Making Pumpkins In 30 mi And Waiting On Our Baby In Ga.

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good morning i'm helen from georgia and i'm out here this morning trying to start a project and it's 9 30 in the morning and i'm having coffee and i have y'all some coffee this this is your cup it has butterflies on it i love these cups too and i have one myself here and and it's got flowers and oh it's got beautiful stuff on it let me taste of it it's hot y'all y'all are not going to believe this i can't believe it myself you know last y'all may not know but my youth my uh facebook family uh knew about it my grandson cody and his girlfriend came over uh monday afternoon well they stayed and visited and it was such a pleasure well we we was uh talking about was about 10 days before the baby's due it's not 10 days y'all she's up there uh in the hospital now having that baby i can't even y'all i am i don't even know what i'm doing here but i was going to make a a a video this morning and i'm so out of brain right now more than usual y'all a little bit more than usual uh i am waiting on them to let me know that it's here she's been up there since uh i think 10 10 o'clock last night and it's it's wednesday here in georgia now and she went up there on tuesday night and she's still up there but the first one it takes longer sometimes uh to have one than it is for someone that's already had some but uh i i am so excited y'all and they're out of town they're not here in this town they're in another town and and i'm here i'm just sitting here waiting uh to find out what in the world i i'm i'm just i don't even know if i can do a video but anyway i i was gonna i was gonna try to do one and i am going to try to do what uh i'm waiting now on a call i hope i get i guess i'll get a message when when he can give me something uh just something to tell to tell me i'm waiting patiently trying to wait patiently i'm not doing too good on that patiently part but here's my flowers i hurriedly got these together y'all i'm not i'm not really uh i can't get them to do right y'all please forgive me if i'm a little absent a little bit more absent-minded than usual i'm just uh you know this is cody's first baby it's his first and i'm so excited for them they are going to be the best parrots you've ever seen cody's so sweet and kind and his girlfriend is sweet and kind and she's she she loves cody and cody loves her and they're gonna make good parrots i know but anyway i'm gonna get on with this project till i when i hear something i'm gonna tell y'all and it's and it's gonna be pretty soon i guess i don't know because it's been a while but some people stay in labor a long time you know uh and some people don't uh some but whenever she does something he he'll he'll assuredly call me and tell me if he don't i'm going to kill him [Laughter] i know he will though still with he said we're still waiting and i don't know if i haven't talked to him i don't know if he's in there with her or where he's outside or where they even let him go in i don't know about this you know with the virus and all this i'll be glad when i hear some some good news oh let me tell y'all what i'm gonna do if i can think of if i can get my brain out of this uproar that it's in oh let's see what am i gonna do i know i know i know what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make some pumpkins yes that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna make some pumpkins for i i don't want to wait later because i want to show y'all how i do it so maybe y'all can try it and have time to prepare get the stuff to make it with and let me uh let me get get my table ready so i can get over here and mix up my cement let me have a look another little sip of coffee y'all i think it's raining some places but and it may rain here later i don't know it may rain right here now but if it does what will i do i guess i'll get on the porch or somewhere out of the rain i see some hummingbirds back there behind me i wanna thank y'all for watching my videos thank you all for subscribing and sharing and thumbs up and all that that y'all do that's sweet and kind thank y'all so much and i reckon i'm going i'm going to clean this table off and get over here and start mixing up my cement if i if i have got if i can keep my mind on what i'm doing that long this is pretty exciting little old cody he was so little when he was now he's got a well he's going to have a baby uh oh my goodness i hope he hurries up and has it so i'll quit i probably won't be no more calm afterwards than i am now i don't know but that's that's that's the way things is and that's the way i am and i get excited and i get nervous i get this is uh an occasion that i i have not thought about having i have not thought much about this you know till all this happened i didn't know he was pretty pretty much a solitary man you know he was he wasn't interested in women