How to make complex panels with simple tools

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hey fitzy here back at the game another one you ever have one of those days where uh we'll start running the problems well i run it into this one here i had to make up a section here make all this up here i had nothing to go by in this section here the problem i run into is that when i start making it uh everything wasn't working right pieces were too small i never had it on the right angle you know i never had the right distance here and there so i had to go back and readjust it i'm going to show you now how to overcome problems when you get into issues like this here and you know main thing is to have patience and take your time it'll all work out in the end stick around [Music] all right so let's get started what i got here is a front fender off a volkswagen convertible uh it's probably from early 2000s late 90s or whatever i got some rust issues to deal with i got this corner here gone she's bad along here she got a mounting hole it goes here and she's got another clip that goes here as well and lip is gone here also she's got a bad spot down here on the bottom side lip here it's a bit thin here so i'm going to end up making this bottom section the thing of the fender itself but a lot of it is now is we've got to figure out how we're going to go about this if you look closely at this here just got a couple of shapes going on it's got a shape that comes up on an angle here and then it curves across here and it tips down also it's got this shape going on as well it turns it's got this rotation going on here then it also has a dip that comes down here so the section defender is not even there so you know we're going to make this multiple pieces uh one of the big things i'm going to make this from i'm going to go over is this here gauge metal uh this panel here is 20 gauge steel i went and checked it and we're going to replace it with 18 gauge now a lot of people are saying why don't you replace 20 gauge with 20 gauge the biggest dilemma i've always run into when repairing thin panels the thinner metals it's very hard to weld pieces into a car with 22 and 20 gauge metal and it ends up warping a lot so i found that by going with heavier steel uh it gave me a couple of advantages it held its shape better and also uh when it come time to grinding it you had room to grind the metal away i've talked about that in a number of videos uh you know when you're grinding off your piece and your wells and whatever you got on it you would like to have some room that if you do hit it that you're not going to break through it or you're going to thin it out too much or whatever uh i got into the habit of doing all my repairs with 18 gauge steel that's on everything that i've ever done now here lately even the older stuff the thin stuff all that i do it all with the hit with the 18 gauge i find it easier to work with especially when it comes to the welding part of it but the you know the shapes of it because of how i make things it makes it easier now if you were going to turn around and work the shapes out and try to make all this sort of one piece maybe you could do it with 22. i just find that when it comes to patching up vehicles not a lot um i i taught myself that that 18 gauge is way better to work with uh than the 22 because at the end of the day you're trying to make a structurally strong piece so let's go ahead go ahead now and get started on this i'm going to start over here i'm going to make the piece up for here i'm just going to look at it here it's a bit rusty on the bottom so i'm going to duplicate this and this little lip here and then i'm going to turn around and add this after you see there's a bit of a crown panel but not gonna remove none of this until i got the piece made i'm just gonna make this here right simple now on a voice i'm gonna make it out of a larger piece go up along here i'm not gonna cut and then i got it nutting out until i'm ready to do all the the cotton bud itself okay i went ahead found a piece of metal and cleaned it up turn around i marked two points up here and measured down seven inches so i knew where the bottom was two on the bottom of this here because this slides in and the rocker panel on this here volkswagen comes up like to this section here so i'm going to go ahead this piece here now i never caught it straight i cut it on a bit of an angle like this here so all my bins on the bottom i'm going to give myself lots of room i'm gonna make a bend here first of all because i noticed this section here got to be done so i'm just gonna start from here come up measure this distance and put a bend in it and then bend it back and bend it over i'm gonna do it all in the voice i'll do as i marked it as you can see that it's not a straight line because i've got this at an angle i'll trim all that after after the fact i just set it in place there i figured it was going to be lots of room and then i lined it up at the bottom and i just drew a straight line across it and i'm gonna make my band like lots of access in the bottom this because i gotta trim all this off after the fact but i wanted to make sure that i had enough deer that i can work with because i got to put a couple of bends in here now all i want to do with that is in the vice [Music] [Music] [Music] so so so that's all i did i bent it a few different ways dollied it up turn i got the crease going across there i'm happy with that to duplicate that little lip there okay so now i got the angle up bent down whatever so i'm going to work on shaping the top side and shape the bottom side here a lot of you've asked me about this piece of iron okay there's nothing like i never designed this or cut this out if you look at it closely it's just chopped off there's nothing wonderful about it it's got a nice straight edge on it here and you know it's not a bad corn right here used for clamping stuff on you know i never buy or dress it up the piece came like that and a lot of you asked me the size of it six inches by seven and a half by six inches i think i ain't got a six by six by seven but it is roughly about and that's all it is just an old scrap piece of ironing that i got kicking around that i use just for clamping things to hammering on just a dolly just for tummy tucks right nice there you clamp stuff on move it around the bench it's got a bit of weight to it but it's easy to maneuver i have the bigger one down here as well that is about five feet and it's not as wide as only about the hangers or three and a half inches wide on the top side just scrap pieces of steel that i've come across over the years i never designed them to say all that's at a particular size it just ends up this way so it's great for that now let's get back to this what i got to do now is i got to put a crown on it here if you look at it it's not a straight piece so i'm going to crown this panel