How to Make: Homemade Chicken & Dumplings

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[Music] hi welcome to chris cook for you too have i got a great recipe for you today okay so here are the ingredients that we're going to need to make this dish today we're going to be making homemade chicken and dumplings now i know that i have a chicken and dumpling recipe online it's from nine years ago i'm going to revise that because that's for like a lazy pot of chicken and dumplings ones one that you don't make your dumplings in this one is going to be very instructional on how to get your dumplings to come out right and taste very very good every time so let's get started you're going to need chicken i chose chicken thighs and the reason why i've chose chicken thighs is because thighs are juicier if you want to use chicken breasts or whatever you want to use parts on the chicken by all means go ahead and do it but i'm going to do this with chicken thighs now what i'm going to do is i'm going to skin all of the chicken i'm going to take the skin off except for two why am i leaving it on two because the skin has the most flavor just as much as it would be in the chicken thighs and i want to pick up all of that flavor and i want to pick up some of that fat so what we're going to need to complete this pot of chicken is these ingredients that i'm going to show you first now what you can do is you can use some of these ingredients to put in your dumplings but you really don't have to and i'm not going to do that okay here is my chicken thighs sit that to the side to cook my chicken thighs i'm going to use onion powder garlic powder thyme all-time favorite seasoning in the world this is onion soup mix or uh i think it's onion soup yeah you're gonna need some chicken base i'm using chicken base some pepper salt and some butter now i'm going to put in a few chops of celery be probably one stalk and a half of onion i'm going to chop that up as well now this is just the seasonings that i'm going to use for my chicken you don't have to use that whatever it is that you flavor your chicken with keep on doing it you don't have to switch but i want a good tasty pot of chicken and dumplings i've been trying to make this recipe for a couple of weeks just got to it so this is what i'm going to be using now for my dumplings real real easy and simple to do very very easy a baby can do it if you put them up to it you're gonna need some flour crisco shortening lard any kind of shortening that you want to use you can use butter if you choose to and you're going to need some baking powder now the liquids that i'm gonna use i'm gonna get it for my chicken broth i'm gonna take a cup of chicken broth i'm gonna allow it to cool i'm gonna use that with a fourth of a cup of milk now you can use water but milk will make it tastier and the chicken broth will make it more flavorful so those are all the ingredients that you're going to need this is real real simple i don't have the milk sitting out here because the milk is in the refrigerator don't have the chicken broth sitting out here because i have not made it yet but that's all you're going to need so we're going to go away get the chicken all um washed up and in the pot add the seasonings to it let it go ahead and cook once it cooks i'm gonna partially deboned mine you can de-bone yours totally if that's what you choose to do but i love my bones in my chicken and dumpling so i'm gonna partially de-bone it and i'm going to shred the chicken out just a little bit and then we're going to move over to making the dumplings that's real real simple and easy i'll be right back okay now i'm back and my chicken is boiling some but i want to show you something look you can see where the um bubbles the rolling ball is really kind of like a foggy type um watery looking color but look over here you see where the yellow is you want that that comes from the skin that's the oils that actually comes from the chicken that actually brings the flavor into it and that kind of looks like butter you want that because that's good for chicken and dumplings so i mixed all my seasonings together and i'm gonna go ahead and put looks like i got like three and a half tablespoons of that in there i'm gonna save the rest of it see i got a little bit of that just a little bit more that'll give me like about well it's not tablespoons it's teaspoons that'll give me enough i'm gonna put this over my dumplings now here is my celery i finally chopped up some celery and onions not a lot and i'm gonna put a half stick of butter in there you don't have to do this i'm putting that in there to just help bring in my flavor i did not put a top on it because what you don't want to do is put a top on dumplings what that does is it will make your dumplings stick together and be gooey so you don't want to put a top on it i'm gonna show you exactly how to stir it i did not mix my my uh soup base in with my seasonings and the reason for that is because look at it it's granulated but it's kind of gritty and i didn't want to put that into my dumpling so i'm gonna add just about three tablespoons of that now i'm gonna stir that down in the pot and i'm gonna let it go because what i want to do and i just covered