How To Cut Stained Glass For Mosaic Patio Table In Ga.

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good morning how's everyone doing this beautiful beautiful morning and i'm helen from georgia and i'm out here uh having my coffee look at my hummingbird cup y'all oh it's so pretty and oh i got y'all some coffee too and it's in a red bird cup it's in this cup so y'all have a sip i i i'll probably pour it out if i hold it over too much anyway that's your cup that's your coffee and y'all have a sip every now and then let's enjoy our morning y'all are not gonna believe this y'all are not gonna believe this i came out here a few minutes ago and i was looking at my things over there that i was going to work with today and i went in the house for something and i came back out and it had rained can y'all believe it rain my stuff over there's got water on it i'm telling you that i you you just do not know what next 10 minutes is gonna do and i was out here pretty good a little bit working around and looking at my i i have got some stained glass over here that i'm gonna use on my project that i'm gonna start but i'm not gonna tell you what it is right this minute but i had put some clothes on the clothesline yesterday i bet y'all nobody don't do that anymore but i do i still hang my clothes out if it's humanly possible i i don't know why i reckon that's the way i was raised and i have a dryer and i do put my clothes in it to fluff them up like take the wrinkles out and all that but i don't put them in the dryer very often and dry unless it's just absolutely have to you know the way you are raised a lot of time stay with you like all your days i think so i mean i know some things i do are is the way i was raised let me have a sip of coffee y'all this is so pretty my hummingbirds are still here but they're getting ready to go back wherever they come from south america somewhere wherever they come over here from they they're getting ready to go back because it's been cool let me see what temperature it is it is 65 degrees and it's beautiful nice weather i'm not hot i'm not cold i'm just right and my flowers are kind of getting skimpy around there they they have bloomed out and there's a a lot of where the blooms were uh is still there but the flowers are not as uh pretty as they once was but it's getting the time of the year where your flowers are kind of dying back and uh not as pretty as they once were and that's how we are i guess as time goes on we're not the way we used to be i'll say that i know i'm not the way i used to be but i'm still here and i'm thankful for that i'm thankful that the lord has kept me here this long and uh i took a road trip y'all to my little town where i was born i was i didn't live there that long but that's where i was born and y'all to see it before you see this because i'm i'm working on a video i'm working on this video and i'm uh trying to get the other one ready it's a lot it's a lot for me i'm i'm slow at it i'm very slow let me show y'all oh let me tell y'all something i was in my house the other day and i was just sitting there looking out looking out at my birds i can see my birds through my door out here uh when they come around and when they eat and when they uh i'm looking at them right now they they up there on that pole but anyway i was sitting there uh looking at uh the birds and things out here and i saw something moved down there at the bottom of my steps and i said well what what was that and i i said well i kind of got up a little where i could raise up a little where i could see a little lower down than i could see because of the door and y'all guess what it was a little rabbit another or the same one i don't know i don't know if that's the same rabbit or or if it's another one i can't tell them apart really but he he was sitting right back down there at the doorstep right over there and he he just kind of hopped across here and and i got my camera i said i'm gonna take a picture of that rabbit uh jumping around here in my yard so i i got my camera out and he run over there and he run back over there and he run back over there and he went out there and he got under that table over there he was just having himself a big old time no nobody out here was out here and he was by himself he no other animal no other rabbits was with him he was just by himself let me have a sip of coffee y'all and i said well he come back over there and and i i said well let me turn my video on and video this rabbit this jumping all and doing all this stuff in my yard here y'all know i have strange things happening in my yard if they if they don't come crawling up they come hopping up or they come flying up or whatever you know i had a deer one time come right across there and he stopped right out there and i mean a big old that thing was this high that was a big old deer he stood there i don't know how long and he walked on out there but i have things like that to happen all the time so you never know i just i just rather a snake didn't come crawling up again anyway uh i got my camera out and i said well i'm gonna video this little rabbit he he don't act wild he acts he acts like a tame rabbit but i know he wasn't tamed i know he was just he was just looking around and he didn't see me i don't guess but i but last year i had one that was not afraid of me he just come all around and he went out there to that rock garden and i walked out