How to make a sheet metal press die for floor pans

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hey fitzy here back at the game another one right this rusty old floor pan they had these uh beads in it i had to figure out a way to make these beads so i made a dye to duplicate the beads i'm going to show her that stick around [Music] before we get started i'll let you know something about this here there was a lot of work involved in this um that wasn't my first try we're all human many times every now and again i come across um issues where something fights me tooth nail this one don't i end up making the pan twice there's a number of issues i had with it i tried to make the whole panel all at once and i run any issues you're going to see all this in the video coming up but i just want to point out that you know a lot of fellows thinks that i'm some sort of metal magician and stuff like this but i do have troubles it's been a while since i had anything that really put up a good fight this will put up a major fight so you know when you're at this metal work sometimes it's not going to go all perfect the first time you do it sometimes you'll run into problems and you're going to step away from it rethink it and attack it again in another direction and that's what i've done with this here so i'm going to get started now on making this plan i'm going to take you through the process i went through and the trolls are into so here we have early 70s 72 73 deaths and pickup truck you can recognize defender there some type of one of these this is the cool little trucks way back when uh you can't buy much noise panels for these and uh a lot of them are not that good anyway the ones you can get today i want to get into doing this floor section here and this inner rocker you can see how rusty this ain't that lovely so i'm going to cut it back to the crossbar so i can see how we're going to be cleaned up to and i'm going to come up to the bottom of the roll here and a bomb roll here and just get that all out of the way so i went ahead and cut a large section of it out i come back to this panel here my attentions are to join that right through uh that that seat brace and i'm gonna roll it around the edge here put a roll edge out and join it up through here and same one on the top i'm going to roll it over the edge here now up here in the front corner it was uh gone so i headed over to pie so when i put a section in here to match up with the panel because the piece of metal i got won't reach all the way up there we'll get into that but okay now in here is the inner structure of the inner rocker now it's good down here it's solid and but it's all gone up through there now there's a whole bunch of things going on here uh this outer rocker has to be worked on okay this upper lower door post has to be worked on but all this here has nothing to do with what i'm at here right now because you would start to thinking about this one let's rusty you're going to cut that out now and that rocker gonna take up so much take that off now no don't be at that because right now everything is still solid here this door post is still hooked up to the rest of the truck when you start removing stuff and this door post starts to hang you're going to be into a world of trouble so here's what i have planned my plan is i'm going to replace this intersection here you can see the way it's joined in it comes up across here and goes up along here and it rolls around this edge and i'll duplicate all this here and i'm going to cut it off down here and i'm going to weld it here and just replace this whole front unit here i'm going to weld it to the door post here okay i left this section on here because i want to be able to get chase after this piece here and put this design because there's holes in it as you can see right here there's a hole in here and i want to uh just leave that there just for template reasons i'm not going to weld it to the rocker all right i'm going to weld to the upper door post up here i'm going to leave the rocker alone i want to give this structure in here something solid to go to and then i'm going to build the floor and do all the floor sections i'm not going to worry about none of this out here right yet right now all we're concerned about is getting the inner structure and getting this floor pan completed we're going to make this panel up and uh install it in there so i'm going to cut out a piece of steel now a little bit bigger a little bit longer as usual and start forming all the edges okay got a random piece of steel it's a little bit too big a little bit too long i got that all cut out now first thing i'll just do is figure out some edgings as you can see down here the way this rolls up around here it's got a band in it that goes up and it comes up and it rolls up this way and then it goes flat along here and it cuts down and it comes across here and it cuts off here so what i got to do now is i got to duplicate this bend so all i'm going to do is i'm going to bend this in the break right along straight on in through here and get this section done first and then i'm going to hammer this section flat in order to get this rolled properly so all i've got done is i marked down a half an inch here and marked it right along it i'm going to bring it over the breakdown i'm going to bend it over a half an inch so i've turn it over and flip it back again and i'm going to bend it back i think it's roughly about an eighth of an inch a little bit more all i'm going to do here is i'm going to bend that up on a 90. like so and i'll flip the panel over okay all i did is i bent it over to break and then i found this roll was a little bit too round for my leaking because where this is 18 gauge metal and then i just basically brought it over here on my i-beam and i laid it up against it and then i hammered it down here to tighten up this edge as you can see i got it done all on there to bring that edge a lot tighter