How to make factory seams from rusty metal

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hey fitzy here back out again another one do you ever have them pesky seams that are always rusty in your project the the bottom panel is welded to the top panel and the ends have rusted through you have holes there and a lot of amounts of rust and everything in there but you'd like to retain them but you can't buy the panel [Music] i'm going to show you how to make it retain the seam make the panel stick around [Music] so let's get started now here's what we got here it's early 70s dads and pickup i think the people call them 610s i think of this 72 73 that model but anyway i got the box here now you've seen me do videos on the rocker panels and the hood and floor pans on the same truck i'm finally getting at the box here now so what i got here now is i got an issue here where she's all rotted out in here you can see the rust damage there all that's gone there the shape is all going out of it and she's gone up through here as well uh problem you got with these here just a factory seam and just three layers of steel there's this layer this layer and then this floor pan on the inside that all welds together in this one area now the floor pan here is also bad all right it's also gone along here so i'm going to replace that as well so i'll be getting into that later but for now i'm just going to concentrate on getting the two panels done i'll get the outer sections of the panel done this is the worst section on the truck it's right here uh back here is a bit more but i'll get into that it's basically going to be the same process here as what it is here so i'm going to get started now first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to get some metal cleaned up i'm going to start making the bottom i'm not going to remove nothing i've said that before about templates i'm going to go ahead now and start in by cleaning up a piece that's going to go down about here somewhere and turn around and start shaping that piece there but first things i'm going to clean up your steel okay i went ahead now this sheet of steel here that i had i caught a piece off it that was a little bit longer and a little bit wider uh basically i got an about a half an inch higher and a half inch longer than what it actually is now the thing with this is this is 18 gauge steel a lot of people keep asking me what are you making my panels out of this is 18 gauge uh you can turn around look at this here and you can see 18 gauge and how thick it is on this here now this truck is 24 gauge okay from factory i've have to do some measurements and everything and 24 gauge fits in a rounder and that is extremely thin metal it's very hard to work with why do i do it with 18 gauge and not do it with 24 simply because you're going to be doing a lot of grinding and if you grind a bit of this material off and turn it into 20 gauge you're fine okay you're still within a thing this is a lot uh easier to weld for the simple fact that it's thicker okay it's uh nicer to work with i find that the slider gauge metals 24s and everything it ends up going right wavy very easy it's like you know working with tin foil now i got the piece laid in place and i lined it up here right along the edge here you can see it's flush through the edge of that there so there's my edge there are a line there that i'm going to put a 90 degree on there i laid that in place here then i drilled two locations down below that i can put it with the clecos now you could use screws here but uh one of the disadvantages using screws and i've run or run into it over the years every time you screw it in and take it off and screw it and take it off you end up stripping one of them out and especially the 22 gauge you'll end up stripping that out 24 gauge so i like using the clickos uh you can buy them online they're cheap as dirt they're great for this type of stuff now i have a location that that will always return to so i'll build everything off of that down here i got to put a roll on it i'm not concerned about it right yet uh i don't know if i'm going to take it this far i might trim that off a bit up here yet i don't know but what i'm concerned about now is getting this shape here if you look at it marking all this here and bending that and getting that shape to go along here so i can work on getting this edge the way i want it but by doing it this way now i have a location to return it to and when i cut this panel off i can lay this in place and say okay here's work i'll be capped over so there's always a good thing to when you're building a panel that you're going to be putting on taking off putting on taking off a couple of whole random holes in good solid metal it doesn't matter if it's in the middle of it or not because it's just holding it in place you can weld them up after the fact but it'll save you a lot of headache because it'll always return to the exact same location every single time now right here you can see i got a bit of a roll and i got it goes from here and then it goes down into the bottom edge here that i can push in there i'm going to mark this now and line up along here on the angle that is going to be and i'm going to work on rolling this edge out around here rolling it in so it fits better now all i want to do is i mark the two points drew a straight line on it and the problem it is i want to bend it this way so i had to mark both engines on the opposite side and draw another line again so all i gotta do is just put it into brace and bend that up on a fairly big angle because i know it's a sharp edge now to pull it out of this like so and i'll just slowly i'm going to clamp it on right now to slowly start bringing it back i have to work this now it gets it overnight in the vise i'll work making this better as you can see here i got a cotton roll now it's a very sharp edge but i'm going to work this edge now so it fits better on the car oh i'm doing like a t dollar put in the voice and i'm just going to dolly it around and go back and fit it and you know go back and forth test fit it dial it and test it and die as you can see here over here this comes down it's got a roll cornrow edge on it now i've come right down here this edge so as part of this roll i haven't even got it put into the panel but i'm not going to get into it you can see here i got the hole for enjoyment and you can see that it's all good metal up there so i'm going to cut it off along here now over here i've got this panel here with a hole here it's just one last single hole here i'm not too concerned about it so i'm just going to come down probably say half an inch below the um where i got the hole put to i'm going to mark it right along there and i'm going to cut off the panel um in along here to make this work i've after going over on the bench a few times now tweaking it changing the angle on this a couple of times uh you know back and forth back and forth you know take your time with it you can see like when you look at it this way it's got a rolled in edge right as it goes along it so you know don't ever think that like you're making too big of a piece you're going to run into troubles this is a lot easier making a larger piece and then caught it after the fact it's a lot a lot easier to remove metal than it is to make a small piece and then start piecing stuff back together again i've learned that the hard way so you know just you know start with a larger piece and then go from there so i'm gonna go over here and i'll mark this now and cut off this panel [Music] [Music] [Music] so there you have it now you're seeing me there going back and forth uh one of the advantages of these over screws is the number of times you take it off you just see me putting them on there now two or three times i've after doing this six seven eight or nine times putting it on fitting it changing angles and stuff refitting stuff dialing stuff and each time i do it i gotta take it over on the bench to do it and it's very hard to try to do on the car so i got happy where i'm two where's two now so i'm ready for that bottom piece that's ready to be installed but this big advantage to these uh if that was screws i can guarantee you by now the holes would be longer this panel would move around uh it's great if you just put it on once and you're going to hold it on and weld it down but if you're test fit the panel and you've got some work to it uh it's best to have these cleat gloves so now i'm happy where everything fits here the way this lines up way this rolls off the edge here what i've got to do now is i'm going to mark it here and here and trim that section off there and that panel is ready