there and i walked right up on him just this close together and he didn't move and i said oh good brush that rabbit took off i know i know that rabbit didn't know what that was so he took off i didn't i didn't know he was gonna take off i just i just making a noise but he took off but anyway i get off my sub to him real bad i i i anyway i'm talking i'm a rabbit that came up here that rabbit hopped up my doorsteps and got it went up on my porch y'all i've never had a rabbit on my front porch i never that i saw you know they may have been one up there but i don't know i i've never seen one up there well he just hopped up there and he stood there and he well i i'm talking to y'all and i'm looking over there i y'all forgive me i i'm a little you know how i am i'm a little on the get off the subject a little bit a lot anyway i videoed that rabbit and i'm gonna put it on here on this video somewhere i'm gonna put it in there uh probably after i get through talking i'd probably show you the little rabbit he was the cutest thing and he's he just hopped around out here and and he'd go in that he'd go in there where my right back there he'd go in there and kind of go through and like he was leaving and he'd come back and he'd jump around and he would but anyway i got i got a video of him and i said well if there's a rabbit around here i need to uh give him something to eat so i went in the house and i got some lettuce and i laid it down here it's still here he hasn't come back this is the lettuce i put out there for him to eat but he didn't need it he didn't i don't know i have some strange strange happenings around here but it's always entertaining and it's always uh a delight to be out here and to have all this stuff that i have happening around here keeps keeps you on your toes because you don't know what what's gonna what's gonna come up here next i never know you know not spring it is fall and you know things are trying to start dying back the flowers are about bloomed out and so always there's always a season for everything and this this is the season of a cobra 19 and unpredictable rain i i i'm thinking about doing another stained glass table like for right here i made one i think it was last year and and it was so pretty i i don't even hardly use it i just set it up down the porch and keep it but i'm thinking about making another one because they are so pretty and i want to show you all a different you know way i showed y'all how to do that oh i see a beautiful beautiful butterfly butterfly let me see if i can that's a beautiful butterfly and my butterflies are blind all over everywhere over there oh i see another pretty one oh my god i can't i can't uh keep doing that uh what i what i'm going to i think i was telling y'all i don't know i i don't know good gracious it's hard to keep my mind on what i'm doing but anyway i got this stained glass that i bought is that not pretty y'all i'm going i'm going i've got a a table around there this old old table that was out at the barn and i about forgot about it was even out there shape i got to paint it and i've got to i'm going to put some stained glass on it and it's gonna be beautiful anyway i'm just telling y'all what what i'm doing and what i'm trying to do and show y'all uh i'm gonna fix this table and it's gonna be beautiful i think but it might take a little while but i'm gonna uh do a little along on it as i go and let y'all see it and y'all and let me tell you about cody his arm is doing great it's healing and he's uh got a better outlook on on it you know that it's gonna heal good maybe thank the lord if uh if it doesn't we'll have to figure out how to work with it the way it is but i think the lord has heard our prayers and i think he's gonna let cody have a good arm to work with and get back to his dream job that he liked and that he wants to go back to anyway thank y'all for your prayers and your donations that you uh sent him thank you so much i want to thank y'all so so much for watching my videos and subscribing and sharing it's so awesome y'all are such a blessing to me and and y'all share and click the bell and so you'll get notified when i make another video and it's just who could have ever dreamed i'd be doing this not me i would not have ever dreamed this at all but i am and i love it it keeps me going it keeps me my mind thinking and it keeps me as sharp as i can be to keep my brain thinking and working i think your brain is like your body if you don't use it much it'll kind of slack up on you and kind of shrink up and not have as many sharp thoughts as you need try to keep myself in shape so i can be here as long as i can and be in good shape as i can so if i don't hush i won't quit i won't quit i mean y'all i just keep on talking whenever i need to be over there getting my table out and doing all that stuff but anyway i'm gonna do that i'm gonna go around there and get my table out and i'm gonna when i when i get it fix where i can work on it some i'm gonna come back show y'all i'm back y'all fix uh this is my table that i'm going to use this is i painted it and i cleaned it up the best i could and i'm gonna put stained glass on it with flowers and i don't know what all and i'm i'm out here to show y'all how i'm i'm gonna cut my uh my stuff i'm gonna cover it up but but i see rain clouds y'all i don't know when to do anything anymore because you can't hardly do anything unless it's raining here is