How to make patch panels/weld thin sheetmetal

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hey fitzy here back at the game another one i'm back at the dancing pickup now i got to do some repairs on the hook the hood had rust in the corners and the inner structure was actually bad on the hood i went ahead and cut the inner structure out and made new ones also i'm going to cover uh how i weld this thin sheet metal because this the 70 70s import stuff is uh pretty thin stick around [Music] hey before we get started don't forget fitz's fabrications got merch uh the link is in the description below we have t-shirts sweaters hoodies mugs stickers so uh check it out all right i have a hood here off a 73-74 datsun pickup truck uh the corners are bad on us and both sides and the front section across here has got some issues as well but the rest of the hood is pretty good so we're going to go ahead and we're going to repair these uh what i'm going to do and this case here i always talk about starting from the inside out but in the case of these here um i like to get the outside skin because that's the main portion of this that we got to make sure is right because i'm going to flip this over and i'll show you the inside which needs a pile of repairs as well so i usually like making the inside or the outside first having it all finished and weld it up and then i'll flip it over and replace the inside as you can see here she's all going along here and this inner frame structure that's gone in here as well so while this is gone i've sized this up i want to take this back to here and cut all this and make this entire intersection right here i'm not going to be concerned about putting this back in it it's just a lot more work this will look okay just come into here flat but i'll put all the rest of the reliefs in it as well to make it look nice uh we'll play around with that i'll size it up there's a lot of work to try to make that look right and i just assume make it look straight is always held up rust both sides are the same way are not the same this side here is different than this side so it's not like i'll be consistent because this side here has got a smaller hole and it's got the relief for the uh the hood prop so and this one's not as bad as the other side but the outside's worse so one thing you got to know about when i'm at this stuff here i don't i only get the contract to do the metal repair i don't do no prep primer paint the owner's doing all the stripping and everything this is as far as he got with it and he brought it into me said this is stripped enough once you get the metal work done before it does anything else with it so that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do repairs on this section here and over there for him so that then he could take it and finish it all off so let's get this flipped over now get started on us so what i'm gonna do here first now is i'm not going to cut nothing out of this uh like before i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to make up this section here because i want to retain this shape here i'm going to get a piece of cardboard or something lay against this here so i mark it so i got the actual contour where it ends and there's a slight contour here as well as you can see this here rolls out this way and of course then it rolls down this way so i'm going to make a little template of this here so i got something to go by and i'm not going to disturb the other side because i'll have i'll just keep using one side to go core into the other side so i'm gonna go ahead and now start making up this piece here i'm just gonna cut out two pieces one here and i cut a side up i'm not gonna be worried about this side section yet because this rolls in underneath i'm gonna cut a long section out and get the shape here first because the problem i got here is i got to make this top and then i got to make the bottom here uh trying to make all this in one in one section and weld it all together and put it in as one uh becomes a problem because the top wants to go down when you cut emboss and the bottom wants to come up so you got to have a spot where it'll meet which is basically through this edge here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make the top first and fit that in place and get that all straight away and then i'll go ahead and i'm going to make the bottom section i'm going to do the outside first before it does the inside i went ahead and i took the a piece of cardboard now and laid it up against that there and drew out that section there and i also laid it here in the front as well and drew out that section as well up along the front there so now i got the templates of what the actual shape supposed to be so i'll just lay that aside for now i can come back and use that for references later on so now i'm going to go ahead now and cut out a few pieces of metal now to start shaping this up so here's what i got done i got a piece made now and i got a bit of a crown put in it i just bent it around in the voice and i got that fit in there like so and that'll fit there what i'm going to do with this one here is i also made this as well it's like a little template thing to go along the side of it just so i can keep an eye on it i was going to put a piece on the side of it but this is all pretty good there's a small hole up here but i'm going to replace it after the fact not going to get into that right now but what i'm going to do here is i'm going to um replace this section and finish it completely this one here i'm going to work my way around because the problem you got like i said is that you got two sides and both are pushing into each other so i'm going to finish off this here along the sides i'm not going to do nothing with the front of it and finish it right off so that i can weld it in and have it done yeah i went ahead and i scribed it as you can see here laid