How to make Fried Caramel Apple Pie

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hi everybody I'm back and today today Gina young is gonna show you all how to make fried caramel apple pies yes we're making caramel apple pies today at the Young's house I'm gonna show you how to do it this is so simple here's what you will need you will need empanadas dos and these are made from oil in their discs and I'll show you what they look like here in a second you will need sea salt caramel topping ground cinnamon and you will need apple pie filling okay make sure you just don't get the canned apples get apple pie filling because it's already sweetened alright so the first thing that we're going to do is put our empanada disk out the way and let's empty our apple pie filling into a dish I'm just using a pan here you can put it into a bowl whatever you want to put it in so that you can get your ingredients mixed in so your pie filling now I get my pie filling that sav-a-lot I've tried other stores pie filling and I love the one that I can purchase from sav-a-lot it's nice and sweet and it has a great taste okay but yet it's not too sweet it's just perfect okay so I'm going to use two and I'm gonna have some leftover apples and what I'm gonna do with the leftover apples is I'm just gonna wrap it wrap it up in a bowl and use it for later when we want fresh apple pies so I'm just gonna make what we're gonna eat right now I'm not gonna make a whole bunch I'm just gonna make maybe five of them and then later when we want more I'll make another batch and that's how easy it is okay so what we're going to do let's go ahead and season up our beautiful apple pie filling with ground cinnamon yes absolutely if you're a person that like nutmeg then you put you a little pinch of nutmeg in there absolutely you can so let's get our cinnamon mixed in just like so nothing hard about any recipe that I'm making this kitchen everything that I make you all can make also absolutely and it's so easy and yet guys I know I say it a lot but it tastes so good now the seesaw seesaw Gina yes absolutely because we're gonna make this apple pie taste like it has a salted caramel in with these apples absolutely in a way to achieve that its sea salt okay I'm not gonna put a lot in there but I'm gonna put just enough to counteract with that caramel topping and it is going to be delicious do you hear me we then go in put you some caramel in there guys how much caramel just put as much as you want in here you hear me put enough in there so you can taste it oh yeah oh yeah alright and then we're gonna mix it up just like so okay just like this and that's our pie filling and boy is it gonna be good you hear me my goodness you can do this with strawberries with strawberry filling cherry filling and cream cheese absolutely so you can do whatever you want any fruit you like to use any pie filling you like to use you can do just that now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give this a taste and make sure that I can taste the salt in the caramel and their apples if I feel like I can't taste the salt I might just put a little bit more but I think I've seasoned it perfect let me give it a try just a little taste look at that guys Oh mm-hmm ooh okay perfect yes I'm happy I'm happy with the taste let's set that aside okay and then I'm gonna put my caramel back into the refrigerator okay now let's get started I'm going to show you all how to make the pies very simple you take your empanada go right out of the package looks like I might need to cut this so I can get them out this right here if you've never used this dough before give it a try because it's so interesting so easy to use see that nice and pliable that's already made you don't have to take you don't have to make pie dough when you can buy it this way it's the best right oh yeah look at this my goodness so easy and you still have homemade pie dough okay watch this watch me work guys let's use four of them I'm gonna not use this one that's on the end that's kind of wrinkled okay we're gonna do for today like I said later I'll have that extra pie filling and I'm just gonna make more later when they want others they're not going to make two minutes because I don't want to have to reheat them we want more I'll just make fresh ones now if you all see my arm I know you all see my arm I burned my arm on Valentine's Day the day I was making the steaks and the lobster I went and turned one of my steaks and that oil splattered up on my arm but just in case you guys were wondering because I know you all wonder and honestly it hurt a little bit but then later I looked at my arm and I thought oh my goodness so make sure when you're cooking anything that has oil just be careful but also know if things happen you know I'm okay I'll be okay all right let's grab our apples just like so and let's get started so what we're gonna do is you're gonna put some pie filling right there in the middle make sure not to touch the sides okay let's see make sure you put enough in there all right let's see I think just a little tiny bit more beautiful I'm gonna put some nice cold water in the bowl because I want to wet my fingers just like so and get one half side of the edge so that we can pull this edge over okay now what's good about this dough is you can scratch this dough stretch it out to make it fit your feeling and just kind of press everything together just like that all right this is so simple so easy a lot of fun and when you taste this