some of my my tiles i'm gonna use i'm gonna show y'all how to cut them i i don't you know i'm just doing this like i'm like i don't know what i'm doing like i don't have a pattern yet i just i'm just cut i'm gonna have flowers on it and i'm gonna have you just have to wait and see like me and see what happens i may have to get on the porch if it starts raining too hard this is some of the glass i'm going to use is that not pretty i'm going to cut it half if i can oh that done good pretty good okay i'm on cut that in half [Music] it don't always cook where you think you want it to all right now you don't really ever know which way it's gonna cut you just hoping that it'll cut where you can get some flowers off of it look how pretty that is oh y'all can't see it look how pretty that is i can't see how pretty that is what i'm gonna do now is make a a petal a flower petal out of this piece right here and i'm going to cut around and try to make a petal out of it and i'm gonna save these little pieces because y'all i love this stained glass i love this stuff so pretty okay here's a petal a blue one okay let me see if i can you don't have to do this on a table you can do a picture frame or something that that you have that's not quite this uh in depth you know i might hear some thunder and i'm just showing y'all how how you get started there's another one i hope i'm letting y'all see him see if y'all can see this cloudy skies up there okay here's a what color is this i can't even tell it's dark anyway it's a dark blue or dark purple or something i'm gonna cut it and try to cut it like i did the other end like half oh yep it did it okay now i'm gonna try to [Music] oh is that done good uh-oh that didn't do right maybe i can still get something to put my little droppings in over here so what was that oh it wasn't a drop of rain yet but it's coming i got me some cups to uh put my little pieces in that see i might need them in another place like a little gap or something put some little pieces that are and you kind of keep your colors separate or i do you know i don't this is not probably the way everybody people does it i don't know how they do it but anyway uh where oh right here uh i think i was trying to cut this maybe what if the clouds just go all by and don't rain this is not gonna get done in a day what if it don't rain y'all wouldn't that be awesome if it doesn't rain no it's not raining yet all right can y'all see that another cup for this dark color oh that's gonna be okay i've moved everything up here on the porch and i've cut some of this stuff and i'm really at a loss for it rained just a little bit not a whole lot but it rained and and if i had stayed out there i would have got wet and i'm trying to lay my petals out and see how i'm gonna arrange them i'm not gonna stick them down yet because i'm not sure where where i'm gonna put them and i'm not through cutting either i think i'm gonna put this flower right here but i'm not gonna glue it down right now because i'm not sure it's better just to wait and see where i want it then to glue it down and then have to move it i i really haven't decided how i want them yet i really i think i want this one in the middle i think that's where i'm gonna put that one right there cut this one uh i'm gonna lay this up here oh that one that one doing okay yo it's a good thing i come under here because it is raining i i didn't you know the rain pretty much gets me just about every time just about but look y'all i've not i've i've cut all these pieces with with this bag here i got my little pieces in it that i cut in this bag so it wouldn't fly all over everywhere and i'm on my porch y'all know i i came up here to get out of the rain and i came up here before it started pouring because i knew i know i've already been caught in the pouring rain out there and and i got soaking wet and trying to get your stuff together and get up here but that's that's life you you're gonna have things like that and i'm thankful for the rain and y'all look at this table is it it's beautiful i think i haven't glued anything down i just got it cut and i've got these little pieces laying here but they're not going there but oh it's gonna be so beautiful i'm gonna fill in with uh in here with some other uh pieces and that might take a while to this is not a small project y'all this is a pretty pretty big project to me i mean somebody else might could do it faster but i i'm i'm sort of ticky about my stuff and where i want it and what color i want it and sometimes you run out of choices sometimes you run out of the colors you want you just have to put something else there so that's what i've done and and it's late in the evening now and i'm i'm gonna go i'm gonna turn the camera off and i'm going in there and and i'm going to rest a while because i've been solid cutting and arranging these pieces uh i want to thank you for watching it and and subscribing and sharing and clicking the bell and thumbs up and uh i'm so blessed to have all of you and i pray every night for y'all uh well being and and if you're sick i'm praying that you get better and i pray for other people our church family and our our town and our country needs a lot of prayer our our country needs prayer because it's so disarray right now it is really uh in bad shape but anyway we're gonna make it through this and be kind to people it's so nice to be kind to others and they appreciate it