it place and i went and described it around my little homemade scribe and i'm going to turn around i'm going to cut this one completely out now i went ahead and i cut that out i trimmed it back and i got this here to fit in there pretty good i haven't got a fitting in there perfect now the cat's trying to get this upper edge here weld it up first i lay that down a slight bit so it fits in and i'll trim the bottom and tap it into place but what i'm really concerned about now is getting this upper edge here nice and flush so i'm going to go ahead now i'm going to attack that place there now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'll recall that again because i didn't like to cut the height a bit so i'm going to tackle in there you see my uh how i'm tack welding that there because such thing metal a lot of this import stuff was like that the area lots of heat but very quick on the trigger there [Music] now welding up this stuff and it's imported to 70 stock it is extremely thin i don't know what it is but they made it from this reason why they rusted so easy but you're going to come across spots where it's actually going to blow through and it's very hard well i see a lot of people having troubles with blow through um one little trick that i've always done is i just do very quick trigger motions on the weld i gotta weld this up here but i'm gonna blow through i know that's all just and i'll feed my weld from this piece because i know this is going over in the neck so i'm actually just touching that and i'm concentrating on well and back to the piece i just welded and just very quick trigger motions there's a lot of heat here so there is penetration that don't seem like a lot don't seem like there's any penetration here but that is welded up solid because this metals are extremely thin that's how it's got to be done very fast trigger motions i got that all welded up there now i'm gonna blow it off pull it off now let's grind it down now look how rough that is that's rough all i was watching when i was welding this up was my penetration make sure i got a lot of penetration on it so i got welded around it is really crude looking okay because this metal is extremely thin okay so i'm going to turn around now and uh start dressing this up and grind it all off but i'm going to concentrate on my grinding this is here this is 18 gauge steel right here okay this here is probably 22 okay i'm going to concentrate on my grinding i'm going to be grinding from here and grinding off all the flush wells but when i start to feather it out i'm going to feather from this that way ah from it so that way i'm not gonna be grinding too much of this outer metal off so i'll just get this here dressed so it looks nice so first thing i'm gonna do is knock the head off everything with one of them flex cut wheels all you're going to be concentrating on is the well itself don't touch that metal and don't touch that now that i got it grinded off i see i got a spot here on this so i'm going to go back i'm going to weld that off same thing [Music] then i'm going to cut down that much i'm going to go over it now with a 24 grease and i got cut down on my grinder here grind it off with that and i'll dress it with that [Music] huh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] now i got that going down that watch i let it cool off and i changed up my disc down to a smaller one you could probably get the little roll lock wheels and a smaller type grinder you can get them with small small pads i'm they're excellent for this i just got used to this this is something i've used for years so there's a number of different ways of uh writing this down with smaller one i just like the smaller wheel because it's easier to control around i think some guys use belt sanders you can use them too i just find them extremely slow i'm obvious about getting things done [Music] wow go wow wow [Music] now there's a couple of spots here i'm going to go back and touch them off and regrow them again don't be surprised if i don't blow through here this map is extremely thin i've had to deal with this over here another reason why i like working 18 days i see a lot of people talking about silicone brands silicone silicone brands don't have as much heat as a meat welder that's the reason why fellows are using it today because all the modern day cars you wouldn't be able to use a big wheel around a modern-day car for any amount of work because you know you lit up just doing what i'm doing here now blowing through whatever these early cares these imports are made out of it was all recycled metal and it's extremely thin [Music] so you got to be patient with it weld it up you will blow a hole into it it's not you it's the metal itself there it is all welded in all nice and smooth there now look at it lighter you can see the grinder marks going along it it's pretty good there now i've got the shape still here going along here we've got shape going up along here as well and this is nice and smooth this way and this is nice and smooth this way so that's what you're involved that's what's involved with trying to well thin metal uh you're gonna run into it a lot of you guys that are watching my videos uh see me working on a lot of old cars and you guys are working on more modern day cars and then you're running into issues with blow through uh i run into it too because of this early character or the old stuff is way better to weld the modern stuff is a little bit different so we got that one done i'm going to go on now and i'm going to repeat the same process again over here and i'm going to fix this side here and have the top side of the hood down so that i can concentrate on the bottom afterwards so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to make up the same process again cut all this out make up a piece this one over here i'm going to put a side on it because it's bad and i'm going to