How To make Beautiful Stained Glass Wind Chimes In Ga.

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good morning everyone how's everyone doing on this beautiful day i'm helen from georgia and i'm out here this morning going to start a new project and y'all it's cloudy and may rain so i've been trying to think of a project oh and i have coffee too y'all this is your coffee uh have a sip this morning it's good i've already tasted of it and i'm having this one that has a red bird on it let me have a little sip oh yes it's good and hot too haven't been too long made it so i'm out here this morning gonna start a new project i've been trying to think of something to do that's not too hard and too long and i can't work with cement because it may rain and and i can't uh you know cement doesn't do well when it's raining and i'm trying to do something that i can start on out here and i could take it inside and oh that's what i've been trying to figure out trying to figure out what to do that would that i could do that would i could take it inside easy so i've come up with something you know it's not much i'm telling you i'm about to run out of ideas on the time i have and what the occasion is and all uh it's time changed again y'all i did not know it i i'm back in the time zone that don't even exist i don't think but anyway i i was sunday morning i was sitting there just dragging around trying to wait for time to leave i was ready but i i i turned i picked up my cell phone to see what time it was or i don't know what i picked i picked it up and looked and i saw faith christian assembly live i said and people were singing i said what i said and that's 18 uh that's today i said oh good gracious the time must have changed and i didn't even know it lord i slung my stuff down and picked up my pocketbook and took off in the car i went up that road pretty fast oh i got there and i was late a little bit he just started preaching when i got there i was so embarrassed that i was late because i've never i i'm not well i'm i'm not usually late i was late that day i went fishing and i went back by and stopped at the church because uh it was they was having church and i was right here at it so i put some hand sanitizer on my hands and went in and sat down in the back i said the lord don't care if i'm smelled like a fish but i didn't i don't i don't think i bothered anybody and and i told the preacher you know and he he didn't he didn't mind he didn't care and anyway but i'm always early i i never am late i'm i'm most of the time i'm i'm there way ahead of time but i don't know i'm slipping a little bit i i don't watch tv that much and i don't think i watched it that day and i went to bed and i didn't know the time changed i was just out of it really oh yo wait did y'all get 80 almost 83 years old see how y'all do i hope maybe y'all be doing better than me i i i'm i'm i'm doing something all the time it's just i've been sort of repotting flowers and planting stuff planting tomatoes and all kinds of stuff i'm just going all the time i don't slow down much but anyway i did uh miss a little few minutes of church but i saw it and i went back and looked at it because it's on uh it's on facebook they put they they have it live on sunday morning so i went back and watched a singing that i missed i y'all it's bad when you have more to do than you really have time to do and your brain don't my brain don't keep up with my mind's a little slow and it's dragging but it's just me here and i do what i want to do and i don't uh worry about if i'm bothering somebody or not but i might be bothering y'all but if y'all don't like it y'all can turn the thing off and someone told me i need to sell my wind chimes and get some that sounded good they don't like my wind chimes but everybody don't like everything you know everybody don't like the same things i don't like them and i i do like them but i don't really them long ones it sounds like chiming and stuff they're pretty and i like them but i've got these and i like them and a lot of people like them so i'm keeping them for a while because oh i like them out here they they sound good and and i i enjoy having them here and the birds like them too i guess they don't they don't seem to mind well let let me tell y'all what i'm gonna do before i get too far in oh here's my flowers y'all i went and picked them uh in my yard uh what uh what i'm gonna do y'all y'all y'all don't know what this is i know i didn't want a long hard project and this might be long and hard i don't know but this is it looks like a shell it was wind chimes at one time and they fell apart and this is this is what they look like they're i think there's some sort of shells from the ocean but they're flat and they're smooth what i'm gonna do is they sound pretty good when they they have a little i'll show y'all when i get them ready and i've got a little thing here that i'm gonna put them on i'm gonna make some wind chimes i'm gonna make some my way out of these what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put i've got all kind of of uh stained glass little pieces here i don't have anything to put them in i didn't bring anything out here to show y'all i'll just put them in my hand this is this is what i have all kind of little pieces of stained glass what i'm thinking about doing is sticking i'm on here like sticking them on here like this all over this side and on the back i'm gonna i'm gonna have some wind chimes that are halfway created by me i didn't make these these come from the ocean or somewhere i bought them at big lots long time ago and they came apart and so i've kept these little shelf things all this time and i'm