Sea Glass Sun Catchers For My Church Rock Garden In Ga.

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good morning everyone how's everyone doing on this beautiful day oh it was cloudy this morning i thought it was gonna rain y'all i'm out here oh i see a blue bird sitting over there oh and y'all see my flower this is my amaryllis that's blooming right over there i didn't want to pick a bunch of them because i didn't want them they won't last in this water they don't last very long over there growing uh good morning i'm hailing from georgia and i'm out here on this beautiful sunshiny morning what a day it was cloudy earlier it was cloudy i thought it was gonna rain y'all i was gonna do this video because it it looked rainy and cloudy and it's unpredictable weather y'all cannot you can't tell what it's gonna do but what a beautiful beautiful day y'all it's so pretty oh my oh some blue skies and clouds all up there i love it oh let me have a sip of coffee if i can it's so hot oh it's okay i had a wonderful wonderful mother's day it was awesome i went to church we had a mother's day service and we had after church uh they set up a table and rocking chairs and things for the families to have a picture had lemonade and uh get your picture i took pictures of all the all the people that wanted a picture uh it was awesome y'all but it is awesome to be a part of a church that you're proud of that you don't mind sharing what goes on there and we all love the lord and we we try to have things for the kids and have things for the everyone we we uh have an awesome awesome church anyway let me tell y'all this i'm just saying this y'all i'm i'm just saying i was in church and i was walking up the aisle uh and this lady her daughter comes to church there a lot and she has been there but she she hasn't been in a while but she said hey i said hey she said who does your hair this was last sunday y'all [Laughter] i said i do my own hair she said you do how do you do that i said i i just do it i've always done my hair and she she just could not believe i'd done my own hair she liked it she said she was astonished y'all i'm telling you she she was not putting on at all she she wasn't in awe of my hair that i did it myself but everybody don't have that opinion you know but i'm just saying that's what happened a mother's day at church i can't help but y'all that's what happened i i was not planning that that did i didn't know that woman was gonna say that but she did and made me feel good because and all of y'all made me feel good because y'all commented on my uh about this comment that was made about my hair i needed to get it cut i need to go to the beauty shop and get it cooked but you know that was that's only one person out of like a hundred and forty uh nine thousand subscribers that i've got so that's a pretty good that's pretty good when when one out of all them that well all of them don't comment but you know and everyone has their opinion about how how they like something my grandmother loved short hair she cut it up i mean she could not stand hair on her neck or her i mean she she kept it short and and she liked short hair and and that's her that was her opinion you know that's how she liked it i never said you know grandma you need to let your hair grow out or nothing cause i never thought about telling her that you know i i never thought about telling nobody that but anyway everybody has an opinion and everybody doesn't like the same thing and that's okay if you don't like my hair like this you know i'm sorry that that uh that it offends you if it offends you uh but anyway we're not gonna talk about hair anymore i just had to throw in that about the lady i'm just walking down the aisle i was gonna go speak to somebody and she stopped me and she asked about my hair she couldn't believe that i put my own perms in i cut my own hair i mean she couldn't believe it i mean i guess there's well i used to cut my mama's hair i used to cut my sister's hair way back when i was a teenager i've just always known how to cut hair and my daddy was a barber i guess it's kind of maybe in your uh in you somewhere uh about that because he was a barber and i remember when i was a little girl we lived way back in the country i mean down a little path like yeah i i i guess a car could have went down and i don't know i think a car somebody in a car came down there before but uh people would come to our house like on saturday and ask my baby to cut hair their hair and he had the clippers like you mash them like this and cut them they didn't they wasn't electric because we didn't have electricity he had scissors and he had some clippers that you mash them together like this and cut hair and they and they would pay him a nickel or dime i can't remember which i think it might have been a nickel i don't know but anyway it was near nothing back back then you know i don't know how much it cost back then back in the 30s uh to to get a haircut i i don't know how much it was i don't even know where a barber shop was because my