make a piece here cut it out weld it in and fix it up now i've have to run into this a few times on this truck so far now this here was a small rust hole everything around it was solid but this had a small pinhole in it it was very very small what i ended up doing is taking the die grinder and sticking it into the hole and grind it out till the metal got solid okay so now i got a nice big round hole in the well with like trying to wheel up a small pinhole i know for a fact that the uh around the metal is rusty so i i shove the this here into it and grind it till i start to come to solid metal now you can't get to the back side of this so there's a problem of trying to put a piece of brass or something on the back side of it so i'm going to make a little plug to weld into that hole i'm going to show you how i done it now i've done this in previous videos but i'm going to show you again uh opis coat hanger that's all it is it's all scrappy steel all i'm going to do is i'm going to weld that us let's take center there now i just want to cut it off in the drill press drill press in the lathe i said last video all cornice drilled take my grinder 24 disconnects [Music] so here's what you got okay nice little plug you play around with this in the hole and like i made a whole little bit bigger and i made this a little bit smaller now that fits right into the hole there and i'll weld that in there some people say start welding around the outside the hole fill it in you'll never fill this one in you got to put a plug of some sort in it all i'll do now is i'll lay that and underneath it takes a trick to weld [Music] [Music] oh hmm [Music] woof one morning yes the air right the bottom of the grinder pull it off there you have it now over on this side the side is really bad it's gone here and it's gone here so i got that piece that i made for the other side i'm gonna put that there for that piece here i'm gonna cut that off the weld up what i'm gonna do first i got this piece made i got a shape same as the other side as you can see it'll fit right in there and what i'm going to do first is i'm going to weld that to that and get this all dressed up and ready to go so that way then i'll start trimming this back to move this across because this here is going to have to be flush this way to make sure that's done so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to weld through these together first so i went ahead i trimmed up the edge of it so it fits under nicer so now i got that in place and the problem we got now is this here it's got to go this way because of this outrage so what i got to do is i got to remove this lower section out here just get this out of my way so let's slide this over so i'm going to put this in place where it's got to go and i'll scribe it along there and what i'll do is i'll cut this section off and then trim this down through here so this can slide over some [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] to the left [Music] so now we've got this over flushed this way well i'll run a straight edge along this here now just to make sure that this here is great now i can scribe this line here and scrub this down here so i can cut this off this here looks good up front now what i'm going to do on this one here i'm going to do the cotton butt because it's a larger panel and i can remove it from the inside later on so all i'm going to do is going to cut so much over here so this is lay down right on this corner because i can't get this laid out and then i'm going to work on the rest of it so so i'm going to weld that right there now and then i'm going to start doing the cotton bud all the way around that [Music] [Music] now i'll start doing the cotton ball on [Music] that [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] so [Music] my [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] this piece right there [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] i started to burn through here and i started to burn through here i never had that's hot uh i never continued on to try to foil in that hole there's a hole there in the hole there where the metal stain uh i stopped because i don't want to get too much heat in it i went out and done some more i'll come back and do them later on because if you start to try to fill in them holes you're just going to warp everything off i'm going to go ahead now finish welding all that off okay i got that welded in there okay and what i run into now is because there's nothing over here for it to weld to because i got to replace this front section here and i welded this side here and this and this top side here what end up happening is this here pulled on me this here is high and this here is low i'll show you what i'm talking about if you look at it from the front here you can actually see it there i'll lay that across that edge there and actually see when it's gone all the way up through there okay so on the very top edge is pretty good right this side here is good that's good there what i got to do now is on the inside of this here i have a frame that's gone and uh i knew it was gone anyway so that's why i wasn't too concerned about it and so i'm gonna cut that out now so i can work this corner what i gotta do beforehand it does anything else cause i gotta get this here straight again and flat across here so i'm gonna flip this over now and cut the inner structure out so i can get at that so here's what i got going on this section here is all bad i'm going to be cutting this off back to here but for now i'm just going to trim it off from here where am i no i need hold on for a whole piece i'm going to cut it off here somewhere and cut it across here and take this whole section out of it so i can get at this here i had to make i got to make this piece up anyway so i'm going to take it out one large piece not using this template i'm probably going to take it from here i