Cement Planter From Grandsons Blue Jeans In Ga.

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good morning everyone how is everyone doing this beautiful cloudy a little bit day but it's not cold get my table fixed I won beveled table oh okay yo can y'all believe it how pretty it isn't is 52 degrees out here in Georgia I wasn't planning on coming out here this morning and doing anything because I figured it was not gonna it rained yesterday or last night or sometime but it's not raining and I don't know if it's supposed to rain or not but I'm gonna try to get through before it rains I am so y'all come on man I'm not cooking today I don't have anything cooking but I've been eating stuff I have cook biscuits and sausage and oh let's see something I was like oh ham I cooked some ham oh it's so good and I cook some hamburgers and gravy and biscuits I've been just cooking all kind of stuff yeah maybe I can gain some of my weight back that a little smile I was sick but anyway yeah here's your coffee my company come on in here and get you a sip of coffee I'm gonna have a sip of mine right now Oh oh it's so good it's good coffee I made it with my pocket lady y'all sold my pocket lighter in there that's clicking along I don't know how long it's gonna last but it's lasted this long and I guess maybe it'll last longer I don't know I don't know how long that kind of stuff lasts sometime it lasts a long time sometimes it don't but y'all my Birds I don't know where they are sometime they're out here I think that's to see one out there on the tree now but might not be one I can't see you feel good way up over there but anyway I've had bluebirds coming around going into little birdhouses checking it out already in this January wait only over in January it's not the first but I guess they come check out things and get ready so they know it's coming and I'm proud of it I am proud to be coming coming spring pretty soon now it won't be long and I love it and my bullet look ya'll my bush is just blooming blooming and it's not supposed to be blooming yet but I'll take it you know but I wanted to boom again when it's time like in the spring I don't know if it will or not all these blooms they might not have anymore by then I hope they do y'all is so nice to be out here and not be freezing and I know some of y'all are freezing snow and ice and all that stuff but I live in Georgia y'all where's unpredictable I mean unpredictable you cannot say well I'm gonna do something tomorrow because it's gonna be pretty you don't know till tomorrow what you gonna do because the weather has its own mind and it does what it wants to and you just have to adjust yourself to it because oh well if I was doing stuff inside I wouldn't have to adjust anything I could just do it in there like when I cook it doesn't matter if it's cold outside or raining or whatever but when I'm out here it matters it matters about the weather you have to pick a time when it's gonna be pretty and I love pretty weather even if it's not sun shining but I love my sunshine and this is my peaceful place and I love it I have the most precious memories here at my peaceful place I have some that it's not too good but I'm gonna brush them away and not even think about them anymore because look what I got now yo I've got my youtube and my YouTube family is a blessing to me I have never been so blessed in my whole life as I am with my YouTube family yo don't miss a thing I say or a thing Cody says I don't see how y'all no notice all them little thanks you know did y'all notice I would think maybe people don't care by seeing all that here and all that little bitty stuff like Cody's calling me sweetheart he he's a he's a sweetheart his self when he wants to be and he can be contrary sometime to me you know jahmai in my thinking but I'm not a young boy like him you know I'm I'm old and I'm I just think people should feel good all the time and he doesn't feel good all the time I feel good more than he feels good I think when he wakes up he comes in there and he's I don't know where to say good morning or where to just sit there night like I don't see my walk till he says something you know he does it he's when I wake up I'm awake all over and I'm happy and I I say good morning how you doing oh it's a beautiful day ain't it the sunshine and everything Cody uh-huh you say so yeah it's hilarious the way he is you know and uh but we have fun and I'm so proud of him for feeling he feels like he he's just look after makeups I know and I think I think I do a lot of looking after him but he looks after me - yo he's he's uh he's been through a lot a lot in his laughing and I know that can affect your thinking but I want to give him a positive you know be positive and be caring and be kind and they'll be come back most of the time you know if you ill and hateful you know other people might be that way to you so anyway I talked to Newark y'all but I'm gonna turn the camera up and let y'all see this Bush I don't know how much longer it's gonna stay blooming but I'm not complaining y'all I'm not complaining at all I just want it to bloom in the spring cuz I like spring and I like all these things that starts coming out of the ground little boobs and all these - look trees I don't oh let's see what do you call up the add up about what you call them they they big purple pinkish tulip looking things and they don't they bloom before the leaves come out these these things here the leaves never shed this uh this bush here with these red blooms on it is a Laura pendulums the leaves never shed off completely they they always have leaves on and they're