daddy never went i i guess he cut his own hair i don't know i never seen him go to the barber shop anyway uh y'all this sun is getting pretty warm y'all i was gonna do a kind of short video because i thought it was gonna storm i didn't know it was gonna sunshine it was cloudy and this cloud was covering up the sun and everything but yo what i'm thinking about doing today is uh what i'm thinking about doing today is i'm i'm going you know my little things up here that i made uh i call them wind chimes i think i'm gonna change them to dream catchers they don't chime you know and i that's really not what they are they're not they're they they sparkle and they shine and they they are so pretty what what i'm thinking about doing is my little rock garden up at the church uh kind of needs a little uh i think i'm gonna make some for for up there i'm gonna uh i'm gonna make them smaller like you know small and put them up there at the church for for the kids they always they walk by and they look at my little rock garden that i made for the church and it's so pretty and it's uh the kids love love that stuff and i want to give them something really to look at and i was i was gonna make this a kind of short video but i and i guess it will be kind of short but uh i'm gonna get back to my i would have done cement this time but i thought it was gonna rain i mean i haven't heard the weather forecast but it's still kind of cloudy back and it does it in the afternoon you know in the morning it gets cloudy and then the sun or shine you don't know what it's going to do you you don't have any idea what the weather is going to do that day you just have to wait and see what i'm going to do is i'm gonna uh mix up some resin the wind chimes that i'm doing up there for the church it's gonna be small ones it's not gonna be big ones like that it's gonna be smaller ones and oh i see a red bird back there it's gonna be small ones so they will i mean they i think big ones wouldn't look great up there in that little rock garden that i have i'm gonna put make some smaller ones and hang them up there for for everybody to look at when they walk by everyone looks at my rock garden when they walk by they and and so i know some kids rearrange it because some of the little kids get in there and play and throw rocks i know they do because i found some out there i don't like that they do that because they cut the grass up there and those rocks i hit the sea of lawnmower and i don't want the lawnmower to i don't want to put something up there that the lawnmower hit and mess up the lawnmower so i may have to make some things that bigger than rocks to put up there where they can't throw them out in the yard and thumb at each other whatever they do and y'all let me tell y'all something i'm looking at a bluebird out there at that house they must have some babies in there because they keep flying off and they keep coming back flying off and coming back oh y'all don't know how much i appreciate y'all because i cause i can't get around to all y'all's comments the other day when that uh when that scammer or whatever that was it got on my page trying to get people to uh in do something i don't know what yeah i don't even know what they were trying to do but anyway y'all knew that wasn't me because i don't i don't put stuff up there like that i can't keep my mind on what i'm doing but looking at them birds out there there's two uh two in it two three houses and these birds sitting on each house anyway my son was gonna help me figure out what what it was and and and i saw it down here and i went up there and told him about it and he was looking for it and he went down the page and down the page and down the page i said go to the bottom he said i'm trying to go to the bottom they so many comments i can't get to the bottom i think that's awesome oh my y'all y'all know i can't answer all them comments but i try to look at all of them i i have facebook comments i have youtube comments and all this other stuff i do i am just like booked up to here with joy i mean it's not i just hope y'all don't get mad because i don't answer all y'all's comments and one one comment was a a lady said when i when i fixed that uh uh what was it oh my spaghetti and i i was going to eat some of it and i said a blessing a lady told me her husband said helen for president you don't know that that's insane yo i i can't even that's so sweet thank you for for seeing that call me it made me laugh y'all i laugh i smile i i am so blessed because i have so many people care they really care about me they really do i i'm i'm just i ca i can't believe it i can't get over it either that people people comment and like me and subscribe and share and click the bell and all the things y'all do i'm so blessed y'all have no no idea how how y'all have uplifted my life from where i was i was in a deep hole like i thought when my husband passed away and all that bad stuff happened about his sister-in-law it's on a video back way back uh i'm not gonna go through it now but it was a very very