so much some people probably never doesn't have a kind word from anybody much but make a difference in this life uh let let your light shine if you have a light let it shine on others and maybe we can get through and this would be a better place thank y'all so much i'm gonna turn it off now and y'all have a good good night and i'll see y'all in the morning bright and early i hope it's not raining i i'll see y'all in the morning and have some more coffee with y'all bye bye good morning everyone how's everyone doing on this beautiful beautiful morning but would y'all believe it ten minutes ago it was pouring down rain y'all i was up on the porch i was getting i was getting ready to come out here and and it started raining so i said well there won't be any well i did i could do it up there but it the lighting is not good at all y'all have a sip of coffee on me i got my red bird cup out here today and i'm all ready to give out i've just just now got started trying to get your stuff i had to move my table off that porch by myself down here y'all it's a wonder i ain't got a broke nick because the things i have to do and i don't mind doing it if i can do it but i don't want to fall and hurt myself and can't do nothing so i'm going to try to be as careful as i can and try to continue all i've been doing y'all is cutting glass cutting this stuff so i have not glued any of this oh i've moved this table and got my stuff all kind of moved around and the my colors i've decided on i decided my colors are a blue light blue and purple and uh kind of bluish purple oh i i think it's beautiful okay let me let me move my coffee because i'm gonna show you i'm gonna show y'all how i cut these little i need to come up closer while i'm cutting and here's my plastic bag that that i cut and to catch this uh okay i'm gonna cut uh a square uh well i i gotta keep it where y'all can see pat okay i'm gonna try to cut this a little square piece oh my goodness look i can't even find y'all all right all right see those little pieces oh great okay here's another one let me let me cut it i can show y'all how i all right there's two pieces and i'm gonna cut them in half makes two little two little pieces okay here's another piece it sometime okay that's a good two little squares to go around the edge okay now i'll put my plastic bag down here where y'all can where i can catch the uh i'm gonna cut this now like this way if it if i can so i can get two petals one out of this side one out of this side all right let's see if it if it works sometimes it doesn't work oh it did work there's there's a piece and there's a piece so i'm gonna take this piece and i'm gonna cut that little edge off are y'all seeing maybe i need to zoom out a little more these are the little snips that i'm using the little things with a little roller blade on them i don't i i i cut off most of the little straight edges because i don't like you see that little straight edge right there i'm going i'm gonna cut that just take it a little bit at a time and snip it off okay there's a pedal for my table okay here's the other piece other side of the piece that i just cut i'm gonna make a petal i'm gonna make a petal out of this i'm gonna let this be the bottom part and i'm gonna cut around here yo your hand gets tired of cutting all these things i am trying my best let y'all see what i'm doing okay there's another one and that's what i put on this table y'all these petals and they lay flat and i i'm just making petals and uh i'm making uh these little tiles here that i'm going to put around the edge like like this and you got to kind of make them fit y'all you never know when you cut sometimes it doesn't cut straight sometimes but most of the time i found it that it does pretty much cut and straight let's see if i can do it now since i bragged all right let's see y'all can y'all see that oh look oh that's just what i wanted that that's what i wanted i wanted to i'm gonna cut it again oh look at there cut straight there's another piece i another y'all it's hard to keep up with where y'all are all right here's another one i'm gonna cut it now i'm gonna see if it'll cut straight oh it did that's awesome y'all i'm gonna cut this one oh and there's just two little squares just what i wanted i can't even cut a bad one since i can't even cut one to show y'all now because they're all cutting straight i don't know why but they are anyway here's here's another piece that that i'm gonna cut oh let's i cut it right in the middle first up it cut oh look see what it did okay cut straight that way let me cut it this way and see let me see what it does oh look at that here y'all get y'all some uh stained glass and get y'all some little snips and start cutting oh look i can't find y'all i need to zoom out because i'm too close i can't even find the camera okay there's there's a the little piece i just cut okay i'm gonna see if it'll cut straight oh it did look see i'm gonna take that and cut it put it around this outside edge okay here's another one let me see if it'll cut straight oh yes it did but y'all be prepared this is not a fast a fast process not at all it is kind of it's fun it is i love it i love cutting this stuff and you get what you want and the color you want and the size you want okay here's another square that i'm gonna cut see if i can oh look look at that but right out here where i'm at now i have cut some that just kind of went off