How to set up your mig welder for sheet metal

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hey fitzy back at you I'm here today I'm going to sit down here now you can see I got two welders here I'm gonna save two two of them up and go through the process of setting up a welder - well sheet metal so stick around [Music] [Music] here are just a few of the vehicles that I've done over the past 30 years hot rods muscle cars antiques and drag cars all of which I've had to do a lot of MIG welding on and absolved on with a small portable MIG welder so stick around we're going to set up a meet here now and walk you through the process of how I set up my with MIG welder for me welding sheet metal we've got two welders here there's what I got down here now I'm going to show you the difference because people have been asking about settings what your well or set out and what not now this one here has a dial setting you can see here now it goes off the normans it just turns from left to right and then it's got a four setting click setting right one two three four right now over here we have another one it just got simple dial settings right now trying to compare this setting to this setting it's not going to be the same this weller set off different than this weather setup and it all boils down to when you're actually setting it up for the welding you're gonna do I'm gonna get into that to show you that but that's the first thing you got to realize that not all welders are set up the same also these are a 110 welders there's nothing spectacular about them they're great well as I've had this one here close on 20 years and I've have to rebuild a twice I loves that well and my settings on my welder I use one two or three for the most part usually it's mostly set on two I'll use one on the thinner metals my wire speed is usually set around 60 65 in that area there and it never moves if I'm going welding on three I'll leave it at that but if I'm willing a piece of metal and my three and then start to burn holes I'll just click it down to 2 and continue welding or Matt to and I'm burning holes or just click it down to one and continue welding my gas settings okay its measured in cfh cubic feet per hour all I haven't said on it's hard to see here if I can get it set up here you can barely see cuz the gauge is old that's 10 and that's 15 there and that's the other gauge over there that tells you how much is in the tank all I do is when I turn on my gauge that air of walk of course I'm going to give a few knob taps because it's old and it goes up to about 1313 cfh and you don't need no more than that if you're welding heavier steel it's nice to probably turn it off a bit I got to set off when he hits the trigger it'll fall down around 11 or 12 in that range zero while I'm welding you don't need a lot of her for sheet metal and all this is it's just the co2 yep this carbon dioxide the co2 about with that don't use nothing else for sheet metal a lot of people uses Aragon and something else is better for welding you're doing sheet metal that's all you'll need okay I got my shops set up here every six feet there's an outlet to my wall all the way around around my entire shop does outlets there there there there so if you're building a bridge set it up that way because if you're wrong on one of these welders and your thinks that you're going to be using this here an extension cord Eilis you're going to be asking for trouble I do not recommend using an extension cords unwellness right the longer the air if you've got to use an extension cord make one that's probably six feet seven feet long maximum and make it heavy these welders do not like extension cords like if you're going to well up a chasse to the truck on one mimic it with an extension cord on that that's going to be hard on the welder and on top of that you're not going to get to heat that you wants because the amperage is dropping as it goes through the extension cord for your wire size for sheet metal Oh two three is more than enough to get it over to four as well you know it's basically the same thing make sure these settings here are set up right if you're using gas because in the in the case of these these change on your settings on your welders this way here if it goes this way here before the flux core and I got a setup there for using gas but that's the size of wire the use on sheet metal you'll find that if you use oh three all the thick stuff you'll find you'll have a lot more grinding to do and the puddles would be really high your wells will be really high because there's a heavier is a thicker weld the desperate furling if you're doing Jesse's roll cages or might not like that but if you're doing sheet metal Oh two three is all you'll need welding tips you see this a lot of people don't realize it you see a tip and the stick and I'll pass the nozzle it's not going to well very good I always got to keep an eye and I just loosen this one up to show you because I see a lot of weld or some of these here have a sleeve inside them focus there you go have a sleeve inside and that sleeve moves up when you put it on it'll it'll slide down for making the tip stick out forever but as you can see the tip is now below the nozzle so that's a good thing to remember when welding you'll get a lot better weld you're throwing away your gas if the tip is out too far because the wire is getting to the metal before the gas can covers let's set this up from scratch you just got your new welder and you want