gonna uh put all kind of little pieces of of this stained glass on here on on both sides i'm gonna stick them on and i'm gonna put uh i don't i don't know if i'm gonna put resin on them or if i'm gonna just stick them on here with glue oh i haven't decided yet y'all i'm i'm trying to get something going before it rains and and something i can start out here because i have things blooming and i have uh flowers blooming and i'm gonna show y'all some of them uh i'm gonna go around and let y'all see a little apple tree that i had last year it is blooming again anyway last year my apple tree bloomed out you know what happened it froze it became a freeze kill my blooms i was so upset because it killed the balloons that i had but i'm gonna i'm hoping that don't happen this year but last year when it froze frozen it re-bloomed again it didn't have as many blooms as it did the first time it came but the it it bloomed again and the apples were so pretty and big and nice and i was gonna let them ripen a little you know turn turn uh red and stuff i went out there to get my apples they wasn't a apple on that tree i was so upset about my apples the squirrels ate them i was sitting in there on my couch and i can see out out here because i look at my birds and stuff and i see them running across the yard with something in their mouth i didn't know they were eating my apples up i'm trying to figure out what i can do to keep them from from getting them maybe i can wrap them up with some kind of knitting or something i can't wrap up the whole tree because it's too big but maybe i can find some netting to put around a limb i don't know if that would keep they'd probably eat the net and get in there and eat them with steel i don't know but anyway i'm gonna have to try to figure it out when i when it's time for them to get ready they don't bother them when they're green uh i don't guess i don't know but anyway y'all i i guess i i don't need any more wind chimes because some people are not even liking them and they do get loud you know i know everybody don't like wind chimes like i do and they don't bother me at all but some people are irritated by them they say they can't even hear me talking but i don't know what to do about that i i like the wind chimes and and they they probably are people that don't like them and don't watch my videos because of them maybe i don't know but uh they are people that like them and and they they have bought some like them and oh let me thank y'all for watching my videos and subscribing and sharing and clicking the bell and all that you do for me that uh is so sweet and thank y'all so much for the uh fan mail i my camera cut off i got i got some stuff that my camera does the craziest stuff when it cuts off when it finally cuts off it cut off way back somewhere before it looks like it cut off so i missed some of my openings and i'm so sorry i i would not have that to happen for nothing but you know i don't know it till i take it in there and uh look at it and see that that i'm i'm i had i had a big old envelope of seeds i mean a humongous bag of all kinds of seeds i've got seeds okra seeds uh tomato seeds cucumbers watermelons cantaloupes you name it i got it i wa i won't go hungry if i if i get out here and plant it and i've been what i've been doing is the little boxes that that stuff come in the little square boxes i i cut them off there about this high i filled them up with potting soil and i planted some seeds in them and and i set them around there to start growing up against the house where it's warm so when they start coming up and i know they gonna be okay and uh it's not gonna freeze anymore i'm to just dig out and plant that box because this just paste board it it will uh the box will deteriorate and and let the plants grow because it's just paste board it it it won't uh hurt it won't hurt i think the roots will grow anyway so anyway i've been doing all kinds of stuff y'all and i i would i'd love to go fishing i'd love to do a whole lot of stuff i i don't have time to do and but i'm gonna i'm gonna do this i bought some some real strong fishing line that i'm gonna hang these up and and let y'all see how pretty they go they gonna be real pretty i'm gonna show y'all how pretty they are when i get them started i'm gonna get my glue and stuff and start gluing some on here and they won't be alike they'll be like you know i'm just gonna stick these colors on here and i think they're gonna be real real pretty and i i don't know i know this is real some kind of stuff from the ocean because it's got little uh stuff like shells have at the beach and i'm gonna i'm gonna make them for y'all and let y'all see how pretty they are let me let me get my glue and come back i don't know where to start out here on it or not because it's cloudy and i'm afraid it might start raining but i'm i'm gonna get the glue and come out here and do a little bit anyway and let y'all see how it looks or how i'm gonna start it i got to cut some little pieces and i got my my little cutter wherever it is here it is these little pieces i'm gonna stick them on here i'll see y'all see the wind blowing the siri said it was gonna rain so i guess it's gonna rain i don't i'm gonna get my glue and i'll be right back okay i'm back y'all i'm out here oh i can't believe it the sun has come out i'm telling you the weather is unpredictable in georgia okay which one am i going to start on first i think i'll i think i'll start on this [Music] one it's gonna be little pieces okay i'm gonna put some blue on here y'all i can't believe the sun is shining i'm telling you it's unfor unpredictable weather okay i changed my camera around just a little bit