the edge and didn't do right but and i'm gonna probably find one to do that in a few minutes because they all not gonna do good i know they're not oh these are doing great all right here's another piece of blue i'm going to cut it oh my goodness that's awesome i love it when they cut straight oh that now that cut a little crooked that didn't uh that cut a little bit crooked but i can still use that part i can cut that part off and use it y'all i don't know but it might be raining keep thinking i feel some raindrops uh but y'all know i believe it's fixing to start raining again i i feel like and the cloud oh my goodness the clouds oh that might be a raindrop right there well go ahead on the move because it's coming i know it is i think i saw a drop right there but i'll wait another minute or two and see what oh looks like the sun's trying to come out and it's like it's been a rain right over there and i believe it is i believe it is fishing to rain again and if it does i'm gonna stay on the porch because i'm not gonna move it uh another time because it's too dangerous for me to try to move i mean if it was just a table you know and not trying to move this table with all this stuff on it uh would be another thing i have to jump up and cut this camera off real quick you all know what happened yo i'm cutting the camera off right now because it's raining it's not pouring yet but it i'm thinking it's going to pour shortly so rather than try to hurry up and get my table in here and spill everything all over the place and have to arrange it again which i've got to arrange it uh again because it's not where i want it you know right now but anyway i want to tell y'all thank you thank you thank you for watching my videos have a blessed blessed day subscribe and share and click the bell and be kind to people less fortunate be back uh i don't know when i don't know if it'll be later on this afternoon or when it'll be but if i'll come back i'll let y'all know bye y'all have a have a good rest of the day are y'all believing this i'm not hardly believing it myself i've done come back out here and the same day i done moved two or three times i can't even remember how many an hour i think i can't keep up with it i'm i wanted to start sticking down some of this uh stuff oh this i'm just putting it down here for now because i'm gonna put resin on the top of it this is quick grip adhesive all-purpose glue it it's clear and but i just wanted to start putting some of this stuff down because y'all every time i move it it slides it down one on this side i'm putting these i'm putting some of these little things for the uh flower center that's that one now this is only on here until i get the resin on it and and then it'll be it won't be moving again y'all if it ain't the rain it's other things and i'm just gonna stop for today i i'm i'm i'm tired i've been out here on and off all day and i'm just gonna come back when i'm rested i'm just too tired to uh try to figure out where i had these just wait till i'm rested some to uh could continue so i'll i'll be back it'll be tomorrow it won't be today y'all okay i'll see y'all later have a blessed blessed night bye-bye good morning everyone how's everyone doing on this another rainy day but you see where i am i'm on the porch i i guess i'm not gonna be able to get back out there i've got it still i got it sort of placed where i want it now i'm gonna uh put some glue on it but i just put these little things around here because they're that's not where they're gonna be i'm gonna move them all i i'm i'm moving stuff around all the time so i'm gonna start sticking some of this stuff down now and let y'all see i guess i'm going and get it to come out y'all we sure are having a lot of rain and i guess we can use it but we could be complaining about drought that everything is dying so i i'd rather i think i'd rather complain about the rain then otherwise because at least at least you're getting rain and you're not worried about your well going dry i guess everybody's not doesn't have to worry about that but when you live in the country and you depend on a whale uh you you kind of wonder about that i told y'all this this is not i'm not dependent on this glue to do anything but hold it till i can get resin on it all right i got that i got to do this one oh my goodness y'all look i cannot believe this i am telling you i'll i'll be more this table slam out moving it in and out of the off the porch but i i got to get these things glued down before i move anymore because i have my stuff placed where i want it and then i move it and i have to do all kind of maneuvering to get it up the doorsteps on this porch without dropping it and my stuff slides around and gets out of place and i don't want that i don't want my stuff moving because i i i pick it from where i can find a place for it and this stuff uh as this glue is quick grip all-purpose permanent adhesive uh it's some i had and so i i just see everything if you bump it it moves i'll be glad when i get these pieces glued down where they won't be moving that'll be a lot but may not have to worry about because when i put something down there i mean for it to stay there i don't mean i mean i pick a piece that fits and i if it gets knocked out of place then sometimes i can't get it back the way i want it back i thank the lord every every day for my health and my home and my family and all that i have and my