my chicken with the uh with water and what i want to do is i want to be able to take some of the flavor that's coming from the broth and that's what i'm going to use to help make my dumplings okay so i'm going to let that boil until it gets done i'll bring you back when it's almost done and we'll make the dumplings be right back alrighty now i'm back this is three cups of all-purpose flour that i have over here and that's what i'm going to be using to make my dumplings to that three cups of all-purpose flour i'm gonna add one teaspoon of baking powder there it goes in and i'm going to add a half of a teaspoon of salt okay now i'm gonna mix that together you're gonna need something to cut these dumplings which you can cut them with a knife you can cut them with a pizza cutter or you can cut them with a fork i cut them with a fork that ain't necessarily what a lot of people like to do so you can use a pizza cutter because it's gonna be easier now i'm gonna go ahead and stir this in now this is a step that you don't have to do but i am going to do it because i want the same flavor that's coming from my dumplings that will be the same flavor that's coming from my chicken of the seasonings that i added in so this is about a teaspoon and a half when i was at the pot remember i saved all some so i saved off about a teaspoon and a half you don't need to do that so i'm gonna go ahead and mix that in with my other dry ingredients okay now now that that's done you want to have some flour sitting over to the side because what you don't want to do is for your dumplings to stick to the and then you're gonna get a little bit of stick no matter what you do to stick to whatever surface you're gonna roll them out on and you don't want them to stick to your rolling pin and yes you're gonna need a rolling pin you're to need a bottle you can use a glass you can use your hand anything that you want to use in order to get this rolled out as flat as you want it you want to be able to do that you want to roll it down to 1 8 of an inch you don't have to measure off 1 8 of an inch i'll just show you it's a little bit thicker than your pie crust when you put your pie crust into your shell it's a little bit thicker than that so you want to roll it down if you want them thicker then of course you can make them thicker now this is my dry ingredients i'm gonna make a little bit of a whale here in the center now in the center once my liquids cool i'm gonna pour and i'm gonna show you how much to pour because how much liquid you put in here depends on how much dry ingredients you have in here i will repeat that the amount of liquids that you put in here will depend on how much dry ingredients you're going to put in or you're gonna have inside of this container so what i'm gonna do before i put in my my dry ingredients i'm gonna put in my shortening and shortening is just a solid okay so if it's a solid it can either be you can use oil you know regular oil um not oil butter or and and it can be it does not have to be softened it's better if it's cold so you can use butter or you can use what i'm using which is crystal you can use large you can use anything but just make sure that it's a solid okay so i'm gonna go ahead i'll use this fork right here and this is normally about a half of a cup that you're gonna put in there now you can put in you can use butter if you want to use butter because some people do and sometimes i do so you can use butter so now you want this to be grainy how do you get it with a grainy look what you want to do is you want to take your finger and you want to mash your butter butter shortening whichever one you choose to use you want to mash it into your flower and all i'm doing is just pressing it see pic just twist it kinda like with your with your hand and maybe i might need it just a little bit more i don't know but i'll put as close to your ingredients as i can get because normally this is done you know with me being the type of cook that i am most of my um recipes that i bring you i eyeball them and then when i put them online for you i just kind of break down what it should be and i go from there okay now the more solid or the less oily like i'm not getting a drippy oil see i'm getting just a straight salad i'm gonna put maybe about another another teaspoon full of that and that's all you need to go in here and that's because i use three cups of uh flour normally i use two but i got like about 14 pieces of chicken so i want to make sure i got enough dumplings okay so you want to make sure that you just press all of that into your um your flour now whatever gets you from point a to point b and what do i mean by that whatever gets you get your this is all-purpose flour whatever you use to mix your all-purpose flour with your shortening do that if you use your hand do it if you use a fork do it whatever you use whatever gets you from point a to point b you use it when you get through you should have a mealy look which is what i'm going for and once my liquids cool just enough for me to mix together my milk with my liquids from my chicken whatever gets me there whenever it uh it gets ready then i'm gonna bring you back to show you this now some people put an egg in here if you put an egg