and i'll just bend it up so it fits there i keep forgetting i got the pipe bamboo all right i went ahead and i tweaked it a dollar did i tweaked it and dialed it you can see there's a little slight crown on that panel there now and i went test fitted a few times on top of this here and got to fit nice where i'm happy with it then i went ahead and i fit it over where i wanted it to go on the angle there and i trimmed off i marked it and i trimmed it off and cut this end off here so now i got her set up so that she got the lip there so all i'm going to do here now is i want to clamp that in place where i'm happy with it and then make sure it fits nice and i'm going to cap the end of it now i got it clamped in place and i'm happy with the feet going down along there everything's fitting nice and i clap in place so now we got to make the piece to go here now too many people sits down and starts trying to make this perfect okay trying to make that perfect little shape to fit in there and then when he trims it off then you find that you got too much of a gap here and it's too tight here and it grinds it off and it's too not wide enough down here i've seen it many times so just a big old piece slap it under get the contour right attack welded on do not be concerned about perfection okay in terms of trying to get it perfect it will get there it's just that it's just so hard to try to make a piece to fit there to get the gap just sewn and turn around that corner just lay that in place here get a nice contour on it make sure you got lots of metal there that you can grind off and cut off and then just turn around just tack weld it in along there take it off weld it up on the inside weld it up on the outside and bob's your uncle okay so don't ever overthink this stuff uh like you're thinking that shape there that's the next shape you gotta get yes that's next shape you got but you don't need that shape just a square old scrap piece steel put it under weld it on there it is just tackling it in place nothing fancy now there's your shape you can see the contour in there is your inside section outside piece all i'm going to do here now is i'm going to go in here now and i'll weld all this up solid so it's nice and solid and then i'm going to clean all this up out here then cut it off with the grinder clean it up and then i'll weld it out here and i'll grind the edge on it so i got a nice clean edge on don't ever over think these these patches this is basically the same for a dog's leg or anything like that on the car make it the same way don't overthink of it if the outer section here is what you're really concerned about this here you can do it always under flat we just scrap these steel such as i that get that welded up there now it's just welded up on the inside nothing fancy i come out here and then i chop the piece off it and then i run the grinder over the edge of it again if you look at you actually see well the shape of it so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to re-weld this out here now because now i got the i know exactly where it's going to go and i'll weld this seam here and i'll grind address that seam again there you have it just grind it up everything's fine is kind so now all i got to do now is find this with here and i'll come back here and i'll mark this here and i'll cut it a little bit wider because it's always nice to have a little bit of water and i can grind it back to match this after it's all welded so usually i like to have it a little bit longer down here so i can dress this after the fact give yourself a bit of leeway room so i'm going to mark this down here trim this off now and start getting ready to fit this up here find out where i'm going to cut it across and fit it place so there you have just a little lifter and you can see it's a little bit longer the way i want it i'll cut that after the fact now when it's all said and done so now i got to figure out where i'm going to cut this off i'm going to cut this off about right here somewhere across here as my plan so i'm going to mark this here now and trim this panel off first not going to touch this one yet i'm going to cut this one off and cut it off straight across there now i went ahead i trimmed it off up along here so now i got the length of it now in this panel here there is as you can see there's a slight body line right here okay that comes down and it just fades out to nothing over here all i did there is i just marked it i found out we're swimming right across here so i gotta put a little small kink into that now and i'll just use the voice for that i'll just come over here now and i'll put that in the voice like so and i'll just give that a little bit of a tweak down to put a body line there now you can barely see it there but there is the crease across there i just painted in the vice small bit to get the line in there so the line is there now which is good you can grind it you can actually see when i come up across you can actually see it now over here now this here is when this is cut off this has got to go this way and you can see how much is over left here now because i got the welding on the inside so i'm going to come over here now and trim off this outer edge here all the way down through here and make it even so that when this slides over it's going to have enough room there for do a cotton bud on i you know i don't want it to hang out over i want it to be under the paint itself so i'm going to come over here probably mark just about right here somewhere and cut it off right on down through here so as you can see i cut it off it's going along there and what i went did then i went ahead and i scribed it along this edge here just so i can keep an eye on it and up here now i got to cut this off up here i'll cut that off there and remove a section of this coming down here just get it on my way so this panel can slide over now i don't get into cutting the whole panel right out i want it to slide over because i got to mark the hole for this one down here now where that air is going to be bolted on and so when i move this over then i'll just mark it on the back side and i can drill a hole and start trimming up the bottom side now just cut the upper lip off just this edge here it's all i cut off is that much of it just so that i can actually get it to fit up here see so now it's got a nice fit here and it's lined up on that line that's the reason why i scribed it i got the line there now oh focus i got the line right here and i got it marked so i can come down there now i gotta clamp together i'm gonna flip it over now and show you the way i'm gonna mark the inside as you can see i just got to clamp down i'm going to mark all this now mark this across here up along here along the back here and then i'm just going to trim all this off and drill that hole there you go i'm just going to drill that hole out there and cut it off along the marker line