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hey fitzy here back out again with another one 60s gm cars um sheds are fine you can buy a lot of aftermarket parts for them but you get into pontiac's holes and buick like this one here uh it's very hard to get any body panels for especially when it comes to body mounts you can't buy these for buicks uh when they rust out what are you supposed to do patch them all up no you build a new one stick around [Music] okay so we're back at the buick and last video uh if you haven't seen it i've done repairs on this section back here made up the pieces and everything for here if you want to look at uh check this video out uh ahead of time uh link will be in the description below uh it's uh rust repair and trunk floors i think it was called i could never remember name my own videos anyway just check it out and you'll get cop to date what we're going to do on this one now is we're going to do the repairs to the mount i never got any detail on the mount because i removed the mount it's better removed the mount to do this repair because it's kind of hard to work it from underneath and get the pieces and everything get all this tarted off and whatnot if you try to repair it with the mountain place it becomes a tangle so i removes the mount now that mount there looks good as it sits there but when you turn it over and you start looking at us you start seeing issues it's a hole up here see there's cracks in it there with holes in it so i've decided i'm going to go ahead i'm going to remake that entire amount instead of trying to fix it uh you could probably sit down and start patching it up and whatnot but i think it'll be just as easy to make a new mount and start from scratch with it what i'm going to use with that is i have some metal here this is stuff i got sticking around it's uh scrap steel what is the measurements on that the thickness on that it's 14 gauge as i measure it there yeah 14 gauge i usually ask me on that so that's the uh how thick it is that's basically the same as what's in this here or the engaged metal so i'm going to go ahead now i've made mounts before in videos i'm doing this the same concept you would sit down and try to make all this level here i'm going to make this here and this entire bottom section all one i'll trim this out cut this out later because i want to keep this flat if you tried to build this piece here separate and try to build the top sides this here will be up and down everything as long as i got a flat platform to start with i should be fine so i'll turn this over here and i'll bring this up because i got to bend it up here once a bit excess here here it wants a bit access up here i'm going to end up welding this piece here on after the fact so i'm going to turn around i'm going to come up here and i'm just going to cut this off and clean up this piece of metal and get it ready for making them out a few of you see me using the electric grinder but a while back i picked up this puppy and i haven't used it uh reason why i haven't used it because i had only the small batteries as you can see the small batteries had them and i tried i picked up this one here the other day this larger battery it's still not the biggest battery of them all so i'm going to give this world today and see how long that lasts and then i'll just go back to that one again it's a bigger battery again received a little package in the mail i want to cover this first one saying thank you out to kelly jones uh from livingston tennessee for sending me up a little goodie pack i he would mean him to chat and back and forth he says i've helped him out in his projects which is great he set me up with some sandpaper sam he sent me up some sandpaper a couple of disks and some stickets these are going to be wonderful when i was at that girl there they'll be put to good use i want to spend that send out a uh thank you to kelly for uh graciously sending me uh some sandpaper thank you very much sir i thought they were just regular flat wheels just look at that they're very cool i said they're great for doing it around in inner inside corners and whatnot so i'll give them a whirl comes time anyway thanks kelly so i went ahead and i cut the piece of steel out as you can see here now i don't want to hit i cleaned it all up uh removed just a scale and a metal as you could see from this type of steel when it gets into heavier gauge of steel there's usually a scale on it uh one little trick that i does is like i'll strip it with a 24 like this here but sometimes these hair wear on easy and you cut them down and whatnot like i've showed you before about cutting down but one thing i've learned over the years that if you cut them like this uh you got more bite on these edges right so you'll do more damage and cut off material a lot better uh with these with them cut like this i just trimmed them off you know they're not perfectly symmetrical or not like that i just start cutting across and across and across work my way around sometimes some are longer than the others but it's a just neat little trick uh this here will cut a lot more it's great for when you're stripping off this scale works fantastic for that so just a quick little tip now i got that done i got this straight away i got to go ahead now and i got to start marking out where i'm going to put my bends i'm going to put these two bends in here first i'm going to bend this across here and i'm going to cut nothing out late in place i'm going to put a bend here and a bend here and follow through to these two bends so the bend is wider up here than it is down here so i'm going to play around just now get two of them marked out now the more i size this up i see the way the steps up here and the way it steps up here more now i'm trying to figure out why it does that because under