so maybe y'all can see the sun's shining and chimes i stopped for a little while because i needed to rest so i i'm back out here now and trying some stuff i'm telling you nothing is easy anymore it's it's all every time you try something it's a it's a challenge uh to [Applause] try to try to make something and try to make it the way you want it to be is it's kind of and that glue is on my finger i guess it won't hurt nothing can y'all believe this weather is so unpredictable that you don't know what to do and when to do you just have to try things happen that's all i gotta say y'all i couldn't i cannot believe the sun is shining but thank the lord for it y'all when i get the hang of this when i get all my stuff going and maybe it won't take so long but i'm not gonna make y'all watch every all this stuff because i know it's boring to see how slow i'm going but it's gonna be pretty and you have to find something to fit in a place sometimes that's a little bit difficult it's almost here the rain is is pretty close it's pretty pretty close now because i can see the clouds and they are dark and that's what it means it means it's fishing the brain and and i knew it was coming i didn't know exactly when but uh you know it's unpredictable when it's gonna be but they pretty well know what they're talking about most of the time when they say it's gonna rain uh it pretty pretty uh much it's gonna rain wind is another thing but you know it's coming and y'all i didn't know i didn't know this was gonna be which i do i ought to know because i've messed with stained glass and stuff before and i know that i'm too particular about where i put something it's what i think the problem is oh yo i'm just gonna have to go in because i know it's it's about to rain i'm gonna cut it off and in a minute i i got to cut it off before it rains because i got to get all my things in i sure don't want uh i don't want to get wet but but i believe it's just about here just about here i might feel a drop i don't know i need to stop right now and get it in because i sure don't want to get wet and i sure don't want my uh cameras and all that to get wet i don't have one more little thing to put in and i would love to get something right there that's my problem i don't want to quit okay there's there's one i don't know if y'all could see me working if y'all couldn't i'm just gonna cut it out because i'm trying to i left the little hole can you see there's the hole i can't see what y'all can see the hole is right there right back there now i got to do this side because it's going to be turning okay ain't that pretty it's gonna be pretty wherever i decide to hang it okay i'm gonna stop i'm gonna let y'all see the the clouds because they're up there and they're dark y'all see the clouds i ought to be done in the house but i'm i'm kind of oh i got a lot of stuff to pick up too uh i'm gonna show y'all my uh flowers in the yard if i have if i can before it uh rains so i'm gonna turn this part off right now and and then i'm gonna show y'all i'm gonna turn the camera off and get my stuff in before i do that all right i'll see y'all y'all be uh kind to each other and subscribe and share and uh y'all know and y'all are so sweet and kind thank you so much for watching me i'm gonna cut it off now no this is my little apple tree that bloomed last year and it bloomed early i don't remember if it bloomed earlier than this or not but it come a freeze and killed all the blooms okay here's my japanese magnolia blooming so pretty i'm gonna get up close oh they are beautiful y'all this is some spring flowers that i have blooming here's some some plum trees that i planted years ago and this is a vine growing up in there and it's it's carolina jasmine or something it smells so sweet it is has a sweet sweet smell oh what that's a big uh it's a big tree it's been planted long long time and it uh has diseases and stuff on it but it's still alive it's not dead but it probably won't live too much longer but y'all look this is a gourd that i planted last year it went up in a tree and it's way up there look how far it is to the ground it is where is it i've lost it here we go here's the ground it went up in the tree there it is way up there like i'm telling you i can't get it down it went up that that biggest tree and there there's the ground part right there and it went up that tree and i reckon it'll be there until it gets ready to come down because i sure can't get it down i never had a gourd to go that high before which i i've never planted gourds before i didn't know they would grow that way well let me turn it off and thank y'all so much for being so sweet and caring i just wanted to let y'all see my uh some of this stuff in my yard that's blooming it but it won't be long y'all have a blessed blessed evening and i love y'all thank you so much for watching my videos bye bye y'all we are having tornado warnings and the trees are blowing and i sure hope it doesn't get real real bad the light has already went off two times but it came back on but all right i just wanted to show y'all this i'm going to get back in there to my my uh wind chime making good morning everyone y'all if i suddenly disappear uh we're having tornado warnings here and the wind is blowing and the light has went out three times already this morning i am trying to get this project finished i worked on this i worked on these little things they are so pretty but you can't see how pretty they are because there's no light shining on them or nothing but anyway i worked on them and i put y'all would not believe how much time i spent on these little bitty things i think my projects are gonna be short and maybe uh not