to set it up for welding so all I'm going to do is gonna start at the lowest settings and start welding and then coming up and you're gonna hear the change in the welder and you're gonna see the welding change so you'll get an idea of where it should be and I'll show you where it should be and what not so let's get started okay add the welder turned on like I just said I'm willing to son Sarah we knows it's not gonna work so let's try let's start there then we have the winner settle all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start running beads and see what we come up with and I'll start adding wire speed and then I'll tell you if I'm going to add heat so right now this is set at one with a wire speed of 30 as you can see that's not very good okay so now I'll turn the wire speed off to 50 so wire speeds up with 50 and I believe it a time-worn let's try it again that's a lot better again now you can see that it's got a nice bead gone so it's pretty good I'm going to add more put it on the sanding that I loose not on 60 and I'll want to be dear [Music] as you can see the beats getting wider and I'm going to go up again and bow to a see what we have here all I'm doing is I'm changing wire speeds adding a to adding notes I'm up to 80 let's go all the way to on earth top notch see where we're goes down underneath this one now you can hear the change in it there it's telling me too much wire speed let's have a closer look at these now butyl closely you can see the way the wire speed changes everything and as it gets higher this one here are pretty close because the wire speeds were the same but I add too much wire speed and if you look at how much it builds up it goes up this one here is a pretty good one that's usually the one I usually sense it up I'm one so now I'm going to set it up on two and do the same thing through the whole process again now let's put this here on to turn this back down we'll start at 30 again and we'll start welding there this is two and thirty it's not much good let's go to 50 same as before this is two and fifty alright - and go - what I have it at at sixty now you can see you can hear to change from just fifty to sixty it's a lot crisper now again let's put this up on a tee I'm gonna pass you can hear air of interference in the wire and of course I'll just do a harder for a joke you can hear the pulsation of the wire too much wire speed is that crackling noise that you're getting now as you can see the difference in the wire speeds very little in um 30 below and as it gets better as you add wire wire speed but when you go too far when it starts to happen is your straps are get a high build on your weld and the more wire you add you can actually hear it gets worse as you can see this one here and this one here as to the settings that I use on 60 that's I'm warm and that's on too so the settings are the same now to do to set this up you can see over here none of these here are very good-looking wells as a lot of material there that's why you can you play around with your wire speeds and play around with the height of your wells you try to get the well to lay down like this one here so setting up your welder this is the easy little trick you can do this with anyone just start going through settings take a scrap piece of steel and start going through your settings and push it past the settings you'll figure out where it should be but like just go with the simple heat settings but change your wire speeds on each individual heat settings on summon welders you got a lot more to go it it may take a bit more but if you were looking for that ultimate setting you will see it when you start welling through it and getting the setting this welder hair is settled for me and this is where I like you to in this section here right that is the inner welder now I'm gonna set this one up do the same process this is a way like I've gone on the fellas gratis and I had to use their welders and I just do this little format that I just did that time just to find out where's the spot where I'd like to be on the welder so I got settings here one to ten which it's much the same as Andy I don't want this would be zero to a hundred so they don't stay the same but over here we have a lot more settings now I'm not gonna try all of these I'm gonna break them up I'm gonna do got a B C I'll probably go AC and then skip over and go to e or go to F st. gonna F and then probably go to over here and what I'll do is I'll go through it so I only do it that way if I find that between C and E or C and F this better I'll turn back and I'll fine tune it to there but for now all I'll do is I'll start 30 here and I'll start on a and I'll start welding and then I'll just turn around I'll start going up my wire speed like I did on the other one and I'll leave this one alone and then I'll start going on through a few settings on this I'll pick roughly four settings in amongst that and then the two that I find the best I might fine-tune in between the two of them so I got the settings on the welder at three and a let's see what this is ooh yuppies okay I'm gonna change my wire speed and go up to say fifty or five on the case of this one here this is on a I might scrap this whole anything in a minute as you can see we're not getting much from a so that setting is pretty well null and void it doesn't like a lot of wire speed so I would experiment with something I don't turn down to a one on the wire speed see what that does for this yeah it's not a very