How to repair rust around windows

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fitzy here back at it again been asked about rust around windows i'm going to show you how to make panels to repair those rust around windows stick around for our next project what we have here is 72 caprice a lot of you asked about repair rust around windows well there you have it these were known for this because of the lowness of this section here you just fill up a water level here and then if it never leaked inside it just built up and then routed out the corners as you can see here red line here there's a fair bit of rust going right along that's not half bad going on there and the other side is much the same thing right this here is there's no holes in this but i'd say when i'm finished cleaning it up there's going to be holes in it but what i'm going to do first is i got to clean this all up i got to practice a lot of times these are pretty tricky there's a lot of work involved in uh even starting to do the work the problem you got is that you got to remove everything uh this was a vinyl top car as you can see the customer removed it he's not put the vinyl top back on no more and uh what you got to deal with you got to deal with the interior uh if you got any holes up around here this one here is good i have some issues up front but you've got all the headline rather right it's a lot of work involved in it you got to strip all the interior out of it my plan is here now is i'm gonna clean all this up with a grinder along this top edge here get there's a lot of glue and material everything here to see what i got get rid of the heavy stuff office and then i'm gonna roll it up by the door and i'm gonna blast sandblast these sections here i hate sand blasting but it's the only way you're going to get that clean you can wire wheel all that all you wants and it's not going to go over now these little things here you're not going to save them okay you can you can buy a spot kit and you can actually get them and weld them back on again but all we've ever done with them is um put them back on with a screw and use it as a little wax piece on the screw because when you buy as a kit of these clips they come with screws and there's a wax build up on the screw that seals off the hole when you screw it on so that's all i'm going to do with these here i'm just going to take a picture of weird or two and mark them and then i'll just turn around later on the customer can turn around and drill holes and put them back on when he's ready but it'd be nice to get lots of paint in here first okay i'm gonna go clean that up now did i ever tell you how much i hate sandblasting uh oh it's all over me i hate the stuff all right so i sandblasted everything and i turned around and went around and treated everything um i went turn around put everything in primer as you can see i got the all the other repairs done on us so all i'm left with now is to do this section here trick with this is now is trying to figure out uh where to start to uh normally guys would take this and they start cutting stuff out of it uh again this is my template i'm not gonna touch none of this leaving it all there until i got my panel made and uh everything is ready to go i'm gonna start cut pieces now i'm going to cut a piece for here the flat section here and i'm going to cut a piece for here that'll roll along here and i'm going to cut a piece that'll roll along here now this here got some heavy painting you can see it up along here and hard to see either there you go you see the painting and everything goes up along here um and it comes in down around here i'm gonna basically replacing all this right on down to here coming right up to here and then across here so i'll take this entire corner down here i'm not quite sure if i've got to get into this or not i'm going to try to see if i can stay away from it but in the cases like this here i always make this section first and weld it onto the car so it keeps the seam i'm a fanatic for factory seams i grew up at a time when we filled everything and i you know i know and hot riding and everything guys uh feels everything and and takes all the seams away but every time i see seams going on the car i think there's black with filler so that's just my take on us so now we've got the pieces here figured out the biggest thing with this is here you could probably take a piece of metal bend it on 90 and start trying to fit this this got two shapes going under what right like this here is not flat this way and it's not flat this way right so you're running the issues and he takes this here scrap piece of steel and just tries to line it up in there right it's not it's not gonna fit right like you see how much of a crown is in that and then when you do it this way you can see it's crowned again so for years i've tried bending up metal and shrinking it and fitting it and stuff like that and i always found like it was very hard to get a real nice fit i started doing this piece by piece by piece section i found it a lot faster and a lot quicker okay i'm going to make this section here then i'm going to make this section here and weld it to that section and then i'm going to turn around and make an outer section here which got a bit of a roll on it as you can see it's not flat see it's got a bit of roll up rolls up the window so if you cut all this out you'd end up making this flat you wouldn't have to shape it on the go by here but by leaving it here now i'm going to have something to go by i'm going to be able to duplicate this piece um on top of it because all the panels this one in this one and this one here is all the same level so when you cut it all out it drops in it'll fit so i'm going to go ahead now i got this piece of metal here that's all i just does with it i'm going to start trimming that up so that fits in there now a lot has mentioned to me about making templates in that but i've just grown to not do it you can probably do it making it make your own template um i just like doing everything freehand i always