How To Make Mosaic Stain Glass Art Table Top .

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good morning everyone how's everyone doing today it's a beautiful day it's I've been waiting around since early to wait for the rain to get done I've been waiting and the rain hasn't come yet trying to wait patiently are y'all having coffee this morning it's Coffee time any time it's coffee time I think I got a cover on it so nothing won't get in it let me have a little bit so I can get on with what I'm doing nothing happened to it hopefully okay y'all this is my project that I've already started I put my mosaic pieces and I have laid them on here I have not stuck them on here yet I'm just trying to get them outline of what its gonna be and the weather is not cooperating at all so I'm out here now with my six thousand piece of my little little East six thousand glued that someone sent me I'm gonna go ahead and stick them down because I see blue skies and I see cloudy skies so I don't know what it's going - I'm just gonna take a chance and if it starts to rain I'll run over there and get my camera and I'll run up down the porch with it then I'll get this and try to get out of it but if you wait on the weather you may wait a while little pieces cut and laying bit here and I'm gonna stick them down you know it's not for forever they're gonna be I'm gonna put resin on them whenever I get everything on it that I won't on it I'm just putting this glue on it to hold it in place till I get my resident so that's what I'm doing now this is when I get this glue on here it won't it won't be moved you know it'll be where it's don't be this is sort of a boring part right here where I'm gluing and I'm not gonna make your watch me put the hole it's wonderful to have a breeze out here no I think this is gonna be so pretty when I get finished with it I hope y'all try some of this stuff that I'm showing you it is a lot of a piece this large before so I'm gonna see myself you know cuz I don't I'm just doing I'm just trying my see it hot some work and it's fun when you when you get a piece and you don't think it's gonna work and you turn it there it goes it fits right in there I'm gonna come this way now because it's kind of hard to reach that way it comes the Sun and I think the weatherman didn't say nothing about that I thought it was gonna rain I'll take this and something don't just fit just the way you think it needs to you just lay it aside and soon probably you'll find a piece that might fit there better than that piece gracious this Sony's got bright and hot fast see that piece you don't want Tomatoes zoom it up closer so y'all can see while i'm i know y'all can't see exactly what I'm doing I can't it's dark but I think y'all can see better than now I'm just putting a little bit down to hold it where I want it to be because resin is gonna be what's gon hold it really and I've already glued all these things around and now I'm cutting out flowers that I'm gonna use and I was out here gluing my little pieces on and someone drove up and I went I they told me who they were and they were looking for someone he said she was sorry she disturbed me I told her it was okay that I was that I was making a youtube video and she said you are I said yes I'm I'm making a youtube video she said Oh some what oh and I told her about my channel and and she wanted to know what it was under cuz she said she was going to subscribe to me somebody just drove up in my yard is that not awesome young and she but I showed her some of my things that I had made this is some petals that I'm cutting out and planning on making a flower she was so sweet and I was so thankful that she came and I think I helped her maybe find someone she was looking for and I told her how much fun this was and she said she was going to look at my videos and she was gonna subscribe y'all is that not awesome think we just come to my come to my house out out in the country but the Lord who lead people to you if you allow him to I never dreamed someone would come up out here and be discussing what I was doing and see how awesome things turn out when you let the Lord handle them when you let him in charge you won't go wrong ever he's always got it got it in control and a lot of people don't even Allah JH that that's where that comes from but I know I know the Lord has helped me and put me right here where I am and she said she pulled up she got her phone out she pulled up the things he said you have commercials I said yes I do oh there's a butterfly over there thank you thank you Lord y'all you'll be the Lord won't let you drown no way no way you'll always be you'll always be in his favour if you do his will he will not leave you nor forsake you that's what he said and that's what I believe yo it hasn't rained yet and I thought that it I can't even tell if I'm in the picture or not I may not even be I didn't know that it was going not rain today I thought it was going floor down right but it hasn't yet but it's never too late but I see a lot of clouds but I don't see that many dark clouds well they still look there but you just have to go ahead and take a chance if you want to do something in and just be prepared to stop if you have to but but is it not awesome y'all that you can come out and do things that you enjoy and other people probably gonna like them too you can just chip cut leave these little petals out these you know Mac might be a little challenging but through minds a challenge not me how I'll do it challenge camera make it off go but if it does I'm just don't stop because I've been out here while I need to rest and y'all don't want to see me cutting all these and I've got to do it if it don't have to I knew this is gonna be a slow process when I started here probably not knowing exactly I just happened to have had this pink bass in there that I was not even planning on using I just decided to break it and show y'all how have to do that and use your pieces that you have it's so much fun when you can find something that works and you can use it that might not be what everybody else thinks but I'm just gonna lay them around here so I