close inspection you can see these hair go straight back through seeing what on the other side that goes straight back through this has been tampered with so all i can see is that up in this corner here there used to be a large gap because what i'm noticing here is you can see the pole on the spot weld that's on the floor panel that was there previously that's really really deep there if you lay an edge across it you can see how deep that spot weld is so that i used to pull down into this panel so i want to say there was a large gap here which a lot of debris and everything got into and lodged up here probably the reason why this corner here rusted out so what i'm going to do is i'm going to keep the the height the same as this one down here so it just steps over this section here it'll just step over this it'll be a small enough gap you're going to lay flat there and lay flat here i can't see this having to be at an angle like such it'll be a big gap down here on the bottom side then if we do it that way all i know is is that from when you turn it over the mount is is parallel to the bottom side here but up in this corner everything gets thrown out of whack when it gets up to here you look at this nose across this way and it's pretty well level right across the top edge of it but why this corner was low i really don't know so i'm going to mark it out here now as you can see i got the same distance across i'm going to fold this up fold this back they give me this bend here this little bend here so then i got that and that'll be the same over here and then i can go and start building the rest of them out now i went ahead and marked the lines off as you can see i moved down another one i wasn't fussy on this one up here because it was a bit tight to the top edge so i just moved down a bit so now i'm just going to bend this up bend it back and then bend it the other way again just so it's flat hopefully it does just right let's see if we did this right guess what never done it right i made the bends backwards this was supposed to bend this way and that was supposed to bend that way so i'm going to flatten this all out again now and do it again [Music] [Music] don't be afraid to make mistakes uh any metal guy or vitamin surrounders don't make mistakes well that's highly unlikely trust me um i've made a lot of them and i just made one that time the problem with the last is i'm going to side here and i should flip the sugar mark this on the other side for my first bend which i'm going to do here now flip it over in america like so if you want to you can probably go and scrap the entire piece and get another piece and start from scratch uh that's not what i do i'll just turn around i'll turn this off and when it all gets the shape back again it'll be fine see it went over and re-bent it again oh it looks best kind same piece of metal i never scrapped it i got upset myself i just went over and i fixed my problem so now i'm going to put this on here i got another bend i gotta make this will follow along here this this one here so i'm gonna mark this up here now so this lines up on this edge here like so and down here on this edge here that's the way that'll go like that and i'm going to mark along here and bend that up on a 90. got to mark down where it wants to bend put to make sure every time i put some marker on a piece of metal as you see that's the side is facing off so that's where the bends got to be so that's the reason why i end up making a mistake before bent to dry away let's guy's 190. this 14 gauge is a lot harder to bend i went ahead and i bent up this end here got that fitting up there and i came over here in place now you wonder why i made it so big and so wide that ever made templates and whatever when i lay this in place here now i can move this back and forth here to find the perfect spot for that to go don't have to be precise down here or up here but as you're moving along you can see it changes and it doesn't fit it goes down too far and it's tight so i know now roughly where i got to go so now i'll describe this line here mark this out i'm going to weld this sage on later but i'm going to leave it a little bit long here because i gotta put a roll in it if you look at it there's a roll big large roll on it so i'll roll it up it'd be very hard to roll this entire edge here because i find you can only roll halfway through the lip uh you can roll roughly a quarter of an inch comfortably without distorting stuff when you start getting in three eighths of an inch half inch and over an inch uh it really gets hard you can do it um if you had a shrinker stretcher and all that type of stuff we don't have that we got a grinder and a hammer and a welder so all i'm going to do now is i'm going to mark this out here mark this line here and trim up this section here so i did it went around and marked it you see it over here made a little bit longer going along there marked along here marked it up here so then here's what i'm left with i'm gonna go trim this out now [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh now i cut the whole thing out one battery is still going i'm gonna change the bladeness i'm impressed with that let me imagine what i can do with a bigger battery deadly it mounts clamped on top of it i'm gonna use this as a guide and i'm gonna take the grinder now just grind this off with the 24 grit here so i'm going to do is grind that down there round out that edge here and dress it around and go around and tidy up the corners and edges i'm going to leave that a little bit long for now that can be trimmed off and over here same thing [Music] so when i head down i got it all cleaned up rounded out the edges are all done and like you're saying mr tony you're only going to use this much of the lip why don't you cut center out of it no because this