did it's just something i picked up on all right so i'm going to rough that in there now um i've have to trim it off here and i'm about to come back and take it a bit more off the bottom i'm getting close it's a little bit loose there up in that corner and then i rolled it dropped it down here a bit on the back side get a bit off of there and hit pull off within here and slide forward you also notice that i'm using a larger piece uh i like working with larger pieces i've done it many times in other videos and the reason for that for it's a lot easier to handle and work with if you're working with a small strip it's very hard to get it to fit i'll cut this off later on but for now i'm leaving a big i'm only worried about this inside edge getting this to fit first this outside edge here can be all worked after it's fitting pretty good they're not gonna fine-tune that now and i'm ready to put two together what i'm noticing here now is that uh this corner here rolls back and this corner here rolls up so it's a bit tricky so i gotta bend this this way and bend this this way get this to fit properly there's a bit more in that end but i'm happy with that i'll be cutting it off about there and i gotta trim that off and on there to fit down there so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna cut a piece off and i'm gonna make this piece okay another piece just trimmed off made nice and long a bit wider so i can work with it now i'm gonna bend this here to go around that corner so it's fitting here it's got a pretty big roll on so you see the shape that just got now when you lay it up place you actually see the way it rolls in on the back and it rocks you can actually see it rocking on so i got to trim that now so it fits flat down in there because that's got to be down like that and that's gotta be down like that so it's pretty it's a pretty complex shape i can tell you that to try to make out two out of one piece doing it this way to me makes life a lot easier so i'm going to take this now and run the marker across it oh no working on closing up this gap that's why i got a lot of material on this so i can actually i got when it drops down i still got lots up here so now i've trimmed it up some in a long hair change the shape of it going along here filed it and cut it a few times as you can see here now i got it fitting pretty good when you lay it in place like this it's at an angle at an angle this way here it looks straight up and down right here now i'll show you in a sec but i'm happy with this piece now and i'm happy with the other piece another what i gotta do is i'm gonna trim these down a small bit both of them so they're a lot easier to handle i'm gonna clamp them in place there now and uh well clean them up and well two them together as you can see the angle that is on it's not straight up and down looking across you see the way that angles right back so i got a piece there now they're shaped like that never be concerned we're trying to make perfect little pieces um when you get into small pieces they got a tendency to want to move on you uh move around a lot when you're building small things like this here it'll want to tweak and move around when you when you're making a lot of larger pieces that's not going to move so you can get that to fit down here you know you got a good fit so like i've always found this faster uh than trying to make little templates and making little tiny strips and then when you get it in or you realize it's too short here or it's uphill too much here i just fits at one side fits it to one side well tack welds two of them together wells the bottom together and fits in there make sure they're fitting good and then i'll i'll worry about this section now afterwards right so i'm gonna go now and i'm gonna trim these up a bit smaller now then i know as i'm close to where it got to be i'll make them so that they're easier to handle so i can clamp them in place and then i'm going to clean all the paint and everything up so i got the two pieces all cleaned up and trimmed down smaller i got them they're still still too big uh you can see here and i got this one just clamped in place what i'm doing here now i'm gonna do a final fit on this here now as you can see right here this is tight here all right to get you in the right light here see right here it's tight right here and then it gets water as it goes up the top and it gets wider as it goes along here and it gets tight again right here so what i'm gonna do now is i gotta trim these up and trim this up over here so this fits down this corner one of the advantages of leaving the lip there is because um we got something to go by we're actually getting the proper shape to it now if you had all this cut out you'd have nothing to go by so i'm going to trim this up here and back here and get this fitting down here nicer down this inner edge you can see when i put my finger there you got to see how far it's going to go down so i'm going to trim that up there now now i say trimming this as you can see here what i went and done is i got a little marker put america where i want it trimmed off now it's complete it's not a lot to trim off all i'm using is a grinder ear grinder that's a 24 grit disconnect with a backing pad it's an air tool so all i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grind it back all i'm doing is i'm grinding off the marker that i got there so that's where i had to mark there and down here see all i use is a grinder under there and down there and you'll get a nice tight fit and if you haven't got a grinder uh like an air one you can use a flat wheel if you got one of them but it's a lot easier to do it this way than trying to take a pair of tin snips and trim that up along there so uh because it'll leave a jagged edge and along here with a pair of tin snips and you get a nice smooth edge on that inner inside edge there now i think i'm close enough down here now i got this fitting it doesn't move anymore i got a bit of a gap here i boo booed so i grind too much off but hey i can always weld