can get them when I need them and I sort of have an idea I mean II I need so glad I found this pink stuff because it is beautiful trying to keep the pieces from flying everywhere I got it in this plastic bag y'all probably I'm just cutting it up in little pieces so I can cut it smaller when I get ready okay I'm gonna cut the camera off y'all it's really I'm just cutting these little red pieces in little squares so I could use them when I get ready for them and that's not fun to watch it might be fun if you doing it but it's probably not fun if you watch it so and y'all look at this song it was supposed to rain today it was supposed to pour all day long you see and he drops I've been looking for some all day haven't seen any yet awesome all right Joe I'll be back sometime after a while or in the morning or sometime I'll be back see y'all later bye don't go too far now don't don't get lost I'm having my coffee this morning I hope y'all are having your coffee and enjoying your day I'm gonna enjoy my day and the sunshine and no clouds blue skies everywhere that is awesome I look so I'm out here this morning trying to get back started with my mosaic table it's kind of a big job honey I wanted to be pretty and I wanted to be right and I'm trying to do that and he's taking a lot of thinking and you know why my thinking is it's not that great oh let me have a cup of coffee that might help me a little put it somewhere where there's nothing but that just about impossible okay I'm going I'm I've already put down this road here I'm going I put this road down here and I'm sticking them down it doesn't take a whole lot because I'm I'm gonna put resin on it I told you I guess I don't know I hope y'all try some of this because it's so much fun [Music] turn the camera off till I get something but I'm not saying motion I'm thinking can hard to banking do some of this oh I'm gonna turn it off because I'm just picking these little things all the way around this little thing and that's not fun to watch you need the Twitter I have airplane coming over like you I guess you still haven't every time you have an airplane coming over I'm gonna turn it off and keep on working on it and I'll be back when I get us some more done on it okay there's my butterfly oh thank you I'm gonna put it right here I'll put it right in the middle right here now my camera cut off again got this one in this one in differently now I've got those three yo I'm gonna stop for the day y'all have a blessed blessed day and subscribe and share and click the bell and to get notified when I'm making this video y'all be blessed tonight have a great night I'll see y'all tomorrow good morning everyone early this morning I got up real early I've been cutting pieces and I've been trying to get this going I'm fighting the heat and the rain and it looks cloudy a little this morning I don't know what the weatherman is calling for today but whatever it is we'll deal with it oh let me get my coffee over here I'm trying to get all my stuff together and that's a job trying to get just I have to move it every night bring it back down here in the morning and just one little me out here but that's okay that'll be fine there's no wonder this thing ain't doing levels oh now it's better I hope y'all can see it maybe they'll get there alive I hope so y'all this this is not it's just taking longer because I don't get to work on it solid and I'm dealing with the rain and the heat and this is a little bit bigger challenge than some of the other things that's bigger takes more cutting and I'm gonna I'm gonna be working on it I'm out here morning noon and night almost I'm telling you this but it's it's beautiful it's gonna be awesome when it gets finished when that whenever that's gonna be oh I don't know that when there's gonna be but how this has been a learning process I'm kidding I've watched it on on YouTube they just picks up book they put it over there and it's just beautiful I'm over here trying to let this away and that away and is taking forever and I'm telling her I'm learning a little oh that this is currently a slow goat and a learning process so that's what I'm doing I'm learning trying to learn what to do because nobody told me anything you know I just hey oh I see a little teddy baby lizard I wish the camera was down there but I'm I'm over here and the cameras over there and the lizards right there and Ivan got up and down so many times I'm back give out from get nothing down if y'all know how that is I don't see I'm looking for the right piece for the right place and sometimes it don't look like there is one that lizard is about this long y'all you know tiny one I'm not I believe I've ever seen one that little where to go from here after you put about everything in there you put then you you run out of places to put stop and I got a ways to go yet it's not I don't know how long you know how much more it's going up how much more time that's don't take me I hope it's not do you have to awful long comes and trying to do these projects outside where I like to do them yes but I tried to get up early in the morning which I do that anyway I mean I I'm an early person like I get up early and look to get out in the yard and do my my officers stuff that I like to do early I guess I just like to see what the Lord has done overnight in my yard what kind of flowers are blooming today and what needs watering and what needs something do on my birds need be so I get up and do all that early in the morning meet the day with a smile because I love it I love I loved the days the Lord gives us team joy and I'm I'm gonna come out and enjoy hey bum unless I'm seeking I am very seldom see I get tired at all but I don't get sick very oh and that's a blessing to me but I don't like to be seen I don't guess anyone does I'm sure they don't but that happens you know we thank you for both of them because we don't have them if if you don't have them you may not be here it's just a blessing to be able to be here on this earth enjoying what God has made every day and we can come out and see what he has made for us in Georgia day he's always doing wonders think wonderful