is all nice and flesh this is staying flat it goes flat the shape is there the last thing i'll cut out was that piece and realistically i really don't need to cut it out it'll just give more strength to the mouth all right all you got to have is so as the bolt goes through it there as long as you paint inside of it but i got this all made up and like some of your questions only one you just repair them out look it's all thin there how rusty that is you see where it's cracked there and gone there it's really thin and it's all split up we're going to split it up to right there rust it out crack the land there it looks good when you put it there that looks like a real good mount uh clean it up that'll be perfect but that's not the case now that i got this made the next thing i'm going to work on getting this rolled edge in there now you can see this starts straight here and then it starts to turn here i went ahead and i wrapped this see i marked it right at the bottom of the turn and then i noticed that right along there it's all going to be parallel so i'm reacted so i know that's how much i got to turn i gotta roll it up so i'm gonna work that there now with the dolly [Music] probably gonna have to split that there now it's probably best if i did that the roll was kind of hard to roll [Music] so all i did is i just cut it so i could roll it so so [Music] so there it is i got the roll on it as you can see hold it up this way you can actually see i can get a place there actually see it roll through half the roll see focus there you go and look at this it looks good along there you can see now the gap that was back on this side how high that is and that pull that down to that mount why it was like it i don't know so i'm going to correct that it's going to be very hard to notice it so when i gets it all done now that i got that done now i can start working on these top sections this section here and the sides here i'm going to work on making all this here top and the two sides in one piece and not one piece but in three or four pieces and weld it and dress it i'm not gonna put it on this here until all this out here looks good so then all i got left to dress is this lower section down here after the fact a lot of you asked about that grinding and the inside edges and stuff so i'm going to go over that too so let's start making the top panel and the sides oh there's i figured out how long i needed it how wide i needed it and i transferred it all around this piece of plate again and i measured it up and i measured it out and i'm just going to cut a square piece out if you want to make a template of this by all means do so uh you might find it easier or whatnot i just find said i like to start with a square piece of metal and i'll start trimming it marking it and doing it all after i get the piece of metal prepped and ready to go blade number two on that battery is still going strong i got that all cleaned up ready to go now all i'm doing now is i've got to put this bend in it next that's the first thing i'm doing i lace this on top of this it doesn't fit in it right because i know i haven't got enough material here when i put the bandit so i'm going to trim a bit of this off so i could slide this down more to get it to bend across here so i'm just going to trim this off and roughly trim off a piece of it [Music] that's over now that'll fit there that'll be perfect i'll just size it up now make sure i'm not up to the edge an hour on anything and i got lots of material on the backside so now i'll mark where i want to bend it maybe i'll just mark it this way the angle that way they turn around here there's a little way there's some place to see what it looks like now i've put a bend in the middle it's about a 45 degree bend but now i need to trim this off so it'll fit in here better so i can mark the rest of it so all i'm going to do now is look at the measurement uh from here to here which i found i was ever older the whole pair is different because i changed the angle on it but i'm going to use that here so i'm just going to lay a straight edge across there and mark it along there and that will be my cut line so this is all i'll do and that will be my cut line okay i got two of them clamped together up here i got the angle laid in there and fitting across the edge as you can see now it interferes up here interferes up here where this drops down a bit but that's fine so all i'm going to do now is i'm going to take a marker and roughly straight uh roughly draw that out along that here like i was saying if you want to make a template the i all means do so i just this is just the way i am i've been looking all these years so a template might have been easier but hey we all have our way of doing things apparently i just tried this and it uh the video wasn't wrong but anyway so i'm gonna show you this again now i already went ahead and started cutting stuff uh how i scribed that there is i had a screwdriver right here and i just put it inside there a sharp knee in that it's a little pick for a pick of that thing and i described it along here like so that's how i described it and went around the backside so when you take the parrot [Music] there you go see the scribe marks from the scribe coming up around and i already started cutting this side right so i figured i'd just show you that how you cut this a little grinder does everything in the grinder as a curved line as it does with a grinder [Music] [Music] all i've done is i scribed it now i'll go back and i'll just keep going along that line there until i cut strokes [Music] finally found the end of the battery but that went really long anyway that's all he does with it now i got all test fit in place sizing it all up here and i notice and this side here is fitting up pretty good going up along here and i gotta round out these