ready to looking and then they bloom with those bright pink blooms that they are so pretty but let me show y'all the the blooms and then I'll get on with whatever I'm doing here whatever that is there is can y'all believe that it is awesome awesome y'all I just love it I can sit in my oh let me go sit back down yeah I can I can sit in there in my house on the couch I have a glass door up here it's glass from the top to the bottom and I can look out and see all my birds eating out here eating out there and I have bird feeders all over but they don't come here you know when I'm out here they they stay kinda at a distance know I might better get on with know what I'm doing here is it's getting cloudier and cloudier if that's a word Oh yo thank y'all so much for watching my videos and subscribing and sharing and clicking the bail and thumbs up and all that stuff it is wonderful that y'all do that for me I cannot believe it when you get old good things like this can happen to you I cannot believe it I mean I should have started yes but anyway I'm doing it now I couldn't have done it long time ago I could I didn't the opportunity wasn't there I asked the Lord to help me when I was in need I had some trials in my life after my husband died it was uh it was just terrible because people came in and tried to ruin me and I asked the Lord to help me and he did he helped me because I didn't know I could do this stuff I didn't know it I've never done it in my life and when you ask the Lord something in and if he sees fit and he thinks it's a good thing he'll help you and he helped me he gave me y'all and he gave me this ability to do this stuff that I'm doing to entertain myself and entertain you if you like that kind of stuff I don't know if everybody likes it but and everybody don't like me talking too much so I'm gonna get over here now and tell y'all what I'm gonna do I just decided that this morning y'all I had maybe any plans or anything I just decided to do this this morning so let me let me get my things over here and tell y'all what I'm gonna do shouts copy y'all better take a sip miss y'all missing something if you're not let me get this up here and show y'all what I'm gonna do okay y'all uh I did this one time before uh two or three years ago but I done it with some big jeans but anyway I went in the storage room this morning and I'd uh you know I got everything I got so much stuff I could just dig around it I know Stevie thing in the world you can think of and I think maybe some of y'all might have be like that but this is a pair of little blue jeans that was Cody's oh yo he was so little and sweet and cute and he still is he ain't little I mean he's pretty little he's young anyway I'll say that oh that's a red bird flying up here won't hit me to go home but anyway these our Cody's little jeans Lord he couldn't get a arm hardly in this little leg now where's big old muscles uh I'm going to preserve these jeans with some Semien I'm gonna put I'm down in some cement and I'm going to let him dry and I'm gonna have a little planner out of Cody's blue jeans won't that be sweet and y'all look they are size 10 regular okay let me see if I can get him snapped yeah they snap look at their things thank nothing but he wore I bought these for my I always kept him some clothes over here at my house because when he went home with my clothes they never came back and he didn't have I'd have to go buy him some more when he came back so so I would buy him some clothes and I mean I would let him take some home but some of them I kept here because she never sent any clothes you know she just brought him or either I went and met her somewhere and picked him up she did not send any clothes so I would always buy him some clothes and these are not wore out thank you they still good jeans I don't but I'm gonna put cement on them and I'm gonna fix them as a planner and you'll have these for a long time way after I'm gone but anyway I'm gonna that's what I'm gonna do yo and I'm gonna mix up my uh my cement let me see I'm saying that wrong people tell me I say it wrong uh submit submit is that how you specific yo Georgia people talk different than some of y'all we told flat and Georgia talking but that's how I've always told didn't I don't know how to talk no other way and I can't help it I don't know how I don't you can't old people don't change the way they very much you know I don't I can't I'm I'm to older I mean when I get out of here to token I don't like I talk I don't try to talk like I'm something else that I'm not you know I try to talk the way I talk the way I talk I can't help it so y'all have to just bear with it and just watch it if you don't like the way I talk so okay what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to I'm gonna mix up my cement and dip these jeans in it and put them over here on this table and when I get them fixed the way I want them where they'll be they'll be stiff and they're their hole oh they'll be they'll hold a flower they'll do uh let me let me go around here and get some that I done a long time ago it show you it's still around let me go get it I'll be right back okay y'all there's my the ones that I made before they have been outside all this time they're beginning to need a little touch-up maybe on them but there's still you know there's still a little blue jean flowerpot now this was not cooties here this was not codons but uh this is this is a mine this is stonewashed looking genes but these I don't really exactly know how I'm gonna do it yet but I'm gonna do it similar to this so but they're gonna be a lot smaller so I'm gonna get