it but i'm happy with the way it fits right along the edge there inside that would be inside corner i'm not worried about these edges up here and the ends what they're going to look making them perfect everything not even worried about that all i'm concerned about is getting this plane and this plane on the right angle so this the inside edge is in the right location all the way down along here all right so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go ahead now i'm going to start on one end and i'm going to push that together and start welding this in here while it's all clamped together in there and make this here and this piece one piece so let's go well that together now now all i'm doing here now is i'm going to fit this in place push down in that corner there nice and tight find a nice spot and i'm just going to weld it on the inside careful to make sure that when you come to the corners that you get it always fit nice down in here work your way around your edges make sure that's nice and important push that back so it brings up in the panel there so here it is i got it all tack welded together downside here just tack welded on the inside if you come out here now you can actually see and it's actually going along that edge nicely it's following the flow of the roof right along in there i'll trim all that off after not concerned about it it's nice that it's a bit longer because i'm probably going to want to cut it off here somewhere anyway see if i can save this same one up here i'll be cutting that off square but what i got to do now is now that i got my inside edge figured out i got this here in this place and this here in this place i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to weld all this up inside here first because it's better leave this clamp down to this and weld all this up and try to get away as much warpage as you possibly can because uh if you take this off bring this over on the bench now and weld it off this is all going to change the shape so i'll well as much up on this as i possibly can on the car and when i flip it over to the other side i'll uh i'll do it off the car but for now all i'm gonna do is just weld it in here so i'm gonna go back and i'm gonna go ahead and go in i'm gonna weld all this up in here now and have that done now i've got that all welded up inside again never pretty i got to clamp down i'm going to make sure now that i haven't got it welded on so i'm going to let it go looks good as you can see now i got panel made right to show you there all right and we look at the angles on it you can look it's not what you call a very straight panel right so it's not something you can easily make in a um shrink or stretcher you can do it i'd say but just the shape of it is very unusual so now what i've got to do is i'm going to go in here now and clamp this back in place if it fits in right nice now uh and i'm going to mark this in along here and i'm going to scribe that and trim that up so it's flush to the top of this one here and start working on this panel okay i got a clamp back on i can never talk about you can never have enough voice grips the more clamps i can get on that the better um i got a fine selection of them it's worth a while to make sure you have enough pairs of them uh it makes life a lot easier but now that i got that in place i got my little scribe all it is is an old screwdriver and i sharpen the end of it some fellas after going oh my god he's destroying tools but be honest how many of us have never used a screwdriver for something other than a screwdriver anyway i sharpened the top of it it's a little small screwdriver and all i can do is i'm going to come in here and unscrew this using the body of the car so if you look there closely you can actually see where i scribed it now i'm not going to cut that right off on that line i'm going to leave a bit of there because i want to have it so that i can do a final adjustment uh when i fix it on the card i can grind it down for the final fitment so i'm going to go over now i'm going to trim that off show you this here over here clamping device now the voice is square okay we had this line on this here now that goes up across it and you can see it don't even go straight like it's actually turning and flowing like it's over exaggerating is doing this type of thing right and like the bottom it's not even square like you look at the way this turns in here right the way this flows in here comes it on the bottom here and you look up across it so it's not a 90 degree bend you may think they're 90 degree bends but they're not and so making this in two pieces we're actually um getting the proper angles completely like if you i just bent over a piece of steel and start shrinking this inside corner this is going to stand up straight this is going to have to be stretched out this is going to be shrunk you're going to have the living be jesus stroke right out of this in order to try to get it to fit properly i still got lots of steel here um yes it's a welded edge but uh it's a lot stronger in my minds than it is to have a rolled edge because by the time you start shrinking all this here and you're trying to get inside this here and have this shrunk this is gonna be pretty thin in here and same with up along here because this hero has a turn to come down so this all has to be stretched up here so it would take some time and you you won't be able to feel like the way i was fitting that in there you won't be able to see this piece fit into place as nice as the way i've done it because you can do this here and it'll be a bit of a gap here and you won't be able to see it in the middle of it because whereas a piece of iron you'll only see this upper edge is all you'll see and if it lays nice area you're happy with it but down here this could be in farther which will affect putting the glass in so i'm gonna go ahead and trim that up now now i went ahead i trimmed it off but you can see in the lake here i still got some material left on it you still see the mark where i scribed it and i'll show