so long if i let y'all see all that that i done all i done though was put glue on here and stick these little things in here my goodness i got all one side done then i had to turn it over and do another side they are so pretty though i wish y'all could see the full effect i don't guess the sun's going to come out today because uh there's warnings tornado warnings all over and if i suddenly just disappear y'all know the tornado got me i hope that don't happen but i wanted to let y'all see how pretty they are so pretty i wish this i wish the the light was on them a little better but i don't know how i could i don't know how oh good morning y'all i'm having i'm i'm i'm not together this morning i wanted to get this project done so i could put it on youtube and it seems like everything's happening it might have been it but i'm gonna try my best i didn't let y'all see all the all that that i did because it's it's just this sticking it on every and that takes a lot of time that's not that big but and i didn't think it would take that long but my thinking ain't always the way it ought to be what i what i'm gonna do now is i'm going to where is my where's my stream let me get it i i bought some fishing string to hang these up by where's my oh there's my scissors i'm trying to figure out how long they need to be this is a pretty strong this is what i need for fishing for for catching bass it's 50 pound test [Laughter] 50 pound a fish could be on that and not break so i don't think i got to worry about catching up 50 pound fish but okay let me i i left a little hole here somewhere y'all my little rabbit is back my little hop along i call him he's back i don't know where he goes and why he stays going uh where he might be here i just don't see him but i'm outside a lot and i and i haven't seen that little rascal there's a hole oh oh there it is there it is i'm putting the string through that hole and i'm gonna tie it like like a fishing line i reckon oh let's see if i can i don't how do i do it i don't forgot how i think you twist your line telling you it's it's just hard to get something done and the weather the way it is and it's pretty one day well uh we've had a right good many pretty days but it's it's uh i like all of them pretty but you know we can't have that we can't have that but i like them anyway oh i'm i've been planting stuff and getting ready to plant stuff and i my time i'm just my time it gets gone and i have to go and go to town and that takes up a lot of my time and i don't really care about even going but i have to let me see i can't see how to get that in that little thing i'm ready to go fishing again but i don't know i bought me a new spinner so i can get get a bigger fish i don't know if i if i'm gonna get one or not but okay i got that tied i reckon i got it tied y'all last year saint patrick's was canceled and it's cancelled this year uh not having it because of the virus and oh my goodness we we're gonna survive i guess uh i got some little beads here that i'm gonna put on here to make them look prettier i'm ready to get them fixed and finished and get them hung up they're not going to cling together like mine out there that that lady that didn't like my wind chimes might like these because they don't they they're not gonna make any noise when they were just shells they kind of made a dual noise but i've done let me see let me clean them together see they're not going they're not going to do nothing they're not going they're just going to be pretty hanging up where's my little here's my little little thing i'm going to put them on i got to figure out how long to make them and all the all kind of stuff you got to think about and figure out and they not going to all be the same length i i may not even have any of them other wind chimes out there because that wind is doing some blowing okay let me see ah i don't that's a little bit long in my opinion see how it's gonna turn [Music] i'm telling you this is some big old fishing line i i need it when i go catch a big old bass but there's no danger of me catching a 50 pound bass and breaking this line and i wouldn't mind hanging one and probably break that pole all the pieces y'all things you just have to be patient and deal with whatever comes up that that that you haven't i try to find a project that that'll that will that i can do well i was going to do this project and i was going to go outside and do it out there well it rained it didn't rain while i was doing that but it rained it rained that afternoon after i got finished with what i was doing it rained and it rained the in the night uh and thundered and lightning and but i didn't it didn't do it while i was outside so i was thankful for that and now this ain't gonna be this ain't gonna be the prettiest thing i've ever seen it's just gonna hang out there in the yard and it's gonna turn like this and all these colors and it's got little mirrors it's got little i'm sure oh let me get up this it's got that red is red mirrors and the and it's got blue and it's got a regular mirror and all these beautiful tiles here it's gonna be so pretty and it's so both sides oh it's gonna be so pretty when i get it fixed okay let me see how many holes how many holes have i got one two three four five six seven eight nine it's nine so let me see how many i got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten i got ten little things and nine little holes okay let me let me see i'm not gonna have the same height length or whatever you want to call it let me see if i can get it tied off now this is the biggest fishing line i've ever seen in my life i i went to walmart and i wanted something to do this with i i i wanted