over here now and mix up I see me and get started y'all I'm so proud to be out here I just and it's not cold y'all was just awesome it is winner y'all wintertime and unpredictable weather okay I don't talk way too much okay I'm gonna get over I'm gonna turn it off now and I'm gonna get over here mix up my cement put on my rubber gloves and get this stuff started so I can fix this little pair of jeans into a planter this was Cody's so I'll be right back don't go way y'all y'all be sippin on when you copy well I'm doing there [Laughter] I put powder in my gloves to help him to get on go on better y'all I'm gonna cut these jeans off a little bit I don't need them to be this long as they are so I'm gonna cut cut them off a little okay I'm gonna mix up my scene yet this is this thing right here hold to two cups that's to four I'm gonna put six cups I don't really think I need six cups but they'll be good and good and still okay I'm just putting sitting in this not sand or anything just seeing it and I want it kind of right in the toast these jeans have to soak up this okay that looks pretty good to me I'm gonna start dipping now okay here they go you know it doesn't have to be your grandchild or anything you can just make that letter out of old jeans just go to the Salvation Army or somewhere and they don't cost much you know old ones that people have outgrown they stay yo cuz there there's something over there that I yell can go back on my old videos and and see how I made them y'all some people tell me that they enjoy just sitting back and watching my videos that you know some people are turning homebound a little you know maybe I can't get out I haven't got that well I haven't got that way yet I mean you never know what's gonna happen to you in your life that you you were not planning if I you know when I get where I can't do this anymore when that happens I hope it don't happen anytime soon without you I really enjoy doing this and y'all seem to enjoy me do it and I want other videos other people make and it's good to see what other people in other parts of the United States out of the United States see how they do things everybody doesn't do things the same way as we do in Jordan I found that out with my cooking you know I could breathe some people said they never heard of grits which has been in my life oh my I was raised eat because it was cheap and we had it we had it at our at our house we grew up my granddaddy grew corn that's what grits is : ground up corn and and you cook it and it gets thick and you put butter in it that's what I put in mind good okay thanks I've got these pretty saturated y'all saturated myself too oh god see peeing all over me okay I'm gonna get over here to the table now oh I need to wash my hands I can't do much with you with cement all over you I'm trying to get over here and not touch nothing too much no way I'm over here on this this this plastic here is my birdseed bag under the shelter in case it rains that it won't get wet okay I got it now where I can y'all can see it and I can see it and y'all see how much see me and I got on my hands and arms and everything but that's all right it'll come off you're not gonna hurt you too bad I don't know if they think it's gonna rain and it may I don't know you can't ever tell about Georgia weather cuz it didn't look like this this morning when I decided to do this I decided to do this this morning I went in the storage room and I looked around I said well no I'm gonna I'm gonna try to make something okay I don't I don't really remember how I done this other part I know I saw her push the pants legs up in there it's been on Wow since I made the mother was really when I first started I think it's when I sorta thought about doing that I hadn't ever done it before I just thought it up you know and I thought I'd try it and there's the day they are sitting right over there and I mean they haven't been inside either they they have been outside they have been outside in the rain and the cold and all that all that you know they I think I need to push him up a little bit more that's good right there baby I've made crocheted things would see me at and well that was my mother's and and there's well I don't believe that I don't leave them outside let me go around here and okay y'all my camera cut off well I was talking and I don't know where it cut off I've got some of this stuff that you put in things got a hip he thinks will get broken when you shipping something I may have to get something hey I don't know that my camera's straight got singing oh man I can't mess with my camera right now I don't I got Nick hit something else okay I'm back I went and found something to put in here see so plastic milk containers I think when I made this one over here they were big and I used up milk jugs I'm saving this in this side yo I wasn't very prepared I just decided to do this this morning I mean it was just I hadn't found in it I thought I was gonna use that other stuff but that other stuff don't stand up I know like I won't it - okay I'm gonna try to snap this back now see that we will work I don't remember having this much trouble with the with the other one all I wanted to do is hang in there and stand up and let it get drunk can y'all see them I'm gonna let them dry some now let me see Oh over me okay y'all I'm gonna I'm gonna let this dry some and it's it's got to dry just a little maybe and see if I need to do anything else it's just needs to stiffen up just a little bit thank y'all so much for watching this and bearing with me through all this stuff that I'm trying to do ah it's gonna be pretty y'all