you why now because when you scribe a panel and you lay the grinder there that there if you put down a bit of an angle you're going to call it low now when i fix this in place here now down here is pretty well the right height but over here sticking up i want to do my final adjustment right here so i'm going to clamp that place there now i'm going to show you how i adjust that i got a clamp in place as you can see looking along the edge it all sticks up a little tiny bit and like you know you lay that edge out there you can see it's sticking up so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to bring this down so it's the same height as this here all the way around and how i'm going to do that is with the me grinder again now you probably use a flat wheel for doing this i prefer to do it on the car you could take it off and mark it and trim it trim it trim it but you can't go wrong when it's under the car when you're going down you start screwing the car off you know as you've reached your point right so i'm going to go ahead down and grind all that down so it's the same height as you watch me doing audiences are grinded off now i got my hand over that look it's all flush look down across it that's pretty well flush all the way along there to that edge so now what i'm going to do now i got that as my height there see now i got my heat figured out for the depth from there there so now i'm going to make the piece that'll go up along here that will go on you'll join under that so i'm gonna go get a piece of steel now and start cutting and fitting it to fit there so now i got a rough game they never took me no time to do as you can tell it's just quick drawing it up cut them up uh i don't waste my steel i like starting with square pieces because it gives me a measurement a length and a weight to start with this length this length uh it's a lot easier to figure out then just start trimming off trim everything up all the little pieces i'll use them in something else uh i got a fit and good here it's a bit off here and it's way off here but this has to be twisted downwards so what i'm going to do first is i'm going to clean all this up and i'm going to start mounting it right here first to the panel and start working this end up here because this is going to be a problem up here because this metal going to turn this way now in order to get to follow the quarter panel here and i'll trim all that up after so i'm gonna go clean this up now and uh start putting it together so here's what i got i got it all cleaned up i got it lined up here so it's fitting pretty good right here in this section about right along here if it's good it sticks in a bit here and up here it sticks it's overlapped as you can see here now the problem you got is when you look down this way here there's an awful crown gotta be changed on that there so that piece of metal is gonna have to be worked down through here to get it to to flow down like it's good right to here and then after this when it starts going up through here this wants to roll off i left this a little bit long because i know that when i start tweaking this this is going to want to stretch and this is lot water pull away from this lipped edge so then you'll end up having a gap here that's why i left it a bit long here thinking that and same with down here all right so like uh i'm looking at this piece here now and you you know it's going to be a bit tricky so i can sit down and start beating it beating it beating it but what i'm going to do is i'm going to weld it on in here first because i know that's going to be good there right and then i'm going to start working the panel as i'm going along going up and coming up through here as well i'm going to work the panel and then i'm going to relieve this little roll this was a little roll going here just a very slight concave i'll do that after the fact because that fades out because i'm probably going to trim more of this off again and of course it's gonna be a lot up here gonna be trimmed off but the reason why i'm doing it because there's a lot of pitted rust in along here as you can see and i want to replace all that it's pretty thin there and then along here all this is pretty thin there's holes there as you can see see so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to fit that in place there and i'm going to uh weld it on number of you have asked me the type of metal i use the size 18 gauge i got that tacked in place so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna start trimming up these edges and start working my way along the edges so i get a nice stage here as you can see now when i start pushing down this here that pulls back see so when i pull this right back it's going to want to roll right around the edge now i can force that place to as i'm going down so i'm talking about here see this up here when you push on it you see when you pull out one that's why you leave it excess up on this end here is the overlap here so when you pushes on this here and that pulls out you still got lots of material there well that now i'll do the same process is what i've done when i grind this side down flat and do the same thing here we take the grinder and i'm going to grind this edge off here so i'm going to drop this panel out going this way you can see here now i use this here as my guide and i just grinded it off flush a little bit of hair there and now i'm going to turn around i'm going to weld that right in there now you can see where i have to bend it over this here at one point was way out here now that i have to bend it over and weld it on this is actually on this side of the panel now so it pulled it over a good quarter of an inch to get this to roll edge roll over now i haven't cut a large section of this out of here as you can see i put my finger on me on it here to get that back to there so i'm going to cut that off with the grinder so back so far and then i got to cut a large section of this out too right along here i don't need all this i'm going to follow there's a line right here i'm