youtube family y'all are my family too y'all are so sweet uh y'all keep me in line i made a video about going to a cemetery and i i didn't plan that i just uh decided it on this brother moment to just go down there to that cemetery a a relative of mine told me there was someone out there in that cemetery that was on the titanic well i've been thinking about it and thinking about it and i i said well i think i'm just gonna go down there this morning and see what if i can find that grave she told me she pointed out there it was raining that day and and uh i didn't go out there to the uh a cousin of mine was buried out there that day and and it was pouring pouring rain and i didn't go out there because just the family went out there to the place where he was put and the lady in there that told me she told me that it was out out she pointed it in the directions i said well you know if i go down there uh maybe i can find it i know what direction it is i didn't know uh i didn't know if i could find out well i didn't know her name i didn't know and i and and they didn't really say it was a woman i don't guess i got to thinking about it i thought it was a woman i don't know why i thought that but i did i thought it was a woman and i said well i know i could probably find it if it's down there where she pointed i'm familiar with all them graves down there because i have a family down there and i said well you know i'll just go out there and i'll just look and see if i can find that grave well i i got it i said well i think i'm gonna take my camera and video a road trip y'all i think that was a big mistake i was so excited about my road trip i wasn't really paying attention as close as people thought i was supposed to be paying attention to where i was going and i had my hands some of them just doing this and oh my goodness i i said oh my i i'm a good driver but i was excited about that tripping and i was excited about uh going down there making a video and all that you know and so uh i was talking and and doing all kind of mess like i do here you know but you can't do that driving and i didn't i didn't even realize i was doing all that but anyway you find out what you do when you video your video yourself and uh look at it later so anyway i went down there and i i looked i looked i looked everywhere i looked all over that cemetery and it's a big cemetery and i could not find anything that i thought it might say something on the headstone about the titanic you know i didn't know that i just didn't really know i was on a wild goose chase in a way i didn't i didn't really know where i didn't know that person's name i i knew when the titanic went went down sunk sank whatever you call it so it was it wasn't that hot that day but i got hot out there walking around looking at every gravestone that they had and i finally i said well i don't i just don't know where it is i i can't find it so i went back and looked again where i had already looked and there was some old graves and i think i i think i seen that grave people sent me all kind of information about the titanic that i did oh well i i didn't even know there was a list of names of the people that went down on i i don't know much y'all i really don't i i stay home and i don't go anywhere much and uh i didn't know that there was a list of people that was on it and how old they were so i want to thank all the people that was trying to help me find it and get some information on it come to find out it wasn't a woman it was a man i think i think it was just a man and uh not i don't think it was a man and his wife i i'm not real i i think it was just a man anyway i decided being i couldn't find that grape and i thought maybe the one that i found might be her but it wasn't her all the time it was a man but i didn't know that i uh anyway i found a grape that didn't have a date on it or anything it had a name and i it was old old old grave it had lattice around it a little wooden boards it was painted white looked like it had been painted 50 times or more it was thick it was real thick and uh with paint so i said well me and i can't really i thought maybe this was her i said maybe maybe this may be her but it wasn't i didn't i didn't know that at the time but i took some flowers down there and i i put them on that grave that i found that i thought might be her but i didn't told y'all it wasn't a hurry it was a it was a man but i didn't i didn't really know at the time of what it was because the person that told me didn't tell me if it was a man or a woman they just said a someone out there in that cemetery is uh was on the titanic and i said oh my goodness i'm gonna i want i've been wanting to go down there and look a long time and see if i could find it but i haven't uh really took the time but i've always had it in my mind that i wanted to do it so that morning i got up and i thought what i think i'm gonna go down there and look for that grave and see if i can find him so that's what i did and i was so excited about my road trip i never really made a road trip video and so some people got on to me about my driving i know i shouldn't have been doing all that mess but i wasn't really thinking i was just happy and i was just when i talk i'd just take my arms and i'd wave them around and telling everything you know i can't do that no more i can't be uh talking and i got to keep my hands on the steering wheel and and look where i'm