edges here but when i turn around this way here and look straight in at it you can see that it's still too wide right so i trim off so much of this here which i don't mind i'll just trim off a bit at a time right work off do it creep up to it don't worry about trying to make everything perfect the first time i'd rather cut a piece out and fit it and it'd be too big and if you had to trim it down then this would be too small to have to add to it or start over again right so and one thing i'm going to do here i'm sizing up because i put the sides out there is a rolled edge on this okay i'm going to do that with weld i'm not going to get into rolling the edge of the steel here i'm going to weld it inside and put a nice heavy bead on the inside of it and then i can roll the outside edge to get that nice roll edge on so it makes work a lot easier so i haven't worry about rolling this edge and rolling my the other edge trying to weld through it i'll get the straight there by welding it so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to trim up this here on the inside here and i'm going to round out these edges and get it fitting better so i trimmed it and i grinded it i trimmed it i grinded it and i trimmed it and i grinded it here's what i got it fits right over top of that there it's down here's a bit hot here because of the way it's shaped going along here on there now if you just look at this here bring over this piece here and there's the start to take shape so now that's done there you go now i got to turn around and make a strip that'll go right around here now the key with this is if you look at it you got everything else done you take one step at a time you look at it now if you look at that that don't come down on a 90 degree angle all the way around so you can't it'd be hard to do this in one piece okay you know two sides and you'll do the front because this is at an angle i should say like if you look at this is an angle it's not straight up and down this is at an angle not straight up and down same with the front side right so when you look at it this way you can see the way that it goes is that a small slice of an angle going down into this here so that way you'll play take that new pair so i'll make up a couple strips now a few strips and make them wider and i'll trim it off after the fact but all i want to do is make it so that it fits in along here first and i'll make these wider and i'll weld them onto this here and i'll make sure that the angle all the way around i'll probably make a nose piece separate and two sides so i'll cut a couple of strips out now that i can get okay i went ahead and cut out strips two side pieces and a piece in the front if you notice this one is water the reason why is water is this is the front section that we got to do here now this is not at a 90 degree angle and what i mean by that is that the metal itself does not go straight up and down it's laid back a small bit so when we curve the shape around this here it's going to be hard to do and i'll show this with a scrap piece of steel if you just roll this around and make a round shape out of it right like so when you lay that down flat that's at 90 degree now the problem you got is you got to raise it up like that to get an angle on it so what you do is you start with a wider piece then you can cut the angle out and when you put it on the angle you'll get the proper angle so i'll roll this piece to get the angle there like you're not gonna gonna make by right this piece here if you look at it there's my marker if you look at it if you actually made a template of it this is what your shape will be like that's what it'll actually look like when it's done i'm making it out of a flat piece of steel like if you made a template that's where the piece of steel that you end up having to cut to roll that around there to get that the problem you got is trying to get it to fit properly so all i've ever done is i've made them wider water piece of steel i'll curve that around that deer and then i'll just twist it to where it's lower here and higher here then i get the proper angle that i'm after so i'm going to go ahead and i'll roll it up and show you you see i got a rough shape there now i play around with that some more now and i'll get that to roll and fit in there tighter so i'm going to do and then all i'm going to do is i'm going to put an angle you can see what happens when i put it on angle so all i'll do is i'll do that and i'll raise it up and i'll get my angle here's all i got done i gotta roll around i gotta fit in places nice and tight now back here on these back corners here what i'm going to do is i'm going to tack weld them right here just a little bit and i'm going to lower this section down but so here's all i've done i put two tacks on either side now if you look at it this here is at a 90 degree angle to that here now i got to get this so this is on a bigger angle so a tap down side here as you can see right and by doing so when you bring this up the angle of this changes see so this is not 90 degrees it is no more so all i need to do now is i got to go in there and find the angle that i wanted at which is pretty close to there a little i'll bring it up back a small bit and uh i'll start throwing some tacks in here and i'll weld it on the inside i may have let one side go because as i'm bending it around it opens up a gap so i'm probably going to cut one side and tap this in a bit more yeah okay i went ahead and i cut that weld there now and you can see i can move it right so when it drops down i could tighten this up on the inside here but i had the angler figured out and i got about an inch on the bottom here for the angle it's very hard to see what i'm trying to do here but all i'm doing is i'm changing the angle here from here this is at a 90 degree angle