some strong uh uh line to hold this because uh i did i didn't i didn't want no little thin uh stuff that might break or something i wanted something it would hold up and because these little things y'all wouldn't believe how heavy they are with all that stuff stuck on how'd it i didn't know but that that don't matter it's gonna hold up it don't matter how heavy it is oh okay let me see y'all this is this is one of a kind y'all y'all know uh there's nobody got no shells like this and got these little things and it's gonna make a wind chime like this this is one of a kind i don't know where the hole is now it's there i just ain't got time oh here's here's one i can try y'all if this camera cuts off i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and be working on it because it's like it's like this right here it's the same old thing like tying and and i know y'all don't care about seeing all that stuff this fish and i just keep rolling around and that getting in my way oh shoot i forgot to put my little bead on it oh i can do that afterwards what's wrong with me y'all think i'm getting old [Laughter] i think i am i think i i think i am i'm telling you i want to tell y'all a little story uh when we when we was you know when we lived in the country and we didn't have a car we didn't have nothing we didn't have any electricity we moved from there my daddy went in the navy and we was we was out there and we moved to swainsboro and me and my sister would come home from school where's the hole in that thing i know it's got one dude me and my sister we went to school and after school we decided to stay and play outside because my mama was working and my daddy was in the navy no my daddy was was home by then my daddy had got out of the navy and uh some of some of uh i think some more youngins was with us and we decided to play after school and on the playground because they had all kinds of stuff we never had that's kind of stuff to play with or nothing and oh we stayed and played and well it got it getting later i guess i don't know it wasn't too late but uh we we we didn't go home where we needed to we was playing and having a good time and we got out there [Music] this big old hill of black stuff was out there we didn't know what it was we y'all my camera cut off while i was telling y'all about our adventure me and my sister was on i i told y'all we went to the school uh we didn't leave we just we we just stayed and played anyway we didn't know what coal was we didn't know it would get on you we were just running up and down in that mess and we was black we didn't even realize how dirty we was i mean that stuff would get on you i've never seen any cold before anyway we played and oh lo and behold my daddy we looked up and we saw my daddy coming to get us and let me find this hole hmm i don't know where that one is let me look for another one anyway he come here he came and found us he had a big old long whip in his hand and we we were scared today he would say yeah did y'all know what time it is that y'all was supposed to be home and we didn't know what time it was we were just playing and having us a big old time on that cold and because we didn't know what it was we just we just act like it was a mountain and we were just running up and down it and i got to see this hole wherever it is he'd say your mama's gonna tear you up when you get home mama whipped us but daddy didn't but he would scare us to death like um we knew mama would whip us but and we didn't know daddy wouldn't but he never did i can't find the hole let me see if i can find a hole on this one oh here it is anyway he he take that whip and he'd pop it up against his britch's leg and it sounded oh that sounded terrible we just knew we don't get beat to half to death and i think we did oh my goodness he's saying your mama's gonna tear you up when you get home he'd hit himself and we jump about this high off the ground every time he do that it was tickling him because it was funny to him he wasn't gonna get a whip anyway we we uh we got home shored enough we got a whip we didn't never go play on that cold pile again we we thought we liked we liked playing and stuff you know we're just having us a good time we didn't know we're gonna get a whipping though we might not have had such a good time we didn't know what was coming huh we used to do all kind of stuff that really probably was dangerous you know uh they used to be a sawmill uh close to our house and it was like a mountain too it was like way up yonder it was piled up and and we there was some more youngins in our neighborhood that uh come play with us and we we'd uh we decided we was gonna go to that uh sawmill after they closed and play on that pile of sawdust we was running up and down that sawdust pile i mean it was like a mountain really it was tall it was way up it's taller than this this house we went we'd play on and that was so dangerous we could have got a stuck with a splinter or a piece of wood or i don't even know if we had any shoes i think we hit with barefoot and we we played over there on that thing we didn't get no whip in that time i don't think nobody knew it was over there we didn't we didn't we didn't get caught over there playing in that mess [Laughter] you know youngest do some crazy stuff when they little but back then it wasn't as dangerous as it is now with children going off and uh doing stuff by the you know just young and playing around but uh nowadays uh the children can't do that they can't uh wander off and play and do that kind of stuff like we did because it's too dangerous but times have changed drastically i don't know i don't know what kind of uh things will