think yeah because i got to remember this piece here i'm trying to keep all this in one piece as much as i can so i got something to go by so i'll cut this off along here and up along here not worried about that lip and to take this piece out so i cut that out here's that piece i'm going to hold on to that now for a template so i got something to go by and i'm going to work this here now i'm going to put the dolly up in this corner here and hammer this section down here so this will want to come this way and this will go away from me and then i'll dolly this section up here and getting this fitting right you can actually see it up here on the front what's going to go on you can see this here this gap here is going to close up it's going to start gotta be parallel to this here so i'm going to dolly that up there now so okay i got that dollied up if you look here now this here is good here now up across there going across it's a little bit long a little small tiny bit there nothing serious i'll get that now what i'm going to do here next is i'm going to go ahead now well up the inside of this here to give it more strength and that way because when i welds this up it's going to want to pull away from me and i'll just clean this all up i'll dress this in here because you're going to see this section but you're not going to see it up underneath here because that's all covered over so i'm going to go ahead and i'll run the weld that up there now [Music] [Music] [Music] shh now i went ahead and grinded it on the inside and then i've uh picked and filed it all i wouldn't done is i took dollies and and laid it across it tapped it brought all the low spots off tapped it again flatten it out found a couple of spots i didn't like i just re-welded them again right so now i'm just going to finish grinding this off now finishing this side off here and i'll show it to you here it is all finished up all right i'm going to take the a straight edge now lay across that there and you can see it's pretty good there now a little low spot there a little tiny bit but you're never concerned about it because you're gonna be doing filler work or whatever with it it's hard to work with these slider metals to try to get everything this was an older car uh from the 50s or the 40s i'd work that right out and you wouldn't have to do nothing with it but it's very hard to work this metal it's like trying to work with tinfoil but i'm very pleased with that don't ever expect that all the network today does on this channel uh ends up being you know called a primer finished uh it's not like that i like this flush finish but for me to take this to the next level of metal finishing it's a lot of hours picking them file and picking the file and this slider metal is not good for that right so you just work it as good as you can i got i i don't have a 16th of an inch depth right here now within three quarters of an inch going right up through this whole section here which is very very good so you lay that across that there you can see how much i got it's not very much so now that i got the outside here finished i'm going to flip it over and start working on the inside so i got this all finished up in here as you can see it's not flush mounted in here why 22 gauge 18 gauge that's gonna be very hard to get that flush i can play with that and do a little bit more just a little bit here is what you'll see and you can actually clean all that up and you'll never know it was there right like we can you can really go to hell with this and spend a lot of hours on it to get it really perfect but you would have to go the same size metals to do that because this here being this being 18 and this being 22 the thicknesses are different so you're going to have an edge all the way along there but i'm not too concerned about it because it's a nice finish there now anyway so now i'm going to go on and start making this piece up this is the oh now this is a complicated section just got a front lip top section and a front face up along here all that's got a curve in it so try to bend this all up put it in the shrink or stretcher nah not going to bar with that i'm going to turn around and make up three little strips that'll put in there okay i went ahead and i trimmed up this side here and re-welded it and tucked it in on the corner here as you can see as you can see there and i trimmed that all up there and i got this all ready here i cut the piece out of this at the front of it i went and tied it all up the bottom side i'll show you that there now you can see here where it's all welded up here now on the inside and i cut this section here out i cleaned all this up in here and got everything and cleaned this up this is good metal here so i'm gonna leave it there and then i cut this section out of this out of this corner here now this is made up there's a pretty crazy shape too because i got a bit of a crown to it and whatnot so what i'm planning on doing here now is i think i'm going to make this up in a couple of pieces for three i think but i'm going to put one in at a time i was going to make the three of them try to put it all together but i think i should just start piecing it together because this outer edge here is critical i'm trying to get this right because i took measurements from here back to the back corner of the hood on both sides and i know what the measurement supposed to be here so i got a piece made up here now this piece here that's going to fit along here like so i'm going to weld that on there and then i'll trim it off uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how did another piece of scrap steel that was the piece i cut off there and i grinded it down so it fit on that edge there and i'm going to put it on that angle that it's got to be on and weld that across there very simple [Music] [Music] [Music] like this here has a shape to it and this has a shape to it like it's