so then i went over here and there's the rolled edge which is this roll edge here that'll fit in there like so down along there right here now this comes off and it fades off and this becomes flat all i did is i lay this in place where i want to and i'm at the longest point there and i'm right there so i'm going to flatten all this back out again though so here you got the crease that was here before it goes along and also now to fades out this is all gone flat again i just took the hammer and i flattened it out and over and tapped it on this side here so it faded out so this is what i'm left with i got this edge here and it ends did i mark this just gotta roll up this way here flipped it over on the other side and wrapped it so this here crease here is going to come up here and i'll rotate this way all it is i just clamped it in the vice i'm going to use the voice as the dolly and i'm going to hammer this back here so it falls back like this here by using an old masonry's hammer a bricklayer's hammer i got it for a dolly and i'll just hammer that back there looks that this looks what i got done you can see where i hammered it back and the voice held this outer lip in place and then i shoved all the metal back there now i'll take this over now and i'll work this with the hammer and alley see how crude it looks big high spot there and it rolls around but i got the makings of that rolled edge see on the back side so now i'm going to take the hammer and dolly now and i'm going to work this and dress all this section up here with a hammer and alley now i hammered and dialed it all up as you can see it's got a nice little roll on it now rolls up around i finish all that off the grinder but the first thing i got to do now is come over here and as you can see [Music] this panel continues on up through here then it comes up and then it turns down and then it comes up along here and then it turns out to this bottom panel here so what i got to do now is what i went and did is i marked the panel [Music] to cut that notch out of it which is right here got that piece out of it there i went ahead and marked this section here that's what reason why i left that there so i brought that up against that now i got something to mark it off of and over here all this i clamped it on here got to fit in the place and i come up here and i marked all the little spots and little angles and everything from looking in behind it and whatnot so i can cut all this out of the way get this clear this and continue on from that this is all i did just trimmed it a few times to get it to fit in you can see the shape this is in here the way this goes and it's got this rolled edge on the top so i left it a bit of a lip on the top of it that i can roll over i trimmed it all up now it's already i can actually get in here and start cleaning all this up but first thing i'll do is i'm going to roll this edge over you see i got marked on the other side and i rolled it over so i get this lip here then all i done is use the vise i'll get a paint over so far [Music] use the voice a lot over the years for making bins makes life a lot easier i just bent it over as you can see never went all the way with it i just wanted to get it started now i'll just go back with the dolly and the hammer and i'll hammer this up here and use this here to get this rolled edge down here and i'll hammer this corner flat so here's the panel i bent up the little lip on it i dressed it up then i went back and i grinded everything off you see the way it's shaped there now now what i got to do now is i've got to go in here and i'll clean all this off in here okay clear all this here and get it ready to fit this panel in here because that's where that's going to go just like that see a lot of people go through trouble at drilling out spot welds see these down here all i've ever done is i've uh pried back cut back the metal so it was just a sliver and then i pried it back to find the spot wells and caught around him but i'll just take the groin and i'll grind the head off of him i just used my ziploc weight and i just cut them off find my spat welds all right so i went ahead and i cleaned everything up got everything out of the way uh there was a hole up here so i cut it out put a whole new piece in here as you can see a whole new section put in there i replaced that there uh then i got it all ready i went down here and i marked it and i cut it off so it could be butt welded because you can't do the cotton bud here because of the it's inside the rocker and i went ahead and i painted everything up got the panel all done i trimmed it off a couple of times cut the bottom off i cut it to the right size drilled out all the spot welds went ahead and i painted everything and got it all ready to fit in so i'll install it there now so there's new panel in place i marked all the spots where i was putting the spot welds and grinded them off here's the butt finish down there i'll butt well all that and get all that welded in there now there it is all welded in see where the door piece goes and there's where down there was where i bought welded on so now i got some structure to it now you go out here now and all this here can be replaced later on all this can be fixed up now i got something solid to the weld too and all this here held all the rest of it together so we're good because i got to take the rocker off of this i got to replace the lower door post but i'm not getting into that we're going to go back over here now finish off this floor pan get this straight away so now i got a clean up piece of metal now and i'm going to bend on 90. one thing i noticed when i was looking over here is that the pad the rocker got curved at the door post so over here amazingly enough did same thing so i'm going to work with that i'll get a piece of steel cut out and i'll get that 90 bent out i'll start there all right i got these 24 by 24 panels i have a bunch of them kicking around so i'm