and they chased him too much he didn't he don't like to be chased he don't like somebody just calling and calling and uh you know constantly he he found someone that he he he loves and and i'm happy for him okay let me let me turn the camera off and get this table fixed so i could put cement on it i'm not gonna mess up this table i'm gonna i'm gonna move all this stuff off and mix up my cement and get show y'all how to do it show y'all how i do okay let me move some of this stuff did y'all have some coffee y'all didn't have any coffee y'all probably didn't even come up here close where y'all could see and hear good like i want you to but i i talk loud maybe y'all maybe y'all can hear i'll be back shortly okay y'all i'm using the same thing i had this more to mix it dries in 30 minutes i'm gonna mix up some i'm not gonna mix up a whole bunch because i don't know if i have time to mix this stuff up and fix it before it dries so i'm not fixing a whole bunch i'm just gonna try a little bit and then i'll make some more because it doesn't take but a minute to make it all right here's two cups of mortar mix and i'm gonna put two cups gonna put almost four cups let me set it over here you really have to be prepared for this and and not wait around because it does dry in 30 minutes i mean it will get just as hard as it can be [Applause] a little bit more not a whole lot [Applause] okay i got it mixed up now let's see what i'm going to do if i can keep my mind on what i'm supposed to be doing i need something okay [Music] [Applause] y'all i'm gonna put this little jar in it so it won't take that much cement it doesn't have to be solid cement so so so okay i'm gonna let this sit over here and for 30 minutes and see what happens it's the first time i've ever done it like this okay i'm gonna let that one sit there let me go wash this pan because it'll it'll get hard y'all my i thought my camera was on and it wasn't and i mixed up some more cement now y'all know how i did that i'm gonna go back i'm gonna go over here to the table uh i got some of this stuff right here that come in some of my boxes i'm gonna roll it up and put it down in there i think i am are y'all seeing yo you don't have much time to work with this stuff before it it gets hard i mean you really have to you can't uh mix it up and mess around you gotta get get it on in wherever you want it uh pretty fast let me get my strings out this is just some string that i had okay let me let me tie this one ah okay there's that one i think this one's already dry i'm gonna make a small one now with a little baby so okay so [Applause] okay there's another one now i got i wanted a little tiny one let's see if i can get one real fast oh my goodness this mess is already getting you can't wait on this stuff y'all won't get too hard okay now let me see if i got enough stream to make this little one y'all you have to work like i don't know what that if you mix up much at the time uh because it will get hard in 30 minutes i'm telling you it it does not it will not wait on you it's hard to do stuff with rubber gloves on okay let me go wash this pan y'all i'm gonna take this one loose and let y'all see it because it's dry it's been 30 minutes and it's dry i mean let me get this stocking off can y'all believe these things have dried it ain't hardly been 30 minutes yo look there oh y'all can't see y'all this is like unbelievable to me that that stuff just did that i'm gonna take this one the loose too can y'all see it i see my bad reflection i better wait on it okay i'm gonna take this this one the loose y'all this is the easiest thing this this is a good thing to do for ball and to put on your porsche [Applause] put in your yard this is once in a lifetime occasion the first time you know they may be some more but uh the first time is is a memorable a memorable occasion i got this stocking and a knot and i don't think i can get it out and these these things right here that i uh used i got them from the dollar tree i don't i think maybe it's you get two socks for a package and they're good socks too and they're good to make pumpkins [Music] i'm getting it slowly y'all this is this is just really uh i can't imagine this stuff drying this fast this beats all i've ever seen in my life i mean i wish i hadn't known about this long time ago i'm not gonna do it right now but i'm gonna come back and i'm gonna put a stem up here out of this same stuff so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna try to do all this in one day i could but uh i'm not gonna i'm not gonna try to do that okay there's there's one okay i'm just gonna let uh i'm just gonna let it sit here and do whatever it's gonna do and i'm gonna rest a few minutes and i'll come back in here i'm gonna go in here uh where the phone is and so i won't miss a phone call if i get one i guess we don't have a baby yet but y'all i think i've already told you that i was going to go in and