things for us sometimes we forget too little and thank him for all the things he's doing and he gives us talents to talents that you can use if you kindly look around and figure out what they what they might be look at this talent that I have I didn't even know I had years and years and years I didn't even know that I could do this till I needed some help and the Lord provided me with some abilities that I that I never knew I had and that was such a blessing to find out that you've had something all these years and didn't even know it but if you don't explore and like look around and see what out there that you might could do that you never didn't ever think you could I certainly didn't think I could do this at all this is just a miracle that happened to me in my opinion that the Lord gave me this ability that that I have to make stuff and show y'all how to make you anything and nobody even told me how to do it I just I just discovered that I could like cutting hair nobody ever taught me how to cut hair I just grew up when my daddy was a barber and I watched him a lot and some somehow or the other I realized that I could cut hair I cut my own face I cut my doll's hair and I said well you know then my mama needs a haircut cut her hair my sister like short hair and I cut her hair and I cut my neighbours hair and I cut my children's hair and it's hard to get an end but I've saved myself so much money I cut my own hair I put my own turns in I put my own through me and the other day it I needed some body in my hair and I I decided I would go ahead and get the perms and put them in put it in there and it helps me manage my hair a little better because my hair is not straight as a board footage if y'all were ever heard that second and really and truly it saves yourself a lot of money good morning everyone it's a beautiful moon nope well is it a little bit of clouds but they're white clouds and back there is no clouds so yo by the time I get all my stuff out I'm already tired but I'm closer to the end than I have been so I'm thankful for that I know y'all gonna be tired of seeing this but I'm gonna try to make it as short as I can so y'all will have to do all this and and I'm having my coffee this morning trying to have my coffee Cody went to work and I'm out here working on this again I'm just I'm really I've got a little butterfly right here in the middle that I wanted to put but I'm not sure I'm not sure about this butterfly have it don't how I'm don't fix it and how it's going to look and all that stuff I worry about too much I reckon but I guess that's just me I don't want to worry about anything but I won't things to be right and I will have to look good and sometimes you have to worry about it I guess to get what you want to look like what you want it to look so that's what I'm doing I bid my first this morning and they sound happy I hope they are but I'm happy this morning I'm happy that it's not raining and I'm happy that I'm closer to getting through with this than I have been I'm gonna work on it just there's my pan way up there everything I need is way up there and I'm Way down here is that not the way it always he is y'all when you need something it's way somewhere besides where you need it yo I believe I get my exercise because I'm up and down up in the now up in the house back at the house over here trying to do this project let me have a sip of coke because I don't even know I drink some a little bit in the house but I need another little bit right now and I get nervous over things that I need you know I get nervous when they're I shouldn't probably get nervous but I do but that's the fun of it I guess you know trying to trying to work make things work where it doesn't look like it's going to and to try to make something beautiful out of broke up glass it's awesome in itself I'm not giving you a yo I don't think I'm giving to it because I'm not I'm not a give her up or too much but I will stop and rest and I think that's what I'm about to have to do just rest a little and start again and maybe it'll speed up it's uh when you when you you know you got to glue every piece down and you gotta and you glue gets all clogged up and it's I'll show y'all hats just like that it just gets a bunch of stuff up there on it and you you have to try to get that off try to put something else down on it it's just gonna be slow and that's all they are to it there's no fast way I don't guess I don't know maybe I maybe I don't know the fast way but when you have to cut your pieces if they were already good but you know they not go all fit where you want them to go without cutting and that's the thing too but that's how mosaic is I guess you've got a cut and you gotta put your pieces where you want them and they have to fit soda you know they may not fit everyone but every time I put a piece down I have to stop and do it you sort of have you sorta try to lay them out and see where they need to be and then you try to get your glue and then it will get hard on the hard and you have to stick something down in it to get it to go in again but when I get through with it I'm gonna rest these sons trying to get up too high and too fast I think there's the people that won't want this want to see this and I want to see it too but I can't get through with it but we'll worry about that when it gets here let's don't even worry about no no let's just do it and see what happens we got time I guess would be nice if the Sun wasn't so bright in my eyes but there again I'm proud to have the store because it could be for now right here and it has done that I won't tell y'all about I went to town on Thursday and I was in a hurry trying to get my stuff and I and y'all know this water did you buy these big old things that's this long and yes it's heavy and it's I bought some I was back there and I don't I done that give out and and I I had to go get something blue and I I went back there was trying to get this water and there was four or five people back there that worked there that was doing counters and stuff you know and they were just talking and enjoying this stuff I guess and I I had a bunch of stuff in