going to use this here to start with the floor pan um it should work out pretty good with the panel but uh what i'm going to do here now first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to put a right angle bend down one end of it and that will be my lip that'll join to the rocker so i'll go ahead and do that now as you can see this is not straight what i've noticed is from here down and straight and then it turns in on the top so what i'll do now is i'll measure up to this point here and i know how much that is and i'll put a bit of a bend on that one corner of it all i did is i went over and i bent it up in the brake and then i come over here and i measured up where that roll was to and it was about 16 inches it was the highest point from the bottom and then it started turning and it was about a half an inch so i measured up here half an inch in and i just turn around and come back to nothing here and i got a clamp dummy bit i beam here and i'm going to break this over here now but with a hammer and just fold this over here so the lip is in well that's the first trial fifth i got it clamped in up there as you can see if you're looking down now it's got a nice little roll on i ended up having to roll the top corner again i rolled it from here and i rolled it up so if you look at it now the actual lip has got a roll on it like that so i got that sectioned on now i'm working on that i got this figured out i got to figure out the inside edge but i'm here for thinking about it i think the next thing i should do is then beads because i started with roll edges now it's going gonna be a hard panel to uh to work with so i'm gonna work on now i'm gonna tidy up this outside edge here and get this panel ready for uh putting the dies and everything else so here's what we're gonna try to duplicate here now is these things here these little inlays here we're going to do it uh with a little press die i'm going to make up an outer frame to go around this here and i'm going to make up an inner section that's going to press into us okay i went and run hunt through all my scrap steel here picked up a bunch of pieces that i think i can use um you know use whatever you can find around and see what you can come up with so i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna cut up this here make a an actual unit and i'll come back and i'll show you what i got rigged up picking and poking at this here this is what i come up with all i used is a piece of old scrap steel that i had here there's another piece over here and this old angle iron i cut it off for tabs and all i did is i caught two lengths off you notice i never got fancy with it and i turned around i caught a piece of that angle iron this here i caught a piece of that out of there just a square block because i got no flat steel and uh i welded that in there and shaped it in here i done that prior to uh welding it in and all i did is i just you see me do before i just marked it and then i cut it in with the grinder cut pieces out of the way and then i took the stone around out the edge of it i welded the top side of it well at the bottom side of it that's how i i got the uh the bottom of the die now all i went and did then is i took a piece of square stock right here and you can see i rounded up the corners on the edges and i drilled a hole in it so it bolts in it mounts in the middle of it like that and i put two bolts i drilled out my bench and uh put two bolts down i welded them on because i figured this is going to be hard to uh the bolt in place with two hands on the goal so be nice that i can just tighten it up from the top side i played around with it just got two large bolts that goes down through this right and then bolts down to that there i got it marked so it only goes on one way and that'll fit there like so i hung it off the bench for the simple fact that i want to clamp the panel when i get into my c-clamps i wants to lay two pieces of angle on like so on it there like that and uh place now i've got a quick little test panel on some light slide stuff and this is what i come up with there's the press okay i fold it on the ends because there's nothing there's no metal there and it has to pull it from somewhere uh i'll go through the process now of setting up the metal for uh doing this and all you do is drill these little holes you weld them up after the fact so i got a little press made i've made these before my bench is full of holes over here you can see this is from another one that i had made before this one here i'll probably use it again i might even use it on the toyota it's got a nice little pattern to it it's better than just a bead it gets a bit of strength to it uh so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go and get the floor pan marked out get all the holes drilled they've got to be drilled in it for the the for this press start to pull down through and then i'll come back and show you okay here's what i got done so far is i took some measurements from the original panel this one over here i took some measurements down from it and uh in from it this way um to get get an idea of where them panels are to and i come over here and i drew them out three locations where the panels are going to to then i took this panel and i figured out where it's centered to and i marked the locations for the bolt holes so then i can turn around i'll just drill these holes and there will be my they'll line everything up so when i fix it on top of the jig and i bolt down it'll be in place so all right i got one eight holes drilled here now and the next process now is the getting ready for uh putting it in the uh the jig i got rig i haven't drilled out these holes yet because what i need to do here first is i got to stretch this metal here make it easier for her to press itself if you try to push this in it's going to be hard it's going to want to kink uh some guys would run this through an english wheel and soften it up uh we