you can make this out of one piece if you wanted to just last two sections but you're gonna have this role that you're going to have to deal with after the fact so i just assume moved this way it's just as fast grind that all off flush all you do now is take the marker lay my finger against that there give me my distance let's mark that along there get the shake a slight curve to it and i'll just trim that off another scrap piece steel i would put a bend in it slight bend in it and i'll just lay it out there like that follow that contour there and i'll weld it on there [Music] got that all welded off inside there now it's an inside edge a number you've asked me about uh how i dress these type of welds this is all i do look there's an old grinding disc and it's rounded out i'll just take that down grind it off in there [Music] so see that's all it does that was in real time there's a small touch up here if you want to do it you can but there's a nice roll edge on that now all the way along right there you have it just a simple little roll edge domino grinder well the wells there's a little spot there if you want to redo it you can what i'm going to do now is i'm going to trim this off here and dress it all up inside and get this side finished so that i can start working on this inside piece so i got it all dressed up everything's cleaned up sand it down ready to go i went ahead then i went in here and i went and painted in here got all this ready to go so next thing now i'm gonna make is this thing here gonna make that from scratch look neater shape on that isn't it there's going to be lots of fun so here's what we're going to start with now i got a nice big piece starting off of because i wanted to when i start spinning these angles up i want to be able to because if you look at this here this goes narrow as it goes back so i wanted to have this so that when i put the bends and everything in it if i can or if i have to i can move it up this way or move it down this way in order to get everything to line up because when i put that second bend in it it's going to taper off and i'll just find it as i'm going down on it right but the first thing i want to leave lots of material here so i can clamp it in the brake and i got to put this little bead in us okay i'm going to use the brake to make this i'm going to go over and i'm going to bend it up in a break with a couple of bands to make that first bend so let's go and make that now all i'm going to do is i'm going to put a couple of ends in this starting off the first one i'm going to bend at about a 45 degree angle if you look at this hair angle right here i'm going to put this angle in right here and then i'm going to put this one which is a 90 and then i'll put that one back in it again so that's the plan is to basically put a bend there a bend there and a band there i've done the same technique on the [Music] on patches when i made the firewall [Music] works yeah nice little beads simple as that all you're doing is you're bending in the brake and you're you're flattening it back out again to get yourself a little bead so you get a nice little straight edge out of it right that's close enough for what i want for that little baby there okay i'm going to tighten it up a bit more make it a bit taller all i gotta do is go back and repeat everything again once again i'll just go through the motions with it once again it's a bit harder uh that's a lot better just flatten that out a bit there we go that's much better it's a better bead there now let me look at it this right here focus that's the first band okay next one i gotta make is this one right here it's not as sharp as the other one's just a roll bend that goes all the way down and goes up uh it's not quite a 90 probably about 75 degree angle up that way so i'm just going to take my timer just slowly and if i tighten this down too much i'm just going to guesstimate this i'll do that a lot on this break this should give it to me here let's get the old red brown [Music] there's my little bend i step in there in that angle so this one's not bad so now the next one will be this bend here what i'm going to bend here now is right along here right along here i'm going to roll this over not going to worry about this because i'm going to cut this and put a piece in here so i'm going to bend this over flat here in here up here and across but this one here is just going to roll the full length of it now it's a fairly big roll on that it's hard to see it because they got no good metal there so i'm going to put something in there so it'll roll against like a bit of round rod you put that in there and you lay that in place and roll it around us it's going to be tricky to try to get at the hole with where it's got to go so i got to now roll that back so that's got to go this way all i'm doing is using a piece of round rod and putting it in the brake so instead of it uh bending on this it's going to roll off of this here oh yeah that'll do a lot of times this is just guessing it just trying it out trial and error and just got to go up full nike i think yes that's gotta be paranormal yet and just see what i head down there show you that you barely see it and there you see the piece of bear and it's rolling around the edge of it instead of cutting it so it's like a little bend and a roll i'm probably going to have to take it over the bench now roll it some more but that'll be basically it for that one all right all i'm gonna do now is because this is this is a lot sharper than i wanted to be as i want to roll it out what i have here is just an old bit of round rod what it was originally it's uh the parts for my big old voice i had a second voice that was for perks and i come across this it's got a round ball on the end of it as part of the handle so it's not going to hold on to that because i can use that for shaping steel so all i'm going to do now is going to