my buggy that getting leave me much room like something I needed and paper towels and I buy a big old thing at a time because we use a lot of it and I was back there trying to get that water and I picked it up I like to never got it picked up cause that stuff I don't even know how much it weighs but it weighs a lot and I picked it up but I put it in my cart that I had just put my groceries in and I like to never got it lift it up over all that paper and stuff that I had in there and then big old buns and I set it on there and it smashed it about flat and I tried to move it and I was having a terrible time trying to get that stuff in my buggy those people they wasn't I was hoping they would come over there and maybe help well I got one I find the guy in there I was trying to move it I got my hand hung between the buggy the inside of the cart in the water and I couldn't get it out when I got up there check out this lady I asked her did she want me to put water and stuff up there on the counter where she could scan it and she said no she would come around there and scan it and I was so that she I was already bad exhausted from all that what I had been doing and trying to get all that water in my bug in trying to keep myself from getting killed breaking my hand and all that stuff well this is not the end of the story y'all oh that lady I told her I said I dread getting this stuff out here and getting him in the car because I I'm already give out she said oh don't worry about that she said hey young man one of the boys at worked in there she called him over there and she asked him to take my groceries out to the car and he come up there and he said yes ma'am I'll help you get your stuff out in the car I was so proud that he acted like he didn't mind you know him he pushed my book in whoever got to the door we got to the going out place and their lady at the door was looking at my buggy and looking at my ticket and trying to see if everything was the way it was supposed to be and then she had to scan some of my stuff in the buggy and I've got what in the world they think I'm stealing or why and so I I got up there well waited till she got all that scan stuff done and I went on out the door or he went on out the door I won't go out I didn't have to eat increase the buggy but he went he went on out the door and I said y'all bust y'all must have a lot of people stealing in here he said yes ma'am we do hmm I said y'all do I said he said yes we do said people come in here and they bring hey empty pockets a big old empty pocketbook and they load it down and they what walk out the door with that with all kind of stuff in that pocketbook clothes and all kind of things and he said I said wait does a lawn go off with y'all when somebody goes out the door with with things that they didn't people he said no they they can take those things off and you know put them in there and we won't we won't know it and he said I said what can't y'all look and see so you know what they have and he said no ma'am says we can't stop anyone from we can't look in someone's pocket booth I said you can't he said no we can't do that coming in and I mean I I would have never even thought that because I am very careful about when I go in the grocery store to get something that I don't forget one time I went in there and I had some toothpaste and in the laying on the flue in the buggies where under my pocket we got up under my pocketbook and I didn't know that it was I didn't remember well I didn't move my pocketbook and I didn't remember that it was even under this but I Oh went on that to the car and I put it all boxed up in the car and I came I moved my pocketbook they put it in there and in the car and there was a tube of toothpaste that I did people oh goodness well I received it good all this stuff in the car I went I went back in there with that toothpaste and told them you know that I did I had getting paid for it that it was up under my purse and I didn't know it at the time they said ma'am that's very unusual that somebody comes back in here and bring something like that because most people don't do that they but I don't want anything in that store unless I pay for I don't want nothing and now I've gotten where I look if I move my purse so I can see up under it good morning everyone it's a beautiful beautiful morning and it's cooler oh let me see what temperature it is it's at 70 degrees is that not all so I've always been a very hot but it's cooled down some and I'm about give out y'all I'm telling you thinking about this mosaic stuff it's hard on your brain trying to figure out where to put it the best place to put it and sometimes it don't look like there's the best place to put it you've run out of places and I'm deaf I've already come down to the to the butterfly Oh Lord y'all just butterflies are killing me I'm just trying to figure out where how to do this butterfly I've never I don't I don't know really how to place this butterfly walk close to you I made a butterfly before and it kind of got lost in the mix it wasn't visible that much but I'm trying to make this one where it will show up I'm trying to put a door purple butterfly in this middle of this thing here or somewhere close to it Oh y'all let's let's have a simple copying I rest my brain a little bit and I hope y'all haven't covered I didn't bring you all any coffee out because I just bring y'all coffee out when I start a project and start y'all having coffee you have to make your own coffee sometimes but thank you so much for being here for me and watching my videos and the last video I did I cut some glass and y'all were afraid that I was gonna cut myself and glass was gonna pop in my eye and I looked at the video where I was it didn't and it did look dangerous and it is dangerous it really is next time I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna do be more protective of myself and I was that time that's it first time I've done that big of a you know I've cut some little class but not that big stuff like I was cutting that date but I'm sorry that I upset y'all about about my class could I was and I didn't mean to and I didn't