to go because i'm going to weld that right along the edge here the edge of this hair is in really good shape so i'm just going to mark these now and cut them off so i'm happy with this here now you can see a nice edge up along here it's flat along this edge here going along and screwed along this edge here so now i got to just push it on a few spots here so i'm ready now that i can actually install this piece so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to remove this lower panel and cut it off in through here because i don't need that lip anymore and then i'm going to drill out spot wheels down along here and take the panel off this way these can be tricky usually drilling them out you got to drill them out a little bit bigger because this is thin metal i may have replaced that lip yet i don't know we'll see how hard it is to get it apart but i've often been in situations where i drilled out clips like this here and mangle them that much that i ended up having to replace this entirely so let's hope that don't happen so i'm going to go ahead down i'm going to drill all these out i only drill them out with a 18 drill bit and then look like a quarter bit and i tries to just go halfway through because i'm trying to save the inner panel and well it doesn't matter anyway because i will up the inner panel before i put it back together anyway so let's get this off here now now the first thing you can see we got a panel here we need to find the spot welds all i've ever done is i took a grinder you probably don't need to be as aggressive as me an 80 grit or something like that a little and just clean off this panel as you start to go you'll actually see where the panel is [Music] [Music] one uh here here here now there's lots of specially tools uh guys to talk to them on my facebook page the problem you got with the the spot well tools is they're not so much ready available you've got order online or whatnot and i've used them in the past in the collision industry and i find that they when they go dull they're not going anymore you can you know and it always goes dull when you're in the middle of drilling out 25 or 100 spot wheels then you're stuck with what i'm going to do i've gotten into the habit of drilling them out with a one a drill bit and then a quarter of it and that's it uh i drill them out that size so i can i try to chew them off usually they're smaller three sixteenths but uh i like to try to grab them and break them off as best i can i won't drill right through i'll drill part away and then i'll start working my way along see if i can get him to break clear that way so i can save the panel into the back side [Music] [Music] sometimes you can see him actually letting go [Music] you heard that one that one just popped now i got them all drilled out uh we got a breakup clear from the back side a number of different ways you can do this it's best to do this by hand air tools uh like using their chisel or something like this here it is a nightmare uh these here don't even use my neck you'll mangle the data now if you haven't got any tools uh this is something i made a long time ago just a piece of flat bar you can make thinner ones um a piece of flat steel and grind at the end on an angle so it fitted behind it this is pretty old and worn out here now i haven't used it in a while but you're going to make something like this up pretty simple just a bit of flat stock and part of your standard stuff and then just grind the edge at an angle so you can fit it in it make it nice and sharp and then go from there but what i like the most is a cold chisel like this here an air chisel tip with the curved edge on it because it's got a tendency to grab everything and you can see it's tapered back on both sides and i'll hammer use the hammer on that and just take my time and hammer down through [Music] so because i always want [Music] there you go all the spot well so let go i didn't magnet too bad now i'll just cut that off [Music] [Music] got the panel off i had a little brace on the bottom there i let go to bolt down let that go it was fine but what i'm going to do here first now is i'm going to go ahead i'm going to clean this up i'm going to clean it up on the inside the surface rust here and i'm going to be concerned about that right here because he's going to be hanger coming here or whatnot so to get all this cleaned up let's see what i'm up against before i start making that top piece installed so here it is i cleaned it all up i'll be cutting all this off it don't really matter up here and i went and done some repairs on the panel uh i thought i was going to have well pieces in the bottom side this here there's a couple of pinholes here so all i did is i drilled them out and i welded them up as you can see hard to see there uh this panel is pretty solid and the more than i expected a little spot here and then was cracked down the bottoms cracked here and had to weld that on and just turn around and clean and dressed everything up so all this is a good solid panel now all the way around and i'm ready now to go up here and up here you can remember there was three holes i welded up that third hole and grinded that off so that'd be done so when i cuts the piece in there it'll go right across the right nice so now i'm ready to move on that i got this cleaned up in here if you want to i'm gonna end up painting in here uh if you want to you can put like a roast converter on it i would not recommend sandblasting this stuff sheet metal it is a nightmare people are hung up on rust okay rust is there uh you just gotta find ways around us you gotta clean it up uh if you can weld to it it's solace okay uh you can tell when when rust is bad if you stretch the weld you're just constantly blowing holes well that's the problem uh you can get rust converters uh good paints and paint all this here the only problem with all these old cars the reason why they rusted out there was never any paint put on them uh people don't realize that i had people talking about uh you know you know cleaning it up and sandblasting all this type of stuff if you sandblast this panel here now you might as well just throw it out you might as well just go ahead and try to make yourself a new panel the key here is trying to save as much of the panels as we can um you know it's not a very complicated panel but it is something that like to me that's a solid panel there um this car here one is all restored and done this will outlast whatever was ever done to the truck from factory um it may not meet some people's criteria in the way of the way i cleaned it up um you can't get rust converters and put on this to stop it to lock it in that's fine but if you go sandblasting it i can tell you you'll destroy this panel anyway enough of my rambling now i gotta fit this piece on top here get a fit in place and get the top lip mate now i've gone ahead and clamped that back in place again i used them two spots again as you can see here's my lip up on top now if you look down straight across this way it's straight along here around this lip here but as it gets over here it turns and goes out now the big thing i'm working on is trying to make sure that this edge here is nice and straight to here and you can see that it just kicks off and then it kicks in around here um i can probably do it in one piece strip it along there but i'm really hung up on making this edge nice and straight right up over to this area here so what i got done is i got the strip of metal that i originally cut off the top piece and there's one edge on this here that's a perfectly straight edge so what i'll end up doing is i'll basically weld this on here like so because i know that's a straight edge right along there over as far as this section here and then i'll wheel another section in here just because of the shape i want to get the shape right nice and everything i want to make sure that like if i just welded a large strip right across this here it's very hard for me to get this here make sure that it's not straight along right from here to here because this is crucial on the truck from here out it doesn't matter so i'll do this upper section in two sections uh people say we'll want you to bend it on 90. well it'll be hard to work this section here and then try to get everything to work i like doing my edges like on a welded section because i get a lot nicer edge than if you bent it and tried to cut off it and they tweaked it up and vented you're going to put a kink down through here you know don't overthink them um just lay the edges on and weld them on so i'm going to go ahead now fit that up there and i'm going to tackle that in place so here's all i