in here which you don't need to do then that's gonna be more noodle based if you leave the egg out it's gonna be more dumpling based that's something important to remember when you put that egg in you get more of a little noodly type taste but if you want it in that by all means do it but you don't need it and you still don't have good good uh dumplings now i want you to look at this see that see that looks grainy it no longer looks smooth like it would looks it looks more grainy see i can almost cake it up with my hand okay now i'm gonna wait on my liquids to add to this have you a little bit of flour like i got right here sitting over to the side because you're going to need it to put on your surface there you go see that oil so i'm going to wait on my uh my liquid ingredients i'll bring it back once that gets ready should be about another two three minutes all right i'm back so what i'm gonna do now is this is not quite cool enough and you want it to be cool and this is something that you just really don't need to do but i'm gonna do it i'm gonna put a little bit of this cold milk over in there okay and that's gonna cool it up even just a little bit more that seems as if it's cool enough now what i'm gonna do the weld that i made inside of the um inside of my flour mixture i'm gonna go ahead and add this now i'm gonna add half of it and i'm just gonna work my way up and i'm gonna stir it i'm gonna add some more i'm gonna keep on certain now you're looking for a certain consistency and i'll show you really what that is i had three cups of um i had three cups of flour so two that i added 3 4 cup of my broth from my chicken and 1 4 of milk this is the rest of the milk okay okay i'm gonna put just a little bit more milk um down over in this just a little bit i need you to look at this and see what it actually looks like see i needed to be just a little bit see how i got a little bit of my flour mixture that's not quite mixed into that so i'm gonna get the milk and i'll be right back okay i got i'm back so this is like about another little bit of a fourth so actually instead of being a fourth may work out to be a half and i'll show you what it looks like use all of that that's all i'm gonna need okay now i want you to take a look at this this looks kind of like your biscuit though i'll show it to you in just a minute let me make sure it's all mixed up okay see see it has a gooey type gummy type uh mixture to it take this out because now i got to use my hands see it's got that so now what you want to do is you want to put a lot of flour down on your surface okay you want to put a lot of flour you want to dump your dough out okay that's all of my door dump your dump your dumplings out that's all up now i'm gonna be incorporating some of this flour over into my dough mixture put this a little bit more down there okay and i'm gonna keep putting flour and i'm going to knead it to me like about five times you don't want it tough see how i'm putting more flour in you won't need it to you needing it is bringing it in bringing it in bringing it over got it so you're bringing it in bringing it in and you bring it over that's two bring it in bring it in bring it over bring it in bring it in bring it over you can use the palm of your hand push it back see you want to keep on putting down your dough or putting down your flour rather you don't need to do this in the morning about five six seven times at the most that's it now what's preventing this from sticking on my table is my flower okay and that's gonna be the same thing that prevents it from sticking to my rolling pin okay that's ready that's it so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get a little bit more flour in my cup i have my flowers just sitting off to the side so i'm gonna get a little bit more in my cup okay put a little bit more on top of here and now i'm gonna put some on my rolling pin and it's still going to stick no matter what you do but it's made okay now how easy was that then i'm going to roll it out okay you want to roll it down to about 1 8. now what you see on here let me take some off i'll just roll that out a minute now you see some little black specks the little black space was my seasonings that i took that came out of my um came out of my my liquids or my broth from my chicken i'm taking all of the chicken out of the pot and now what i have in that pot is just the um broth now you want to keep putting flour don't hesitate with that flour because what that flour does is that's what gives you your creamy gravy look to your dumpling the juices the broth that comes out for the dumpling you get that creamy gravy look from your flour now this was real simple to make real simple you don't have to be perfect because you don't cut it anyway okay okay this is down to like about 1 8 that's all you needed to be is 1 8 then you want to cut it you want to cut it with whatever you cut with here you can cut with a pizza cutter and cut your dumplings about the size that you want to make them you might not want them as big as i got them okay but you want to make that i'm gonna roll that out just a little bit more so i won't cut that one then you want to cut them the other way so here now back in the day i couldn't