now you can make up a template to go in here and it's very hard to do to get this angle right this is all i ever done is made out of water pieces so i can get this angle right i'll trim up the bottom and i'll trim up the top after the fact to make this straight all the way around here because right now this is too wide down here and it's going to be too narrow up here well it's going to be too wide here as well because i got more and more material here but you can see here where it changes and i'll change all that angle there but i'm going to concentrate on getting the nose right down first before i do my sides so i'm going to go ahead now i'm going to attack well that in place there now i went ahead and i welded the inside all the way around it doesn't matter not i'm going to cutting this section off over here after the fact but when you hold it out flat now you look at this level you can see that that's not an angle up front there an hour coming up the front there and it is too high off the table so what i got to do now is i'm going to trim off this top section here and then i'm going to make a parallel line from here and cut this back this way here on both sides here so i can get this laid flat on the table and get it to height this height here off the of the actual mount itself and i'll just trim down this bottom section where i'm happy with it now i went ahead and i cut the top off it made a flush as you can see now now you can actually see the angle that is on comes off of here and then falls down here so there's my little angle that i'm after now the thing with this if you look closely at this here you can see there's all different heights around here i got to make this parallel now i was playing around here sizing this up that is pretty close to the height of that there so if i ran the teeth you give me a straight edge around here like so just ran right off the top edge there still a bit warm after cooling this down a couple of times now but if i just ran that around the top edge here you can see i got a parallel line now i'm not going to cut to that i know where it's too i'm going to come down here and just go along right off this here parallel to that orange tape to give myself a little bit of grinding roll and i can flatten it out after the fact so i'll just trim this off down here now that's all i did i cut it off and it's parallel to the tape all the way around as you can see so now it's parallel to the top so i can lay this flat out of the bench and then i got that little angle very subtle well this makes all the difference in the world so now what i've got to do now i'm going to go in i'm going to finish this piece off i'm going to trim off the side over here and i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to weld all this up out here and then grind and round out this edge here because i got it welded on the inside here for strength and uh so i'll get a nice rounded beveled edge on the outside of it like this on this here and then we'll go on to the next step after that now you can see where i got it all welded up solid everything is done and out now the trick with this is now is we got to get a rolled edge on this but we're not going to do that right away what i want to do now is get these welds flat and get this flat so i'm going to weld the top and i'm going to very weld i'm going to grind the top flat and i'm going to grind the sides so we got a nice sharp edge going right around here so we got something to follow by if he just starts running rolling over on all this here you're going to find that it's going to be up and down around all the way around you're going to be trying to figure out how to get that nice round edge so first thing i'll do is going to grind this flat and grind this flat and get a nice sharp edge back there again so here's all i went and did i grinded her flat here and i grinded her flat here so now we've got a nice even line all the way around as you can see now what i'm going to do i'm going to go in a 45 degree angle and cut a line right along here [Music] now you can see how i i grinded it then you can see i got the even back hair is a bit off so i gotta widen that up a bit more there but you can see that i grinded on a 45 degree angle and the size is the same all the way around except for back on the two corners back here i'll have to open it up a bit more and back here i'll have to open up before so now i got an edge going to an edge and then this flat edge and a flat edge so what i got done i got the overall shape made but i got a consistent lines going all the way around it so all i'll do now is i'll bring this down here so it's even along here again and then i'll just go around i'll round all this out and there you go you just round off the edge of it and you get a consistent roll off the top of it then as you can see here now it rolls off the top so now we've got the front of the finish when you stand back and look at us when it lays flat just a little slight contour angle here it's not straight up and down as you can see now we're going to move on now and do the sides now the thing with the sides are is with if you turn it upside down these are straight on this corner i got to tap this out i'm going to tap that one out just so that it comes back on a bit of an angle here and then i'll start fitting these pieces these ones here i'll start fitting them in place on the sides here i'll tweak them up and bend them up and roll them around the sides like that now i just went over and i tweaked this up a bit and lay this in place in here i'm going to overlap it up here because i'll trim that after the effect up here all over that but see i'm not going to worry about butt welding that right now be too hard because of the angle and i'll just trim that to fit after the fact i'm going to get it welded in here first