went and did i put the straight edge on attached to the welded across there let it hang off over there and when i need to bench got a scrap piece of steel and i put it on the angle there i trimmed it up so fit and both welded here nice that's going to stay still for me so it's going to well nice here attack welded on i come up here then this tips down here all this is just welded around there now i got that entire piece done what i can do now is i can take this panel off and i can weld it on the outside weld it on the inside grind and dress the outside of it trim up this edge here do a nice job on it and get it ready to install so i'm going to go ahead now i'm gonna weld all this up inside and out so here it is i got it all welded up i got it all cooled down it's a little bit warm but i can handle it as you can see the piece is still on the end i just chop the end of it so i can find this in a rolled edge so i can weld that up there and i got it all welded on the outside edge there i wasn't worried about cutting that off making that fit nice and then i went ahead and also welded it on the inside so all the inside edges all weld at the bottom inside corners so i can get ready now to grind and dress all this off okay the uh you can see now the the angle that's on the way that goes i'm not going to cut none of this off yet until it gets distressed off i'm going to grow in a flat here and i'm going on flat here so i got a sharp edge here so i got a line to go by uh if he just starts grounding this off and doing that type of thing with it you're going to end up having a real rough edge here so if you grind a flat here and then grind flat here you're left with a very sharp edge then as a matter of just putting a real nice little roll on it so it actually looks like a rolled edge right and you haven't got to worry about grinding through it because you got the back side of it welded here now some have asked about how long it takes to do with different things um except it take took me close to an hour i say 45 minutes to weld this all up inside now a lot of your time making these panels it's uh grinding and welding okay that's most of your time uh fitting and stuff like that as well but like you know you spend a lot of time grinding and like some people they cut corners because all they do is just weld stuff up and then they just put it together and they knock the head off it and haul a bit of filler of it but if it takes time to do these panels to the degree that uh we do them at here and let's do nice edges and stuff like that uh this scene here is critical for me i want this seam to look really nice on this truck uh whether the customer wants to take it fill it over well that's up to him but i'm always one for seams uh i've said it in a few other videos before when i don't see seams on a vehicle i see a lot of filler here it is i figured i'd stop in the middle of it to show you you can actually see where i just grinded up on it i'm grinding it all flat along here like so so that's nice and flat but when you stand it up here you can still see it as well that on the top side along here i haven't grown at the top yet but you come back here and i started to grow on the top and you can see the nice sharp edge i got a see the sharp edge if you look on the edge of it here lots of welding still in there because of the weld in the inside here so you know you got a lot of material there you haven't got to worry about that that edge going weak on you because you're welded on the inside as well so now all i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna finish grinding that off along there now and uh dressing that up i'll get that looking good this edge looking good before i trim set i always do that if you trim this now you're not gonna know because you really can't see your edge there it is all grinded off and dressed you look down it see how nice and straight it is and the rolled edge rolls off on the end there see the way it goes just a simple old grinder all i'm using is an air grinder with 24 grit grinding pad on us this is nothing fancy so now that i got that in there now i can go in here and you can actually see how wide that is and what i've noticed on the original panel [Music] is that it looked like that the panel was only it wasn't very narrow and it came across here and just went straight off that's all it did you can see it here right this seems like that's the width there but it gets narrow as it gets back here so that's all i'll do is i'll put a straight edge now right along here and i'll just chop that clean right off in the original panel right here so the original lick is on i'll put a tape mark now along that here and i'll just cut that right off there you have it i went and tipped off the end of it there because i noticed it was leaking on the panel and i just trimmed it off wasn't a very wide lip on us but now we have the replacement panel that will go right here like so now i'll just clamp right back under again and you can see we got a nice top and everything on it now and all i'll do now is i'll do the cutting board on that there now this here is going to drop down a small bit because where i lap that over there on the top so i'm going to leave that alone all i'm going to do is i'm going to trim up the top and slide this down off of these holes here a small bit so just slides down a little tiny bit so the holes are off and then i'll just turn around i'll tack well in place so i can do a cotton bud on it now all i can do is is uh i'm after trimming it but i'm going to show you what i got done is that a clamp back in them holes again so that's the exact same location the issue what it is is when you make this top piece you're making it on top of the original one which i've after cutting off which is that piece there uh problem with this you've got to move down thickness to the metal so these here will be number but what i ended up doing then is i just went ahead and i trimmed off about a quarter of an inch at the top edge of it so this could slide down without an issue all the panels are still there the rest of it's still there so i want to clean it up so this is going to have room to move down now here's all i went and did i got the panel put place again i got the click go taken out and if you look closely in there you actually see where i slid the panel down and it's pretty well thickness of the panel itself so i slid that down there clamped it on and done the same thing here you can see how much i slid it down right there all right see there there you go you see how far the panel is slid down there and there so now i'll go ahead and i'll put a few tacks on this line here and uh get that ready to do the cotton bottoms that's all i went and did is i got attacked in place there now so that's all i have in place i haven't got no cutting or not yet so now i can go ahead now and i'll trim down these two sides first here and here and get this to fall back as you can see the way it is here and i'll get that to fall back there so i can weld all that off and i'll do the same back here i'll cut this down here so this can fall back and then i'll start to cut this one across here and weld that panel in place i'll show you this here now all i did is i cut down the side here and i tack welded it there and then i started with a cotton ball across here you can see i caught it and you can see there's flush mounted here and then over here it overlaps very often i can actually show you what it looks like on the back side but this is it here now you can see the cut through the back panel and up through here as well you can see where i cut it up through here and i'll just continue on across here now cut so far i'll cut so far across here around a 45 degree angle i'll basically take the blade and cut it on an angle like that there and cut it across here so it's a nice thin gap you can see how thin the gap is there hold on there and i'll weld all that up so i got it all caught you can see it down here it's all flush mounted going along there over here then i come up here and i cut it off i got to fill i got to work with a small bit here is a bit of a low spot right here but all this sure worked out pretty good in the line line up flip it over here's the piece i gotta remove that now that's all he does i've some people have talked about uh having troubles getting that piece out um i think if you're doing flux core uh you will have a lot of troubles with but you can see now here on the inside how much thicker the inside is than the out which i don't mind because i got the strength there and i'll just turn around welding that there on the inside as well look along here addressing all that grind