all don't have an english wheel uh what i'm going to do now i'm going to hammer it and i'm going to show you what it does when you hammer metal it spreads it apart and stretches it so i'm going to hammer this area here now and stretch it all apart i'll show you here's all i got down i got a clamp to my i-beam so it's directly uh i'll be hammered directly right on it so it's like a hammer-on dolly effect and what i'm going to do is you can see i got this marked out here marked out here this area here i'm going to stretch it i'm going to stretch it by hammering it [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] now if you look at it i've got to stretch the metal in that area now right right along that area there's not flat no more you see that there so i'll go ahead now and i'll do that to all three of these and stretch that entire area so it'll help with the process all right i got all three of them stretched you can actually see the hammer marks where i hammered it all the way around there okay uh like you got to draw the metal's gotta draw from somewhere so you got to stretch it in order to to give it access if not it'll start to really distort the entire panel even worse but if you look at it closely you can actually see this panel now it's got this thing going on it's bellowed in the middle where i stretched all the center of the panel up so now that'll help so when uh i went and puts this in the pressure presses it down this here will stretch from outside and bring in so it'll be good that way now i'm going to go ahead and i never drilled out these holes uh for the simple reason that i would have drew all the metal around the hole if i had drilled any bigger so i left it alone so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to drill all these out and i'm going to fit them in the jig there and bolt it off i went ahead cleaned off the areas where everything's going to happen to so it's a lot easier to clean because it's so hard to get that marker and running off it after the fact and i went ahead and i went and done a test fit to make sure that the holes lined up for the panels for the thing these holes act as part of the press and they also act as alignment um if you try to do this without the bolt holes it's very hard to line up that lower section like you know they when i take this off here like because i got these bolt holes in it i know that that's centered on that panel see so i just put these two piece angle on the top side of it just to hold the panel in place to give us support hopefully i won't need to know how to win it which is the ratchet i gotta take it down so far i'll start adding pressure to it and you'll start to see it going the next one bring it down a bit at a time on inside you can see it got it all pulled down inside the die it's got the nice edge put along it so that's the air now the panel is really gone warped but we can work all that after the fact i'll make three of them first and then i'll start hammering the metal because you got to bring the stretch metal back into the area where's two so there's the first one now i'm going to go ahead and put second one there don't be concerned about the panel because it's fighting with itself to move stuff around this hair is going to have to be dolly after the fact first thing i want to do now is get all the pieces made up and get them all pulled in as i'm going now i got the three of them all pushed down i'm pleased with how they came out but uh what i've noticed is we have a major a lot of warpage going on around the panel if you stand back and look at it you can see the mess that it is let's go this way here you see the big kinking over here i'm here sizing it all up i'm human uh you know like trial and error with me the biggest thing with this here when they make pressures like this here it would have been better if this whole panel was was kept down on top press down and held in place while this pushed through it would keep the warpage from moving because it was drawn the metal from right outside and it helped stretch the metal and then it just deformed it in order to draw it in so i'm gonna do what i think i'm going to be able to do to fix it is i'm just going to cut the whole piece right out of it now like that and work this panel flat and then this panel here should return to the normal shape and see what it looks like then if i got to make another floor pan i'll make another floor pan but i do have the three panels made now so uh probably what i'll do for the next one is i'll just make these panels in a set of three on a small panel and then in interlayed into a larger panel so i want to cut that out and see what uh if any relief comes into it well it's been a long day i tried all the panels one making one panel and warped it all up i started fooling around with it making two panels and that warped all up so now i try making one panel and that's a little bit warped up so i was playing around i finally figured out it's a nice flat panel there now here's what i come up with i got to make one at a time i'm going to put them all together separately well together i had to make up a piece of steel to fit over my little jig here and i had to bend it on 90. then what i got to do then is when i fix it at her i had to weld this on here well this here in here and up along the top here when that bolts down that way this none of this out here can move this is the problem by rights this needs a platform on top like you know and then needs to be flattened out to do this like to go to hell with it i would have to build a second and third one of these here mount them on the bench do the same type of thing build a big platform or tablet with these cut out for that to bolt down on the top of that so the top of that and it's just way too much work so i'm going to go ahead i'm going to make individual ones like this and i'm going to put them together and make a panel from the three pieces because one of them i got to