DIY RV Renovations: Make a beautiful table with epoxy and CDs

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hey thank you so much for watching and Pippi peterson so i am going to do some sort of design on my table top you can see that you would this whole thing's kind of bubbling in different places and the sides falling off so right now it's there pretty much just as a you know a a cover that's probably been last so long it doesn't look great I'm always getting things cuts like caught on here so this is time to renovate and make it look good again so I have an idea and I loved how my countertop turned out with the pennies and the epoxy over it it just so happens that I have some epoxy left over and it's going to be expiring soon so I wanted to use it and I just loved it anyway cuz it's like so crystal clear I've had the penny countertop for geez I don't know maybe uh maybe eight or nine months now in the kitchen where I'm always working and it gets much more use in here and I haven't had any problem with it it's still beautiful and it wipes up absolutely shiny and gorgeous so I'd love to use it again and I was thinking you know try to figure out what I want to do on the tabletop well what I really wanted was some sort of kind of eclectic mosaic you know it's like mosaic tiles well one mosaic tiles are really heavy there are even heavier than the pennies and the pennies are pretty heavy so I really want to keep it lightweight and you know the only plastic tiles that I could think of would be like under like kids toys or something I also wanted something that was going to be very thin a very thin profile because I only have like half of a liter left of the epoxy so I I needed to be a very thin application and layer otherwise I'll have stuff sticking up through the epoxy so I had an idea to cut up a bunch of CDs or DVDs you know how on the back they're really shiny so I I think I'm going to do that I'm going to just randomly place them in a couple different sizes and hopefully that'll have like a bunch of light come in and he'll be just cool looking so anyway so I'm so excited to get started I did have another thought of like painting the table but I couldn't figure I couldn't resolve onto one thing that I want to paint it I thought about painting it just colors and I even like sketched out this cool octopus and because it would kind of go with my beach theme but I really don't want it to be too arts and crafty because it's such a small space I have plenty of colors going on already so I don't want to add too much texture that's going to stand out so I was a little weary of that I still haven't been able to resolve if I want to do that or not so I think that I'm going to do the CDs and we'll see you know by the time I'm done who knows it might be something completely different but right now I'm just excited to tear this off and I'm gonna put some primer on and then paint the bottom and then we're gonna go from there so even though my laminate is peeling quite a bit still stuck in certain places so to kind of heat up that glue below and get it loose to be able to pull this this part off I'm going to use an iron be careful when you touch it again because it could be pretty hot all right let's see how that turned out so peel it up a little bit more once you get it unstuck it won't really stick that well again so you can kind of just do pieces at a time just certain sections of the table so I did this part I'm going to kind of move move this way so since this texture is going to be completely covered and then have a new surface from the epoxy I'm not going to worry about standing it it's going to be painted after the primer I don't even really need to use primer but I am because I won't get the epoxy on the sides I'll have to paint that separately with polyurethane and since the polyurethane is like 1 7 hundredths width of the epoxy I'll paint the sides with primer so I had to get out the primer and this stuff might just like totally suck up the paint so the primer kind of helps it you know not have to like lose all my paint you know into the wood fibers so I'm already super excited did I have a new look not a look that I want permanently but I'm really excited that uh just be in on a new project and I just love doing this sort of stuff well I got the table totally primed and I let it sit overnight just to fully dry and I ready to put my color on for color I got like a I guess you would call this some royal blue um stupid have a name on it anyway it's kind of like a royal blue and I wanted to do I was thinking that the CDs they might seem kind of pale or they might seem kind of bright so I wanted to have like a dark contrast on the bottom so I got royal blue well I got the entire table plate painted blue the dark blue and I cut up a couple of these because I was so excited and I wanted to see how it was gonna look and these are actually you know I was thinking they'd be almost like clear colored or like the front you know kind of kind of gray but actually they're a little more dark they're so very reflective but uh some angles they look almost the same color blue that I was paying the table so you can really like notice that they were there so much so I painted a little section this lighter blue which is the same color that I painted the walls I just had leftover paint which is nice always use leftover stuff of course now I have the leftover dark blue but so anyway it looks so much better because it was a much higher contrast and so I painted the rest of it pale blue after painting it dark blue and then I try to mix in just a little bit of the darker blue at certain areas just to give it a little bit of I don't know just a little bit of change in the color so and now I'm ready I've got these cut up because I was kind of playing around with them and I'm ready to keep cutting and start gluing them to the table and I'm only going to be gluing them like I said in my other video when I was doing the epoxy on the countertop of the pennies the only reason why you need to glue it is because it's so like especially these ones the pennies were pretty heavy but once you pour the epoxy on these are so lightweight that they could possibly like you know rise up to the surface of the epoxy so that's the only reason why I need to glue them the way I am ready to continue on and keep gluing these and set them in place and I can't wait to see it is definitely