going and not what i'm doing if y'all know what i mean but i've never had a wreck and i'm i'm a pretty safe driver but that day i was a little careless i will say that but i survived and everybody on the road survived and there wasn't many people on the road but i i've been driving a lot of years that i've never even had a wreck except oh yeah i did have one one time i had i was i was coming from church and and it was i pulled out in the road and there was a car coming pretty fast and i didn't see it i didn't see that car it's kind of a little curve there i pulled out there and um got uh got the front end of my car kind of mashed in but i got it fixed and my i got these things stuck let me see if i got them all if they move i might can move it outside now that i got them all stuck down [Music] oh oh i don't have that one stuck i thought i had him doing it's a good thing i checked but y'all i see other people's videos uh riding and seeing uh other parts of the world that i don't get to see never will get to see because i don't go anywhere and and other people like to see our georgia towns and stuff i guess we have a lot of pine trees and cotton fields and hay fields and all kind of stuff i i'm gonna make some more videos of uh of all the stuff that is around here and i did take y'all fishing with me one time okay i got them all stuck down here now i got to figure out what how i'm going to do this outside part and y'all know what the sun has went back down went back somewhere under the over the clouds just covered it up and and i'm having my coffee this morning good morning everyone out there i'm helen from georgia and i'm out here this beautiful sunshiny day that i haven't seen in a while and i don't think they're calling for rain it has rained like every day i i have never seen the beat but i moved this table on the porch back out on the porch about wore it out because i wanted to work on it i couldn't do it out here because the rain of the rain and the wind it was windy one day it was just blowing my wind chimes all over the place oh yo i got some coffee but i didn't bring y'all any because i'm out here working this morning trying to get this finished have mercy i have been working on this like days days days a bunch of days every day i i come i i go up there and i sit down and i work on it till it gets dark and then i stop i'm telling you i'm never in my i didn't know this table was this big i didn't know it was gonna be i used up all my tiles almost it that i had picked out for this and i was about to wonder if i was gonna have enough i didn't realize it was gonna take this much this is a pretty good sized table uh and it was fun it is fun it's fun to do a project that you are not 100 sure of to begin with i'm telling you i i started out with my flowers i'm not finished with it i got a place left here i was gonna show y'all i was going to finish it while y'all look because i know y'all could not watch a video as long as it took to do all this y'all be here a month watching it it took me hours to put all these tiles you have to find a place you have to cut them and you have to stick them in there and you try to stick them in there to see if they'll fit and then you can't get them back out then you got to get something and pick them up and it's just a slow slow process if y'all are not patient i'm gonna drink some coffee in a minute when i get there talking but you know i'm not driving now so i can use my hands that i'm used to doing oh y'all have got on to me about driving like that but i was excited and i was i did not think anything about it i mean i i don't do that all the time because i'm not talking when i'm driving but what i'm talking i'm doing this stuff [Laughter] i really didn't know that i'd done that that much until i till i saw myself let me have a sip of coffee y'all oh my goodness but i'm telling y'all y'all have enlightened me on the titanic and all the people's names and all that information y'all got good gracious y'all smart doing all that i didn't know you i didn't even know they had that i didn't i never really thought about it i just i don't know i i didn't need i didn't think about they had it on record and all that i guess you know i should have known that but you know i don't think all the time like i ought to i'm i'm just a kind of scatterbrained and i'm just trying to have fun and trying to live my life and and enjoy it the way y'all talk i i was about to die i was about to kill get killed in a car wreck but there was not hardly any cars on that road and i could see the road i can look somewhere else and i can still see the road but and it's good to be cautious and and be careful and and consider others not myself uh you know i i'm gonna do i'm not gonna do that anymore i'm i'm not gonna i'm gonna tell myself to keep my eye on the road and not be looking everywhere but my daddy used to drive and he was looking all out in the fields and he was you know he he was driving and looking at everything around him but you know it's not that it's not really good to be looking around and taking your eyes off the road because a lot of times there's people out there that are not uh or might be talking on a cell phone which i don't i do not do that i i do not talk on cell phone and be driving or texting i can't even text sitting still hardly much less driving i don't text harley anyway but anyway y'all thank y'all for being so concerned and so sweet