shorten i've already thought about that this one here on the top so i'm going to reuse one of my old ones that i can save and shorten them and i got one already made i'm going to make a second one now and then i'm going to make this panel here off the car make this separate make my floor pad and then i'll weld that into it that's the way i figured out i can do it i only got basic tools i'm doing this with just proper tools for this pull maxes all that type stuff but no uh we haven't got that we got a grinder we got a hammer and a pair of strips so let's get this done here's all i did three spot welds there three spot ones there one there one there one there and one there and now that's held in place now i can bolt it down there it is all that golf all nice and straight putting these angles on the sides of it here is what gave it the strength that it needed now i had this one here already done and i've already cut the end off with the sides of it off it stayed straight and that's that was the problem i was having and if i got to make it in sections these panels got to be straight because once i start swelling these together now all i'm going to do is i'll overlap this one here put it positioned and cut and bolt that along there and i'll do the same to the other one and then i'll come back here and i'll make a nice little edge on the outer edge for it to all fit together so it's one panel to put in the car here i got an overlapped here all it is i measured the other one from here to here and set them up line up the same this is on the same one on the factory which is here measure this one up here all right that's how i measured it then i just overlapped it and attack weld it in place now i'll cuddle on there and i'll put that in place i'll do these two panels finish them off dom watch like i said before do one piece at a time again i'll go and do a third one all right so i got that all welded together there now it's all welded together in one piece uh i got ahead of myself i turn around i went up and i made this one here i cut it off through here shorten it up all i did is i took one of the old ones that i had ruined and i just took it off and i just shortened it to the length of the head to be i just cut it clean right off took a piece out of it well back together so it's the same way then i mark it these here are basically an inch apart as they step down so like this one's back in inch fire on this one this one's back inch fire in this one and that's where i got it set up so i got it all set up there now and because i shortened this up it wasn't enough metal on either side because the problem running into now is i'm trying to keep this panel a square panel so you can see this line i got drawn here i wanted to pass that right up through this here and do the same thing over here cut this off here and cut it straight up through here so this panel then is i wouldn't say square now but it's only it got four sides on it it's easier to install so i end up having to put a piece on it here and a piece on here don't be too concerned about welding pieces of metal together because it's you know we're only working with basic tools and you know it's an easy fix and you'll never know when it's all done because they're actually grinding this inside and out as well so it looks good inside the car and also underneath the car so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to tack this one in cut the bottles and get that one well then get that dressed up get these caught often [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] a number of you talked about having troubles with warp age and stuff like that uh i just on that section just in real time to show you the time it takes me that was just uh two passes on the entire panel that's how long it took me to do it you see how slow i was going and you can see how much i cool the panel down between the key to this is taking your time uh like you know you start seeing it like oh i'm gonna keep going and welding that up no forget it you're gonna warp it off you're just making more work for yourself slow down when you're welding two panels together when you've got them bought well like this here just take your time every now and again i'm guilty of it i'll speed up and i'm just making more work for myself but just pace yourself go back and do one spot at a time like that cool the whole panel down so it's nice and cold do it all again one at a time like that like it's not good and going here and then dip dip dip doing three or four there and then no corner interesting dip dip dip you're gonna warp it off forget it right uh like this panel here it's all about welded there flat panel butt weld and that is straight just took my time welded together okay and i can show you the other side of it two panels bought well together just take your time and i'll do the same thing up here i'm going to go ahead now and i'm not going to bore you with any more of that i'm just going to go ahead i'm going to well it up wind it all up inside now and get it ready to be cut off so there you have it all grinded up all nice and flat inside and out i'm going to do an x now next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to make this a panel that has a simple shape to run a cutter straight up through here go to straight up through here and that'll be it i'll cut this bottom lip off here and it'll have an actual flat panel to start with then i'm going to work on welding these off done a video a while back how to weld small holes the easy way and a lot of guys were talking about a number of different things so we're talking about welding stuff up and using a piece of brass on the back side of it yeah i get a mistake i made as i said small holes i should have said larger holes because the holes i'm talking about are a lot of size of paint and i'm going to show you now all i did well a piece of steel a new coat hanger i'll show you what i do puts it in my lid turn on the lathe