trying time i i was uh my husband passed away before he passed away my sister-in-law went and got power of attorney over him and he was in the hospital and she and they put him in rehab in a nursing home and he called me up and and told me that he was getting out the next day and that he was going to live with his sister so i they wanted me to get his things and put them out here i got his things and put them out here i you know and it's all a long out drawn out thing but he passed away in her care uh a few months later not not long they would not even let me attend his funeral they would not allow me to go up there and they had it in this town that i live in but anyway tried to take my home and take all kind of they did take all kinds of stuff i had to get a lawyer and i'm not going to get into all that but anyway the lord has blessed me like i would not have dreamed the lord i mean you can't predict what the lord can do for you and lift you up and look what he's given me i've got videos youtube and they pay me to for doing this and i have all these friends from all over the world ireland all states just about i cannot believe it how awesome the lord can pick you up put you up higher than you ever thought you could be just it's a miracle it is a miracle that but when you love the lord and you serve him and you do his will and he will not let you be forsaken he's sure he certainly will not he'll keep you uh uplifted you may still go through things uh we're not in we're not here to go through life with no troubles and no cares we're gonna have troubles and we're gonna have cares but just know he's with us and he's walking right by by us and if it gets too hard he'll pick us up and carry us till we get able to get back on our feet and go again that's the truth thank you lord for so much that you do for me i'm i'm just i'm still in a cloud like is this really happening to me yes it is and i'm doing things which i've always loved to plant but i'm learning things like watching youtube i see other people planting stuff in tubs and buckets and all the containers i call uh i call them tubs and buckets and all that stuff but i never knew you could grow stuff in those things and it would grow good but it can okay well let me get through talking i've done talk way too much thank y'all so much and the little kitties and the little puppies and all the people the families and the uh people that watch me god bless you all so thankful for for what y'all are and what y'all are to me y'all are my family my youtube family and i i i am blessed to have y'all okay let me go mix up some resin and get through with this let me have another sip of coffee that is so pretty i wonder i don't think they smell no it doesn't smell at all it's just pretty okay y'all i'm uh i've got my resin out here and i think i'm i think it's going to take all of it uh i'm going to start pouring it now i don't know if i'm going to pour it all or just save some okay i'm gonna pour that much try to pour the same amount let me see it looks like the same amount to me i'm going to set it over here i'm gonna pour it i'm gonna pour this in here i couldn't find my gloves i i maybe i won't need them i'm going to stir it up real good i'm gonna pour it back in this other cup one more time and why while i'm thinking about it i forgot it earlier i'm gonna take y'all out there you know i have some apples out there that uh that i have every year and last year the coal got them but they bloomed again and they had some on there and they were so pretty and i was waiting for them to get a little kind of ripe and i i was sitting here i was sitting in the house and i just looked out and i'd see squirrels running across there with something in their mouth i decided to go out there and check on my apples they wasn't a apple on the tree them squirrels that eat every single one so this year what i got for mother's day my son got me something that i needed there's some little bags that you can buy on amazon this mesh like stuff that's like screen wire a little bit but in it and you put that over your apples hopefully the squirrels can't eat them and i'm gonna go out there uh in a little bit and show y'all how i i put them uh things on the apples y'all i hope i hope it works i don't know if them squirrels squirrels can uh crack a walnut and they have thick thick holes so i don't know if they go they gonna eat through that stuff and eat my apples oh but i guess we'll see i'm gonna let this set here a minute and kind of thicken up uh so so they won't be so thin when you first pour it it will kind of spread out a good bit and it'll still spread out whenever you uh let it thicken up some it'll still spread but it won't spread quite as much when you let it set and it when it starts getting warm it's not warm now it's cool so when it starts heating up then i'm gonna pour it and let it sit and uh that's what i'm gonna that's how i'm gonna make my chimes for the church yard and the kids to look at and the grown grown-ups too they look they look when they walk by it's you