good setting at all okay so this a setting I'm worn through 50 there's a waste of time okay so now what I'm going to do I'm going to move this up I'm gonna jump right to see and I'm gonna start at 30 here and I'm gonna set it up that way and go with my wire speed there and there and expand go from there and all I'm gonna do is gonna change my wire speed on see a few times to see what it does okay were speed is on three heat range is on see still not a good one let's turn up the water speed 250 as you can see we have a lot of ranges on this welder well as of right now we're not getting anywhere with us it's not welding good we're on see in heat range and we're on 55 for wire speed and we're still not getting anywhere yet so I'll turn this back to 30 and now I'm gonna skip D and go up to e I'm gonna try this section here and I'm gonna start on 30 and then change my wire speed again on e to see what I come up with wire speed is on three and the heat range is on e let's see what this does now now we're starting to get somewhere it's coming around so all I'm gonna do now is we're leaving on e for my heat range and I'm gonna start add wire speed so I'm gonna go up to five what's the same as GRE well if I live I just want to switch the end the other so and then move it up to five on the wire speed my heat range is staying at e it seems like we're back over to the other side down where we had too much wire speed and not enough heath so this is where we're two now now I think if we turn the wire speed down lower when we get it I'm not fussy on it cuz it's laying it down on top of the way on top of the metal it's not penetrating at all so I got to add more heat now I'm gonna put this up on G and I'm gonna go back down to 30 again and I want to start welding again the wire speed is on three and our heat setting is on G we found the sweet spot now I want to start adding water speed I'll go 250 or 5 sorry now you're starting to hear the delay again and starting to build up again so we're set up on tea with a wire speed on 5 so let's back it up to 4 and try it again that's a lot laser weld now one thing I find with a lot of modern welders when it comes to spot welding if you notice the way it starts off my wells are not consistent it's it hasn't have as much heat in the beginning as it does through I don't know one of these I'm told it has something to do with the heat cycle under machines this reason why I like my old Miller it wasn't like that on the older machines ok my heat range is on I and starting at 3 again that's pretty good let's move wire speed up to five and still an eye yeah as you can see I'm actually blown hold so now so it's too much heat on I so it's then you find out well there's a little bit tricky we're backing it up here which I think we're around if so let's have a look at this now this is what we got here you can see where I was blowing holes and it's up like that and the wells dear back here this is probably our nice as well that we have I started just experiment with turning up our speed turning it down I did and you can see how big of a difference it is I'm on H on heat settings and I'm a three over here I'm wire speed I'm gonna show you that well do wire speed is on three and heat settings is on H this is a swell no no no one well you can see at the beginning of the weld right here how it changes that's what I don't like about some some welders my weather is always consistent right from the starter weld to the end of the weld is consistent this one here lays down flatter this nicer there's a lot of heating that people ask about settings under welders as you can see the way this one's set up it's on three it's on H now you could probably lower the heat speed range time to G and it probably won't be as as deep of a weld it'll probably stand up a bit more to heat range but you can see the settings on that deer are set up there now the settings on this one huh are different again I'm on two I'm a heat range and I'm on sixty on my wire speed so like when you're asking to set off a welder how the washer welder settings you're gonna have to play with the well to yourself and experiment with and find them sweet spots like don't go taking the welder and plugging it into the wall and go over and start welding quarter panels on cars sit at a bench for a few hours and play around with your welder that's the key to this get to know where your settings are to we're a hot settings or to where coal settings or to find out all them just by experimenting on top of the bench and whatever type of metal you're planning on welding experiment on this okay I got a couple little strips are set up next and I got them set up clamp to the thing and I gotta get so we're on a basically bought well these two pieces together I'm gonna experiment now I'm going to start to run a bead with the heat settings that design the welder on this welder here how does it run a bead and see what happens and then what we're going to do is we're going to run a Paul speed just stare Polson with the same heat range okay I got no heat settings changed everything's the same from the when I figured out how to set up that welder so now all I'm gonna do I'm gonna start welding a bead and just gonna keep going to see what happens that's what happens now same heat I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna pulse weld [Applause] same heat settings same wire speed but I just changed my method of welding there's a penetration turn that off again there's the settings I had