a darker look than I thought so I'm hoping that doesn't darken the whole environment uh they're very reflective and you know the light bounces off them and such beautiful patterns hopefully that will be more captured than the initial dark appearance so anyway on to cutting more I can't wait till this is done I've already got a blister forming from cutting neza with the scissors so anyway it's a fun project and I'm I'm pretty excited about it well after probably about 12 maybe even 15 hours so we're only 12 and 15 hours over several days I finally got like I think it's a pack of 50 CDs or something I got all the CDs cut up and this is a yeah I wish I knew the pack number I think it's probably like 50 or maybe 25 no I think 50 and this is 50 CDs gone up and I've got this teeny little corner that I just didn't have enough so I'm going through some old like CDs and DVDs and stuff to see if I've got four or about probably about three more CDs that I can cut up and I found two that the back of CDs they're you know I thought they were like all kind of white or clearish but some of them are and then some of them have like this purple covering so mine I got the ones that were kind of purple on the back I'm looking for the specifically purple ones and I'm finding that it's much easier to find the clear ones I also found some CD backs that were kind of blue so I didn't know there was such a rich variety of colors on the back of CDs so anyway I am almost almost done I am so excited and once I get these cut up I'm going to polish each of them to get the fingerprints off to get the dust off and then I'll put up the tape that's going to be the barrier so that the epoxy the liquidy epoxy doesn't run over the edge when I'm ready so once I get that done then I'm going to the table is a little bit uneven so I'm actually gonna just the shocks and starting out the shocks the jacks on my RV to get this side of the table a little bit higher just to try to you know that I don't have like thicker epoxy over here and you know it'll be just uneven so and it'll be ready to pour oh my gosh I can't wait it'll be nice to have my table back being in my RV there's so much limited like tabletop or counter space anyway not having the table has been slightly disastrous in the kitchen you know it's like I have to do dishes even two or three times a day because there's really no space so I can't wait and I'm very excited I think it looks beautiful I love how it looks when the Sun shines on it on the ceiling and it changes color all throughout the day and even just different angles and stuff so I'm pretty excited and can't wait to see when it's done well I think I've kind of a point where I am ready to pour I have the entire side taped up with rigid duct tape and I've got at least I think all of the CD pieces you know scrubbed and polished for fingerprints and I think I'll do one more spray with my compressed air just to get you know the remaining dust off I've leveled the RV to try to level the table and the table all kind of wonky anyway it's you know it's kind of a lightweight one and overtime would just warps a little bit but mostly I've got it level so I'm ready with that I'm ready with my my propane torch so that I can blow heat over the air bubbles to get the air bubbles out after pouring and let's see what else have I prepared I've got to clean buckets to mix the resin in and you mix them in mix for mix them together in one big thing stir that for six minutes and you important another one and stir that for six minutes and then you pour it on so I've got my two buckets they're just outside drawing right now they got a couple more drops so they're sitting in the Sun getting ready to to be used and and I think that's it so I'm ready I'm excited I can't wait to pour this and be done with it and have a table back so all right let's start the mixing Oh whoa you well after three days my table is finally cured and I am able to use it again oh my gosh it's been like like two maybe even three weeks where I haven't been able to use it you know because I've had like these pieces laid out and then this was curing so I'm so excited to have my table bag and it's like so beautiful I absolutely loved it when I poured the epoxy on it got underneath the kind of between the shiny layer of the CDs and the plastic and it made it look even more like you know those uh rainbowy kind of shells so I'm so excited I just love it I think it is so beautiful and anyway I removed the rigid taping that was on the side and then I just like I did with the penny countertop there was you know because of the meniscus where the liquid kind of goes up along the side of the edge um it dried kind of really sharp so I had to take a razor blade and just kind of trim it down just so it doesn't have that sharp edge um anyway I I am so excited I absolutely love it I I can't stop looking at it and even when I touch it there's like a little you can kind of feel the CDs below you know I didn't have I was only using the leftover epoxy and they didn't want to have to get any more so I really had just enough if I didn't have as much as I did even just a little bit less I think I would have you know some CDs probably coming up but it's perfect you know I there totally covered there's no you know sharp edges but you just feel a little bit of kind of a you know little inclines and declines of the edges of the CD pieces so it's got a really cool texture you know it's not a hundred percent flat like my penny counter top is anyway thank you so much for watching I hope you got some good inspiration and I totally recommend going crazy and being creative with this epoxy stuff I really love it it just has such a beautiful shiny super clear finish so anyway please subscribe for more videos and like and share this video also check out pings calm its my website where I've got my RV living forum you can join the conversations and the threads on there and read other people's input and questions and there's a lot of really good information there plus you can also get your keep a simple bumper sticker anyway thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time you
Channel: Pippi Peterson
Views: 809,962
Rating: 4.8494153 out of 5
Keywords: Pippi Peterson, table top designs, beautiful tables, unique tabletop ideas
Id: Hb3bsS-4kCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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