know you can go up on the right side or the left side but my little rock garden is on the right side so i park on the right hand side and when i walk by i always look at my garden to see if there's grass in it or what but there's some children i'm sure i i don't know exactly who they are but they kind of keep it sorted out because the little kids like to play in it they like rocks and they kind of keep it help help keep it straight you know i don't know i i guess there may be some other churches that has a little rock garden in it or not but i our church has a little rock garden i put it there and everyone seemed to like it i mean they it's just something to look at pretty when you walk in from my side you when you walk in from the other side you can't see it unless you walk around there but that's okay you know i try to do something that i can do in case it rains you know i can i can take this in and you know after after i get this done i can i can take it inside but when you when you have cement and all that you can't take cement inside you have to it's messy and uh you can't take it in the house i think i'm gonna go ahead and start pouring okay okay y'all i'm finished with uh pouring it and uh i'm gonna take it in the house where the uh where it's level it won't it's not level right here it's it's kind of leaning this way i'm gonna take it in the house i'll i'll be back y'all i thought i'd let y'all see my amaryllis oh it's so pretty let me see if i can let y'all see it oh how beautiful okay y'all i wanted to show you all my tomatoes in this container i have got more tomatoes than i have ever i cannot believe it how many tomatoes and the one down here on the right down here right down here it is sort of turning and it's a big tomato and they're on a stem like y'all look if i can capture it tomatoes just on a stem down here just tomatoes hanging all down here all up in here out here on the side is tomatoes they're smaller ones but y'all i never knew i've never grown tomatoes like this in my whole life it's just so many it's just so many i never thought they was growing like this okay let me go around here and show you some more okay y'all here's tomatoes in in this this was a old cooler that i found around there and i y'all can't see them but they are tomatoes like let me see if i can hear some it's hard to there they there's some all down in there i've never seen so many tomatoes and i haven't got any rap yet but i'm gonna have some i'm sure because it's just tomatoes like just growing all over the place they can't even hardly stand up well here's my my string beans look they are way up y'all look at them now they're in a tub and these this is the same thing look they're growing all up this thing and here's some more they're in a tub i put wire on them to have something to run on this is squash i think i think this is tomatoes that i planted uh i've got stuff planted all over the place okay this is my my bell pepper that i planted in this blue tub and here's a bell pepper and that's a cucumber that little thing there and this is an eggplant this is squash this is okra that purple okra i've never had any of that before but i got some now this is my little bit of cane let me come on down here this is my cane some of it i got it planted everywhere okay here's some more cane this is some potatoes this is how this is my badaya onions uh they're not the greatest but they're they're growing and they're blooming and someone sent me them oh i'm just can't keep up with and this is my purple onions they're not doing that great and here's a little cane that's coming up from last year this is squash and a container that i had all the time and this is a squash y'all it is giant and it's got a little squash down there i can't i think you can see it a little bit but anyway it's a big old giant oh squash and here's some more i've got stuff planted like everywhere here's some blueberries there's some i have some more in another place i wanted to show y'all how how big this okay i'm gonna walk around here and show y'all how big it is i can't even reach the top this is old old uh plants my daddy gave me these plants from his sister that lived in adrian long time ago about 40 50 years ago okay y'all this is this is uh some blue some more blueberries that was was given to me the same time the others were like 45 or 50 years ago uh they've been here a long long time and they're gonna they're gonna be ready because they're already sort of turning pinkish looking okay this is this is how how many they are i'm trying to walk and hold this camera and and it's not working the greatest i mean this is in my yard y'all this is in the edge of my yard how how they have grown i'm telling you look look what giant blueberries and i cut them back some too these are are really not as big as they were because i trimmed them back okay i'm gonna show y'all how how tall they are they're gonna be so good i have to go in there and cut down trees and stuff that come up in there i have seen a snake in there y'all ah okay i'm gonna