going to follow that comes down through here and i'll come down and follow it along there so i'm going to trim all that up now oh now you can see that i uh what i got done here i cut this off on this edge here and i went in here and i cut it off in here and then i took the grinder and i grinded that off and then i went in and i welded it back on so now i got this cornered edge this corner edge now it's figured out right along here i got that all figured out so i got to work this a bit out here and i got to put a little rolled edge in along here well not worried about it yet but what i'm going to do now is i'll come back and i'll weld all this up same as i did down here get all the salt water still mounted to the car because i'm going to take all this off do the back side of it and grind and dress it all as well so but for now let's get this welded up yeah i got that made so i got my panel actually put together now and caught it and fit it and there's my panel it's all one piece you can see the shape of it it's not a simple shape by no means now what i got to do now is a very slight crown on this here very slightly it rolls over here and just fades out up to this edge here so it rolls right along here and it's back probably that far from the edge so i'm just going to wing it as if i don't another guy i don't win the sophie i'm just a little on there see that will be my rolled edge area i'll roll that little agent on there now all i do is i just clamped it into the uh under the table here and right in here now i got to put a little bit of a rolled edge and so i'm going to use the inside edge and all i'm going to do is take my little uh tea down it'll show over here a bit i'll just a little concave goes right along there enough now i got to put in place a little contouring it's got to push up a small bit but i can get that later on when i goes to weld it all in i push down on that that'll help it uh hold it up keep it from falling anyway when it goes welding it now the whole thing i want to figure out now is how much of this do i want to keep i know this was pitted up along here and i need to below that little concave so i'm just going to turn around i'm going to cut it off somewhere around here like so because i don't need all that and then same with down here so i'm going to cut it along those lines like that and then up here i'm going to cut it just on this side that line like so and i'm going to square this off up here just like so like that just to give me something smaller work with and see what it's all about up there so i'm going to trim that up now and we'll test fit it again okay i got the ends trimmed off got trimmed up across here and i got the top chopped off off here so i'm going to do now is we're going in behind here and i'm wrapped it with a marker on the back side here as you can see right here that's what i went and did now i'm going to leave that there because when all this moves back uh this is going to move inwards so i'm going to leave that mark there and i caught on this side of the mark and leave that there and that will be my lower lip okay so now i got that all trimmed back there uh i know for a fact that this hair is going to go straight down but it's also got to go back so mounting it now is going to be an issue because all this got to be moved a slight bit this way like it all got to go this way here for when all the pieces cuts out of the way the problem you want to run into is when you cut it out of it where do you put it um what i'm going to do is i'm just going to put a couple of click goes here for now just so i can get it where i it's roughly where it's going to be and then when i get ready to put it place i'll slide it back small bit off them holes there because uh the problem having here now is once it cuts all this out of the way here this here can move around and you're not going to know uh i can move up move down move in move out but if i got two reference holes to go by uh i should be good then i can figure it out from there because i have a lot of cutting to do here i'm going to mark this along here cracker keeps riding up on everything so that way i can cut a good portion of it out of the way and describe it up here and i'll drilled two spots there now and the reason why i'm doing all this first now because i'm going to weld this up on the inside on both of these before i grind this off splash because uh the time you got you're going to make that weak there and i want some nice edge here i want to make it look like the way it was factory but in order to be able to do that i need some beefiness on the back side of it so i'm going to weld all the inside of this piece but in order well that i got to remove the section of the car so i've got two of these put there now so i can go ahead and i can cut everything out of the way clean everything up they got to be done but and now i got two reference points that i know is where the panel was originally see so now i'll cut all this out take all this panel out of it get all this out of the way i'll go ahead and i'll take this panel here now and i'll weld it all up inside all along here and then i'll grind and dress all this up here make this look like an original piece then so a lot of the bottom section right here the lip is totally gone this is the inner structure of the car and this is the original window lip so a lot of rusted out all i'm doing is just prying it back find spot welds and then i'm grinding the head off spot welds and removing this upper section of the old uh quarter the panels get really rusty it's kind of hard to find the spot welds all i did is i put that in behind it i went down to la brought up so i noticed a spot well there right so all i'll do is i'll just grind the head there and move on from it so i got dog cleaned up down there and all the metal gone everything's cleaned up back i'm gonna paint all this now before it does anything else for the factory these came with brass in these corners and their nuisance that is a raw nuisance right there that brass because uh mig welding won't stick to