we didn't have a pizza cutter no matter of fact i don't i don't even think we knew what a pizza cutter was so i'm gonna show you how we did it okay i'll show you with this one right here we had a fork we came down that fort that's it see how i got that open and then what we did there you go that's old school that's it now you don't want to put these on top of each other you want to put them on something so you want to lay them out i'll just lay them out on this make sure that you got some flour on top and on bottom that way they won't stick and then you can just put them into your pot when you get over to your stove so you see how easy this is to do just cut them in half now they're gonna rise up a little bit because you have that baking powder over in them but that's how you do homemade dumplings and you want that flour you want that flour don't hesitate with not putting that fly on there because you need that okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go away i'm gonna get some plates out filled up with this and once i get it all filled up i'm gonna bring you back because that's when we gonna go to the pot and i'm gonna meet you at the start i'll be right back when i get the plates all filled up see how simple that was go old school on okay i'll be right back okay now i'm at the stove and all of my dumplings are ready to go in i want you to look see i have flour on there okay don't be as scared to put this down and do not put these on top of each other okay you want to put it directly into the part that's rolling with the boil okay do not put them on top each other put them in one by one why is it you don't want to put them on top of each other because if you put them on top of each other you go they're going to stick together once they hit that water and you're going to have nothing but a big ball of mess so you don't want to put them on top of each other they're going to go down to the bottom and then they'll come back up you don't want to cook them with a top on them the top makes steam come back down in the pot you're gonna get the same effect okay so you don't want to do that you got a little bit of left wherever that rolling ball is go ahead and drop it okay now i got a little bit of flour here it's not much go ahead and drop it in now if you want to move it do not stir your pot push it see that push it so that you can add more dumplings down over in your pot okay so i'm gonna go ahead put this in okay just keep dropping them wherever you got a space dropper you don't have a space kick them over with the back end of whatever you're using kick them over make you a space put them in don't shake no flower off you won't that thick as thick as your gravy or your thickening agent that you're gonna need for your um dumplings kick them over see how they're forming keep going okay so you want to keep dropping try this recipe i know you're going to enjoy it because i do and i had a taste on today now if you got a whole lot of flour you don't want to put a whole lot of flour down over there but if you just got those little bitty shakers full of flour go ahead and put them down see how my dumplings are forming okay here's the rest of it now you see it's okay as you make a um like if you got a lot of dumplings to make it's okay once you make a plate full just sit them someplace cool like in your refrigerator and then you could take them out you want to use the back of your whatever it is that you're using however you got a space drop it because what you want to do now once they form okay they're they're going to be fine you don't have to worry about them but if they have not formed and you got to stir them because they will stick on you let's keep pouring keep putting them in okay real real simple and easy to do then we're gonna get our chicken because our chicken is done so we're gonna add our chicken after it's cooked it's gonna take about another 30 35 minutes worth of cooking so after that cooks then we're going to go ahead and we're going to bring our chicken back to the pot well i can get it and i got one more to put in here roll this around that's my dumplings you don't want them to stick which man or not keep them moving oh man so your important rule of thumb use the back of your spoon to push it around don't drop them in on top each other what that rolling ball does is it starts in the cooking real fast so that they won't stick together got that okay i want to make sure they're not sticking okay put it down over now if this is not enough um you know this is not as thick once it gets done you got a minute if this is not thick enough for you okay like you want a little bit more uh gravy then you're gonna make a little slurry all it is is just a little bit of flour water make some flour water put down over here but this should be enough okay you got a few more you don't put a top on it make sure that you keep them moving and keep adding them okay you see where is um let me see if i can push this around a little bit see where it's real yellow at you want that that's your good flavor so you want that by all means i make these two ways i make them homemade and i make them not being homemade it's another way to make them but the best way to make them is homemade let me tell