here and then clean it up there it is all that's trimmed up so now when you fill it place there everything lines up pretty good with the hole and everything the existing holes there and that'll allow the existing hole now thing what this is now this also got to go up like i told you before when you're putting panels in cars and you're overlapping them and over exaggerating this here now this panel first of all had to go this way okay and it also got to go this way because of the bottom side there so i'm going to go ahead and clean all this off because i want to scribe this across here because i always use it for a reference up here on this in here so that when i move it up i got an idea where it's going and i got to cut the bottom off of here so this here allows this to slide up that little tiny bit so i'm going to go ahead and clean all this up so went ahead and i cleaned off where i'm going to weld in the two and i cut off the very bottom of it here on the floor way down there and uh now i can fit this in place here what i had to do is i had to trim this up here to allow it to go up so that was about right here previous and then i had to trim it so that i could actually slide up like such and fit down here in this corner better say like that so now that's ready to go i'm gonna clamp that in place there now tack weld that in place to hold it down and then do the cotton ball just a few tacks put in it it's still all together i do this this way so that way the panel is where it's supposed to be this just got to fall inwards now when i cut it off trim it up it'll fall straight in instead of trying to fit it and trying to weld this corner here and then weld it over here and try to cut it no this is a lot easier to i find it this way like if you had to cut this to fit you'll be here holding this piece trying to get it in place by leaving that piece on the back side there that is where that's got to be right now if you want you can just run the bead across there and be done with it but we're going to do a cutting board on this here now because some people that solid probably end up doing anyway you could get away with that if you wanted to i don't so i'm going to do the cut but i'm going to start up here because i want to get this outer corner down first and this corner has dropped this way here in order for me to line it up so i got to cut it across here so far first so i can tweak this corner to get this line up and then i'll start working my way around get the piece button lace [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i cut it across here on a 45 as you can see it closed up the gap and everything cut through them existing wells here now you can see this outer side edge is still high now i can take this now and i can move this down see just a little tiny bit and i'll weld that corner now well that front edge and then that'll be all straight away that'll be right where i want it to be here it is all cut butt place just went around attacked it caught it and i feel it i caught it i fit it here's the back side piece that was right here that was right there you can see now when you lay on top of it the way i moved it the way i moved it in and whatnot cut the piece out of the way so it fit in there that's it so now i'm just going to go ahead and weld all that up there it is all welded up okay now remember earlier i talked about leaving this a little bit wide you can actually see it here now you actually see how wide that is there so now i can just take the grinder now and i just grind it off this way here i'll grind that flush and blend that down into there so it's a nice edge on it there it is now all grounded up nice nip along here nice mount for the bottom it's all welded up along that edge deer and i seam all along there got that little crease going across here hard to see it everybody's there if you look at it closely you can see it there yeah so now let's move up to this one this is our next one now problem we got here is hard to see i'm going to draw it out here for you and then we got another shape here that's basically what we got going on there is this shape here coming up to this line here and then this line here so i'm going to do this in sections i'm going to make this section here this section here and this section here starting in here working my way out to it i'm not concerned about this down here yet i'm going to make this right long here i'm going to trim this off after the fact and make this inner side section first i just want to make a replacement panel for here now if you had another fender for spar parts or whatever you could cut a section right here this section right here out of here and just slide it over because these arches are pretty well uniformed it gets a bit wider on the top but you'll manage to make it work down here and you can just slide it down here so sometimes just having another old fender kicking around you can take a section out of here and move it over to here but we haven't got that so i'm going to have to go ahead and make all this up so i'm just going to cut a piece out random piece a little bit longer a little bit bigger and work on getting this line here that's my first thing here i'll use the line up here as the contour so i can come down here and make the line uh flow off nice here's how i did scrap piece of steel i cleaned it off what i did here is you see i got this curved shape on here how i got that is i got that from here okay that's the shape there now this this curvature follows through all these all the way up through here that that curve is a curvature here a curvature here and a curvature here they follow through up to here now i need to start up here and work my way back but how am i going to get this one well all i did is i got this one here and i got that drawn up now so that's the same as the bottom one down here like so and that'll just flow off and you can go right on up through here and you can see that that'll flow right along through there that's why i say if you had another piece of fender so that'll flow down this way here so now all i'm going to do is this piece is going to go up here like so let it hang down a little bit further like that all i'm going to do is measure from this line here up to this hair piece here and i'm going to measure down here i'm going to draw a parallel line to that line there take my scribe and scribe it and then i can cut this off here and then i'll have that curvature right here now all i did brought this up here and i put this in place where i wanted to be and i measured from this point here out to where this crease starts can i get the light on yeah oh it gets decreased starts to there okay then as i come down here and i set my protractor up to there and just rattle on there like that he has to see the line there right now i'm going to trim that off there and that there should be the same contour as that there now i got it all trimmed up