use the edge of that there and i'm going to roll this hammer this corner down so it's got a slighter edge on it so i got that rounded out now this next one is going to be on an angle because if you look at this panel here you can see that it's not straight this one here goes on an angle like it's smaller down here and wider up here so that bin now will be up here and i got to bend that back this way here so i'm trying to set this up now because the problem is i bends this up i don't know if this panel is going to work right here or down here i won't go until i get that roll bend in it you can be pretty technical with it but i'm just turning around i'm just doing it by here or by eye i should say making the bend so i'm going to go over now and i'm going to roll this one back this way so here i got that bend put in there now i got that roll back it's on an angle it's not fully 90 degrees i'm gonna lay that here now i got this here now i got that here i can figure out whereabouts i want to well i cut it off down here or up here i just got to get this measurement here now in the middle and then figure out where in the middle here is this measurement and i'll just center that and i'll go off of that give myself a bit of leeway cut some of this out of the way because the next thing i do now is going to do a step up here this section right here there's a little step that goes along there so i got to put that step in it now up here this goes into a stick so what i had to do is i come up here and america i cut that right off at the bottom of the step when i cut it so i know the step starts there all i got done is i come up and i mark that what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go in i'm going to bend this in the break and then bring it turn around and bend it back that'll give me a stick [Music] [Music] so [Music] well that put up my fight you see the way i was trying to get this edge to come up it's a little step in it like so and uh i went and made uh three attempts out uh you know it's one thing to you see guys doing metal working they do it all perfect once oh no it's not always the case it took me three tries to get this because every time i went and bent it it was going the opposite way for me and i couldn't get this step to go in so i ended up um i tried the voice where i used to hammer in the voice i tried that and then i got over and started thinking about it when i just clamp it in the brake and hammer it in the brake because after i folded it this here went round this section right through the middle here that went in the oval shape on me that's why you saw me pounding on there trying to flatten that out trying to get that back down but uh i wasn't letting it get the better of me because you see me i'll use whatever i had her there's an old piece of scrap steel i had on the bench i need to get something that was that wide that i can tap down there normally hammers were going to fit there so i was going to sit down and make something so i dreamed up whatever i had kicking around and made it work but anyway i got that done finally so now i got the shape made from the base on off to the top and i got lots of access here now so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to measure what i did here is i measured this distance across here in the middle and then i came over here and i found the middle as you can see here when i lay this on this here like it goes up here and then they come down and it's about the middle there so that will be the middle of that and i'll lay this piece in the middle of that and i'll turn around and just turn around i'll cut so much more off either end of it to give me something to work with because when you bring it over here [Music] you can see it's really really big so that's the bonus now because i can move it this way or this way to find out where it needs to be because i still got to raise up this end here yes it's got to be brought up and i'm probably going to rework it i might just cut this right off and make a whole new piece because that step is further for the um the hood prop so i'm gonna mark this out here now give myself a bit of on either side and then trim it off okay i started trimming it up and i'm just creeping up on it like i've caught this here and trimmed it down and went back and test fit it and trim it and cut it and test fit it and like you know i've actually cut this now probably four times getting this in position here so it all lines up with everything so i'm happy with it now the belt line is lining up right now i got to cut this off here and i got to build a platform here as well i'm going to build this separately and weld it on and dress it before it puts it on and i got to trim off this upper section here and then i got to build a lip down here just tapers off and then the lip comes back and there's spot welded under here right so i'm going to go ahead and trim this up even more and get it fitting better so here's where i'm to now i went and done some trimming up here folded this down because it's got to roll off the bottom edge where's the piece though there it is this fades out on the end of it here now it's a little bit wider here but i'm not too concerned about it because it's out on the outer edge there's nothing delays on this so i'm here now like i can sit down and probably get really meticulous and fold this right down and set it all up boss i'm not going to get into it because i'm just looking to make this strong and make it look presentable looking the only person's going to notice that this is not right is someone that's really particular and notice the difference in it but when i'm finished with this hair be hard to tell but i had to put a piece on the end here i'm going to make that fit i got to trim this up join this to this join all this in and just gotta fade off into here watch the same other way oh look at her fella yeah peanuts [Laughter] but