really think about it when I was doing it it just looked like you know what I do and I I'm not very protective of myself but I should be and I'm showing y'all how to do it and y'all and I didn't show y'all the correct way to do this I should have put on protective glasses and gloves but don't forgive me please that I'll do better next time is that okay with job Oh Laura I want to stay I don't want to get cut either but and I didn't think about it when I was doing it you know I was just doing it I just that's how I do things I don't really think about protecting my hands or my eyes or anything that much you know I just I just come out here and do what I do and I I don't think about doing that but I'll do better next time oh where is my Burch oh oh there's a red bird right back there yeah yesterday Hey I don't win it right anyway it rained and all the bird feeders were full of water and I had to come out camp gym and put some seeds in there for him to eat I wish I was here to help me with this project and tell me what to do I've got to the main Institute of my butterfly and I'm just I don't know where to go from here I'm I'm just don't stick them in here and then rearrange em out whatever I need to do go I I think it's beautiful the way it is but you know it's good it's got to have a butterfly in here and that's what I'm having a little problem with this butterfly and what colors and I don't want it to get lost like my other butterfly I want it a definite place where you can see the butterfly and look at my flowers aren't they beautiful they are beautiful did I ever drink any coffee y'all please lord I need some help with my thank you I think my brain is back sunk out that's not the right word what is the right word I thought too much and my brain is kind of dragging but I'll get it and I'm close to the hand up I don't like much just doing this little thing here and then putting the resin on it and then I'll be through y'all oh let me get to this coffee I don't even know why I bring it out here if I can't remember to drink it I need me a little timer to go off to we're gonna drink my coffee that terrible y'all somebody can't even remember to drink coffee I don't see no lipstick on it so I don't think I have even drinking no I didn't drink any before this is ICU yeah I forgot it no no hope y'all don't have them kind of process yep II know y'all probably ain't 80 years 81 years old but anyway I'm go I'm gonna put these I got these little purple towels that I I'm gonna put in this where this butterfly is I'm just gonna stick them in here and then I'm gonna try to put some other colors in with it somewhere if I could figure out where and glue them down and get this project finished cuz i bout wore my table out putting getting it up putting it up and getting it back out and it's got heavier as I go along this this glass on it it was like you know to start with but now it's getting heavier cuz it's for this stuff here oh and I was telling y'all I think my camera cut off about this young man did help me in the store in the grocery store it's a swear I don't think I'm supposed to say the name of nowhere I don't think I am starts with a dub and it sells groceries and all kind of things anyway that's the store I was in and he broke my week we came out after we got through that checkout thing at the door where they check to see if he stealing anything or not so he was going through my car and I opened it the trunk and he was putting it in and he said I told him how much I appreciated him doing that that he didn't mind at all that he just his mama raised him to help people and I just thought that was all something he and he said ma'am have you got someone to help you get it out when you get home and I said yes I do my grandson's there and he'll he'll help me oh it's all I got my arm hung in the budget when I went to put my water down it was up against the side let me show y'all my hand I didn't even know there was a sign on it where's y'all well yeah I don't even think you see that place on my hand but anyway as a red place somewhere right there it was in between the water in the side of the grocery cart and I couldn't get my hand out of there I was just standing there in a mess and everybody just talking and laugh and then having it not even paying the old woman no tension I think they need to observe people in if they need to help but I got it loose thank the Lord and that nice young man was concerned about me getting my groceries in the house when I got home you know that was awesome good for him didn't care how I got it in the house when I got home but he told me that uh his mama raised him and to help people and and I certainly do believe she did because he was a nice young man and he he put it all of it in there and I thanked him and he I reached here my pocketbook and I got $5 out and I told him thank you for helping me and he he wouldn't take it he held up his hands like you know and I he didn't want to take it but I stuck it up there in his little coat that he had on that name of the store he was working at I stuck it in that little hole that little thing is the jacket thing that he was wearing it wasn't that jacket was little things you wear to let you know you work at that store anyway he did he really didn't want to take the money but I I felt like a person like him I know he doesn't make a whole lot could use them and I like to help people when they when they when I can and and that boy deserved that help I know if he had have been in that store and he sold me where I was when I was over there dropping that big old I think it's twenty four bottles it's a big ol thing about this long and about this room I mean it's a pile of water it is heavy and I could hardly get it up and I was already tired but when I dropped it people didn't need make like they even you out drop that water and I said well I'm not going to try to pick it up off the floor I'm just gonna get another one cuz I don't know I may have broke some so I just reached over there and tried to get another man and when you get it over it Oh to the buggy your arms just kind of give out and you come and drop it down in