a bit oh [Music] perfect round circle and all those well that in there here's the panel all the holes are welded up everything's cut off right nice and neat and tidy stand it up there it's a fair bit of work done but i wasn't letting it get the better of me when you're working with basic tools sometimes it gets hard some things puts up a fight i've run into before so here i am back at this again fresh piece of metal all cleaned up starting all over again um i'm human we get into projects sometimes and uh we're running these shoes and we just got to get away from it and come back to it and start from scratch so i got this piece of metal now and i'm going to adapt a new panel on us this panel here i'm going to adapt that onto us and all i'll do with that is i'll just uh put that in the position i want to do a cutting board on it and that'll be in that'll be done um so i'm going to go ahead now it's the same process what i showed you before bending these here and how i bent them all up so i want to get this panel fitting in place there and we'll go from there all right i got this all bent up here and i had to bend it because of the shape of it again same as before bend it off whole new panel that's all you can do i went ahead then and i got to fit where i liked it uh i left this point here as a reference point because that's where the floor pan ends you can see it over here here's where the panel comes down and there's the floor pan there and the way this works so i kept that there as a reference point so i knows where this has got the pan got to go there and i went ahead and clamped it in place fit it where i liked it and i drilled a couple of holes i had to do it twice as you can see i uh my second time around uh word of voice when you're doing using these and you drill a hole and you don't like to fit you got to take it apart again don't go re-drilling the same hole through this again trying to save time because it ends up being pretty close to the hole that's there and it ends up slipping just drill two new holes you got to weld it up anyway so just a quick little tip now what i'm going to do now is i'm going to i got it marked here on the flat the flat section going down through here and i just got to roll around to go inside the transmission tunnel so it rolls inside here because it's a bit weak along this edge here and i'm also rolling up inside the tunnel so i'm going to take this now and i'm going to go over to my pipe anvil and i'm going to roll this in here that line that i got there that's where the floor stays flat so i got to roll it accordingly sneak up on it okay i gotta fit in place i went and added another cleat go down here uh to keep that from kicking out and drilled through the seat brace and then i came over here and it rolled around pretty nice and all i did is i hammer formed it using the uh transmission tunnel as the form so fit better i'm going to cut and bolt that up along there now this corner had to be reworked a bit more i'm not too much concerned about because this got a little dimple in the corner here where's this right here there's a little dimple there you can hardly see it there but just a dimple there so now that i got this fitting this is where it's going her homes to i'm gonna go ahead now and install that piece then the ribs are gonna mark it out measure off from here and down from here and get it all positioned where it wants to go so here's all i went and did i measured from the edge here down to the top here and measured it across and got a point and i come over here and i mark down from the roll age mark a straight line across here and then i come over here and i took the bottom one and i measured from the edge of this here out to the rocker panel and i come over here and i've done the same thing here i marked two points down on the straight part rocker and i drew a straight line then i went ahead and i duplicated the lines through the lines on this here along the top edge and down through there and then all i went did is i lined them up this is all i'll do is i line them up like so and that'll give me my positioning where that got to go now the thing what it is is i got to do this on the other side so now i'm going to take this panel off bring it over the bench mark this line on the other side mark this line on the other side and duplicate the same thing on this mark it on the other side because i got to weld this from the other side because it's kind of hard to lay this flat with the the raised sections and let's see so it'll lay flat on the other side so it could have been right now so all it is i duplicate the lines for over from the other side from the top and the bottom and then the same thing on the panel you can actually see i got this line here lining up with this line and i got this line here lining up here and lining up here that way the panel is square to where it's supposed to be on the thing this here point here this is straight across the top so that's where that's got to go anyway so then now all i'm going to do here is just simply i'm going to weld this on tack weld it in place now into the cutting board simple as that now i went ahead size it all up i got a mount that goes over here and i'm going to have to do a dimple die in this corner here so i ended up trimming this off and i went around and i come in i didn't want to get too close to the bead i want to be at least three quarters of an inch away from it so it's easier to grind i didn't want to you know have to get into grinding any of that so i went ahead and i went around i trimmed it up as best i could as close as i could to everything i left everything alone and then i lined up the marks you can see here that lines up the mark there and then i lined up that mark there going along here so the panels were supposed to be and welded on a lot of guys have been asking about that type of thing if you look at it there you go it's welded onto the piece of metal uh i have a full video