rest a few minutes and get calmed down a little bit maybe i'll hear something from cody and when i do i'll let y'all i'll let y'all know i i'm a little bit uh exhausted i guess from being uh a little i guess from being a little excited and a little anxiety and stuff like that you know i but i i'll come back and and i'll i won't do anything till i come back and i'll let y'all see what i'm doing from this just dried though in the fastest you've ever seen in your life and y'all know that last the other video i did i told y'all how fast it dried and it did it dried fast okay i'll be back don't go away oh i'm back out here uh it's clouding up and i haven't heard nothing else from uh cody and the baby and and dana and the baby and uh y'all it's hard on me just waiting but i know it's hard on them too i wished i knew a little more but i guess the baby hasn't come yet or i guess cody would have called me by now what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna i'm gonna mix up some more cement and put some stems on here i think i want some stems on here i i think it would look better with some stems it may rain but if it does it'll be okay [Applause] y'all know every year just about every year my pond dries up so bad that the old big birds come in here and eat all my fish up but this year it hasn't done that it hasn't dried up that bad i'm so glad i know birds has got to eat but i feed them little fish and i i would like to catch some if i had to you know this this country we are living in is in bad shape it's it's getting and people are talking about it may not be enough food but if i run out of something i might could go out there and catch a fish and eat it i sure don't want to eat no birds and i don't want anyone shooting them either because they're fat and sassy you you can't uh do much uh just waiting around on it because it will get hard as you know i s y'all saw how fast that this first one that i done it got hard before i could hardly get the second one done but i mixed up cement you know i didn't mix it all up at one time i mixed it so it wouldn't get hard while i was doing around and doing what i do and i'm slow at it look how slow i am getting this off but i got it oh look a bear look at the pumpkins okay here's my little one let me let me get it loose see what the little one looks like uh-oh i heard something dinging let me go check it oh it wasn't there wasn't anything about the baby every time i hear that thing do something i think they sent me something gracious this is a strong extreme strong strength i know uh-oh i thought i felt a drop of rain i may have to go on the porch or somewhere yes it is it's dropping rain i don't i don't know if it's gonna be a downpour or what but it don't look like it but you can't ever tell about that it's a little baby pumpkin out of here there it is okay let me move some of this stuff i thought i could get some of this stuff mixed up [Applause] i may have to get the umbrella over here i'm just mixing up a little bit for the for the stem y'all see i don't know if i need to wet that a little bit or not so do uh now no longer that i'm stirring this stuff is it's getting burned already okay i had i had the stems on here the camera cut off and while i was telling y'all uh i'm gonna i'm gonna let them set out here and finish drying which won't take long but i'm gonna go in the house for a little bit and then i'll come back out and or i'm i may wait till tomorrow i don't know whatever the weather says and and i could get on the porch if i uh had to but today uh it's kind of uh i i i'm waiting on a phone call from cody and he has it they must must don't have a baby yet but when when he does i'll come back out and let y'all let y'all know oh i think these pumpkins are and now this one y'all and i put a glass in it to kind of make it be a little bigger and not as much cement in it it's heavy as i don't know what shoot i didn't know it was going to be that heavy this one's not that heavy oh that's a little baby one um oh that's sweet i may give these to them and let them uh keep have this at their house and this is a remembrance that i was doing this while while the baby was on the way okay i'm gonna turn it off yo y'all be extra kind to uh older uh people that are feels like no one cares y'all there's so many people out there that does not feel that people want to speak to them we should always speak to people that's like that you you don't know what they've been through and you don't know what they're going through and you don't know how they feel only you can maybe say a kind word or donate them a little money or something uh to help them along their way this is some hard times y'all and and there are people out there that's hurting because of this uh this virus and i'm i'm okay because i've got food and i've got a home and i have a bed to sleep in but there are people that don't have that and a kind word will not feed anyone