clamped in place if you look down at it you can see that that flows along that size there i had to grind this back test fitted a few times so it lined up those underlines and as you can see it sticks off of good ways even down here on the back side here see better there you see that there because that turns down so there's got to be a bit of material left on this end down here because i think this comes down to about right here somewhere and then kicks up so all i'm going to do is just make the whole panels now the piece i cut out people are going to say well why you just bend it over well you can't bend over you can you could beat that but the panel is going to want a tendency to go this way on you okay let me try to bend this over right when you try to bend this over this way here as you can see it doesn't line up over here on this end anymore when i lay that flat there i can lay that flat there pretty good and you can see the way the end of it goes because it's allowing it to do us right so i've after growing this up a bit too and make this fit nicer so all i'm going to do is clamp that place turn on i'm going to weld that piece there on there and make two of them one i'll get that all set up so i got that nice b going down through there and then i'll come back clap it and work on getting this section here on now on the bench now the angle is on and you hold it up this way here you can see that is straight straight across this way here straight across that way there okay now the problem you got if you had to bend this hair crease you could do it you could turn around and mark that little crease up bend the piece of metal here but this metal here you're going to need a shrinker stretcher this here is going to have to be stretched right here for this to work because this here is going to want to turn and then go this way on you when you go to bend it around i just prefer to make pieces and weld them together like this here i found i guess a better finish on my flat surfaces and uh there's less work and i find the strength shrinker stretchers marks up the metal a lot and uh it's just i don't know it's one of those things i've used them before i've found this method here to me to be faster because i'm not fighting against the metal i'm just letting the metal rest flat i'm using flat surfaces in order to work with and my straight edges and i get a lot sharper crisper edges so i'm going to go ahead down and i'll weld that up there and weld it up there i'm going to grind a dress this here so i can move on to the next piece like i've often said many times before uh take a piece weld the piece to it finish it okay and then go on from there because after it gets this done then we've got to wheel up the wheelhouse outside here piece and the outsider [Music] uh-huh so he saw me there grinding it all off pretty straightforward and simple just scrolling on a flat edge trying on a flat edge uh one of the advantages of using this 18 gauge room to grind okay that was 22 gauge or 20 gauge you'll be you know worried about rolling thin this is still not nice and strong i went and grinded the inside half smooth because i still got to fit it on the panel but you can see that's basically one piece now and that's a lip i'll round this out later on to give it a uniform thing but i want to leave it there now just for references so i can see the sharp edge so when i go up here and i'll lay it in place i can actually follow the flow to get it to go with the rest of the panel right so now i got to i'm going to fit that place clamp it and size it all up and then i'll mark this one here now i just went ahead and i marked it i clamped it in place and i give it a rough mark i'm going to dress it on the panel here i've done that before too so i'm just going to cut this off get the roughness out of the way fill it up place and then i can grind it with the grinder to get the nice edge out now you can see there's a liquid everything on here now milk downs a little bit wider so all i'll do now is i'll use this panel here that i already got there and i'll grind this back here until it's flush with this one here because i got this all fitting nice and up along here the way this flows off and everything so i'll turn around i'll just grind that back there so it is i just grinded it off using this here is my back stuff and i got that to go flush along there so now i just got to make a name now to cap on over that and the problem you got here now is this seam here uh let's go straight down this way here you can't move it up or down because this panel got to go this way so when i welds this piece on here i'm going to weld it on the bottom side of this here not on the face of it i'll weld it this way on this one here right so that way when i move it doesn't have to move back i'll have to trim this piece out of the way in order to get this fall base so this here body line don't move because normally like what i done over here i just capped the end of it and i knew this had to go this way but i had nothing over here to throw off here if i cap it on the end here and move it this way i'm going to throw off this body line here this body line got to stay right where it's at so i'll cap this on the side or sorry on the bottom side here instead of capping it this way i'm going to cap it this way now most times displaying the better most times i cap stuff i'll just cap it over the end this way here okay now i got the thickness of the metal i got to deal with then to go back now the problem i got is i want this here to sit flush so i'm going to mount this on the side like so i'm welding on and not on the top that way this will just metal back the thickness of the metal uh to where i want it and then when i caught the panel off over here it'll work [Music] all welded up comes with a handle and although now i went up here and i feel where i had to go now the problem i got here now is because i got this lip put where it should be this lip here was in the way so i need to come up here and out and cut this lip off the way so the panel could fall back to it so this can line up again so i'm just going to trim this off here and just trim this down here i want to give it so that it'll have something to rest on when it goes up place so i won't throw it all the way so i'm going to hack all the big piece out of it right so that's where that's going to go like that so all i'm going to do now is i'll cut that back so that falls in there nicer now i just trimmed that off out of the way as you can see now the panel fits in there nice and that air actually gets flush enough that's back into where it should be that fits flushing along there so now and this hair lines up here again this body line here so now i'm ready to move on to setting it up to fit over here i need to attach this to this first so i'm going to trim this up better now so it's close to where it should be but there's lots of access on it because