i'm gonna finish this off here now and get this here corner straight away and then get it all building up so i figured i'd stop here and show you what i got done so far i got the piece made up now so it fits in there right yeah nice here we go see if it's in the right nice i got it so i can spot weld on here and i can spot weld it along here it's not welded along here or just floats there so i'm going to hold that off again now i'll show you what i got done all i've done is i made up a couple of pieces i welded up that tab i cut and bought it along here and then i put a tab in here because there was a gap here and then i put welded the bottom section onto it as you can see across here and then i added this piece here shape that now i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to grind all this up down this side here will be done over here this side over here will be done and then i can move on to getting this section here done so [Music] so i had that all made up fit up everything's right nice now it's ready to be spot welded on i can come over here now and i can start making up this section here this is what i got to duplicate here now this tips uphill and it stays at an angle all the way up it doesn't go flat and this is where the hood prop used to go and this comes flat up and this here goes through the edge of it here as you can see i marked it down through here and across here i'm going to cut all this section out and then i'm going to start building this this section up this here will be one big flat piece and this piece here i'll probably make this out of two sections so here's what i went and did i went cut that edge out just a piece there i cut it out of there and uh i turned around and just found a scrap piece of steel and i welded it in and i dressed it in i can't say this enough that every time you're doing these panels always take the piece that you're well until make it all one this is all one piece now so now you go out from that i can trim this up now and uh start adding the saw and whatnot but i got to make sure this top is in the right location to bought up with the other piece over here i'll make sure that there is lined up with that there it's going to line up with that so i can cut that off here so that'll fit there okay so that is my plan they're not lined out up there and then i'll trim this up and i'll cap the side in and roll the edge so it looks nice and then i'll get this ready and all i have to do is drill a hole right here for the uh hood prop which is this right here that was originally where the hood prop went so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to trim that up and fit that place i started trimming this back cutting shorter and shorter and shorter and i got it really close to where it should be so and i'm still overlapping a small bit and all i did is i took the grinder and i grinded through the two of them like that or a grinder on the edge of this here through this basically the cotton butt thing so i get a nice fit see that's all i did i wasn't concerned about don't ever be concerned about getting this to fit this right if you get close to where you're uh you know where you got to go if you lay this on top of this here and then cut straight through it you'll get the nice little finish like you would there after i turn around and got that all trimmed up i roll back that edge you can actually see it there see a little rolled edge on it so that your that that there will actually flow up there and roll up that and all i'll do now is i'll take a piece slide there and i'll weld it on there all i did is uh another little homemade tea dolly just from smaller no just no piece flat bar well no piece around stacking around the ends of it okay i have a couple of them i haven't i make them as i need them if i need another one in between the two of them i'll make a second one you see me use this one before that's another homemade tea dolly and then i got that one there now eventually i'll probably make another one in between that probably one bigger than this probably one smaller net uh right now i managed with two of these i only make stuff as i need it so all right i just round the edge off it's a bit around stock with a flat bar same with this one here around stocking with a flat bar there it is all cleaned up i got the hole drilled for a prop rod as you can see that's where it originally was so now the prop rod can go back in there again and i'm going to trim back the top edge here so this would fit under better i got to plug weld this here and plug weld this across here and then i'm going to weld this down along here now i can get carried away with this and put this dimple die in this here and put that section in there if i want to um i have a lot of time into this now and i'm going to i got to do the other side as well so i got to eliminate the last one over there as well so i'm thinking about just going to leave it alone and just leave this like this here now if you want to you can turn around and spend a couple hours making this up and putting that in it that dimple die is pretty well straightforward you can make a little press for it what's the same you've seen that another video i've done how to make a press and you can probably do that in the voice but i'm not going to get into that because it's just way too much time i got into this now this is a customer's truck and he's customizing this anyway so i'm going to leave that alone like that and it's going to be hard to notice it like if you look at this here it's not exact okay this hair got a different roll this here rolls wide off here like i followed this contour here so it flowed through it all but on the original truck it just faded right out right and i said no that's that's fine i could uh a lot of that if i had to pick up that on the roll i probably could have done it i could have rolled this down here a bit lower to come in