so i got it held in place and then i'll turn around i'll trim the ends of it after the fact it's a complicated piece but like again i finished one piece off that is all now one piece i'm moving on adding one more piece to it and i'm just concentrating on this area here nothing else so don't let stuff get overwhelmed on you because you look at that there that's all done i got the end of it all tweaked out like i said i was going to do all right that's finished now i'll move on and do this one do the same process again tack weld it in place trim it all up weld it on grind it off i just went ahead put it on the angle that i wanted it on attack weld it in place big chunk of metal there lots from the trim off now i'll go up here and i'll i'll trim that there so two of them will butt well together there i'll just clamp that under that there now and i'll start cutting through it and clean it up here so it fits right nice and dialing it in and then i'll weld this on the inside as well and then i'll dress the outside you only know there's a join there so i'll go to that next all this i trimmed it off it's the thickness of the blade so i got use the inside here as a guide with the blade i took the grinder and i got it laid it up against this piece here much the same as over here like i laid it up against that and grinded it down so when i done this here i just cut straight down through it i wasn't worried about having a big gap there because it's pretty heavy steel right so and they're parallel so now i'll weld them up on the outside i weld it all up on the inside i'm not going to remove this yet this is my nice little handle i got out now so i'll weld all this up here all this out here and then i'll uh grind it all up and then it gets it all well then i'll cut the end off it did so i went ahead i welded it up on the inside weld it up on the outside weld it up on the corner here after i cut it off and then i grinded it all down and you can see what it looks like looks the same as what we're doing from factory little rolled edge on like you know if you have many cars there's many different type of cars that you've got that you cannot buy reproduction body mounts for and you're looking to do a real nice job on it this is how you can go about doing it i've made a lot of this stuff this this little hole through for pretty well almost any model car but these 60s cars were always trouble because you can go out you can buy this mount for a chev but you couldn't get it for a pontiac a buick or an olds because it was a totally different car this here i think the shed ones i'm not mistaken are probably about this long the same mountain same area uh so you know if you went out like you could go out and buy the shed mount but it's not gonna be the right one you would think it would be but it's not and then you're gonna be left with you know having to make something up so you just take your time and you know this type of thing that i always look at is if once this car is all done and it's put up on a ramp and someone walks underneath and walks back across it they're not going to see big old knobs of weld back here and pieces welded across here and pieces welded in it they're going to see a nice tiny little mount there was a lot of time put in it and 9 10 chances out of 10 they won't even know if this was replaced it was done right so i'm going to go ahead now repeat the whole process again over here finish off this side and get this mount ready to mount on this section here going ahead finished off the other side welded it all on the inside and turn around and i grinded it all up as you can see that was pretty hot yeah it's not there there now but as you can see it's all set up there when you look at it there now compare the two of them the shape that i got to that one there you can almost lay that one right on top of that one okay and then when you look at it the little detail is this you look down the side of it see a little tapered all the way around look on the front of it you can see it's a tapered edge down the side of it it's tapered edge all right there's a straight edge on the front straight there anyway on that corner yeah it's pretty straight in that corner that's not half bad you can tap that out if you want i'm probably going to tap that on a small bit there right there just to round it out a bit but now we got the mount made up is that little detail of the rolled edge and the tape around here because you would go ahead and you probably make this mountain you'll be looking at it going something don't look great about it and there's that little tiny taper okay so now next thing i got to do now is i've got to come over here and i'm going to fit this on this here really going to start taking shape now find out now where i got to trim this off here on the back side here so it fits in there and get it moved back far enough that it lines up on my mount and everywhere i want it to and then i can weld it all on so i'm going to trim that up there now and get it fitting better okay now i gotta fit in place trimmed it up on the back side here trimmed it up got a fitting nice up here then i played around getting the laid in position where i wanted to do and tweak the sides of it here and tweak this out here a little small bit so i would match this side here and then i measured off the top of this here to the bench and how i did that is just the ruler across there and took this machine here and measured up off the bench and did the same thing over here in a couple of locations so that the amount is the same height and the same thing here i got both of the same height here i grinded this down on the back side here to put the lower it this side here all i did is i took the grinder and i just grinded it down till it was the right height that i wanted and uh to fit it in place so now it's