show y'all something else y'all this is an old pear tree that died and uh a honeysuckle vine grew up this tree and it's up there and and i put a birdhouse up there and this bird has uh baby birds in it every year and i'm it smells so good if y'all ever smelled a honeysuckle they are they smell so good so i just i just left the the birdhouse up there where the birds could use it okay let me come on over here to some strawberries in here that uh it's kind of thick and you can't see them much here they son they're just really starting to get ripe okay y'all this is my my apple tree it's uh it's got some apples on it there's some there's some the apples your son here's one here's son three three here's here's some and there's some mulberries right here if i can find them there they are and there's some apples let me get over here and show y'all these mulberries there they are that's a big mulberry tree up in here yo i'm gonna i'm gonna put some bags on it that my son gave me to help save my my apples here's the here's the bags they have a they have a little drawstring on them that you can put on there and pull it i'm going to put some on here i don't know if i'm going to be able to put them on them tall ones or not i got a little ladder right here but i don't know if it's gonna help me to be that far or not thank you if i don't get them all i'll save some there's the bag there's the apple they look like spider webs i i was thinking about getting something put over the whole tree but the tree's too big to put something over a whole tree let's come around here a nice one there so i'll see this stuff it's kinda looks like screen wire but it's soft these squirrels not gonna know what to think when they come out here to eat my apples and they can't get them so so so so so so [Music] okay y'all i'm gonna i'm gonna stop because it's hot i can't get them all today so but i've got a lot of them already on there uh looks like spider webs told oh my goodness well they won't get them all because i'm not through yet i'm not through tying those things on there because i can't get them all today and i'm i need to rest that's a big old tree it's got a bunch of it's got a bunch of them bags on it okay y'all see how big it is it's a pretty good sized tree okay i'm gonna cut it off now and i'm gonna go in the house and rest because it is it is hot out here sweat is just pouring i'll see y'all when i come back i don't know if it'll be today or tomorrow but i'll see y'all later bye bye good morning everyone this is not where i want to be y'all this is not uh i'm having my coffee and y'all i was looking at the video that i did yesterday i did not tell y'all that i had y'all some coffee sitting there oh i'm so sorry y'all i didn't tell y'all that i had you some coffee my goodness yo i'm slipping bad and the weather is like it's raining it's been raining on it like every 30 minutes it's been raining i was going to try to get out in the yard there before i could get all my stuff out there it started raining so i said well i can't do that but my uh my little things here is dry and i'm gonna take some off the last video i done was resin uh it didn't when i didn't show when i took the it my camera cut off and i didn't get it but i got it now i mean it's it's working thank the lord for riding this minute i'm gonna make some little dream catchers i keep calling them wind chimes because i call them i i don't know i i'm just sometimes i get to going and i don't know how to stop and uh i say things wrong y'all just forgive me cause y'all know i'm old that that's one if y'all can see it that's one i'm gonna stick a hole right up here okay let me cut another one they they didn't stay round as i anticipate them doing but right resin you don't you don't know what it's gonna do when you pour it you don't know how far it's gonna run you don't know uh you don't know much until it gets through doing what it's doing okay there's another one oh let me i'm gonna make it round like this other one which i like that little tear-shaped ones too but uh i want them alike i guess i need a little trash can i oh i can use one of these okay here's two uh i don't know how many i'm gonna make oh let's see let me try to get about the same size y'all the weather yesterday it was it looked like rain and then it cleared up and i said well i was wrong about the rain but there was real bad weather here in georgia uh yesterday afternoon they had hail big old hail and stuff in places it didn't i don't guess it was here i don't uh i didn't hear i don't hear all the news cause i'm i'm doing something all the time and i'm in and out and you know i didn't know it was gonna be like this when you got old i thought when you retired and got old you just could do anything you wanted to and you didn't have to you didn't have to go to work every day but somehow is always something to do always you never really get caught up because time don't wait on you it goes on and you if you don't go on with it you you're losing out okay there's four oh my goodness and i'm always