you guys are gonna be like oh my gosh Gina like seriously so just push your filling in okay don't worry about having too much filling in there because this don't stretch us okay you can stretch it to fit any amount of filling in there okay so now what we're gonna do we're gonna take a fork check me out guys and we're gonna seal this it's already sealed but when you take a fork and you seal it up even more then there's absolutely no war it worries see that press down ever so gently okay but press down enough so that it seals for you and you have one beautiful caramel apple pie in the makings okay let's try to use my right hand to close this one there we go and what I love is that you're able to put the amount of filling that you want in there this is not like an apple pie that you go and get from the store and it has a little tiny bit of pie filling in the middle and the rest is all fried oh no this whole bad boy is filled up okay just like that if you feel like it's not sealed all the way go back in it's okay no worries don't worry when you're in this kitchen anything that I can make you guys also can make trust me when I tell you this okay so that we have this one done and then I'm going to do one more and then I'm gonna show you all how to make some pies check me out guys get some more filling on this one as well same thing hoo-wee it's crazy how that sea salt does it's amazing when you mix it with the caramel boy is it ever so tasty hmm and then you all know you know I have vanilla ice cream you cannot have a fried apple pie without having vanilla ice cream well we have some today stretch your dough out make it all fit in there it'll fit okay just like this shake some over stretch that dough over top of the filling and just keep pinching it and can't go wrong guys a little bit comes out just it's okay no problem see that very simple hey the kids can do this you hear me yes they can because it's so easy all right all that beautiful feeling right down in there now we're going to put this down all right and we're going to do the same thing with our fork press down now don't do just the edge like that let me come down a little bit more so you can see it a little better press in there press all the way back to where your filling is okay use my right hand nice and sealed we're going to have some beautiful apple pies for lunch today with the Young's house look at this so easy make your lover I'm going to fill this with apple pie apple pie filling as well make your lover make your friend make your boss make your neighbor make someone a fried caramel apple pie today me they'll love you for it you're trying to win somebody over hey this right here will do it you hear me mmm boy is that pie feeling good oh it tastes so good my work and look at the filling guys you all can't you can't go to the store and get an apple pie this size filled with as much filling as you can put in your own you can't I'm gonna squeeze a little bit of that out just a little bit and it's okay it's okay no worries all right just do that just like so stretch the dough out stretch it out baby and here's your beautiful apple pie one on one hey if you all never made this before give it a try absolutely because if you don't you truly missing out okay everyone sorry about that I needed to answer a call from my son all right just keep on going just like this so today we're having lasagna for dinner if you all haven't seen the lasagna video that I did last night check it out that lasagna is the best do you hear me absolutely it is and it was so easy and so much fun to make now one thing that I wish I was in a hurry and I was rushing to get out of the house so I went ahead and cut the cake or not the cake I went ahead and cut the lasagna up early but if I wouldn't let it sit a little bit longer you all would have been able to see just how beautiful and tall that lasagna stood up but I had to cut it quickly and get rushing to my hair appointment so I cut it early and it stand up this tall and when I went back later to cut me some my goodness it was so pretty and it stood up just about this tall and you can see all the beautiful layers so in the video look at that video and let me all know what you think look at this my word beautiful okay so now we're gonna go in one more time with the water so that we can seal it again take your time and stretch the dough out just like this okay apple pies 101 very quick very simple and so tasty stretch the dough stretch it right over your pie filling and then go in with that fork and make the pleats okay just like this I'm gonna wipe the apples off of my finger for just a second and then we'll go in with our Fork all right isn't it simple so simple with the kids in the kitchen with you so they can help you they can stretch the dough for you they can put the pie filling in hey they could even do this part that's how simple it is and everyone will love it okay see that now I find my empanada doll at say voila I haven't been able to find it anywhere else okay so I don't know where you live but if you can find it but not a dough that's what you'll need to use okay [Music] perfect okay so we're gonna wait until our oil gets nice and hot and you can see over here this is my wok that I love to use for absolutely everything that I make I want this oil to come up to 350 degrees and once it gets up to 350 degrees we'll throw our pies in how I'm going to check the oil to make sure it's hot enough is I'm going to take a little bit of this flour put it in there and