AMAZING Baked (Not Fried) Crispy Chicken Wings!

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hey everybody welcome to the clean cuisine if this is your first time tuning in an awesome video to start with because we are going to make baked not fried chicken wings perfect timing for the Super Bowl this will blow people's minds I'm telling you these things are so crispy on the outside juicy on the inside and there's a secret ingredient and I'll tell you what it is all it is guys it's chicken wings any spices and so let's just get to it and I'll show you what we've got so I've got here three dozen wings that I have rinsed and patted dry important to Pat them dry so that your spices will stick to your chicken okay so don't forget that step it's an important one the more spices that adhere to the chicken the more tastier crispier juicier and flavorful they will be so be prepared to raid your spice rack because we've got a pan here I've got for my spices and just this here I've got celery seed or in this case I have celery salt so I just dial back a little bit on the salt that I added in cumin chili powder onion powder garlic powder paprika salt and pepper the secret ingredient baking powder believe it or not when you add baking powder into your spice mix when it comes to chicken wings it helps to dry the outside skin out so that when you cook them you get that super crispy taste like it's fried chicken so easy enough I've got a sheet pan here that I've lined with aluminum foil and I've sprayed if you don't have one of these and you plan on making a lot of chicken wings it is worth the investment and I'll tell you why you can cook the chicken wings flat on the sheet pan with the aluminum foil no problem however if you use one of these guys it will raise the chicken off the sheet pan and it will again help to make it that crispy sort of fried chicken wing taste that you're looking for without all that extra fat oil and all that other crap so again line your sheet pan with aluminum foil put on one of these racks if you have it over top and spray it lightly will actually spray it pretty liberally with a cooking spray or you can just rub it with some olive oil or whatever oil of choice you want to use vegetable oil canola oil so there you go so I've already mixed in the spice blend which I will put up now so that you know exactly what to put in this blend here to make these awesome chicken wings and I am just literally going to throw in all of the spice blend let's move this out of this and I'm just gonna toss them again important that your chicken has been rinsed and dried don't forget to dry it I will just sit it in a colander rinse it and then after a few minutes of it kind of rinsing I'll just Pat it dry with some paper towels and to like get it as dry as I can I'm telling you you guys this will be a new family favorite they are so so good and the crazy part is you don't even need a self I mean I have sauces but we're on the whole thirty right now and a lot of those sauces don't comply with what we're supposed to be eating so for today I'm just gonna show you how to make these chicken wings but obviously you can dip them in a ranch dressing I like to make a homemade ranch I've got this awesome honey buffalo sauce that I love to dip them in but they are awesome just as is you really really don't necessarily need a sausage my girls prefer them dried they don't like all the sauces on top so all right there we go there's there's coated really good so what I'm gonna do now bring back a sheet pan I should mention our oven is now set at 400 degrees and it is preheating so when it's time to throw these bad boys in our oven is ready to go and then you're just gonna want to put them up by skin side up guys make sure the skin side stays up that way that fat will drip to the bottom and it'll make that skin nice and crispy on the top they cook for about 45 minutes and you can always if it's just not quite to the crispness that you want although I've really never had to broil them you can throw them under the broiler for another minute or two just make sure you watch them because you don't want to to burn these beautiful wings that you just spend all this labor of love on alright so I'm just trying to space them out you want to give them a little bit of space you don't want the wings on top of each other but you also want to fit as many on as you can trying like a Tetris or jigsaw puzzle Here I am getting these on and I think we're just about ready I think I managed to get about two dozen on here and I'm just gonna squeeze a little bit more so I've got and that aluminum foil underneath is gonna be key guys I'm not gonna lie this wire rack is kind of a pain in the butt sometimes to clean if you've made a few batches of these because that that fat will start to stick and the seasonings will start to stick to it but it is worth it the aluminum foil underneath it will catch all those drippings and so you don't have to sit there and slay for hours over you know burnt stuff on the bottom of your sheet pan okay so wow I actually did more than two-dozen on there but as you can see they're all nicely placed on there give them space and air to breathe so they can really crisp up and I am going to stick these in the oven for like I said about 45 minutes and I will let you know what they look like as soon as they come out I'm drooling already they smell so good that's spicy seasoning mix alright alright so 45 minutes later at 400 degrees this is the result these are crispy they smell so good they've got tons of flavor from all that the spice rub that we put on it and again if you guys don't want to put any sort of sauce on these you really don't have to they taste that good just by themselves you want to place it on the middle to high rack and that'll help to give that that extra crispness but again if they don't come out as crispy as you want just throw them under the broiler for another minute or two I did not even have to broil mine so there you go I hope you guys enjoy this your family will devour these don't forget to make extra and this is a great Super Bowl weekend dish as well guys tune in for more super healthy quick simple easy meals your whole family will enjoy give it a thumbs up if you like and don't forget to subscribe thanks
Channel: Jen Rivas
Views: 1,405,484
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Keywords: Baked chicken wings, AMAZING Baked (Not Fried) Crispy Chicken Wings, chicken wings recipe, crispy baked chicken wings, oven baked chicken wings, crispy chicken wings, bake chicken wings in oven, chicken wings in the oven, crispy oven baked chicken wings, oven fried chicken wings, chicken wings recipe oven, crispy wings in the oven, chicken wing chicken wing, chicken wings, how to bake chicken wings in oven, how to cook chicken wings, jen rivas, baked chicken wings recipe
Id: GVa90kAOIHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2017
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