wanting to do more than i can do i'm i'm i'm really uh i wish i wish there was two or three people where i could do what i have what i have in my mind to do but i can't do it because time goes by too fast okay y'all can see these scissors these are i think outside scissors for cutting flowers and stuff i don't know but i i use them for cutting resin or anything that i need to cut and this rain is nice it is really nice it's it's not raining right this minute but i went out on the other porch to look around and why before i could get back in the house it started raining i had to hurry up and get back in and shut the door because i didn't want to get wet and okay one two three four five oh i don't know how many i'm gonna make i'm gonna i'm gonna pull them a loose and cut them and this stuff is easy to cut if it's you know you don't wait too long if you wait like way way long it it kind of gets hard it's hard to cut it but while it's like you know hadn't been long made you can cut it [Music] i can't even hardly see them there same color and is this plastic and it's hard to see i'll cut that one later i'm gonna put it right over here i'm gonna put that one over there let's see i think about well here's some right here one and i thought i thought they wouldn't run as much as they did but they run a little more than i anticipated but i love these things and they're so easy to make y'all try it and y'all oh i i i this what i'm going to use is is a sea glass and i got it from walmart and they hardly ever ever have it it's like you don't they don't keep it i mean you just you just have to look like every time you go you have to go over there hours in in my town is over around where the flowers uh artificial flowers and rocks and beads and stuff is there in a let's see i'll show you they're in a little container like this and and they have i've got them sorted out but they have white i mean clear and this color and where's them and this color no that's the wrong color oh good gracious well i don't even see any of my other color out here where are they oh here it is this color the this color blue with this color blue and and i and this color it's a clear so that's what's in this uh little container so if y'all wanna look if if it's like our town they won't have any very often so i look every time i go to see if they have any because you can't if they if they don't have them you can't use it and i've never seen any anywhere else and i like the size and the thickness of these okay [Applause] i'm just gonna leave this i'm gonna i'm gonna put this yellow thing on here so it won't be so ugly to put okay let me have a sip of coffee y'all it might have quit raining and these are my little snips that i used to cut i need to let y'all see what i'm doing i guess all this rain should make everything start growing more [Music] [Music] so and i'm not gonna make y'all watch all of this uh when i get started on i'll work on it some and let y'all see the progress okay let me see i've got these little little bead these little i don't know what you call these things okay okay this is some glue that i had it's hard as nails glue it's it it is very good it's uh it does it it stays without getting hard if the package is open you know it it'll stay [Music] um oh this this really is not a fast fast process it's just pretty slow but to me it's worth it at the end when you have a beautiful uh project that you've made and and how pretty it has turned out i've got this nail that i'm gonna heat it up and i'm gonna put a hole in it it should not take much to get a hole in it there it is okay there's the hole there's the hole and i've got some some fishing line here i'm gonna stick in that hole so it won't close back up or something i get i cover it up or something okay i'm gonna i'm gonna just tie that i've got it in here just to so the hole won't get covered while i'm putting stuff on there oh that's gonna be so pretty now let me put some some more things on here uh i'm gonna put some some little mirror things i want it to sparkle and shine and like mine out there and that's what does it now my camera cut off and i turned it back on i don't know how long it'll stay on did i tell y'all this is time consuming oh it is it is so so time consuming just trying to get some pieces in here to fit any place you have to be careful and don't cover up your little hole to the that that you have to hang it by yo it's getting cloudy looking again cloudier looking i'll say uh ready thank you if it gets too bad i may have to go in the house because sometimes the wind will blow and it'll blow the uh rain up here on this porch i think it's i think it's about to get real bad y'all i think it is it's it's mighty mighty dark looking up there and it may lightening and thunder and all that stuff you know and i'm not going to stay out here and and and that happened because i don't know i don't want to get light and struck i'm not gonna make y'all watch all this because y'all know this is so time consuming i don't even know why i try to do these kind of