all that down there'll be a little seam across there that'll be on the inside you can feel that if you want i'm more concerned with out here making this all look right so i'm gonna go ahead now and i'll start welding all this up i'll weld every inch and then i'll come back and i'll spot weld it again it's gonna take a while to do and i'll pull the panel make sure it's nice and cool so i don't get too much heat in it it's a timely process but uh let's get it on so [Music] so [Music] so i got it all welded up i had to control my heat some because the two different thicknesses of metals uh i concentrate on my heat to the uh 18 gauge and fed it into the 24 gauge and like i was saying before like when you're welding panels together you got a tendency to just weld in the center but if you heat this section up here and go into that this is just like over exaggerating it and you heat it up and do it that way right so that way your most your heat is in this panel here and it makes it easier to weld slighter metals um trying to weld two slider metals together it's very time consuming and harder uh if you've got a heavier gauge steel to start from and strike your rack to that and then just feed it into a small bit you can control your heat better it doesn't look pretty but all that's being grinded down after the fact anyway so then i went ahead because i got the panel off i went ahead there was a number of spots here i just got i said i'm just going to give that full thing a weld on the inside and i welded my corners here and here so i can actually dress them and the outside nice and they have to worry about cut through them so you know look at the panel actually been welded up i haven't done nothing with that no metal working on it with that that looks pretty good there look down across that there so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go in i'm going to grind and dress all this up and get this ready i also welded up them two holes where i had to cleat those two so no big deal they're great things to have for alignment purpose and you can see what i how i used about this here so i'm going to go ahead now and grind all this up quick little tip i'm here grinding it off and i'm thinking about it treat your grinding the same way you do your welding okay when you're grinding off a panel take your time don't go putting a lot of heat in because you'll warp it up with a grinder uh you don't realize that you're thinking just that all the welding is done you're never going to warp it again you can put a lot of heat in these panels okay so you know grind a bit of it come over here and move on grind a bit tap off of this come back let the panel cool down so you can touch it again and go ahead and grind it again you grind this too much you're going to add too much heat to it now also this is 18 gauge and that's 24 gauge what i went and did with the grinder is when i was grinding it all i was doing is i was grinding on the 18 gauge and just grinding the welds and coming back into the 18 gauge i was staying away from the 24 because it's so thin this is one of the reasons why i like using a heavier gauge metal for doing patchwork is that i have room to grind it down i can grind this down a lot to make this 24 gauge metal so by using it this way here it saves me the trouble of grinding through this here so all i'm doing is i'm grinding this and the welds and i just laid around just touching it up after the fact so i went ahead now and i got it all grinded down okay there's a few small spots as you can see here i'm going to go back and i'm going to re-weld them in here as well and get the seam all done but it's a nice flow to it all looks good [Music] on the inside all i did is i just knocked the head off watch just a little bit of a lip here which i wouldn't i don't mind i'd assume have the strength on the back side of it anyway right you can do if you're really meticulous with it you could fiberglass over this short strand fiberglass over it and fill it and sand it you'll never know what was there same with these corners i'm gonna dress all them up and whatnot but anyway i'm gonna go ahead now i'm gonna weld up these few spots here now and grind and dress them up and have this panel completed so there it is i got it all finished up now i got all few spots re-welded again and i grinded it all up i got it all done up on this edge here so it flows down around there what i went ahead then and did is i went ahead and i tied it up everything that i figured had to be done one of the things that i noticed is where i've done the spotlight on the ends here uh some were pretty rugged alex having this age on it all the way along and some of my damage so i went ahead and i used the pliers here clamped them onto them plug welded around the area and just put an edge back on again i cut the bottom off it here because it was really thin and i'll put a new one and put a new spot weld in it be finishing off pounds you can see here what i got done you see the way i welded it up okay so i like doing that because i like to finish off everything as i'm going so this panel is now done so now i can get ready to move on do this upper section here that i'm going to put on us now most times you would think okay let's weld this back on the truck and then we can start building off of that no there's something i'm going to do what i'm going to do is i'm going to build this section i'm going to weld it to this here get the nice seam along here and then put this panel on with this panel all in one section so that way i get this here seem right nice i can get a nice plug well going on in here so that all looks nice and up along here so what i'm going to be left with is one big panel that's only all one piece and i'm just gonna have to weld it across here and then spot weld it down here that's all i'm gonna be able to do with it so let's get started on the second panel okay so now we got to get into making this piece here and as you can see we haven't got much left to the bottom side of this here it's good over here but there's nothing on this corner that we got to go by all right so the first thing i'm going to do is what i went and did is i cut out a strip of metal right here clean it up both sides i can't say that enough about cleaning up metal like even if it's fresh metal and you're starting with always sand it before you start doing any work with it because it's uh down the road uh when it comes time to priming and painting the panel will be already sanded so what i'm going to do here first now is i'm going to turn around and make the lip that's going to mount to this here all i'm going to do is i'm going to lay this against it like so and scribe it along there and then i'm going to trim it all out to make it fit this body line here so that way i know then i got my base and my base is going to follow the shape of this here all it did is i clamped it on on both ends over here and over here and then i went ahead and took the marker i marked it along there just so i moved it out a bit so i know i got a straight edge going along there so what i'll do now is i'll take the grinder now and i'll trim all this up and get it ready to fit on us so here's what i got done i got it trimmed up and it's still a little bit long sticking out a small bit going along there then when i went and did after i clamped it i drilled three locations on it and i actually joined it the click goes on the back side now that panel there is in the position where it's got to go that will never have to move i can test with it and do what i like with it because i intend to weld these panels together on the car from the inside if possible we'll see how that makes out but i'll uh i now i got a reference point now all i'm going to do here now is to get the perfect shape here now as i'm going to take my grinder i'm going to use the existing panel and i'm just going to grind this along here curve it up here curve it down here and get that shape to match the actual panel itself and then that piece stairs made i know for a fact then that my seam when it's done we'll have a nice seam right along there [Music] that's all i did it's like i can rub my hand over that there now and everything's nice and smooth you can see it's consistent that line there so that's my inner panel made and that's already put in place so now when it comes time to use that now i can just clamp that under and it's ready to go so now what i got to do now is i got to build a panel this one over here this will be my next step now i got to get a piece of metal to clean up for this over here now what i'm going to do here i have a repair up here i'm going to do that separate and quite possibly with