and some people have really took up for me because i was getting beat up kind of bad but y'all be assured that i i'm gonna try my best not to do that no more i got another uh i got another trip in in my mind uh but y'all y'all can check it out when i make it and see that i do what i'm supposed to be doing this time instead of doing all this and all this and all all that stuff i did y'all it really is not funny but it's you have to laugh about it you can't cry about what you've done already but anyway what i'm gonna do out here is y'all y'all come on up closer so you won't miss anything that i'm doing and i'm going close up on this part right here because this is what i'm gonna finish i i i kept a little place so i could show y'all how i was doing it i showed y'all you know some of it while i was making it but this video was gonna be so long and it probably is gonna be long i don't i'll i'll try to shorten it much as i can and let y'all see what i'm doing so uh i got to get some tiles right here and let me zoom up on my uh with my camera so y'all can see i'm putting glue on it y'all gonna see why it took me so long because it's really really you start out trying to play something where it will look really really good and then after a while you try to just find a place to put it okay [Music] and you have to turn it every which way so and y'all when you're doing this my goodness it takes so long because it's a whole empty place up here and you you're trying to figure out where to put it and you gotta figure out what what can you put in there by it and sometimes that's just about an impossible thing yo y'all can if y'all ever do this y'all might not want to after all this but it is really fun it's really really fun it's you making something out of pieces that you cut you have to cut i'm using now little pieces that i cut off because it's down to little pieces and see if you take you put it in there and then you take it out or you look away and you don't know how you had it oh that's back in there and there's got to be a piece right there oh let's see i think i'm going to put a blue one there because i got one right here handy you don't want to go in there too good but maybe i can i hate to push it in there because if you push it in there and then you want to take it back out days okay y'all i'm back i got my level thing out here it's a big old y'all probably can't see it's a big old big old level so i'm putting it on this table now okay it's level okay i'm gonna pour my uh resin in here oh i didn't show y'all this is this is what i use i got it at home depot and it's it's it's what i use and it's great it it does a great job okay i'm gonna pour i'm gonna pour it all in one thing so uh i won't have to have to cook to measure because i got this cup here okay now i'm gonna open this one pour this in there okay [Music] okay i'm gonna stir it up now gracious bubbles is coming out of this stuff i've never seen that before bubbles is coming out of it gracious i think it's stirred up enough y'all see the bubbles coming out i've never seen that before bubbles is floating out of here i think they'll go away when they get in there i think so i'm gonna start pouring a little bit i've never seen this before which i was stirring it pretty uh pretty strong know i was i think the bubbles will come out okay i'm gonna start spreading it okay y'all i'm finished with it i'm finished putting resin on it oh it's so pretty oh my goodness how pretty this is okay i'm gonna stop i'm i'm stopping uh i never know when to quit i'm always doing something to it not dry i don't want to leave my head down too far because i be got in it all right well i'm gonna see y'all when it dries whenever that is be be back don't go away too far i wanted to let y'all see how pretty it is when the sun is shining on it oh how pretty okay i'm gonna turn it off now hello i'm back y'all my resin has been on here a long time it's not completely dry it's tacky it won't get on you if you stick your finger in it but i wanted to get this project finished and i want to show y'all how beautiful i i don't think y'all can see how beautiful it is out here to show y'all the final final project it is so pretty so pretty and this middle one here just sparkles it just sparkles in the in the light it just oh i got my copy uh uh i'm i'm out here this afternoon i've done this early this morning and i it's not completely like you can't i don't know i i know you can touch it it doesn't get on you but it's a little tiny tacky a little bit but i can let y'all can see how it looks and i can get finished with this so i can get to working on it so i can get it uh get the editing part of it is going to be a job but i like it i like to do that and let me have a sip of cop love it thank y'all thank y'all so so much for watching this video have a blessed blessed day subscribe and share and click the bell and just thank y'all so much for being so kind to me well i hope y'all like it i hope y'all try it y'all be blessed and and have a blessed blessed rest of the day
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 35,658
Rating: 4.9631677 out of 5
Keywords: How To Cut Stained Glass For Mosaic Patio Table. In Ga., How To Cut Stained Glass, Mosaic, Table Art
Id: qmryXI3gy7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 59sec (5699 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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