across there but i'm happy with it uh it's way better what was there got a little bead still in that lines up really well there like perfection is one thing uh customization this truck is you can't buy nothing for them not around here we're having a hard time i'm going to ask this here now we're trying to find a set of fenders for this truck anybody has a set offenders or no other service vendors that are for sale um i don't want to get into repairing these if they're really really bad i'd like to find a set of fenders for him he had a set lined up on ebay and apparently the deal went through fell through so he's trying to find i'm trying to find him instead of fenders forth so if you know set offenders for 72 74 that's a pickup truck uh just drop it in the comments below so i got this in place here now uh what i'm going to do here now is i'll clean all this up and i'm going to start welding this all in place spot wellness and finishing this side off and then i'm going to go over and repair the other side it's the same thing as what i got done here same process you saw me do the outer skin stuff like that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to finish this off here now and go do that other one so when i comes back you're going to see this side finished and that side will be done as well there it is all installed grind up dressed up looks best kind there now i went ahead and welded this one in dressed it all up got it all fitting and spot welded up along the top there dressed it all up when i got that done i went ahead i went over here and i've done the other side as well some of you have asked about timelines and how long it takes me to do things i went and did this one here no interruptions never do no video on it uh start to finish about three and a half hours to do the section over here i had to replace the front section here as well on the front of it that had to be replaced so i had to make up all that section here section here and then i had to turn around and uh make all this up this one never had a relief in like the other side did but you can see still had the belt line in it going across there spot welded faded out and tipped up into there and i never bothered to put the dimple in it so that way now it looks symmetrical three on this side three and the other right was four but like if you really want a particular you could quite possibly put one in there if you want to i wasn't getting into it but uh there you have it uh you come across this a lot on a lot of older vehicles especially this import stuff my toyota hood is gone as well i gotta do the same thing with that i may make that a bit different but we're trying to do a little bit of a resto on this one here i might just build a frame out of mine but anyway the um that's basically it for that repairing the intersections i talked about uh welding this stuff uh quick trigger motions and uh just watch your heat build up your heat around the edge of it and let it cool down and hit it again uh it is extremely hard welding this stuff uh like you know i think a lot of you guys are welling up newer vehicles and having the same problems trust me it's not you uh vehicles today and a lot of these 70s imports were made out of extremely thin metal i think these were made out of a really poor recycled metal because it's amazing like when you're welding there's like weld and rust and you're in solid metal right but i managed to get it had to take my time had turned my welder down and like my welder settings and this welder that i got here now like you know i i'd only move it this much to weld thin metal from there there i'll be weld a 22 gauge there or the 18 gauge deer and i turn that down to there to weld the thinner stuff and then yeah you just turned down some very minor movements in that uh dial in the same the wire speed right or no not water speed in the uh this one here got a gauge on it because the amperage is what it is i'm just moving the amperage down right it's basically a hazard on three just a tad a bit above three and then almost just a tad below three this here i never leaves that leaves down 60 that's always there and the sheet metal but now again like if you checked out my mig welding video and setting up mig welders this is a different welder uh i no longer have that well that i have in that video so each welder is set up different this one here is set up different than that one must took me a while to figure it out this is one here there's an over model one and i had to play around just got actually rolled out of the gauges of metal making it easier but you know i find it's like this here says 18 gauge up here i sticks the welder up here and blow holes and that sheet metal that i got there that 18 gauge anyway that's it for that one i really enjoy reading your comments and see what you guys got to say uh pop over to my facebook page join in there's a lot of guys over there with the projects much the same as this welding up patches and it's great to see you guys over there and see the projects and some fellows are just new at it and having a lot of fun with us and that's what this is all about this is why i do this is to show you guys uh how easy it can be using your basic tools all right then so that's it for that one hope the tips were good and until next time okay i got a hood here offset for three that's a pickup truck that i got to do some repairs on it's rusted in both corners right here so i can't get over a hoot for it so watermelon is here now you know what are you saying coming in about me getting out of danger you've done this yesterday me too [Music] here we go come on come on
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 203,261
Rating: 4.9441061 out of 5
Id: ZdigwBNKFfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 57sec (4437 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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