Butt welding sheet metal the easy way.

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would you look at that gas tank door holder star clock as we walk weld it in I want to see how it's done stick around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] all right well I have here is making 70 GMC pickup truck the customer hasn't melted on they say in 2013 Chevrolet pickup truck frame and floors the cab has been cut off it and melted to the floors of the 13 it's an interesting project the front section here of the box has been shortened up out of this box as well as the fact as we move forward so it's not a customization stone of this truck to make more member the 13 frame now under 13s the guys take the world was here with remember on his old shed trucks it was behind a seat so what we got we got this gas tank door come out of no 913 style shared truck and cut this out and then we're stalled in here the same way I do the bottling technique to the Bobby still and you get to see two things down one that you can install the gas tank door inside the box and I'm also going to go into detail on the bump lighting process did I do so we see how it's done I never went right into detailing a lot of it silhouette that's exactly under step [Music] [Music] all right so I got the hall that cleaned up and as you can see a turnaround I cut this up this is all I went and done with this here and I'll take you over is I cut that at a square hole because that is makes it a lot easier to mount in there I just measured found a center line here that's what I did through the center of the door where the door opens accelerate and it had imaginary log on through that then I measured down here and the measure down here and drew a line then I just start drawing square lines off of that and caught it out then I just turn around a grinder and cleaned it all up came over here then and then roughly where it had to go I grind it all cleaned it up I know for a fact when I was looking at the truck the the filler line come in through here and come up this way in a window vote the middle of here summer so America this line here which would be lined up with this rail right so this would be the rail on this side to see buddy hoping so the gas tank don't fill around the V of this restriction section of the truck coming down here now I know for a fact that I've been wanted in the center so I marked the center here so it's gonna be about rehear summer and I've caught a hold so all I'm gonna do is just find the spot there now then I'm add to it and I'm just going to cut a hole in the side of this so that thing I can just fit the cover in there not gonna be the exact size is what I the panel itself so I'll just mark that down cut all them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright let's go over everything I got done here so far all right I caught the whole in front of this then I come back inside here and I drilled four holes from the inside corners in dimeric a square hole in here so then I went ahead then I caught that out now this year got a hinge right here that sticks in so then I had to caught this section out for all this in here later on will be box team when everybody goes with the gas tank and the holes up if you're all out that will make off piece go over the top of that now out here all I went and did was it just lays in place turn now I'm racked up from here up to here and here amid into a parallel line across here and I remember I drew this here in the square I know that this here is parallel through the center this year so I had this reference line to go off so when I drew this line I just laid it on the line and then tack weld it across here and you could see the way deck here as well now I know that is level so in the door it's swinging around okay now this is just tack weld on he's over at all the way around it fits pretty good now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back and start coding this now with the the grinder this is where I want to give them the details too so let's get started okay the first thing I'm going to start we're going to start in the working in this corner here I'm gonna cost this here through the inside body and use this piece of metal that's resting here to lay my blade on the cost much the same as Lane to lay down this here now if I cut straight in it'll be a large hole now if I angel' the grinding blade this way here and caught it I'll be cutting it out an angle by cutting out an angle this will close up the gap let me show you what I'm talking about that is I got a drawn up here little blown-up version of it this would be the gas tank door and this would be the truck which is I get this made thicker and this is where the overlap is to here so if you were to cut this straight in through here you would have the thickness of the blade going in through here this way but if you caught it on an angle like so like that what you'll be doing is you'll be cutting this like this here so if you look at it straight down in it when this piece goes in it'll fall in this will fall into here lining up so it'll be very little or no gap at all because of the angle that you caught on if you don't the other way this will be your cotton blade here this will be your distance here and your bought weld so I cuts everything on a 45 degree angle to get these small angles done all right let's start cutting [Music] that was my first caution you can see what I got done here now I caught this on an angle and I caught this on an angle here and because if you look down you can see that sticking out now I'm gonna push that in until it's flush and well that corner there's a bit of a strain on it yes great but that will play in the parrot now one of the advantages of doing it this way here is now all this is still held out on the panel by pushing it on this here not caving everything in I'm using this here just do as an external point in this corner I usually start all the time on corners is so