this welder set on to do that now I'm going to go over and I'm going to do the same process again with this welder with the settings on this one yeah this is swelling with your welder I have my heat settings on three and my wire speed on sixty I turned it up a bit because that other one there seemed to be hotter so I want to see if this setting now set up close to that one first thing I do I'm gonna try to run a bead same thing again now this pulse well see my settings on three are still too hard is turned down - which is the setting that I always talk about that I like now let's try here [Music] there's your penetration okay here you have the two different wells two different welders bought welded in place and you can see the way that it the the heat settings I always say I have them high and this is what happens when you start to run a bead on sheet metal you'll burn a hole like if you can run a bead on sheet metal to me your heat settings are too long you're not getting the penetration this welder here is the Miller and this the way it's set up it's on two and sixty and this one here is the Lincoln and that's set up on three and G Twitter set up so like welders are different both of them well this one here lays it down a bit flatter this one here has a wider weld boss it's the same concept you're getting penetration with both of them so you know we're setting up a welder it's not always the same to the brand name and I noticed as many other welders out there so it's one of those things you've got to experiment with us does it do your setups okay I got my welder setup different here now I got the wire speed turned up to 70 and my heat range down to one the purpose why I'm doing this here now it's because I'm gonna run a bead on a seam on a bought weld and I'm gonna show you something [Music] now I have a wire speed everything turned out I see this table well the life I see fellows doing it and I'll show you it's a really high build but as a string and you're going to actually see that is actually welded together but if you turn it upside down and you look at it you can see that it hasn't gone through to the other side I see this a lot and you get this a number of different ways from your wire speed but usually when you're welding usually much heat it's pretty well almost free valet down the middle just a little bit office so if you start raising up your tip you're going to start and end up getting this type of thing I'll show you I'll just I'll go to start Willie here I'm gonna start raising the tip back as I'm going and starting close all I did there is I was close at the beginning and then I started to pull the gold up off the weld and then this started to happen you have to have the gold clothes in order for it the weld and you can see you're gonna end up with this type of mess on the inside and what's gonna end up happening in your grind all this down and then they're gonna end up this is gonna practice through a dis side again one last thing just remember when your pulse welding and doing this type of thing is to like I ran a complete beads on these piece of steel it's it's more or less just showing you the process of us but when you're welding a quarter panel on don't ever weld a full inch like that on a sheet metal car well one spot at a time and then move on to the next one go about every couple inches apart and go from there okay you got your welder all set up you're all ready to go well the sheet metal you have to run on a few passes so now you're gonna start welding panels together now the biggest thing you can ever do with sheet metal weld them together is one spot weld at a time every inch a purse and then work your way around cool the panel off little blog on bring it down to Toby Turner you can actually touch it with your bare hands I can't say that enough because war Beach is the major issue you're gonna have a sheet metal so like when you're when you're setting this up winter quarter go over an inch another one [Music] and another one cool off your panel when your panel is cool off come back again well next to that one well next to that one well next to that one cool off a panel again now if you ever get in the situation in there and you blow a hole while you're welding in a bog welding situation if you blow the whole don't look at it try to fill it in leave it alone move on to the next one well now we're going to mix a little bellow Winkle that cools down and go back and fix this because if you start to try to fix that hole that you put in that you're gonna end up warping up the panel so just remember well up a pair and then just jump up each time cool your panel so you can touch it with your bare hands and then do it again it's a long process boss rush andis all you're going to end up with panels warped all over the place you take your time right here your finish work will be unbelievable well hopefully that was helpful one thing I can say is that like there's many welders out there fellows do is does this their own way different ways this is how I do it may not be the same as how you do it but people have asked me about how I forgot my well or setup and I'm you know I want to show you how we're going to set up hope the tips were good and until next time you
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 426,551
Rating: 4.9420147 out of 5
Id: qScAlxb34UA
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Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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