Garlic Mashed Potatoes | Chef Jean-Pierre

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hi there everyone welcome to the channel i'm making a beautiful garlic mashed potatoes stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to make the best garlic mashed potato you've ever made in your life it's wonderful remember you like the channel gives us a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to ring the bells stay tuned we're going to show you how to do it hello folks today i'm making one of my favorite things to eat in the world mashed potatoes i love mashed potatoes you're going gonna love my mashed potato i promise you first let me tell you what i'm using i'm using a yukon gold potatoes yukon gold potatoes is uh is very easy to get usually it's kind of like goldenish golden in color yellowish in color they absorb a lot of dairy which is what i love because i put butter surprise yeah butter so a lot of butter you'll see this but it's delicious so golden potatoes if you can get them if you can't get them get a good baking potato still be delicious okay so what i do is i cut them in not not so small pieces big pieces so they don't absorb any more water than they have to i put them in there that's a simple way to make a mashed potato where you can bake them you can do all kinds of different things but this is a simple way so what i do is i put garlic in there and you notice look the garlic that i put is soft because they poach in the same time it takes about 30 minutes 45 minutes for the potato to cook and become tender and the garlic by then is nice and creamy and tender as well and i'm gonna process them in the potato rice that's the secret we're gonna do it together all right so the potatoes are tender fork tender you know they fork tender they cook right so now what we're gonna do we're gonna drain him we're gonna take him to the sink we're gonna drain him and then we're gonna process them with butter you watch let me just drain them friends right there now it's very important it's very important that we really really take the time to let them drain they got to drain drain drain drained rain so don't be afraid if you have a couple of extra minutes really important then the shake shake shake shake shake shake so there's no water in there and what i'm gonna do friends i am now gonna put them through the potato rice this is the tool you need to get if you don't have one of those you can get a a food meal you know like your grandmother used to use the food meal great you can use that also it's great for tomatoes it's great for other vegetables to puree vegetables make vegetable soup that's that's before they add an immersion blender which brings me to something important friends don't be using a machine to make mashed potatoes i don't want you to use a blender i don't want you to use a mixer anything because it aggravates the starch and it makes them gummy have you ever had gummy mashed potatoes oh yeah i bought them they got me i don't like a gummy mashed potato i like a nice creamy soft velvety mashed potato that's where that's going to be so now let me show you remember what i tell you all the time friends texture is a conductor of flavor this is the perfect demonstrations of what i say all the time texture is a conductor of flavor all right so here's the exercise i want you to i want you to educate your palate okay for those of you that are new to the channel this is not like tic-tac-tock okay when they do like a a two-second two-minute recipe one-minute recipe they don't explain nothing i plan on teaching you guys how to do how to become great cooks and the things that are important is texture is a conductor of liver here's a demonstration of it i want you to when you do this put this in your mouth and then put this in your mouth and if you think then this chunk of potato that is too hot i'm burning my fingers this chunk of potato tastes the same as this potato idea you're mistaken think about that on your tongue remember it's all about the tongue yeah it's all about the tongue imagine this on your tongue versus this on your tongue if you think it tastes the same it doesn't i promise you all right so we're going to continue doing it we are changing the texture and the reason why i don't want you to use a machine by the way you see i'm i'm squeezing the garlic in there and you don't even see it how much garlic do you put in it depends how much garlic you like but i promise you then the garlic flavor then the garlic flavor is now very very mild very creamy as garlic roast and as garlic poach it becomes very creamy so if you like a flavor of the garlic but very soft it's the perfect way to do it so i usually put about one cloves of garlic for every one potato so i have six seven potatoes in there and and i'm just putting the potato be careful how much potato you put in is usually based on how many people you're gonna serve of course but right here though those potatoes are really really big ones but i'm gonna make enough we're gonna put in lasagna pan and then look at this you see so if the potatoes have to be fork tender pork tender that means then you can put a fork through it and then you'll know if they work i made a mess didn't i well that's a regular kitchen so here we go folks so now now we are going to finish this mashed potatoes let me make sure see i like this potato rice by the way because you see it it comes apart so it's easy to wash it okay there's nothing in there all right so now what do we do well we clean up a little bit of the mess that i made real quick because you know i like a clean kitchen so i could have put it in there but i like a clean kitchen i can't work in a dirty kitchen i have this thing about having a clean kitchen all right so now what do we do i'm gonna put a little salt a