much easier and I keep everything square [Music] now I got that corner tacked in place and as you can see ladies this piece of metal against it it's flush just in that core I'm gonna hold on there and slush here now if you look at it going across here I'll get that lipstick you know come across here so pass right on over now what all strive to do is I'll go along here and I'll start cutting this on a 45 I'll come to say to this one here and on another 45 what'll happen is this here will start to fall in each as it's going across don't cut too far because it cuts too far at all virgos flimsy and it would be too hard to control by cutting like two three inches at a time you got your lots of control of it you'll just keep an eye on now I'll show you what's going on there now now that I caught it across if you look down you will see that this here is after falling in because this one here where I pushed in on it wants to push in on this lower panel now so as you're cutting it across you don't want to pull in and relief the pressure and make it flush going across and you come across here and it's sticking out again still now if you're looking through here straight in you can see I can't fit just cut leader where I cut 45-degree angle I'm gonna go ahead and I got a well that section up what I'm going to do over here is I'm gonna call it straight in and I'm gonna show you the distance the difference in just cutting the edges of it kind of 45 compared to a 90 [Music] [Music] now again it's alien again attack well to the cross there if you tax and I'll just do that I'll caught it and I'll tack it every so often now right here I had to grind around a 45 right here I went straightening out of 90 and you can see the difference look so going on a 45 closes up the little gap it's okay I'm gonna go ahead now and I'm going to go on and I'm gonna do this entire corner come down here and get it all welded on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I got that all Donal run across and I got this cooler down to here now if you look at it closely you could see that every shadow in here but everything here is flush all the way down this feat better dare see and that is the way that dear look now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna wanna go ahead and do all the rest of it and get it all packed in and fit there's no edge there no snow and then you wonders about the peace inside I'll get to that shortly so I'm gonna go ahead cut all this up and get this much of it all bought weld it in and I'll show you from there [Music] there it is oh well that place everything has been let go you can look here and here everything is all even the bottom may have dollar you'd be done the bottom what and get me on the pan like this and now that you got this here all cost you're left with a piece inside so you gotta come in here then I got it all broke clear [Music] grinder here no bad guys at his door there we go there's that piece that's the quarter panel so that's removed in your wrecked inside with the bots well a panel as it is one of the keys I like about this system doing it this way is I've used these other things I'll show you know I've had these for a number of years in my dual locks these here I've used them they've been sitting my toolbox now I'd say 10 years I'd say well you can use them you need a lot of them because when this bought welding you're dealing with having to deal with trying to get everything perfect grinding pieces of metal trying to get it all the fit and whatnot but doing it this way your companies are going so you're making your own edge so I find it a lot faster and quicker and you can control if I have the piece behind us because trying to fit this large opening in this here by cutting it all out and then trying to ball weld it in the chances are of this here wanting to move around on you is greater at least when you're cutting it across and you've got something in behind this here this is not going to move right and then as you're moving around it all goes down your welds and as you're going what's behind it whoa rodeo lubricated but anyway I'm gonna go ahead and they're going to well all this up and like a click before just tack welded every bit don't watch your heat won't use the blow-off on it to cool it off they have to make sure you touch it with your bare hand and then that'll stop all the warp each cool off between each spot the grinder here now 36 grit dish gonna some people like use the grinding stone random or using a flat wheel it's your preference whichever way he likes me I'm all the school likes these old disks he was a 24 while I got here in stock that was 36 so I'm gonna start crying just up here now and cleaning it all up and see [Music] all right so I grind it all up and have gone back again now just to show you and reweld it's a few spots you know pinholes and ages that I didn't like and now I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna grind all that down and finish it up there it is all finished now I went back and I tossed up a few spots few times if be careful grinding it off concentrate on the welding try not to grow in too much of the steel off you just gotta watch that because you know all you're doing is just standing out to the metal itself I've been at this for a lot of years and that keeps an eye on all that but just to show you because it is all weld it off and you can see here it's a pretty good fit it's a couple spots on it now you're going down through her may see a few spots I'm healing going from perfect see Cal pretty good I hope that one there was helpful hope the tips were good and like I've said many times before I hope you can understand me until next time
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 1,438,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: butt welding, how to, hot rod, lap welding
Id: _u31t13QO6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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