that repair separate as well i'm going to take this just below that or probably right on that yes i'll take it right on that there and i'll cut a piece out to go straight across like that i'm trying to keep it half low as i can from out the panel because all the rust is down here and like that repair the rust is there i don't want to go getting in and making steps and everything in the panel i'm trying to keep a straight line on it so maybe i'll just take it straight across there so let's get a panel made for that now so here's what i did i measured up over here past everything and i cut it off i'm going to be cutting this on an angle here after the fact to make that lip up i don't like going across into that um it's going 90 degrees and a wee lip like that but what i did is just cut a piece a little bit wider and whatnot now when i when i set this up i'm not covering up that hole and it wasn't concerned about it it just seems like i'm bringing it up way too high when it doesn't i'm going to fix that hole first but what i did is i mounted this panel found three locations that i mounted it and what i did is actually mounted lower there's the bottom there okay so this is about three quarters of an inch lower than what it should be and the reason for that is that i want to attach it to the other panel with a few more clecos so i can get the panel figured out right now i got the panel removed uh the problem i got is this here is going to be my way to fit this panel in place so i need to cut this out of the way now i need to know where this is to all it is i went up to a reference point here and here and measured down to the the in to the actual where the lip is to and uh i found that it wasn't even 13 inches so you can do that in metric whatever you want to do but i'm doing the old-fashioned way 13 inches so uh now i got a reference point that when i fix this panel in place i'm going to click going on here and i'll know how high up i've got to come for it to fit to that there so here's what i went and did i turned around and i trimmed up this section here and got it out of the way because it was bad in here and i want to remove that lip so i got all that gone and then i went ahead and i fit the panel in place i came over here and lined up a few things took this measurement here from here to here it's 13 from here to here is 13. i got the measurements set up then i come over here to put a couple of click goes in here that's all i went and did with that now what i'm going to do now is i'm going to click on that other piece under here where it was 2 before and i'm going to drill a couple of holes here and click go and under that panel there i'm trying to get this in a position where i can turn around i got everything fit and where it should be and then i can start working on this outer edge here now i'll just click all that back up in place here i clamp it in place here and click go in three locations on this bottom panel so now this is all one piece now and the reason why i'm doing it this way here is because i want this panel and this panel to remain in the same location at all times uh if you try to piece it together by just making the top try to fit the bottom you're going to be all over the place with it at least now i'm gonna i got this rigged up so that it actually is a part of it temporarily until i get further into it and i get everything welded up but what all i'm concerned about right now is getting this section here designed and made so i can get come up here and i'll cut this off trim this off a bit here get it out of my way and work on getting this body line because this is crucial right here getting this body line to flow nice from one to the other all right so i got it all clicked go back in place again and i trimmed it up along here and i trimmed it up along here then what i went and did is i went up here and i just start running tape down through this here trying to get that to flow nice and as you see i got multiple layers on it because i didn't like the angles of it i played with it i played with it i took this in and i took this in up here so that actually would flow through the panel so i can actually see which way it's going to go and i'm happy with the way that shape there now uh as it goes up through there so now i'm going to take the marker now mark that and that will be my point of where it will roll in and roll around and i'll take it off now and get ready to shape that so i went ahead and marked that spot where i go along here now what i need to do now is i got to roll this down this way here and then this gotta roll back this way and like probably the easiest way to do this here is you'd have a tipping die and you just run it through a bead roller and watch a collar i'm not going to set one up for that because a lot of you guys haven't got bead rollers i'm going to do this pretty basic now with basic tools and all i'm going to use is the voice to shape it uh that and you know just the hammer and just spend time at it dialing it all up to get it to fit right okay so let's set up here now all i'm going to do is i'm going to stick it in here and clamp it device just take a small bit of time work my way through it right i got my old hammer out i found the uh this here was too long too wide narrow and all i'm doing is just raising it up about a quarter of an inch captain [Music] just rotating it a bit at a time [Music] tipping dive be so much easier but again do we have a tipping dot here now all right well i have that one set up [Music] you see the way that's rolling it around i can work all that now i got a nice speed going along there now this n1 here is tricky i'm going to have to do this just manually and i had to bend it over and then dolly it after the fact main thing is i'm trying to get this little bead here first i'll just bend that over like so then i'll dolly this corner in here now as you can see i got it in here it's a little bit high here but again i'm gonna have to work all this you can see the marks never got on it but i'll work all that out well you can see up here now i got to just got to be rolled a bit more inside here so this rolled edge got to go in a bit more so i'll start working that to roll this edge in here so it's got a nice flow roll edge on it to roll through all that there so i'll take that off now and start dialing that some more i'm happy with that so far consider i'm doing a free hand all i've got done is i've got my dolly clamped into the vice there's nothing fancy about this dolly this is the first tool i ever bought my life i bought this when i was about 15 years old and i still got it it's an oil cheap well we have a canadian tire and i've got that since about 15 what first tools ever bought that the body hammer but you can see that kind of round edge on it here rolls around so i'm using that to shape it so using a straight edge to sharpen off and make that consistent line remember i had a hard spot there so i got it out of it there now [Music] all right after hammering this a few times now dialing it and using the ball peen hammer and the dolly on it a few times back and forth clamped it on chest fitted done some more work on it it's got a rough finish on it right now but one of the advantages of using the 18 gauge is that a lot of that will stand out right you can send a lot of that damage out of it that your head doing the hammer forming and stuff like that on the hammer marks uh what i'm going to do now is i got to fit in where i'm happy with it so now next thing i'm going to take this whole panel off put it together and i'm going to uh start making this here part of this here from the seam now here i got it off on the bench and you can see now there's still a bit of a gap there i go so i'm going to hammer all this here dolly all this i can actually use this as a dolly and i can hammer and shape this hair into this panel here because when you flip this over now you look along here you see how nice it fits all the way along here but it's just in that corner that needs to be worked so i'm going to work that corner there now so i can get ready for the next piece you remember this piece that i made earlier and that will fit right in there and what i'll do now is i'll clamp that in place there put the clay goes back place and then i'll weld it along there and that will give me my seam and you can see how nice that fits it's just over here i got a dolly of the small bit in this cornered edge to make that work fit nicer all i went did is i used this is my dolly and i hammered in around this edge you see how much that fit nice that fits now coming up along here when i flick it flip it over it fits really nice there now you know on