be happening in the coming years because uh children are are not can't even do near what we used to do and and we didn't and it you know we never got well we didn't get hurt or nothing we we gotta it hurt when we got whipping for doing something we did what shouldn't have been doing but we we didn't think nothing was wrong with it we were just playing but we found out we found out we supposed needed to be home and we we wouldn't i don't know how daddy knew where we was we didn't live far from this school he might have figured that's where we was i don't know but you got to have fun doing something we didn't have we didn't have much and we just played with what was what was available we thought we was on the school yard it was okay you know and we we didn't know we needed to be home my sister was two years younger than me her birthday was march the 13th and 9th march the 20th two years apart but she was always bigger than me and like acted she was younger but she acted older she she really uh was more mature than i was when i uh she she always acted older i always played around and done a lot of i i wasn't serious about nothing i was just playing and having a good time but youngins will do things that is is a danger and they don't realize it you know they don't they just doing stuff for the moment you know they don't think about uh well i don't all we done i guess was getting so dirty and my mama she didn't like us to get dirty she made our clothes and and had a flower sacks and whatever she had she could sew anything she could make clothes and she didn't like for us to get dirty but we got dirty that day we got i mean you could you couldn't even tell who we was we're so dirty but that's that's all gone now in the past and but i still got my memories and i still like to think about what i used to do and how i was and y'all back it back in them days we didn't have computers and we didn't have to tell we didn't have a telephone we had one bicycle between between us and we had to write it together or write it one at a time and a lot of times i i wrote it and my sister would sit on the seat and i'd peddle it i was a little old skinny little thing and she was a little heavier than me she didn't wanna pedal she wanted to ride i don't think i ever remember a time her uh pedaling the bicycle and me sitting on the seat because she just she just didn't do that she wanted she wanted to ride in me to pedal and that seems like it's been the story of my life a little bit you know i think it is pouring down right i hear something it sounds like right let me go look i know it is because i hear it oh my goodness yep it's raining that right out right there's where i would be if it wasn't raining and it wasn't a tornado coming but it i got my little uh hummingbird things out but i haven't seen a hummingbird all right let me turn it off and go back over here to the table i knew it was raining because i could hear it maybe maybe the tornado watch is over y'all it is is it's good to have memories that uh that you can look back on and remember how it was thank the lord for our memories that we have that you know that if you lose your memory then you've lost a lot now i'm probably gonna turn it off and uh finish up this this is like what i what i did down here this is just same old thing over and over and over and yeah i've showed y'all how i'm doing it i'm putting fishing line uh on it and and that's over and over and over and y'all y'all already see how to do it so there's no need in y'all having to watch all this whenever oh y'all uh i want to thank y'all for watching my videos and subscribing and sharing and clicking the bell and all that y'all do uh thank y'all so much i know y'all could be watching a a a lot more professional somebody than me but thank y'all for for coming and watching my videos and being so kind and caring are y'all believing this i'm finished with it is it not beautiful oh it's so pretty y'all i wish y'all could see it i think i'm gonna take it out on the porch y'all see it on the outside and i want to thank y'all again and be kind to others less fortunate people be kind to them and anyone that has is down on their look and or looks like having a hard time or a bad day smile and and ask them how they're doing and and be cheerful and maybe it'll cheer them up thank y'all so so much for watching my videos outside maybe a tornado won't blow us away y'all this is this is my wind chimes i i hope y'all can see how pretty they are they are beautiful and it's and it is still dropping rain it's slacked up for just a minute and i thought i would come out here and let y'all see how pretty they are and it's dropping oh it's some black clouds back there oh my goodness well anyway thank y'all so much for watching this process i know it wasn't the best in the world but it's the best i could do under the circumstances uh thank y'all so so much be a blessing and and try this if y'all uh try to make uh some wind chimes and see how if you put a stained glass on them you'll find out it's it's pretty time consuming but everything i do is time consuming just about but anyway thank you y'all want y'all to see it how pretty is my lens bogging up
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 62,694
Rating: 4.9502406 out of 5
Keywords: How To make Beautiful Stained Glass Wind Chimes In Ga., How To - Ken Wingard's DIY Glass Wind Chime - Hallmark, How to Make Sea Glass Wind Chimes, Stained Glass Windchime with Marbles and Beads, HOW TO: Glass Wind Chime
Id: NAHPbYDjdgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 20sec (4220 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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