things because i know it takes time and patience and uh to put all these things on here and get them in the right and i'm i'm so i i try to put them where i think they need to be and sometimes i take up more time than i probably should because i want it to be i want it to look good and i don't know about tomorrow i don't know what what the forecast is for tomorrow where it's supposed to be uh still raining oh that went there oh i like it when when something fits in a place that you're trying to put it in and you don't have to cut it or anything uh it just fits right in there that is awesome i don't want to cover up my hole here all right i mean put something right here that will go there and not cover up the whole and i don't know it just sounds to me like it may be fit to get some bad uh bad bad rainy weather uh-oh uh-oh i knew that i knew that was gonna happen okay now i told y'all i wasn't gonna make y'all watch all this i'm not really i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna turn it off go in the house okay i'm gonna i'm gonna uh go in the house and wait for the rain to see what it's gonna do it may stop and it may not but if it doesn't i don't i can come back out here and do something but i'm gonna cut some of these pieces because it's taking so long to cut a piece to go somewhere i'm gonna cut some pieces so so i can put them on faster and it won't take so long oh thank y'all so much for watching my videos thank y'all so so much i y'all are a blessing i told y'all that i told y'all y'all are a blessing to me and uh y'all share it and and click the bell and thumbs up and all that stuff y'all know that what what it takes but i i'm i'm so thankful that i have all the viewers that i have i'm not complaining at all and i'll i'll be back i'm gonna cut some of these pieces so y'all will have to watch all that y'all uh i'll see y'all don't go away i'll be back let me have a sip of coffee y'all i forget to drink coffee and everything else while i'm out here i forget to tell y'all to have a sip of coffee and everything i i'm slipping i'm slipping hello everyone i'm healing from georgia and i'm out here at my church i made these wind chimes for my church uh rock garden and i got them finished in spite of rain and storm and here they are are they not beautiful y'all they are so pretty it was a rain storm came all kind of obstacles trying to hinder me from making these wind chimes but they're made and they're so pretty and this is my rock garden that i made them so all the kids love all these rocks they throw them all out here i picked them i picked them up some but anyway i finished them up because i didn't know what the weather was going to be and so i just i just finished it up and i got going to try to get through with it because it's unpredictable there's not a cloud in the sky today i i cannot believe it but i wanted to get through this video before the storm and i see sun is really not in the right place but things happen i've had things rain wind just anything can handle you but i got finished with it and y'all i want to thank y'all so so much for watching my videos subscribing and sharing and clicking the bell and thumbs up and all the sweet comments y'all give me i'm so blessed and so thankful and i i wanted to see i can't y'all can't see it i i'll try to get up and and let y'all see i painted that cross right there on that rock it's kind of getting sprayed out but anyway nothing stays the same does it oh here's a little thing that i put up here stay that way okay that is so pretty oh i love and the wind's blowing and i'm going i'm gonna walk out to the fence and let y'all see uh the church and so y'all any of you that are interested can see my church and where i come to church it's just my house is right down the road about three four minutes five minutes from here right down that road there okay i'm gonna walk out here now and show y'all uh and then no i'm gonna show y'all a close-up of the the rock garden as i can because the sun's not in the right place but i can't get things together either it's raining or it's too much sun ours or the wind's blowing or something all the time but anyway we'll make it we're gonna make the lord help us and the lord blesses us and we can make let me get up and show y'all the uh the little rock garden is as good as i can show it to y'all in this okay this is this is our church sign and this is this is our church my little rock garden is on that side the right side over there where the crosses are i'll show y'all the chimes okay i'm gonna see y'all thank y'all so much for watching and i'll i'll see y'all later i'm on uh stop now and i'll see y'all in the next video bye-bye
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 30,057
Rating: 4.9603143 out of 5
Keywords: Sea Glass Sun Catchers For My Church Rock Garden In Ga., sea glass, container gardening
Id: MzK3l1t600w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 37sec (5137 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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