on cotton boss it's an older video but a lot of people keep asking the same questions some people talk about corners uh they'd soon have round corners it's very hard to do this cotton butt with round corners because i find the corners where i likes to start to get the pressure going when you cut a corner out of it and you push down on it you get the corn when you start cutting across this panel here wants to follow and fall into the panel which is a lot nicer main reason why guys cut corners is heat when you're doing a spot welding like i does it uh it doesn't matter if this line's going this way or this line is going this way uh if you're spot welding the coolness is there any because you're cooling between panels you cannot run beads on this right if you runs a bead on this uh a quarter of an inch long you're going to be warping it all up it's got to be all spot welded like this all the way around it's a slow process so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to cut one corner i'm just going to quickly go over it again a few people have asked so i'm going to cut this corner here and i'm going to set it all up and get ready to show you what the cotton bud is all about this is all i do i start in the corner you can see i got cut through there and cut through there i cut the grinder on a 45 degree angle i don't cut it straight i cut it at an angle and by cutting at an angle it makes this hole smaller uh like if you push down on this now and look closely at it you're not going to get a blade through you take this blade here now that blade's not fitting through there it'll go in at an angle see but it won't go in it won't go in straight now you can see where this corner is raised up right going along here now if that was a round edge it's harder to work with all i do is i push that corner down just like that push it down that well so now when i cut it across here all this here has got a force on it and it's going to want to pull down look at the bottom side that's it i've cut through the second piece of metal so when it's all said and done that center section will come out and all you'll be left with is this panel here so i'm going to push down on that now and weld that and i'll show you you can see i got it welded again now i push down it you can see that it's flush mounted there now and then it sticks up along here now as i cut this across here more this here panel here is going to go this way and i'll just start tack welding as i'm going don't go cutting all this out all at one time just do it four three to four inches at a time perhaps should be five maybe six inches all depends keep an eye on how much the metal wants to fall because sometimes it'll fall too far and go the other way now all i'm doing is i'm re-welding as i'm cutting through a cut through weld and everywhere that one there's not caught yet but i caught that well i caught that well and i caught that well so i caught it pushed down re-welded it caught it pushed down re-welded it so now this is flush this down here is not this here is flushed and i'll just keep going around doing all that there now there it is now all flush mounted in place all welded around it's all been cut all the welds have been cut through and i'll re-weld it again and you lift up on it there's the panel there's your panel that you're leaving in there there's the piece you cut out as simple as that i'm gonna go ahead now and i'm gonna weld all this up there it is all made up looks pretty good and warped up a small bit not too serious you can see it down there again it'll all fit in place when it goes all right i got to make up this piece here now and get all this up trim all that up down there and get that all set up for spot welds and on there this video is pretty long you see it there now over here and you can see that there it is i went ahead and i welded it all in i ran into a fair bit of trouble with it uh i ended up this piece here i had to put in and then when i got over here this was weak here so i ended up having to put a piece in here um she was a bit warped on the top edge here and had a bit of trouble trying to get it to weld solid here but i got it after and of course i'm welding it down through inside the tunnel there and along the bottom i got to put a piece in here later on i'm going to leave that alone alone for now but uh i'm pleased with it it was a lot of work um i've looked online you can buy aftermarket panels for these uh they looks very poorly done not much better than what i got here and by the time you get them here like they're just flat panels they're they don't have they got a straight lip on them i noticed that in the pictures and they're just sprayed off here and straight up here so all you're getting is these three indentations and you're talking um but we turned around and we made our own little indentations and we installed them ourselves it's a big project to take on uh in the case of this here i'm doing this for more or less this video because i've been wanting to do something with a depressed and show you guys how i've done it i have made a number of them over the years and done for different shapes and different dies some different i've been trying to figure out simpler ways of doing it and that's how calm i had troubles on this video because i was trying to cut corners i knew what i did wrong uh on the first floor plan i just needed to adjust it uh i needed to build a bigger unit i did build a full unit for a floor pan at one point and i had close to 40 hours into the the platform the actual press itself so it's a lot of time involved in it but these this here the press die that i made for that never took me no time to make anyway that's it for this one i hope the tips were good and until next time [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 284,133
Rating: 4.9527125 out of 5
Id: tXzsZ7j4Dj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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