this guy's come down and turn on an angle like this here and i'm not going to put all this up here and i cut this straight across here so i'll trim this up now so the panel fits nicer well i got america now we're going to cut it off and i hope you're all sitting down because i got something tell you guess what i did i'll use the template [Laughter] i had the bumper cover here i told the customer drop it off because i needed this shape here i wanted to find out where the front of this was so basically all it is i made up this template that fit there and i just come over here and lay it down the panel line up the edge of it there and transferred it over under that so now all i'm gonna do is just cut that off there and trim it off and start getting ready to cap in the end of this template oh my what have i come to it all okay i got a clamp in place i got it cut off and trimmed up and i took an old scrap piece of steel come out underneath the bench and i'm going to fit that on here now and just capped into that weld that right under there like i've done before nothing fancy just welded it on uh no all this i've been doing here today come from my scrap bin underneath the bench i haven't had to cut up a piece of steel we're talking about all scrap stuff i got kicking around all right get that welded up it's close but not close enough trial and error i'm gonna have to do some work right here no big deals on the steel i'll cut this through here again now tweak this back and weld it back up again that's a lot better as you can see i had to open it up a little bit it's all perfect here's what i'm left with got a fair bit of a gap there to fill in no big deal you can always weld it up that's not a big issue when it comes to steel um what are we going to use to fix that my collection more over there welding hangers [Laughter] some call them coat hangers i call them welding hangers i've collected a lot of them over here so use them for a lot of things i use them for hanging stuff off they're probably one of the cheapest well-used units you can ever use i've even made tools out of them there's a lot of dozen things you can do with them but one of the major things you can do with them is weld up holes using this filler rods so i'm going to cut off piece there now and weld that up all you do is i cut a piece of it off here and one thing about these old coat hangers they got like a gold wax on i don't know why i'm some sort of waxy film on them so i usually run some truly um wire wheel on the grinder and uh just cleans all wax off them and they're usually best kind and i'll just use that now as a filler rod to weld that in there [Music] so [Music] so so look at this all welded up get began that's what we're going to call this that's what we'll call it get began but i ended up welding up on the inside again uh because where i did cut through it and everything so now i'm just going to grind that off and dress it up again but don't ever be concerned about you know making mistakes and having troubles because you know i had was having issues with this because i knew the way it was all fitting together and i had and as the lineup with something else a lot of it was trial and error i tried to get as close as i can do it and then i adjusted it as i went so uh you know even with the template um it's still i still needed to fit the panel to it so i'll shag that ten templates and i only got this temporarily mounted on this here just so i can fit it all up and that'll come off after and when it gets to i must make all this up in here yet but like i said one piece at a time fix one problem at a time don't like worry about none of this in here yet uh just concentrate on getting this section here getting this looking right and then move on to the next one so i want to get this all dressed up now and there it is all ground dressed up all ready to go i say a few of you after noticing seeing this already that the the piece that i made is not big enough for it but this is the type of thing like running into this here this is the type of stuff you're going to run into every now and then you're making pieces up uh you might make it too small or whatever don't panic okay don't panic i'm going to address this now we'll get to that all of this is only steel like i said before all you have to do is add a piece of metal okay but all i'm concerned about now is i want to get this piece here straighten away and i'm trying to get this here figured out okay now i got to fit this piece back on here and outer piece that goes on here i got the plastic piece i got to fit that under now and start sizing all this up up here to see what i got because there is a third hole that's supposed to go up here and there's also a mounting hole that has to go here somewhere so now i went ahead and i cleaned up all the paneled areas and i cut out all the rust there's supposed to be a tab here for a bolt to bolt down to here and over here as well i put two marks up here down here this has a drop down there's a mounting hole right here all i'm going to do for him is i'm going to weld pieces under and give him a spot that he can drill a hole and bolt it on later on uh i also got to be concerned with this up here i gotta actually make this thing as you see i cut section out here i also gotta do some repairs here uh don't get overwhelmed with it uh it's all a part of it i got the piece here now that just falls into place here and that fits in there like so so now i just got to have it so that it mounts on here which is absolutely nothing there right and i'm going to continue on so all i'm going to do is work on making the pieces um extend it down make a piece come down here let's stand down here extend it down here this was a little bit longer and had a little bit of a beat i'm not going to be concerned about it all this is underneath the front fender and this car well here uh here's all i did i just took a large piece of steel it goes up past this here and i turn around like and i trimmed it so i fit along here so now i got to fit in place i'm kind of roughed in the type of shape that i want on the bottom of it just roughly put in trying to get an idea of where everything's got to go for him to put that in and then i got to figure out like this section here um the more i think about it i think what i should do first is finish this off okay i've talked about it before uh make a piece make a power one i was trying to make all this in one piece but this gets pretty complicated here so what i'm going to do first is i'm going to install this piece on the fender and repair the section and get this section down to here so i got something to go about get out of this here corner get this here straight away so this looks right and then i'm going to work on building on this here i was going to build all this here build it up to it and weld it onto it and make all one piece but i think the problem i'm going to have is i'm