us so i'm gonna try to clean all that off and so i'm gonna have a bit of welding in this corner here that's still pretty solid there it's a bit of a gap right over there but this here is going to be a nightmare i'm going to have cut most of that out of this grind it out but in order to get the weld to us i haven't got torches here to heat up melted out so that's it okay now to go over now and over here and start welding this up i'm going to weld this inside here right along here and weld the slip along here and i'm going to grind this one flat here not going to worry about this inside edge because what's the strength there and then i'm going to leave this one alone and then i'll turn this over here and i'm going to grind all this off in line here and in here so make this look like an original piece all right there it is all welded up inside nothing pretty i'm going to grind it up there now all i'm going to do here now is i'm going to grind that flat grind that flat there and so i get this sharp edge here and i'll roll the edge over at us i'll show you i'll do a little test here and i'll show you what i'm doing and then i'm going to cut the inside edge down in here inside here on a cutter flat here on the bottom i'm not going to touch nothing in here and i'm not going to touch none of this here all that steer for strength so all i'm concerned about is out here looking good and back bottom here i've caught this flat because i want this to lay flat on the panel because that's the way it sits and i want no high spots along there here's what i got going you can see it here now got an edge here all i'm doing is i'm grinding in this way keeping it flat along that edge and then grinding the flat along this edge like don't go turn around afterwards just never going to get yourself a nice sharp edge sharp corner to start with once you've got that got that straightened away and you can see that you got a nice uniform line going around here then you can go back and round out your edge and what i'll do is i'll do it with this 24 disc or flap wheel if that's what you want to use it's a 24 grit uh cutting wheel a grinding disc i buy them large ones here they are here they're pretty big they're fairly big and i use my big grinder and i cut them down so they last me longer that way and i cut some down to sometimes to this size here that was originally a big one okay but anyway i'll show you that now when i smooth it out but all i'm going to do is i'm going to grind and flush this here flat on this side here grind flat on this side here and then i'm going to roll the edge over in here in this edge now i got a cup of stone but i must put a bit more of a sharper edge in there and what i'm going to do that with is the cutting wheel i gotta be tricky these are cutting wheels all i use them is slightly i don't use it hard uh really rough or not like that it's nice if you had a smaller stone to get in there you get a sharp rage on it but i just use these here just like very lightly don't force them because they are not a grinder don't go using them for grinding stuff under edge so you got it simple little panel i'm gonna go back in here and out and well up some of these spots along here so i'm gonna re-weld them again and finish dressing this all up and have ready so i can fit it back on the car and i'll give you a closer look at that so there you have the panel all made all dressed up nice crisp edge all the way around the edge of it there as you can see you know just go from the bench you can see nice round edge all right and you can lay on the place you tell how confused this piece is look try to make that out of one piece maybe not just the back side of it and i grind it off the back here round all that down there so that your fits flat on the panel when it puts it on so that'll fit flat like that see but that's it i always recommend like some people probably make up this piece and go ahead and weld it right in the car i prefer to get this finished just like the way i have it here now so i haven't got to worry about none of that fit and making all that look nice i that's all done now all i got to be concerned about now is this outer edge here and up along here and the job is done plug a few plug welds down around there it's so much easier to do this work on the bench than it is to try to do it on the car to make a nice little panel this process uh anywhere on the window same process three sections i highly recommend doing it this way uh yes you go up by a sugar stretcher and you can do it but uh you're gonna get frustrated with it and if you haven't got years experience at it and you start working at it and you go too far you're gonna a fine mess made right i just find this is uh a lot simpler and i get uh in my mind i get a uh a better finish because i got all the proper shapes before i even put it together anyway let's go over and test fit that now so there's a quick little test fit it flows up nice here in here flows nice out here now and i cut some butts it is going to have to be down here it'll be raised up because i still got metal underneath this here but right on this edge is good uh coming down around here as well seems to be pretty good and i pushed it down over here i got a bit of work in here you see the gap i got here in this edge i got this rest on top of this now i haven't saw what i'm going to do here because this is a problem and i got that brass deal with there i wanted to cut it all out of it and uh work with that so i think i'm going to work this area in here first and give me some metal then i can probably just cut this right off here i'll actually build this corner out to meet this here so i can away from the scene uh welding in these seams can be trouble because then you got to grind them all back and everything so i'd assume dress all that have it all ready to go so i got something solid to weld too so i'm going to work on this here get this sorted out better what it is uh all i intend to do with this is i'm going to add a piece on here i'm going to weld it on stretch this out here i'm going