little pepper almost salt and then we're going to put a little butter yes sorry so butter it would be nice if it was a little room temperature and if it's not if your bottle is too cold you want to scrape it see look see the way i'm doing it i'm scraping it because and and don't be afraid now you know somebody says the people always say to me your potatoes are so good how do you make mashed potatoes i i put all butter anything you put on a butter with it you know it's going to be delicious so what do you think i think a little more butter it's not going to hurt anyone okay so now here's what we do friends we take a spatula and we want to be gentle with this okay we want to be gentle we don't want to use a machine you want a gummy mashed potato put a machine in there you'll see what's going to happen you know like when you go to those chain restaurant and you have mashed potatoes they're gummy see it's because they um they use the machine i mean for a restaurant it's not exactly easy when i had my restaurant we had one of those but a big one and we could put in almost a pound of potato in it at one shot it was really really really good otherwise the food meal is great i hope you guys are enjoying this because let me tell you and you know you can make it you can make it uh in advance and you can keep it in a lasagna pan here's what you do you watch i'm gonna do i'm gonna put them in a lasagna pan right now so i want to show you i wanted to show you a smoothie can you guys see right here can we show them the camera right there look look look how smooth that is you see right there friends look at this this is what i'm talking about right there you see now if there is a little bit about a cc look we don't even see any garlic in there you see you don't see garlic right but look how beautiful that is oh baby this is a mashed potato so now i'm going to take a lasagna pen if i have a dinner party and i want to make mashed potato in advance i don't want to be in the kitchen at the last minute right you think there's enough butter in there you know i don't i wouldn't want to make a mashed potato that doesn't have enough butter you could use a little more salt this is almost salt but i tell you it is amazing now that you put the salt in there you could put i mean you can flavor it with different thing but all you need is really butter you know that's the beautiful thing about butter butter is a magic ingredient you know um in in one of the future video we're going to make a clarified butter i'm going to show you how to make it if i about it and also i'm going to show you to make your own butter from scratch how do you make a batter from squash very simple i promise you when you see it you're going to see so if i want to make a mashed potato in advance this is what i do i put it in a lasagna pan just like this you see look put a lasagna pan don't be shy now don't be shy put your nose on your pan fill it up your lasagna pan right fill it up and and what i do to reheat it i put a plastic film on it you're gonna sit oh my god plus the finish is gonna melt no it's not you go in a warm oven like a 250 275 and you leave it there long enough for your potatoes to be hot and i promise you the the plastic does not melt and it keeps them warm if you're more comfortable you know what you do you take a piece of parchment paper and and put butter on a parchment paper and then put it on top of it if you're more comfortable doing that than plastic film and it'll work just as well and you put them in a warm oven and i'm telling you it's nice so you want to make sure it's it's nice i mean you don't want to go crazy but you want to make sure it's nice and pretty i like to take a spatula you see it's a good thing i used to work a drywall not true i can't do it so here we go look i can see the comment oh my goodness we have a chef who used to be a dr a dry waller dry water i don't think that's how you call him but here we go construction working nothing wrong with that let me tell you here we go friends look look look look look now i'm not saying go crazy it's not i don't want you to make a fancy it doesn't have to be fancy but if we're going to do a little bit in advance why not right so we have it right there we're cleaning a spatula we just do a quick little design like this nothing fancy right and then we will put a piece of parchment paper with butter we put it in the oven we keep it warm you could put a little bit of chopped parsley in it if you wanted to just a little bit of chopped parsley a lot a lot of parsley with a with a mashed potato very simple right no nothing fancy here right you take a little piece of liver parsley right there put it right in there and you got yourself a mashed potatoes then i promise you friends it's gonna be delicious very simple here we go garlic mashed potatoes delicious i promise you make it you're gonna love it don't forget if you like the recipe gives us a thumbs up don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification when we get a new video coming up every thursday and don't forget to subscribe we need subscriber thanks a lot for watching we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 275,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef jean pierre, chef jean-pierre, chef jeanpierre, chef jean pierre onion, how to, chef jean pierre onion meme, easy gourmet recipes, mashed potatoes recipe, mashed potato, how to potato, potatoes recipe, home cooking, onyon chef, gourmet cooking, cooking dinner, everyday cooking recipes, how to make, funny chef, fun cooking, how to cook, cooking video, cooking show, bon appetit, easy recipes, best chef on youtube, side dish, mashed potatoes
Id: q_t8CqSPl_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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