there my hands got hung between the sand and somebody to help me get my hand out of there they don't know ideas could be 80 years old and trying to do things it you know it's not it's not that easy and I was tired - I was already exhausted him and it was hot and but that nice cashier she she helped me out she she came around and scanned my stuff in the book you saw I wouldn't have to lift it up there I think it's awesome that people are nice when they where they can be you know and they they should be when you work in a store but a lot of people they they're not they don't think about you and they just doing what they do and I don't think I guess they don't have time to but a lot of people does it you know don't think about people but they will think about it one day when they get that age they'll wonder you know that that might remember that old lady that was in there trying to get some water and she couldn't get it in the buggy but I don't even know if they even saw me oh I don't know how they couldn't happen they were not they didn't have their mind on what I was doing they had their mind on what they was doing it's okay I got some more good he drinks a lot of water I I didn't drink that much and I still don't I I mean I don't even know how he holds that much water gracious my stomach ain't even big enough to hold that much water anyway and we had family day they cook and we take something to go with they had chicken wings grilled chicken wings with all kind of sauces on it and we had cake and we had salad and it was awesome and it was nice getting together with everybody and talking and you know when you go to church you you go to church and you sit down and you then when you get through you kind of stand around a little bit and talk but when you when you go up there then you have a lot more time to are sit around and talk and laugh and tell stuff on people that's funny [Laughter] they was telling yesterday about people in cars and have helped how they get angry with people dick drunk drive slow and they probably get mad with me sometimes like I dress I think I do that most people drives drives over the speed limit a little bit but you he said you did you drive under the speed limit well I'd rather do that than to get Carlton he said well that's just as bad as driving over the speed limit driving under it but anyway we didn't we had a good time and we ate in George Bella shipping and that's what life's about enjoying yourself and just doing things that's that's fun to do that you don't have you can't do it every day but but anyway I really feel bad about cutting a glass like I did in showing y'all how to do it but I didn't even think about that you know I just I just do things I don't I don't don't please forgive me if I did crazy stuff just don't do what I do I mean don't do what does that say it I don't even I can't even remember what to say it is now so yeah my brain is got wore out don't do as I do do as I say dude is that right I don't know y'all but long as you enjoying yourself and you're not putting you're not harming anyone or anything you know you know life is be happy and have fun if if it's possible some people don't know how to do that you might have to be a little crazy but I've always been I like to do things and be happy I don't like fussing and arguing and all that stuff it you know people do this just not fun at all just be happy and laugh and have a good time enjoy your life cuz it's gonna be going for you know it it doesn't take your life is very short and you better enjoy it because it goes fast I can tell you it does it's not morning anymore it's afternoon and I'm still working on this my butterfly I took it off I could not make it work it would not do right so after 2 or 3 hours or longer I don't know how long I've been out here with this thing I haven't been in the house yet and it was early this morning when I came out here's one thirty now oh I could not the butterfly just I should have put the butterfly on here first and then worked around the butterfly but I didn't I worked around here and then tried to put the butterfly in there and I found out that's not a good idea oh my goodness I learned that lesson from this so I put another flower in here and I think it looks great it's it's it's a purple flower and this is you see all these but anyway I'm gonna go in the house now I'm drinking cold coffee our hot coffee or warm coffee or whatever this is it's not hot but it's hot weather bye oh it's 80 degrees now it was 70 early this morning but I think it's beautiful and it's gonna be beautiful when I get finished and I don't like much more down all I have to do is fill in around this flower if all goes well and things don't happen again I'm telling you anything can happen you know you know I thought I would not have any trouble with a butterfly in here but the way this stuff is that butterfly was not straight and it was it was not I did not like it at all so I took it up well I didn't never blew it down really I just laid it on here cuz when you put this blue on it you better that better be where you want it goes it it's not easy to get off I'm Ted so let me have a cold sip of coffee our warm coffee or whatever this is I forgot what it even is or what day it is or anything okay I'm the boss said it right over here so I'm gonna go in the house and rest I deserve a little rest I'm gonna I'm gonna rest as well and and then I'm gonna put my pieces around this flower and I might put some resin I like this afternoon a bit if I get through we need a breeze so I hate it Joe I hate that I didn't do what I was planning on doing I was planning on putting that butterfly in here and I found out if you don't have a vocal point like something in the middle of something you better put it in there before you put everything around it because it's hard to get in there and make the thing right here the way you want it to look after you get everything stuck and you can't move it so thank y'all for being so patient and kind y'all Oh Lord I think this is a little bit too much for my people mind I'm gonna let it rest a little while come back out when he gets a little