that edge there the key to all this stuff here is like don't ever like you overthink this section here all this here still needs to be worked all i'm working on is getting this one little spot right here that's all i'm working on so i can weld this down across here then i know i got my mating points the same on both of them i'm going to fit that place there like so and i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to weld that right onto that panel there so all i did now is i welded that panel to the outer panel over here i left this corner opened uh i wants to dial it a bit better but i need to cut off the outer lip first before it does that so i'm going to leave most and leave all the overlap piece over here for now because a lot of you're wondering because i made this fit the outside of the other panel and now this thickness so this is on this here this panel is going to have to come inwards when it's all said and done and that's the reason why it's done like it is because it is overlapped on the outside now so it's got to come in the thickness of the metal after the fact so these are not the actual locations again like the other panel i'll take these out slide it in a bit and that's where it will go but for now what i'm going to do i'm going to trim off this front corner section here and cut it down so that i can actually um dolly this corner and get this corner fitting nice so here it is now the pounds removed okay you can see where's what's tack welded to the outside there's the overlap on the bottom where it was tracked down before you see where it was clamped on and so now all i'm going to do is i'm just going to trim up this upper corner here off for now because i want to get this here corner to fit snugger in here it's not bad there really but i'm going to trim it off to about right here and just trim that back i trimmed off that corner piece and then i took the hammer in and i struck it in here to tighten up that spot and then i'll go ahead now i'm going to weld this on the inside here i went ahead and i welded up this corner here i got that all done right nice and i went ahead and said shag it and i went and welded all the rest of it up too so what i'm going to do here now is i'm going to cut this off all together and finish this off out here i've talked about finishing panels off and making starting with one piece take two pieces of them together make them one uh i'm here thinking about it and a lot of stuff i do i do as i go like i never had a game plan when i started this panel i just thought about it as as i was going and what i'm going to do is i'm going to trim this off here i'm going to dress that outer edge and get everything fitting and then i'm going to mount this here and i'm going to plug weld it across top here have that done so there i went ahead and i got it all grinded dressed on the outside now as well and what i went and did i just turned around and i just put them back in them cleco holes that i had rigged up before okay and you can actually see the thickness of the metal now where the sticks out of small bit okay but it's got a nice seam allowand there nice and clean and all i got to do now is i'm going to uh let go these cleat goats and slide it in a small bit and clamp it with a pair of voice grips there it is nice and smooth nice tight lip she wearing that like a factory scene up here i gotta do a little tiny bit of work on that corner there and when i grinded it off i'm going to grind a little bit too much here lost the the edge the flow but if you look up across it you look down it [Music] actually see how nice that fits so i got that flowing nicer line down along there now i welded that up as you can see me there and i grinded that corner so both of them met nice i'm here contemplating on what to do next um over here i got to figure out how i'm going to mount this if i'm going to cut down through here and weld it but then i'm going to be getting into this spot here trying to weld it and ruin that i might end up putting the flange on this in here and spot welding along the back uh up here front i got the wheel lip i got to do some welding in here for this lip to go up around so i think what i'm going to do first is i'm just going to trim up the inside i got it marked trim up this panel here and then i'm going to put three new clecos in it in the new location where it mounts and i'm just going to temporarily mount it for now uh until i get this hair figured out and this here figured out so i haven't got enough work down here all my grinding and everything will be finished in here so when i clamped it to them to get her welded i haven't got to worry about getting in here to grind and end up having to weld this spot here when i start swelling this corner okay got ahead of myself i went ahead and i trimmed up that lip and i redrilled three locations three new locations you can see the x's where the old ones are two for the three cleat goes along there so that way it's all mounted in place then i went ahead and mounted the back and the car again around the box i should say and you can see it there how it fits now i'm going to come around this corner here and replace this flange right here and make a flange up to put right onto it and uh weld that on there and then over on this side here i'm going to actually make the flange and everything down here so that'll go on there as well so i'm going to both don't get carried away with yourself i'm going to start up here finish this end off first have this done i'm going to mark this now with america and then i'm going to take it off and trim it up and i'm going to actually put a lip in there so that i can fold in through there now i went ahead and i trimmed it up and what i'm going to do now is i got this piece of scrap steel here i'm going to weld a lip under there weld it on the inside weld it on the outside grind and dress it and get that section there finished now i went ahead and welded that piece in and i grind and dressed it as you can see there okay so that's all done so i got that panel made now up here before i actually put the end on it when i had it on last time i scribed it here what i got to do now this is not going to fit now because this lip is in the way so i'm going to cut this in through here and just chop a bit of this out of the way so the panel fits under i'm not too concerned about this right yet because i've been doing the cotton bud and all that anyway so i'm just going to remove a bit of this doing our last test fit okay so i'm happy with that got it all grinded off and dressed in there and i got to fit i trimmed it off inside there you can see and i got that fitting better and so now i'm happy with the way all this fits up here so i got this done this here is left a little bit wide inside here this is wider and i need to bend it a small bit but i'll do that when it goes to weld it all together i'll fit all that and i'll dress it up after it's always basically dead a little bit longer don't worry about perfect fit until it's pretty well on the vehicle and you can do it all with a grinder then after the fact so now it's time to move on and do this piece back here i'm going to scribe this across here now i'm going to cut this off clean this off drill out spot welds here remove this piece here i'm not too concerned about drilling out spot welds i'll probably just chunk this off and i'm going to weld a piece if you can see it's pretty well thickness to the metal uh going across so i'm going to weld it laid a piece of metal on it this way here and weld it down along there and then just let it go in there and i'll trim it off and i'll put a few spot welds in it and i have that spot well that way i can dress this corner down here and have it done and i haven't got no effects of anything from down below one thing i will point out is this here is not straight edge as you can see this is pretty straight here and i got to pull in on the small bit this here panel has got a curvature to it this way here so when i make up this piece here i got to put a bit of a curvature in it so it'll sit properly here all i did is i've got a flat piece of steel that i'm going to use for that end cap and i got it marked right here this is a straight edge here i want this to crown a very light so i'm going to grind this back here and grind this back here just so there's a very slight concave on it and you'll actually see it because this is actually the same distance right across here now so i'm going to put a bit of crown on it first you can see i just grind on the back and i faded out and i faded out now i got a little crown on it i can use that to cap the end of it next to see now that it actually got a