going to run into is this piece here is going to become very complicated uh and i got to go back to my original thought process of what i've always said make a piece uh weld the two second piece onto it uh make it one put the third piece on it make it one make it fourth piece on it make it one so now it's all one piece so let's put it in the fender and make it one this down here is a little bit more complicated but i got access to the back side of it so i can do all my dressing and grinding with this piece on but i need this piece here in order to put it in place but this got to go this way in order for me to weld to it so i can't go well in this side and well in this hand is here without this in place so i'm going to go ahead now and do a cotton ball and this here i gotta put a small piece in it up here i'll trim that up and i'll put a piece in there and get that set up and uh get that welded in now i went ahead and i cut and bought it in place uh there's a little piece i cut out all right this little piece i cut out of it that's right there like so so that's gone now i got all well placed i've never done nothing with this down here i'm gonna put a piece in here and a piece in here as you can you'll see what i'm going to do but what i'm going to do first i'm going to finish this off i'm going to grind dress this up make sure this is all nice and looks prepared here now and then i'll move on to finishing this here and i got that all welded in and all grinded up got a nice flow down through here i left this long i'm not worried about it right now i can trim all that off after the fact now i'm over here we still got that hole remember before you can see where i ended don't overthink this you're going to try to start figuring little pieces in here big line sections do one section at a time to a corner i'm gonna cut this out here i'm gonna find a piece of scrap steel welded here welded here and get this edge here so it's a nice straight line here then i'm gonna put a piece in here go straight down here not gonna worry about none of this down here right yet and then weld this section in here i'm not going to try to do this in one piece and bend it out of 19 try to fit it in there and squish it and all that type stuff i'm just going to do one piece at a time cut across here don't be concerned about having to cut into the other panels to cut the piece out it's only steel you can weld it back up again so i'm going to cut the piece out of here now and make up a little temp a little piece to put in there so i did i just trimmed it out went back to good metal i cut out a little piece and i went turn around i fit it in place trimmed it up trimmed it up trimmed it up and you can see it's longer and whatnot i'm going to weld that in place there now i'm going to weld it on this side here first and start working my way across and leave this edge alone because i want this to flow in if i start to weld the two corners here it's going to be a problem up in this in here you don't want to fall and everything so i'll get the top side off here well at this side up here and weld this end last because it may have to come up and down for this here to line up properly that's all i'm going to do now is weld that in there like such finish that off first not gonna overthink this uh it can get overwhelming at times uh but it's a complicated section just take it uh one step at a time here you go look at the lovely wells oh the lovely welds perfect beads [Laughter] it's thin metal heavy metal i'm using the heaviest gauge this is 18 gauge this is 20 gauge i'm using welding from this to this i'm burning holes every now and again and i gotta use this here to control my heat and i just feed off of this onto that there to try to get it uh it's very hard if this was 22 gauge or 20 gauge metal to try to get well two of them together with ease i just found it a lot easier starting off with heavier gauge metals i got room to grind i got something well too something that holds its shape so there's an advantage to it i'll clean that up there now get ready to move out of that piece well i got ahead of myself i got that piece all grinded up and fitting in there and then i went ahead and cleaned this up down here and i cut a strap piece of steel as you can see and i welded that in place now all i gotta do is left is to grind that up and dress all that up so that is done so then i got my structure up here all sorted out for the fender and everything to fit and then i can start working on this down here so i'm gonna go ahead now get this here i'll grind it up so i got that all grinded up and everything's done there and then i went ahead and i took this piece here and if you noticed it that it goes along here and then it kicks out right and this fits in here like so like that and what i did i went on the back side i marked it over here so i'll float along with the original one like it did and it just went along there so i'm going to trim all that off there now because that will be the inside corner i also earlier went in and welded all the inside of this as well so it was all nice and strong and i marked it up here so i can cut that off there is a rough looking line but it won't look that bad so just give me an idea but i got to trim this all off now so i can get ready to install this first lip like you know the trick with it is is like you're looking at complicated pieces like this all the time the way this is all shaped just turns this steps up steps down this goes flat out this way uh don't overthink it as you can see here now we got this all finished here now and it was a rust hole here was an issue we got that fixed right this here just seam here we want to get this here you know the flow nice so we got that fixed so all that's done so now our next thing is now is to start working on this flat section here all i'm going to do is trim that off there flat piece of steel on it weld it in across there grind and dress it then i'll trim it off again now you can see i trimmed it off along here and i got a nice flown out coming down along here and i got a nice cornered edge so all i need to do now first thing i'm going to concentrate on is making this lip here all i'm going to do take a flat piece of steel lay that place like so and just weld it in nothing too complicated not going to worry about trying to make it fit in there or whatever i could trim it all up after the fact i'll set that up in place there now and i'll just weld that on don't that look lovely though please hang off the side of it and everything i'll go ahead now weld it up and i'll trim that up and you won't even know now it's starting to come around okay i got that all welded i welded on the inside as well and i turned my grinder that off and all i done with that is i took my ear grinder i changed out the disc on it and put an old uh cotton wheel out and just took my time and grinded that inside edge in there just taking