cooler see y'all later and meet y'all don't go too far away because I'm just gonna go in there and read while there they gonna take me along he's good I want to get this part finished this has been a pretty pretty long process and I'm I'm really a ticky a little bit I I really want it the way I want it and that's how I want it and they don't do that I don't like it so I think it's beautiful so this afternoon a little later I'm gonna go in and rest and get out of this heat and and I'll be back and yeah I have I told y'all to subscribe and share and click the bail and thumbs up and all the sweet things y'all do for me I'm so blessed and thankful for every single one that watches my videos this is just a joy in my life that I never dreamed could be so and and this is a joy to this beautiful table here you know anything you do it's probably gonna take a lot of effort if you do it good and you do something you know you don't you don't put a lot of salt and stuff in something you want it to look right and I and I did not like that butter black was it it's wings wasn't right but on that side on this side wasn't right so I took I just took it up I said after hours I was trying to make it right I just stopped I said that's not gonna work I'm not gonna even try that anymore I'm gonna do something else so this is what I come up with another flower it's not the color all these flowers are difficult no I don't know that one and that one looks sort of the same but anyway I didn't even realize that [Laughter] but you see what I got to work with not much up there left I see y'all a little bit and this Suns not helping it either I'm gonna be back a little bit okay y'all I took my little rest and I'm gonna try to go ahead and uh just fill in this little hole right here and put this flower in here and you know I don't I don't like something taking this long that I need to be thrilled with already Oh y'all I'm not drinking coffee right now this is my water I said I was don't start drinking some and I'm gonna start drinking song so this is it I put it in the freezer and it's got ice in it I like it like that I can get it open right now damage in okay now this is gonna be so pretty when I get through with it it's pretty nice out here it's not that awful no this is that water that yeah hurt my hand trying to get at that door [Music] to be having a lot of trouble with my camera cut no but it's not that important that y'all see every little thing that I'm doing here because it's just boring I know all I'm doing is putting something somewhere and I've done I think put something every where they are to put something that I see but I'm still looking to see if if I've missed any things that need something in it you know they could be a little spate I think it's worse than putting the puzzle together so how's your pieces is already there you just got to find out where they do this you got to cut your pieces and put them somewhere and little woman make sure they don't follow and you put something somewhere you look away and you look back where was it I don't even know where I was its name you gotta kind of find the place where you was just doing something to keep I'm gonna get it though y'all I'm determined but to get it and it may not be the best in the world but it's gonna be one of a kind oh my goodness I guarantee you that it's gonna be one of a kind and nobody might not even won't want one like this but if you don't mind the time it's really worth it to do it becuase you're making something nobody else has nobody has a table like this nobody in the world nobody so if you want a table that nobody else in the world has just get you one of these little tables and get you some glass and start sticking your tiles on there hopefully it won't be too bad maybe oh I'm telling you it could be trying but I'm not a person to give up if y'all know me any at all I think y'all know taste I might stop and do it another way if it's possible but I'm not gonna give up on a project that that I'm working on I just thought a place where I need to put a piece anybody in if you look away it's gone and you don't know where it is and that and you have to look and look and look behind it but that's all in it I guess just but the joy and the the joy that you get from doing something that another person in this world has just like if you want something that you know that you want and it it to be one-of-a-kind you make one of these I guarantee you it'll be one-of-a-kind and they won't be another one like it and it won't be like this either it might be similar but it ain't gonna be like this one and just look at the fun that you had doing it oh and it really is fun y'all these little pieces won't be in a none you got a push and pull and cut and and you still can't hardly get it doing that get in there but there again it's a it's a it's a one-of-a-kind that you can't go out and buy one locket nobody cake by one locket I don't guess nobody can make more like it if they can welcome to it maybe I could learn something if they make one is that this has been a learning process for me now where was that little piece of stuff at I'm checking to see if my camera's on that I don't know why that thing is going off so much and y'all I'm telling you it looks like rain after all of this and it was fun and you'll be telling the truth riddles oh I'm doing it these tiny little holes let's put something in is pretty young it's so pretty [Music] okay yo huh I'm going so Oh a little bit and let y'all see it that's it y'all let me hold it up a little bit and let y'all see if you see it better when I hold it up and that pretty y'all I'm gonna mix up my resin now and I'm gonna paint some on here and then see how it loose and then so let me go get my resin and I'll be back don't go away okay y'all got my little glasses here that I'm gonna pull my resin in and I'm gonna try to put it on there I don't know why the rain has decided it wants to come in here but it's not raining yet but if it starts I can put it over there I'll run in there and get Cody helping [Applause] okay I don't the labels just off of here and all I know is you pour equal parts and you oh