just a matter of me to find the exact spot that i want to position it and then start welding it on i'm not going to paint nothing in here yet because i'm going to cut the back side out of this after the fact so i can paint it all and dress it because i still have to weld the mount on it here where this went to here i got a bolt there i got a on seize and weld to the bottom side of this here but i'm going to concentrate on getting all this welded up in here and getting all that dress so it's got a nice little rolled edge on it like this here and then i'll weld it on the inside as well won't be too fussy when you turn it over you'll never see it unless you cut the carp again i'm not gonna do nothing with them wells i'm leaving all that there for strength that's nice and thick in there you may be wondering all the grinding of after doing out here on the outside but this section right here is thicker than the actual metal itself okay right where them wells are too it's all right nice and thick all the way down through this section here that's nice and strong so i'm going to position this now where i want it and i'm going to start welding it on [Music] so i got that tack welded it in this is pretty heavy steel and we're it's still all one piece on the bottom side here i'm gonna go ahead down and go back here and i'm gonna weld every inch or so i'll weld it and skip an inch welding skip an inch let it cool down and keep an eye out by just laying it on the mixture we'll weld that up so [Music] so so so there it is all welded up on the outside i may have to go back and do touch-ups and what that when after i grind it but what i'm going to do first he's going to come in here now and you can see now where it's all marked out from doing the welding i'll just come inside here and i'll just trim all that out there and take that piece out of there all together so that way i can paint the inside of this so i'm going to go ahead down i'm going to mark that and cut it out with the grinder if i did just cover up a line there just cut on the inside of the weld all around just move the piece now still a bit still there i'll trim it all back clean it all up and then i'll weld it in here as well to give it some strength on the inside uh some people might say why don't you just make a lip after the fact it's very hard to make this completely flat okay this is the best way i've found to ever make it because i thought if he makes this piece here and it starts adding lips to it it's kind of hard this is up and down up and down down at least when you're starting off with a complete flat surface to start with uh you'll get a lot better job done out of it so i'm gonna go ahead now trim all this up get this all welded up yeah i went ahead and i grind it all up it's pretty thick here on the edges i don't think i'm going to buy the weld enough i have a lot of welding on here and i'm feeling it there and it's pretty good fit there so all i'm going to do now is i'm going to grind off this edge here and round out that edge there to finish it off now all i've done i've been asked about a number of times and this is what it is all grinding discs if you look at an old grinding disc and you see the round rolled edge on them that's all i use i got different sizes if you look down there all different sizes saved up from all the times i've been doing it and they all start this big that's where they all start to and i'll probably use this one because that one's round two and i'll round out this edge line here in the corners i'll do with a dog grinder this fella here i'll grind that up there in the corners dress it all up and run it down there so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to grind all this up [Music] so there it is all grinded up i have to rewind a couple of spots again and just grind it up again you can look at it see where it's all gone so now that i got that done and all that deer is dressed up it's ready to go uh next thing i got to do now is i'm going to put this lip on her raise that up as you can see on the original one original won't have this big lip on it that well's under the wheel well so i'll go ahead now and i'll start making this up i'm going to do a quick test fit on it to see how it fits on the car and then i'm going to make sure that this here is going to look fit all right and i'll just put a piece on it i got a piece during the bench a few pieces there we go piece here and all those out as weld it under there like that bend it around weld that up there as well and then i'll have that lip on here's just all welded out weld it on the inside as well all i'll do now is i'll just grind all that up and i'll trim it off and we'll do a twist fit so there it is all dressed up nice lip on it i'll put the little v in it there like it's on this one then we're kicked up a little bit more with the spine that will be perfect grind it on the inside you look at it up from the end it's got a nice little rolled edge on it going along the edge of it there nice big round rolled edge so it looks original so that'd be ready to go so now the entire amount is made all that's left to do with these now is to put a uh just a dress hole there which i'll put one there in america for the mount and then drill a hole for the mount and then i can turn around and set up for the extended mountain broke off on this so i put the mounting bolt back into this one here but what i'm going to do first i'm going to go down underneath her and do a quick quick test fit on this here and mark the center hole okay went ahead you can see here where i got the america two and i went ahead and marked the other bottom one which is this one here that can randomly go as long as it's in the center in the same area all i'm going to do is drill it out one a drill bit first and then i'm going to do a step bit and that