crown out so i'll just put that in there lined it up on that end there right and i'll just roll it in around there as i'm welding this welded it on the inside oh yes hassle out welded on the inside okay weld it around the outside and i grind it off and you look at it now you can see a very slight contour just a little details that you look for and makes all the difference in the world now i'm going to go over and clean up the back of the cab and get that ready to test fit all right all you can see i got a mark there i chopped it across straight in there and then all i did is i just come down here and pry it back a bit and there was two spot welds in it i just grinded the heads up and chopped a piece of it out of the way so i haven't got to worry about drilling anything out so now i'm ready to test fit it because i want to get this edge straightened away so i'll put the panel on it now and get this air ironed out as you can see now i got it all put in place there i got to round this edge off a bit more because this here is rounder that's fine i can do it after the effect but uh i just marked it here you can see where i had to piece too long on the market here and then it comes down here where this panel comes up and meets it i'll mark it here and i'll draw a straight line i'll cut that off there so now i'm ready to take this panel and mount it permanently to the other one okay so now i got this ready i put some holes in this here poked holes in them i went the existing holes that i had originally i wouldn't put a spot well hold on this is a new hole here hold it all together and i went ahead and i put the spot welds all the way around there to wear a few panels together all i used is this cheap little princess saddle harbor freight style uh hole puncher it's powered by air he just basically punches holes here it's got a hole punch on one side and i got a step on the other i never uses that uh you can use it seen a lot of values using installing panels i don't like doing it that way uh but it's just a simple little tool if you haven't got that um all you gotta do is just drill them out little uh you know 3 16 bit or quarter bit or whatever to make this spot well so you can weld them together so now all i got left to do now is i got to prep this and prime it and put the primer on all i use on it right now is a rust paint the problem with these car with these old vehicles back in the day is every time i take a panel apart there is no paint between them okay this here is the existing piece that i chopped out three layers okay just one layer welded together welded together all these panels are the in-between albums all bare metal there's nothing between that's the reason why these trucks rusted out like they did uh back in the early days with a lot of these things a lot of these trucks uh they were assembled in the assembly line and then painted after the fact then when they got into this recycled metal and they start doing the same process in them they run into these issues and that's the reason why these early 70s imports rusted so bad okay i got all that painted all that is the rust paint i got put on that there and i clamped it together and i marked the end of it and i cut the end of it off i put three holes in the end of it for plug wells i got that ready to go uh next thing i did i'll come up here and you can see when i clamped it together i marked this focus there you go i'm wrapped it where the spot welds are going and what i like to do is this i have to grind off that area i like to get full penetration i've i had problems in the past trying to weld through like well through primers and whatnot and i just find you're not getting good penetration you'll notice that when you start using a lot of well through primers that you're not getting a very good weld and it gets annoying after a while i used a lot of welter primers in the collision industry years ago and just had lots of headaches with it i decided not to use it and all i use now is just probably a uh a good rust paint in between us you're welding two panels together there's going to be an issue even with weld primer well two primer slows it down yes but there's other consequences that i've always run into so i'm going to clean all these up now and get them ready clamp two of them together and spot weld them two panels together there you have it i got them all welded up and grinded up finished up them there i went ahead and i had a couple of holes that were in this here i went ahead and welded them up in order to oh they're down here in the lower panels i had the mirror where i had the click those held in place i got them welded up and i went over here and i cleaned everything up and i grind and dressed it all up there you have one complete section done with a nice seam on it [Music] it's a nice bead going right along that you can look down there it's nice and straight going down across it it's nice level bolt ways okay all i need to do now is you'll get it that way it's a nice seam it's a bit of a bit of work put into us uh to this point now i might have 16 hours into this and i still got to install it i still gotta do some repairs on but uh you can see that uh the process of how i went about saving the seam uh a lot of people just ends up going over them weld them up not even fiberglass and filler over them i never like that um this here to me is going to have a more of a factory finish with the seam uh i gotta paint it in there now from factory now this would be all seam sealed on the outside and in here will be seam sealed as well now the trunk floor when or the bed gets made that will be mounted right here on top of this so i'll just go in and i'll weld that on top of that there that'll be a little bit less little rest on so i won't be worried about that but all i'm going to do now is i'm going to go over and style this down see what it looks like so there it is for the final fit i got everything lined up there now and everything's fitting pretty good i'm happy with it i'll out on the back side here all ready for the spot welds to come up through the back here the corners i'm going to trim this back a bit here so this will fall in flush because it's not exactly flush yet i'll get that off flush this is a thicker steel so it'll grind flush uh out here you'll notice that this here is bowed out a bit and you got to push in on it um i like doing it that way for the simple fact that when you're doing a cotton ball this here is trying to fight when you push in on it so it wants to come back out at you again if you set this up so that it's nice and flush and everything fits perfectly on there when you start swelling this this would want to go that way at least now with a bit of a strain on it this way here it wants to pull outwards so when i start swelling this here it's going to want to pull the panels this way there's going to be a little bit of warpage and everything in there but it's better to have the panel hanging off a small bit like don't worry about trying to get that fit and perfect you can see it's like it over here as well the same thing if you look at it it's a bit of a gap and i'm doing it that way for a simple fact that when i go some clamps it on and start spot welding it it'll actually pull the panel so when when the heat starts pulling away from it it'll uh it'll make it nice and straight well that's the plan anyway but you can see the seam there nice seam on it now all the panels are all that rusty panel the wheel arch all that's done i'm going to come up here now and i'm cutting this section out here so i can get this to fit nice before it does anything because this is where i'm going to start to on a color here and get all this corner here fit nice before i turn around and weld anything else in but before i do any of that i'm going to repair these two holes i'll have that done over the wheel well comes along here and goes down here i'm just going to cut a piece out of here and butt weld a piece in there and weld that in and dress it and grind it before it puts that panel on well don't that look lovely look done okay i had to put the bottom in the bottom of the wheel tub here as well i got made up a piece for that the lip onto that weld that all together i got that all grounded up and dressed you see i made up that panel there fixed up i just cut a strip out of it weld it in i trimmed this up fit this over here and i cut off a portion of it just to get it out of my way so i can actually get access to in here when i was working on it now one last thing i'm going to do here is you remember earlier i went and drilled out these spot welds okay now a lot of people just turn around now and they'll start bolting