the time you don't force these wheels because they are cutting wheels and all i'm just using is like a file and just slowly took my time falling it down a little tiny bit not too big rpm just taking my time to grind it off to get a nice inside edge to it as you can see so now i got that done i gotta mark this trim that off to the shape that i wanted there and then i'll put another piece going downwards the idea is i trimmed it off so it's parallel to that deer you get that you can see it coming together here now uh like it's pretty crude the way i do this but i've always found it faster and makes a lot more sense because it's a lot easier to shape steel than it is to try to turn around and cut a little piece of steel to try to fit up into place things just put a piece under a welded grinder to fit it and uh it's always worked out as a lot faster so now i just got another little piece here another piece of that big long section which we're going to lay that there like that and weld it on there it's always nicer to have it a bit longer and i'll never be concerned about it being oh my god i should cut that off so it's just perfect there always think about your welded edge don't think about your next section after that because you've got room to cut it off and you may change your ideas or something like that right so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to weld that on there and grind that piece up as well here it is stuff just a little tiny lip on us just a little detail that goes along with that lip there it's all grinded off welded on the inside and i just trimmed it off it's nice when you start seeing it all come together right and you can see all the the edges and everything falling into place and all the strength has been given back to it now i'm back to my original piece so i started off with this big old piece that i started with i'm going to fit that up in place there now and decide on how i'm going to cut this end to cut this off here and what i'm going to do here i like to put some short little lip on this so i'm going to work on some ideas to come up with to put a lip on that and then i'll fit it on here then so this is what i come up with i just need a spot here for it to mount and up here in the front there's a bolt goes right here in the corner and so all i'm going to do here now is i just want to put a little roll edge on this here and all i'm going to do that with is a pair of pliers just a simple pair of pliers not fancy i'm just going to take this here and i'm going to bend over the edge and then when it gets it all bent over or i'm happy with it i'll take the hammer and dolly and i'll put a nice little rolled edge on it again i've talked about before in our videos shapes turn around and give you the strength so anytime you can put a a bend in a piece of steel it'll actually give strength to the panel fancy i'm just bending it over a little bit at a time using the pliers and that's basically your first start of it you see it don't look like watch monster right now but i'm going to take it over in a voice now and use the dolly on it you could probably use a piece of angle iron or anything like that i just want to use the valley for a number of reasons we got that raw edge on i'm going to work on getting the bottom [Music] those short sides helps get areas like that don't see so i've got the lip ball rolled over in place and i got to fit up in place now this here panel here is bad in spots here and i'm debating on whether i'm going to remove it or not on this side yes i am so what i did is i clamped it in place here now and i went marked all these locations here so i can actually drill them out and file them now all i did here was uh i clamped it in place of course inscribed here's how i did it it's just the old black marker and i put the marker on it and then i scribed them into the black marker where you can actually see where's two so the holes are in the right location you get more of a size marks right now these ones here are not a square so i'm going to sit down now and i'll drill these out and just use a file a triangulated file and a square file and file them out and i'm just going to drill that one out i'm going to get all this made first before i batters with cutting this piece off i still have to put another one up here uh of this from this here same unit and i'll just mark off where that got to be and i'll do that after the fact because this here has three holes in it with three slots one two three so i gotta make sure i put it in the right location so [Music] [Music] do ah [Music] [Music] that wasn't that tedious you see now that little slots put in there and the square holes all it is i drilled a few holes upsized them use the file and the large ones had this old triangle file here that i used and the square ones there okay they come over in the air i think it's about time i bought a new one we think broke after a while ago and was broke off for years but anyway that's all i don't know that's a bit tedious work takes a bit of time uh there's actual punches you can get for these uh i haven't got them there's a machine you can get i don't know if you can get that size and be able to them uh there's no real easy way doing these you just gotta take your time describing the line doing the marker trick with it describe the line and keeping everything inside of it just sit down and file it it's probably i don't know 20 minutes or more into this filing trying to get all these to saw but it all fits together nice now and they all lines up in a little slot like so okay that panel is ready to be installed now now all i'm going to do is i was going to save this but now that i got them in there i'm going to cut it clean right off because there is this issue here i'm going to cut it right off and all i'm gonna do is i'm gonna line it up on this hole here and hold it place and then weld it on back here so it's nice and straight and i'm gonna cut this off here and remove it and weld it on much the same way it does everything else it's too big it's too long it's gonna stick out on the inside but that's fine and i'll get that all set up here now so we can weld it on there you have it you can see he's lining up on the squares there lining up on the hole in the front and you can see how bad this one here was the sections of it all gone rusted out whatever so the spawn is gone there and all i'm going to do now is i'm going to go ahead pull this up in place here and i'm going to weld that in along here and then i'm going to take the grinder wheel and cut that off there and then weld that on there i just tack welded on there in a few spots and welded it on some solid then i come down here and i cut the section off just never cut the whole thing off just a piece of it all right and i'm gonna go ahead and weld that on there along here and then when it gets that welded on i'll come down here and close another section off and