should take me up to the right size on both of them and that one bit that'll take you the last one there so i'll drill both of them out there now there you have two of the holes drilled just use a simple little step drill on that so now we got two of the mounts i have the actual mounts actual finish now to the whole point that well it's not quite finished yet i got to fix this this is the way the uh mount was bolted on from the bottom look at it here you can see where it was welded to it's just a square block it was welded in place i'm going to try and see if i can salvage this this plate here i'm going to turn around and chop off the end of this here because you'll never unthread that clean it off flush to it and then i'm going to weld the bolt washer on here and then i'm going to weld a bolt down here put some lots of heat in it and see if i can unbolt it [Music] challenge accepted all i'm gonna do first is i'm gonna lock this off here get this back flush clean the top edge of this off here because you'll never unthread this end over here so i cleaned it off and i cut it flush and i grind it you can actually see now where the bolt goes so all i've got to do now is i'm going to flip it over and i'll clean up the other side of it so i can weld the washer into it now all it is i cleaned it up around her saw i can slide that washer down over it and i can weld that on down there give it lots of heat down so i get close to the bolt there then all i'm going to do is i'm going to slide this large bolt over top of it i'm going to weld it on up here and i'm going to weld it on down here so then i got it grabbed in two sections of that bolt before i do that i'm going to lay this on this here and i'm going to hit this with the hammer a few times to try to break this loose in here just by you know shocking it hitting it with a hammer that's all i'm going to do got the welder turned right off so seems like a lot of welding but we don't have heat for torch i haven't had a torch near fail if you don't succeed repeat [Music] [Applause] [Music] fail okay after snapping it off twice now this hasn't moved what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna do i got turned over now and i'm going to drill a hole right down for the middle of that okay tip number three try drilling it out fail right yeah i can get the bits to go to one eight bit went down through it so now i'm after reheating it again now with another washer another nose i'm after uh getting a moving smile a bit here one thing i did different this time after i welded it um what i did is i cooled the bottom side of the bolt i shot the water trying to shock the threads so that it cooled down on the bottom side more and i've done that with an old spray bottle so these are always fun trying to get i got it moving and i just put some spray uh wd-40 on the other side down i'm just trying to see if i can work it loose i'm just going to rock it back and forth and it'll walk itself i'm not going to force it let the wrench go around on his own determination that's what it is and there we go yeah little vodka i guess or a tap down for that now cleaning out the threads there it is well in place factory way it was done just weld it on either side of it there got it all done so this is ready to go all i got to do now is i'm going to drill a few spot welds here along this edge here that i can weld on and then drill a couple on this back side here and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to mark it and drill it the floor up here and drill the spot wheels down through so next thing for me to do now is go around i'm going to mark all that get the holes drilled in this and get the holes drilled on the floor so i'm going to put that back in place now market and uh get it all ready so i can paint this okay i got this all painted and already painted all the sections that were gonna be covered and i'll paint all the bottom saw that now what was the mountain i got that painted i went ahead here in the trunk and i have to american everything up i drill out spot welds where i'm going to uh weld it in the trunk here down here i've done the same i got everything painted and ready to go so that i can put the panel up and there to be paint underneath it off so i'm going to fit that mount in place now and weld it in there it is just one clamp hole in place fits nice and tight against the panels and everything although well all this after i'm going to go up top first i'm going to weld all the plug wells on this here first and then come down and do this section here and along here they are all welded in place down here it's all out of the place up here all i gotta have to do now is grind up my welds so there it is everything's been welded up and all grinded up that's done there you have it everything down here is all welded up as you can see i went ahead and i painted it i put the mount back in bolted it all back up and it all looks factory original again it doesn't take much you can actually as you can see i built all this with simple tools and used just all scrap sealer head kicking around and i just took my time made one section at a time dressed it as i went anybody want to take this now and dress it up and paint it would have been nice if this was off the chassis could have done a really tidy job on it all and painted it all up but the customer i think is just blacking out the bottom of this car so but still in all when it's put up on a ramp anybody looks in here they will see an original mount you won't see a rusted up mount anyway that's it for this one i hope the tips were good and until next time [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 406,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QHD1_8w34dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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