my goodness you stir it Cody says you don't have to stir it that much but I'm going to because I think you're supposed to and I don't want nothing to I don't have a whole lot left I'm gonna see I'm gonna put up to five in here and put the same amount of the other it may take more i if it does I'll mix up some more I'll be clever I get me some food better resin cuz this is old and it's sticky and how much should I put what is that yes a six a milk jug bottom I'm gonna pour all this in here and stir it up okay here's the other you know this has been a workout for me but I would do it again to have something this pretty that is awesome to me it is so pretty it may have some flaws in it I'm not saying it does ours I'm not saying it don't I'm just saying you know that's a lot to do to me does it seem like people they do that stuff has that much trouble as I did it okay I'm gonna stir it boss let me let me go look at the clock okay you don't have to stir it that hard you just got stir it that long they say I don't know I'm not gonna let y'all see all of this I mean I'm gonna cut it cut this part out when I put it on there because it may be long anyway but and I don't want to make it that much longer it's just by stirring something I just hope it don't pour down rain but I can get it on the porch if it starts baby if it ain't real you know I can I can get it up there because I put it up there every every day me and Cody summer cuz sometimes go to help me okay I think that's ten ten minutes you probably don't even have to do it ten minutes but okay I got this this kind of brush it's so pretty that is beautiful hello everyone how's everyone this afternoon it's afternoon it's been raining y'all I've head I've done this through the heat the rain the clouds the everything that could possibly be going on that's why went on but I got finished with it it is absolutely beautiful I am so proud of it young I hope that y'all get an idea and try some of this because it is so rewarding even though you think you may not ever see the end of it you will if you keep working on it you will get to the end and I have been through the heat the rain is rain today I've been waiting til the rain was over to come out and show y'all the finished project this one-of-a-kind yo one of a time it's so pretty and I'm just so happy with it and I hope y'all will like it I hope it didn't boil y'all out too much and watching me do all this I tried to shorten it and fix it where y'all wouldn't have to go through all that and y'all know I put resin on it and I put all these little pieces on it and it's just beautiful beautiful beautiful is all I can say I'm just so well pleased with it I'm just and I can't believe it is this pretty it is so pretty I hope y'all like it I hope y'all try it maybe not this big you know this is a pretty good size little table top not really but it takes a lot of time because these little tiles I cut them up small cuz I like I think I like them small I've never really made any with bigger pieces other they the petals on these flowers but uh I'm just so happy and I want to thank y'all so so so much for watching my videos have a blessed day subscribe and share and click the bell and thumbs up and all that stuff that you did you do to help me but anyway I thank y'all for all that you do the message is y'all send that uplift me so much all during the day all during the week and it's just awesome to you know I wouldn't have had this unless my friend sent me this table and I know she went through a lot of trouble to buy it have it sent to her house then sent she took it apart then she sent it boxed it up and sent it to my house so I could make something there's a little husk of birdseed on it but it's not stuck you know but I guess she knew how pretty it was gonna be I don't know but anyway she'll see it and I hope she likes it cuz I look so I guess this is all all this video and and y'all do know there's a storm coming so it says tropical storm but it's probably gonna be a hurricane and it's coming towards Florida and that that's coming this way and so I hope everyone will be safe and don't have much damage I hope they don't get this bar I hope it doesn't but if it does we'll deal with that we've had them before and we got through them so we'll get through this one if it gets here oh you're so such a blessing to me I'm so so blessed and faithful and y'all be extra kind and nice to people because it means a lot to people too for you to be say a kind word or you know something nice helpful be helpful to people that need a little hand you know just a little bit will help sometimes whenever you whatever you're struggling like I lost in that store my scar is still on my arm where I got my arm hung between the buggy and the water out that that water was this it was this long and I don't know this I don't know how many fathers it's a big old it's a big old thing this this big something's in my head I miss them little bitty lizards around here maybe still up there but I don't feel it but anyway what was I saying yo you know how I get off track Oh be kind and helpful and notice other people when they're struggling you know if you if you could give them a little hand sometime another little hand will help a lot and helping somebody along their way and y'all god bless y'all and and make your light shine what's in your heart let it show let it let people know who you are and what you are and it will it will bless other people and you so I'll see y'all in the next video bye bye I'm gonna I'm gonna put it close up on this and let y'all see it before Twitter I see y'all in the next video that's a pretty good picture of it I'm gonna go around and show y'all it's just so pretty it is also okay
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 144,347
Rating: 4.9359956 out of 5
Keywords: How To Make Mosaic Stain Glass Art Table Top, Mosaic, Table Top, resin epoxiacrylic, Decorating Ideas, Glass Table top, cutting stain glass
Id: Ak0YZkB_3io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 52sec (6772 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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