i'll weld that on there and i'll keep going until i got the whole thing cut off and it's all tackled in place there it is all well in place pieces are cut off the whole section oh that's gone now now i gotta go ahead i'm gonna weld all this up here and then i'll flip it over and trim off the inside and weld it on the inside what you can see here now i take this panel here and fit it in place push it down goes in there good that's ready for the other piece to be bolted on and then he can find the hole here and drill a hole here and he could find the hole here and drill the hole here himself all i'm concerned about is making sure that all this is solid now because that's the two mounting holes there's one here one here and i don't know exactly where's two so uh he can figure that out on his own so i'm gonna go ahead now weld all this up there it is all welded up on this side don't that look beautiful along there well now just look at this here this is 18 gauge this is 18 gauge all this in here is 18 gauge it was easy to weld okay when it gets over here this is the 20 gauge this is the 18 gauge and i had all kinds of troubles along here i was blown holes in it burning the edge off it doing it all with it but i managed to get it welded up and turn the weld around to get it it don't look pretty but it is strong it's there and when i clean turn this over and i'll weld it on the inside and that'll give me lots to be able to grind this off on the outside here so i'm going to go ahead now flip that over cut it off and weld it up so i ended up cutting off the piece that was on there and then i went ahead and welded it all up on the inside and i just knocked the head off of it and i did the same thing up here i'm not you don't get into dressing this up too much because you want all this back here for strength but you remove anything that's going to interfere with say fitment and stuff like that but the more the metal that you leaves and our welding that it leaves on the stronger it will be right that's a pretty strong piece there now so i'll flip this over now and dress the outside [Music] there it is all grinded up dressed up look at all the shapes and everything on us got it this way here just had to put some thought into it it looked like a big undertaking and all it is done like i said before take a piece at a time this is made up of numerous pieces but as you can see the finish outside is the same it's got a real nice look to it now it won't need a lot of work done to this now when it comes time to do bodywork and everything it's got lots of strength this is the backside added to it and where's my little panel here it is and my little panel fits right in place and if it's right in place where it goes that pulls up that'll be press kind oh i did some test fits and a fender and put the molding and everything figured that out stuff like that and when i come to realize that this section here of course if you remember none of this has existed there was nothing in here so i never had nothing to go by and trial and error is this section here had to be opened up and brought down into the car more because this section here stuck off too much because the molding was raised up now i got it set up and i'm after test fitting and it seems to fit pretty good and everything now but like you're gonna run into this type of thing okay do not be afraid of it because like before i i never had nothing right here on this corner to go by there was absolutely nothing there i had a fan the bumper cover right here i had that to go by and i had that plastic piece to go by this piece here had two of these and that was it and get that bit back in there again okay and then that's the way i supposed to go like that that's supposed to go tuck in behind the thing and the bumper fits on top of it and it slides into here and a screw goes under there and holds it in place keeps corner tucked in and the problem with it was is this was sticking up like this it was up too high right so i had to cut it in through there and basically i welded the corner on it i separated it so now all i'm going to do is i'm going to re-weld all this up here again now and that's not a part of it don't ever get discouraged from it i'm human as well like everybody else you know i'm you know it's many a time you're going to go at this and you won't get it the first try uh playing around with it we have nothing to go by here and i'm doing trial and error fitting it don't be afraid to call it re-weld it again it's only metal okay if that's the reason why i enjoy it so much is because if he makes a mistake cut it up fix it so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to re-weld all this up grind it all up dress it all up and call this one done that's it i just weld it all up i weld some of it up i use coat hanger fill it in and just welded it all up solid now i'm just going to brown dress it up and that'll be done there it is all dressed up you never say i butchered it i mean repaired it well hey you run into these problems anytime you get into metal work uh you know everything don't always go smoothly uh i have my rough days and like this is a good example of a lot of troubles running into issues like cutting them too small a piece that i made up here i made it too small what not and then trying to guesstimate at all this out here trying to make this work and then finding out this problem here and you know it's one of those things it comes with the territory you have got to have a lot of patience with it uh if you lose your patience with it my advice to you is to just to lay everything down walk away and come back to us with a clear head i had an awful temper years ago and many a time i want to take a hammer and drive it through something but as you get older uh you just start to realize i'm human let's get that all straightened away but anyway that's it for that it's all ready to go now that'll all fit together nicer now i'm pleased with it um i'm totally amazed that uh how much work was involved in doing this it wasn't it was a big undertaking to try to get that little belt line and everything back in or to do all these little square holes uh you know you know you got number shapes here going on and it's all done with a grinder a mig welder a hammer chisel and files no specialty tools involved in doing any of this just a bit of thought process and you know going one piece at a time and taking your time with it and don't overthink things and then when you get to the end you you know you may have to change a few things like i did with this but anyway that's another one i hope the tips were good and until next time [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 362,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TCR_2TFL_e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 35sec (3815 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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