you that and you go a lot of places with dumplings that's how you get your cobblers how you get all of it okay now i'm gonna let these cook few more minutes and i'm gonna bring you back first i'm gonna let you see me break my chicken and then i'm gonna bring you back and i'm going to add my chicken to this pot okay but that's what it looks like and see mine didn't stick together okay there they are we'll let them cook i'll be right back okay now i'm back at the table and i should have done this at first but i didn't so you can use the back of two forks and you can pull your chicken or loose if that's what you want to do but i like the bone and i like a little bit of my chicken on the bone see how i got that so the only thing i'm gonna do and chicken dies to me are better than chicken breasts but do what you want to do okay i'm just gonna go ahead and put i'm just gonna break it i'm not gonna take it all the way down to shredding it because i don't like my chicken like that i like to get a bite of my chicken so you see i'm leaving the bone cause i love the the bone part of the chicken so see what i'm doing i'm just breaking it off that's it leaving some on my bone you don't have to do that do it whatever way suits your fancy but this is the way i like to do it okay take some off of my chicken thigh leave the rest on my bones okay all right i just wanted to show you what to do now on this remember i told you i was gonna leave a couple with the skin on it you don't want the skin if you want the skin you can leave it i don't normally eat the skin just take off a chunk of my chicken leave some on my bone all of this is going back in my pot okay it's another one that had the skin on it take it off put it back this one might not make it to the pot okay see that just take it off okay all right i just wanted to show you that and then i'll show you when i put this back over into into the pot okay be right back okay now i'm back let me just show you my dumplings see em okay at this point i'm gonna go ahead and add my chicken back that's my chicken parts and it's my bone i part with my bones on it now if you want to add vegetables some people do add vegetables some people add carrots to it and they add all kinds of stuff to it okay i don't i want chicken and dumplings if you want to add that go ahead and do it it's at this point that you just go ahead and do it there you have it chicken and dumplings i'm gonna let this cook about another 15 minutes i want you to know though if you do your dumplings this way they will remain whole and you won't have like broken up pieces of dumpling going all through where you're not getting a full taste of nothing you know so that's it now if this is not thick enough for you all you have to do is take a little flour and add some um some water milk whichever one you want to do to it and just pour it down over in here look at that but see that's thick enough for me okay that's it and of course i got a piece of that chicken bone over my mouth and excuse me for that i didn't get that skin off so i wanted to get that skin out of my pot there it is if you want to add a piece of butter to this you can do that as well there you have it i'm gonna let it go about 15 more minutes and i'll bring you back chicken and dumplings alrighty it's all done i'm gonna cut my stove off see how my uh dumplings stay in hole see how they look remember to use the back of that spoon don't use the front look at the gravy that's because 15 minutes i gave you 15 more minutes to cook and that's it now remember don't stir those dumplings kick them with the back of your spoon put them in the rolling boil when you get ready to put them in the pot do not cover your pot okay so let's dish up some now man has the bones in it yours won't necessarily do that this is the way i like man you do yours the way you like yours but let me dish up some now you know that i've already tasted this and you know i can tell you that this is truly on point okay look at that gravy look at that gravy now that is a pot of chicken and dumplings okay that you will truly truly enjoy okay let me show you what it looks like let me put a couple more dumplings down over there one thing let me cut my pot off because i don't want it to stick there you go look at that can you tell me that don't look good all righty that's what chris chris has for you tonight i'm making chicken and dumplings the homemade way and i will keep posted the way that you make it when you want to just make a fast pot of chicken and dumplings if i have to take it offline i will remake it but there you have it and as always thank you for watching chris cook for you too don't forget to tune in on january the 21st at seven o'clock that's going to be our giveaway night and we're gonna have a whole bunch of fun fun fun see you then bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] please follow me on instagram and facebook and chris cook for you too and don't forget to share 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Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 230,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BZklrrqQ8DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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