see how it sizzles right away that tells me that my oil is 350 degrees exactly okay so it's ready for our pie dough okay everybody let's go ahead and put your pies down into the oil just like so you want to put them all in at the same time okay don't overcrowd your pants because if you're overcharge your pan what will happen is they'll stick together we're only making four and we have plenty of room here okay so I'm gonna cook for today and that's it all right you're gonna start to see them start to float up which is just fine okay that's gonna happen when your cooking process is close to being done they'll start to float up just like chicken we'll all right there's that and I have this on a medium-high heat you don't want to cook it on low because low will make your dough soggy if you cook it up on high the outside will get too Brown and the insight won't get nice and hot cook it on medium high and you're gonna be hey you're perfect okay let's take a peek over here at this and you can turn them feel free to turn on this just fine okay they're turning out just beautiful my peanuts toes down I don't like to have a oily or messy stove or counter now that's the clean as I go when I clean as I go I'm happy in the kitchen I can't focus beautiful look at them let me I'm gonna pull one out but I know they're not done yet look at this beautiful and you can only imagine that salted caramel in with these fried apple pies guys if you all enjoyed this video taking me a thumbs up absolutely and if you haven't subscribe make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these ultra recipes getting my ice cream out so that we can have ice cream right along the side of our beautiful salted caramel apple pie there's no other way to eat it but with ice cream my goodness I'm gonna get it pulling back out so I can set these on the cooling rack and they're almost done okay everyone or price has been cooking for just about seven minutes and they're done okay I'm gonna take them out here in about less than a minute I just want them to get that desired golden-brown color you cook them as long as you like okay if you look there's light golden brown or if you want since dark golden brown clearly up to you okay but you want to be make you want to make sure that your apple pie filling is nice and hot in the inside okay let's go ahead and take these out circulate but what this cool act will allow us is certainly all around it and it will never get salty ok we'll plate this up I'll be right back oh yeah ok everybody let's take a good look at our apple pies and I like to go in with this a little bit just a little bit guys of powdered sugar just a little tiny bit is all you need ok it's kind of for decoration and it helps with the taste also to have that little bit of that powdered sugar right on top just a little is all you need check it out guys like I'm so serious right when I came to make apple pies I came to make apple pies you hear me mmm that's what my family wanted and I said ok you want it you got it apple pies 101 ok let's go ahead and plate them up nicely and then we're going to give one a taste absolutely so let's put it on my beautiful plate that I love to use I love to use this plate ok just like this for those bad boys are hot they're nice and crunchy and golden brown and you would not believe what they look like in the inside and also what they taste like so here's what we're gonna do I have to let these cool down for a few minutes the reason why is because I don't want to bite down into one of these bad boys and I burn the daylights out of my mouth so we're just going to give it about 5 minutes and then I'm gonna come back we'll give this a try be back okay everybody let's dig in look at this fried caramel apple pie 101 so easy to make look at this god bless this meal Lord we thank you for today we thank you for your blessings taking care of us and keeping us safe we thank you Lord for loving us we believe in you we have faith in you and we thank you for all you've done it's in your angels down to surround us and your holy spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace over our mind Lord we thank you for the roof over our head we thank you for feeding us again amen look at this let's go let's go I can't I can't I can't take it any longer oh nice and crispy that's what you want when you think fried apple pie my goodness look at this nice beautiful look at that can you all see that nice and crispy oh look at that it opened up a little bit my goodness now let's take some of that apple pie cuz we're gonna need to cool that down otherwise we're gonna burn our mouth guys hold on trying to cool it down a little bit I want you all to taste this and let me know what you all think let me know what you think about that salted caramel in there give this a taste my word I'm going in guys crunch whoa mm-hmm right away you can taste that beautiful cinnamon that's salted caramel that crunch is so delicious my goodness boy is this good mmm-hmm look at this guy's look at all that filling in there there's no air in there Oh Apple did this a taste wise in those always God bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching make you some apple pie good night what is good mm-hmm look at that
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 515,287
Rating: 4.9033341 out of 5
Keywords: #caramelapplepie #applepie #friedfoods #goodeats
Id: 9qYfpmTLB-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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