that panel back on i've after fitting the panel on and put a couple of click holes in it so i have a location where it goes these here now if you start to try to weld these up with the plug welds in them they're going to be a pain the right time to weld these up here now is right now i'm going to weld all these up here so they're flush and that way i got to go backing for my plug wells to weld too so well all these solid a lot of people have you know sometimes you may have a lot of them to do but trust me it's a lot easier to weld these up now than it is to try to roll a bit of wire through that trying to fill up that hole and a lot of times you can't get anything behind it like a piece of brass or something like that so now's a good time to while you can get at them to weld them up all i used was a pair of these pliers using the pickies up princess atta or you know any cheap place like that and it just clamps on the back side like that there and you well through it and you get all well up now it's time to get all them welded up because you'll never get out later on so i'll grind them all up now i went ahead now and i turned around and i went and uh put a coat of uh black on all that just put a lot of nice heavy coat on it sprayed all this in here nice and heavy uh this will have to be seam sealed after the fact was all said no but i gotta weld down the the floor pan first i'm not gonna do that but anyway so that's ready to go if you don't know i got a couple of spot welds gotta go down through here i'll show you why right here you can see there's a panel here and the spot wheels comes down through here so i'm going to put a few so i'll mark them and drill them out i got that all painted and i got everything over here painted inside now i'm going to mark these and then do like i just showed before and just growing up little spots where the wheels are going so i'm going to go ahead and now fit that panel on that and start welding that in all right so i marked them two spots i drill them out and then i'll clean up the paint clean up the back section where it's gonna be uh welded on and i got everything trimmed up now the first thing you do before any time you want to fit anything like this here is this wheat your wheel lips are always important okay i've said this before in another couple of videos what i'm going to do here now i have this all cut to fit here i'm going to weld all this up here first get this started so this is done then i'm going to go back and then i'm going to start tack welding this in place to get it ready for the cotton block but i'm going to do this section here first so all i did here is i welded up this here now when you're welding this type of stuff start from the inside and work your way out it's not easier to line this up now when if you've got to pull out on to get that to line up nice do so because if you weld this out here first out on the outside edge and then try this in here your and this is lower or this is lower it's kind of hard to work with so always work from your inside out on your welds when you're doing edges like this so i went ahead now and i turn around attack weld it in place and get ready for the cotton bust so all i'm going to do is remove the click hose so i'm happy where's two there now so all i'm going to do is start over here now and start working my way across do the cupboard and tack well it in place and because the problem i got over here now is this here has to go back before i can weld the back side now i'm going to weld this all up here and finish this off here before i batter with any of these spot welds here or the spot wells here uh because i want if i got to run into any issues if it get the warps too much or whatever i got an opportunity that if i got to i could cut it back off the car again uh i always try my damn just to take my time at spot welders so i don't get walk reach but it happens i'm human [Music] there you have it it's all caught involved you don't even see my fingers going down across that there [Music] very little edge there nothing all the way along there you see me pushing it on the lower panel that's one of the reasons why i like it when the lower panel sticks out of it now this here is pulled out so when it starts welding it's going to want to pull away from me so it'll actually this here will help control the warpage on the panel right so i got all that done there now to the point that i'm ready to silent weld all that off so i'm going to go ahead now spot welding across there every inch or so let's cool it off spot weld it across there every inch or so cool it off repeat that process until it's all welded up so there it is all the butt weld in place took my time and feels really good looks really good so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to sit down now and take my time and grind all that down smooth before i weld anything else up i'm not going to well none of these up yet these here i'm gonna and the ends i'm going to weld them after the fact when i'm happy with this here i'm not going to do any amount of work to it or anything like i said it's just a feature to get into but that's it i just took my time i say i was about half hour 45 minutes i'd say well that up cooling it off welding it cooling it welding it cooling it i went ahead and i grinded it all off i got a couple of spots here now i'm going to go back and i'm going to re-weld and like i don't try to work the welds too much uh i try to work from this metal up to this and i'm just touching this on the top side i'm just working my way up and it comes across any spots there where i find that it takes too long for it to cut back and i know this was a low spot there i'll stop and i'll go back and i re-weld them again that's all i do with them there so but i'm pretty happy with it came out pretty good so i'll go back now and i'll weld all them up and grind them up there you have it all welded up never say it was repaired all been grinded off i've done a few spot wells there and i come back here and i've done a few spot welds back here grinded them all up and filled in the holes where i had to clean those in it and grind it all up and dress this edge here so it all just flows into each other these are the little details here that you can always go after there's these rolled edges and an edge like that there make sure like the weld is across here so you know you got a nice even edge there make it look like it's never been repaired the warpage is really well pretty good i'm pretty happy with it a couple of small things there i've seen the wheel lip all looks good i got it all welded up underneath right all that is done as you can see i put that on it it's all pretty good there there's a couple of low spots there you can see there i'm human uh you can sit down dally all that if you want but just good all along there come right along the whole works of it i'm happy with it more than happy with it because i expected this hair to drop really bad but like i told you when you bring up the panel and there's a strain on the panel outwards leave it because that's the reason why this managed to stay as good as it is because it's having a hard time wanting to be pulled inwards because the panel is forcing it outwards which is a good thing uh again as you can see real nice seam factory line you could have welded all that up and be done with it but uh to me that looks more factory to me because that's the way they came i prefer that look uh even when it comes time to fill this panel i would not feel that i'd clean all it up and and keep digging it out and i'd end up putting seam sealer in it make it look factory um the inside i had good penetration all i did is i just grinded it up see the panel there the the bottom panel is a bit hard in the top panel because that's 18 gauge and that's 24 gauge but as you can see it's uh it's pretty good i'm not going to get into metal finishing any of that you just clean it up after the fact i like i'll be seam sealed and i don't know what he's doing inside the box but that's it that's how you go about repairing that rust and maintaining the body seams anyway that's it for that one i hope the tips were good and until next time [Music] all right all that stuff yeah [Music] so [Music] are you saying peanuts huh i haven't seen you in a while interrupt me yeah how are you doing say hello there buddy oh you must go in here [Music]
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 229,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oWkvqRM7ZmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 27sec (4647 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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