'm gonna do this on a bootstrapping budget i'm gonna do this without a ton of you know like money going to other systems to help me deliver this thing and i don't even have a website yet or whatever you can absolutely embed a paypal button for the amount that your thing costs on a page somewhere on the internet on your own site on a lead page whatever and send people there to purchase and then sync that paypal button to your email marketing system and get them an email on purchase that gives them the download link so when i'm getting ready to list off the ways to actually sell and the programs i'm going to mention if you do not want to use one of these programs if you don't want to spend the money on a program that you don't already have and some of these you may already be paying for then don't like you can absolutely do paypal button link delivered via email it does not have to be hard okay there are systems out there specifically dedicated to delivering digital products now the one i'm going to mention is called send owl this is not sponsored or anything like that it's just the one that i have personally worked with in the past worked with clients on and also have purchased some things that are delivered in that way and it it's good i mean if you don't have your own website if you are trying to sell in a really simple and easy way it's a really great system and it's fairly cheap per month so they have a basics plan that's like nine bucks a month they and then it goes on up to like 24 and 39 dollars a month so if you're selling a 24 thing then if you sell it one time you have paid for the cost of this program and send owl specifically is dedicated to selling and delivering digital products so you're you know that you're like it's actually going to be able to do what you wanted to do because it's literally designed for that now the second option would be to set it up and sell it on your own e-commerce store through something like shopify through something like shopify or wordpress and woocommerce i use woocommerce when i'm selling my digital products now as far as selling courses and things like that i set those up in a different way but i do use woocommerce to sell my digital products and they do have the option if you're using wordpress already self-hosted wordpress to install woocommerce and sell digitally all day long without any added fees per month and if you were to already have a shopify site or something like that you could also set up selling digital products on your shopify site the third option that i want to mention and this one is probably if i was gonna say start somewhere if you're not big on tech if you really want a simple out of the box system if you really want to be able to get traffic to your digital products without you having to do a ton of work right now these are the options that i would probably tell you to do okay and you can couple these options with any of the other options we're going to talk about as well so let me explain we've all heard of etsy right etsy was predominantly a physical product site until a few years ago when they added the option to sell digital products so if you have some type of digital product or if you have a suite of digital products you can absolutely set it up on etsy to sell it that way now etsy's going to take more fees from you and he's going to charge you know per transaction and etsy does charge you to list things in your store but in addition to that they also have their own vat of traffic that is coming over all the time so it could be a really great place to start if you don't have a ton of traffic on your own side if you don't have a site set up yet that kind of thing you can use etsy now creative market is very very similar it's just that it is generally more templates and things that people can use um in that way rather than something like a workbook or whatever so on creative market you're probably not going to want to sell an ebook or information but you can sell templates and things like that really easily over there and it's set up in the same way that etsy is so when i said you could kind of couple this i do this on etsy with my digital planners so i never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever send somebody personally to my etsy store why because i can't collect their email address on purchase because etsy is taking more fees out of that transaction than if they just buy through my site and because there's a lot of other reasons but now i'm not personally going to send somebody to etsy to purchase them because i'd rather than purchase them on my site but you can al you can kind of use these in an intertwined way to kind of take advantage of the etsy traffic but also use your own as well okay the last way i'm going to talk about selling your digital products is more of an intricate way and it's definitely more of a way that you're going to explore after you've done this a little bit more than just getting started and that is in a funnel now you can use a system like leadpages you can use a system like clickfunnels i have my funnels in a way where my sales pages are built on my own site and then when they check out it they check out through thrive cart and so my funnels are technically built through thrive cart but selling digital products in a funnel can increase the cart value of every transaction let me give you an example i have talked a little bit about this before but i sell my i sell a digital planning starter pack in a funnel in a bundle and essentially it's not available on my site just to go purchase you have to go through the funnel to purchase it which essentially just means going through like a whole sales page to purchase and there's a whole checkout process rather than being able to like add it to a cart if that makes sense so the reason i do that with that specific thing is that i wanted to be able to not only sell this digital planning starter pack but also then upsell people and increase my cart value with every possible sale by giving them other things they need besides this digital planner so for me i specifically wanted to kind of filter out like on purchase filter out the people who are entrepreneurs buying this and the people who are not and the reason is i don't have anything else to sell those people who are not and i love them and i'm glad they're there and yay for them and i'm glad they got their digital planner but like i don't have anything else to sell them because i teach entrepreneurs this digital planner thing for me kind of happened on accident and it's a massive arm of my business that i don't want to just cut off right so this was a way for me to say i'm going to sell these i'm going to make money and i'm going to use it as a way to say okay if they bought any of these things on purchase through my funnel they're entrepreneurs if they didn't they're not so if i was wanting to be the planner girl right then in my funnel i might sell them a this 27 digital planning starter pack or 24 digital planning starter pack and then on checkout i could have them check a box for seven dollars for an extra sheet of stickers or a hundred extra stickers or something like that then they would also get an offer before they check out for maybe like seven more planner layouts i don't know i'm just throwing things at the wall right now but essentially i'm selling it in a funnel so that i can increase the cart value okay so if you have something a digital product that you're ready to take to the next level the funnel is the next level you can set that up it's a little more intricate but you can set it up with systems like i say like click funnels lead pages i have mine with my own wordpress site as the sales page linked to thrive cart but you can set this up in a ton of different ways and this can really help you turn your digital product into something that grows your email list into something that you can run ads to into something that makes you more than just that small digital product cost so this was actually a longer video than i had planned but i really wanted to go in depth with how you sell them how you create them so that you didn't have any questions when you left when you leave this video i really want you to be able to go take action so what i want you to do is one if you've not downloaded the digital product blueprint i want you to go do that the link is in the description below or you can go to forward slash digi product blueprint and that will help also get you started in addition to everything you learned today but two if you have any other questions about digital products in any way leave them in the comments below so i can see where there might be holes in what i've been teaching you and i can hopefully bring you more videos in the future to help you do the dern thing and do not forget that if you loved this video make sure to hit subscribe and don't forget to hit the bell so you are notified every single time your girl jessica here drops a new video which is like every week on tuesday at 11 a.m eastern standard time nope at 10 a.m eastern standard time bye y'all
Channel: Jessica Stansberry
Views: 58,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create and sell digital products, how to create and sell digital products, digital products, how to create digital products, how to sell digital products, digital products to sell, digital products on etsy, how to sell digital products on etsy, how to make passive income online, passive income 2020, passive income ideas, digital product tutorial, digital product ideas, digital products to sell online, digital downloads, selling digital downloads on etsy
Id: pbMAxL3xtSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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