but it will no let them know you care that you are sorry that they are uh going through that and maybe you can help them out in a small way but you know by giving them some money to get them some food or or something like that it would be awesome and y'all i i i'm gonna go in now and rest um and decide what i'm gonna do this this is the awesomest stuff i've ever seen in my life drying that fast all these years i've been doing all this never knew about this stuff never knew you could come out here in the morning and 30 minutes later you could undo it and you will have a pumpkin it's amazing it's good it's real good to have that but you have to be prepared because you can't just mix up your cement and leave it sitting over there in the pan 30 minutes or more no you can't do that no no no you gotta mix it up get it over here put it in here fast as you can because it dries in 30 minutes 30 minutes or less i could tell this morning it was getting hard before 30 minutes but it doesn't just get hard just like that you know it slowly it starts when you when you get it mixed up i think it starts hardening right then you you got to get it put somewhere and and get it uh in the place you want it to be or or it won't it will not give none after it sets just a few minutes it will be too hard okay oh i don't have to wash nothing i can throw that away i don't like washing that old pan and that old dip and all that stuff all the time but when you do a little job you can use a little bowl all right i'm gonna go in the house and rest y'all y'all thank y'all for being here with me and watching me and uh sending me the sweetest comments i laughed sometimes i cry y'all are such a blessing to me i am amazed i am amazed that y'all watch my videos cause i i'm not all that you know i'm kind of scatterbrained and i'm i'm kind of uh i try to get everything together and all but but y'all understand that there's some of y'all out there sort of like me i pray for y'all but we make it we make it and that's all that matters we we trust the lord and he'll help us and and if and if we let him he'll lift us up and set us over way over where we thought we couldn't go he'll do that for you thank the lord okay let me let me stop because i keep saying i'm stopping and i don't stop but anyway i'll see y'all in a little bit or whenever i come back that's when i'll see y'all i guess i was working on this pumpkin and i looked over there and my camera was cut off but i'm i'm just painting on her on this one y'all i hope i sleep good tonight because i was i was too wound up last night trying to figure out everything and hoping everything and praying everything was okay and uh she stayed up there a long time and it it took a while and uh but the baby's here now and i'm so thankful and proud that cody has a has a little girl okay let me get this let me start on this other one now this little baby one y'all try this it is so much fun i'll always remember these pumpkins i was making them when when the little baby was up there trying to be born so y'all i hope i'm gonna shorten this and you know not go through every little step detail like like you know i don't want to because it's just over and over and over what i'm doing and i just want to get through with this and today i wanted to get through it today y'all last night at the uh at the hospital when we was up there praying not where cody was we was at at our hospital in this town we go up there every wednesday night and pray for the nurses and doctors and patients and everyone is affected by this dreaded cobra and one of my church family uh told me they watch my videos at night when they get into bed they watch my videos they saw the bear ginger and shane told me they watched my videos ain't that sweet okay now i'm gonna i'm gonna set this over here let me have a let me have a little sip of coffee i hope that don't fall off okay let me i think this is dry enough to because this stuff dries fast y'all i'm looking for it to rain anytime anytime now all right ain't that pretty i think i'm i think i'm gonna get another plate all right i am going to put a little bit of more orange on here oh goodness paint on me okay a little bit of yellow let's see what that does [Music] so so okay i'm gonna let this one dry i got so much out here i don't know what what to do y'all my camera keeps keeps cutting off i'm trying to get through this project yo it's sort of looking like rain it may rain any just any minute i'm trying my best to get through with this let me paint this stem while i'm painting stems i hear a hummingbird okay let me thank this little one okay y'all my camera cut off when i was finishing up these pumpkins so i just i just finished uh touching them up wasn't much left to do so i just finished it up because the clouds are coming in they're dark and they're it's it's about to rain y'all and i'm so glad it's cloudy all back there and i know it's it's about to start