I think it's leaning maybe but either way I'll get it setting up that's gonna be pretty cause these little jeans alright y'all okay y'all I'm gonna cut the camera off and get something to cement off of me because it is everywhere and it's running and I got it on my shirt I got it on my everywhere I'll be sitting I'll see y'all later I gotta go wash them scene it off and I'll I'll come back in a day or so and see what needs to be done and see what else we can do to it bye bye I see y'all later have a blessed blessed day thank y'all so much for watching this and be kind to each other and bless someone each day with kindness you'll be blessed back for it see y'all later bye bye hello everyone I'm hailing from Georgia and I'm back out here seeing about this planner that I made the other day it's Cody's blue jeans when he was a little boy let me turn it around on the back my turntable here's the front let me get my turn put this up under here so I can turn it papi not gonna be level reading anyway this is this is my blue gene pot that I made that was CODIS and y'all know I put cement let me let me take it off with this this plastic here now I'm gonna take these pop these little pots out that I put in there go it's afternoon I had to go someplace this morning that was very unfolded and I just got home and the Sun was shining so pretty in bright I decided to come out here and see what this feels like it's hard enough here's that stuff that's all love it down in better for anything out pull it out okay this table is not gonna be level y'all gonna put some blue on here because I warm to be blue this color is real blue some black with it a little bit darting it a little okay y'all back to start painting it and I know that I'm not gonna be able to paint it sitting down I know that I can't do much sitting down Sun is shining I'm in the shade because the light doesn't do good when I'm right out in the middle of the Sun I hope y'all can see what I'm doing try to cover it a little bit and then go back go working see what else it needs if this does as good as that one over there it'll be here a long time because I've done it the same way and but you know you can't duplicate anything and I did not try to duplicate it I just tried to make another one that was similar you know like the way I made that one and it's something you can keep for a long time y'all know I'm sentimental about things I'm I keep too much I guess but if I need something a lot of times I can find it if I ever had it if I did never have it then I might not fine I think this turned out absolutely beautiful y'all I did but y'all know how I am I'm always thinking everything's beautiful and it might not be beautiful to every party but everything's beautiful in its own way you know it's just the eye of the beholder where the beauty is if I of the beholder thinks it's beautiful then it's beautiful oh I need to turn it around before y'all could see me this is acrylic paint y'all that I'm using nothing special just acrylic paint and I'm painting on the back burner now I hope it's warm and pretty where you are like it is here we have certainly had some pretty days I haven't even look to see if the birds were out I've been gone most of the day [Applause] okay yo you see how they look okay yo I think I'm through uh painting on this I hope y'all can see it I can't see it too good sun shining yo how does that look can y'all see that [Applause] okay y'all I'm gonna stop I think that's as good as it could be I think they're beautiful I'm gonna sitting out here in the Sun let them dry a little more y'all know I can't just stop it's almost impossible okay I'm gonna stop yo let me turn the camera back around I think the sun's shining in it thank y'all so much for watching this video and I am so blessed to have y'all I didn't I didn't even bring my coffee out here y'all please forgive me I forgot it hey I've had a lot going on today I had to go to a church something at the church and I just it was so pretty when I got home I just thought it was a beautiful beautiful day to go ahead on and it was dry it was already dry so I decided to go ahead and paint it because I knew it wasn't gonna take that long I'm gonna set it around here now on the Sun and let it finish drying and then I'm gonna finish it up and put it together and put it on a video for y'all to watch I hope I hope y'all enjoy it I'm so blessed and thankful for your subscribes and your shares and your thumbs up and all that that you do it blesses me so much to see that y'all care and y'all watch my videos I I really and truly am very surprised anyone watches it but y'all do it I'm so thankful for it thank y'all so much and be a be kind it doesn't take hardly anything to big time and that means a lot kindness is a you can be grumpy and hateful and all that I think it's easier to be kind than it is to be grumpy to people just be kind and maybe if the people you're talking to is grumpy maybe they'll decide they don't want to be grumpy anymore that maybe they'll be kind but anyway you never know what you say how it affects other people and I'm so blessed and I'm so thankful for all that I have y'all have the rest of the day and be blessed and thank you all again for watching my videos and I'll see y'all in a little bit when this gets dry bye bye
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 57,454
Rating: 4.9486594 out of 5
Keywords: Cement Planter From Grandsons Blue Jeans In Ga., Cement mixing, Acrylic Paint, painting techniques, Great Hobby
Id: vbUiDEKu3XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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