to grind all this off down here and i'm probably going to cut it off well a piece in here as well to get rid of this brass section because that's going to be a nightmare when i tries to weld all this together because right now this is resting on top of this and i got to lower it down uh okay one last test fit i went ahead now and i start to put all the spot weld holes in it drill them out one eight drill bit and a quarter bit well step drills what i used it fits good along there i had re reworked this down here and trimmed it all up i had to weld some pieces and everything entered and put that seam and everything back in there that was awful of brass remember that corner i wasn't going getting into detail on that because it was pretty uh rough under it's a large chunk of brass there and i wanted to be able to weld metal to it so i figured i'd repair all this area first before i put my panel in so this is ready to go in now first thing i'm going to do now is take this off paint the back side of this and paint the uh the other panel in here and let that dry and then fit that in place and start welding it in all painted put that in place now i got it clamped in place i'm not clamping it right in because what i'm after now is to get this transition here right this spot here and this spot over here are the two key spots that you're gonna have to work on because this is where a lot of fellas like when you used to patch things up would always run problems there's not a lot you can do in these areas here uh when you patch them up the molding's got to go right where it's got to go right so if you has this here sticking out or sticking off you're running the ground it's going to be too thin so this here is what you do you start your welding in these spots here you weld this section here that's done then you go over here and you line this spot up here and you weld that there just enough given this here for that to move around and get these edges here lined up looking good and then work on all this out here so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to weld this section right here and then i'm going to go over here and align this side up here all right so i lined this spot up here and i welded it in here and i welded it down here i got that done so now this transition is good then i came over here then i tweaked it and i got this side here to line up that's hot and then i will at that side there so now i'm going to go in i'm just going to go on now and i'm going to spot well all these spot welds and i'm going to come in here and i'm going to do the cotton butt i'm going to do the cotton butt first before i weld them up in there in case there wasn't any issues i always loved my spot wells last and i'll get this here panel fit and go along here and up along here so i went ahead and i caught and bought it it's all flush mounted down as you can see all going along there all flush mounted all the way through i got the piece out and get access to the trunk there's the piece that was there now that's cut out and that's gone so i got that done now what i'm gonna do now i'll go back and start welding it all up bit by bit and like you stay every inch or so cool over there take your time with it because right here you're probably gonna get some warpage up here is a bit tight you could get away with a more heat in here but treat it all the same and uh next time you see that i'll have it all welded up there it is all welded up spot at a time going a lot a little bit at a time cool it down blow it off that type of thing there will be concerned about getting pretty well so that many times as long as you're getting lots of heat in it lots of penetration and you're good stay away from the warp each end of it all right now i'm gonna go grind all it up see what it looks like okay i have to grind it all up and i'm after going back down re-welding a few spots again like i always do i'm far from perfect but uh pretty pleased with the way it came out i'm gonna go back down i'm going to finish that all up now dress that right up and show you what the finished product looks like well there you have it another one all done complete i welded it up a couple of times afterwards and grinded it again a nice transition coming from here that's always the issue with the doing around windows is getting that spot here where you got to join on like if you're overlapping you'll be left with a spot here but you work on that area there and make that section look good you haven't got to worry about filling it or nothing right same one over here and i got the line everything put back in and repaired all that section along there it looks good when it goes across this way that's the same process uh for anywhere on the windshield you can do the same thing up here in this corner uh one piece two piece three pieces same thing right anywhere on the windshield across the top uh you could do the same thing one piece two piece three piece you would say well you just do that with a piece of uh angle iron steel bent over but there is a crown on that so can be tricky and it's uh you know it can be done but the corners usually troubles and inside corners like this here like like i'm saying make all this up in sections and you'll get all your angles properly welded together and like you look at that there you can tell now that that's been welded together it all looks professional there now the way it's done and it's all reinforced on the back side where's my welded magnet and do all the dressing off the the car do all the grinding uh you know that type of thing have it all looking good so then all you got to worry about is where you weld it in so this edge always looks good right but that's the key to uh doing all these is having a nice clean edge anyway that's it for that one and until next time you
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 344,026
Rating: 4.9306564 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 58sec (3298 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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