raining so i finished it up i wanted y'all to see her uh uh i put them on this thing where y'all could see them they're so pretty y'all try to make y'all sunk and i've got them arranged up here pretty where they're where they'll look good this is the big one that pretty okay i'm gonna set it up here i'm not gonna take them all down because they're heavy and i'm sort of tired y'all know i didn't get much rest last night anyway i want to thank y'all so much for watching my videos subscribing and sharing and clicking the bell and thumbs up all the all that y'all do for me it's such a blessing y'all y'all don't know how much y'all bless me uh by being so kind and caring because there's so much in the world that's not kind and caring but we can be kind and caring and we can be kind and caring to others that are less fortunate because there's a lot of less fortunate people out there in this world that doesn't have all the things that most of us have a home or bed some of them don't have that and i'm so uh it breaks my heart to see people in that kind of need and but i can just pray for them and and we can we can all pray and and prayer does work prayer works i know it does i've i'm seeing it work in this in this uh us praying at the hospital it works because i i see people out there that's almost dead come back and thank the lord for all his blessing thank him every day thank him for his blessings because he blesses us daily more more times than you imagine in one day we just don't sum up some people don't realize they are getting blessings when they're getting blessings but i always want to thank the lord for his blessings on me because i have blessings they have been times when i was sort of down on blessings but they always come on time on time they're never late their own time so thank you all again for watching this and i hope y'all enjoy it i hope y'all tried maybe y'all can make something uh more decorative or whatever out of this but don't forget 30-minute uh cement uh what you call that stuff uh mortar mix mortar mortar mix you you better when you mix it up you better be ready to put it in your thing i had to mix up some for this one one at a time and this one one at a time i think i made these two with one mixing but you can't dilly dally around you've got to pour it in there get your strings tied on there and get it shaped and set it over there in short time because it'll get hard y'all saw i i took it out just a few minutes while i was working on i took this one out while i was working on this one it was already dry it's just amazing to me i can't believe it even does that i i don't i don't see how it does that i cannot understand how this stuff can dry in 30 minutes but it does i i'm living proof to take all it does work and i love it and and there's some things you might not need it on but i'm just i'm just trying stuff with it you know and seeing how it does where's my coffee going y'all mate y'all made me forget my coffee [Laughter] y'all done it y'all y'all made me forget my coffee but no y'all didn't that that little brain up there's jammed in with stuff in it and it won't hardly let me think sometimes sometimes i i can think a little bit but anyway i enjoy my life and i enjoy my youtube family and my church family and my family and and and the little new baby his name is uh oh lord don't let me forget the name uh i may have to go look i can't remember it oh this is embarrassing but cody just told it to me one time uh i got to go look y'all i cannot remember i'll be right back charlotte i could not think of charlotte charlotte avery hodges ain't that sweet and she's 20 inches long and she went and she uh weighed seven pounds seven ounces she's a beautiful little baby and i'm so proud of her and i'm proud i was making this video when she was born so i'll write y'all i i am so blessed thank y'all so so much again for watching and caring and being a blessing to me i hope that y'all all have a blessed blessed rest of the day and night i hope y'all rest tonight and i hope i do i didn't get much rest last night because of my own i was i was oh you know it's hard to rest when you when you got a lot on your mind and you're wondering and you don't know what's going on and anyway i know what's going on and this is done going on i see a bloom over there on my moon flower it's got a big old bud it's gonna bloom tonight all right i i'm gonna get off y'all thank you all again so much and be extra kind to less fortunate and i'll see y'all in the next video let me have a sip of coffee ain't that pretty
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 77,642
Rating: 4.9571896 out of 5
Keywords: Making Pumpkins In 30 mi And Waiting On Our Baby In Ga., Mortar Mix dry's fast., Acrylic paint.
Id: 3ge2p7Ea4fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 28sec (3868 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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