How to Make: Old Fashioned Carmel Frosting

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hi welcome to Chris cook for you - I'm making a recipe today that really takes me back Sheri one of my viewers of my channel has contacted me and asked me would I make caramel frosting the old-fashioned caramel frosting now you know back in the day that's what we used to call the cake oh now they call it caramel frosting whichever one you choose it's okay but I'm going to show you how to make this you probably can remember your parents making it because it's not a fluffy type frosting it's just more of a frosting that would just kind of drip over the side so let's get started with the ingredients that you're going to need in order to make this is real simple and it only requires a small amount of ingredients when my mom did it she did it with two cups of sugar one stick of butter and some carnation milk but to this I'm also going to add a little bit of vanilla now you can add the vanilla or you can leave it out really it's a personal preference but really what you need to make this is the sugar the butter and the carnation milk so those are the ingredients and I'll meet you at the stove be ready that takes a small amount of time to mix so I'm going to go ahead and put my saucepan on top of the heat and I have the butter sitting here so I'm gonna go ahead and melt this butter now what you don't want to do is you don't want to burn that butter you only want to melt it before you start to add the rest of your ingredients so as you can see my pot was already a little bit hot and I stole this it's not gonna take that long for me to get this melted down okay so what I'm going to do is to loud us a milk it'll take maybe about a minute and once it melts totally I'll bring you right back be right back okay now as you can see my butter has melted but it has not burnt you don't want burnt butter okay so let's just melt it in the pot now I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to add my sugar now this is going to cover a 8 inch cake if you needed to cover a 10 inch cake you're going to need a little bit more you would need a stick and a half of butter instead of just one stick of butter now I have my stove on a medium heat in order to make this now what I want to do now is I just want to get it a little bit slightly Brown you don't want to burn it you want to get it slightly Brown so you're going to cook it for a couple of minutes turn my stove up just a little bit now my mom used to make this all the time back in the day and this is it's really not a hard of recipe but it's one that you do have to watch now what I'm going to do is I'm not going to allow this to burn but I am going to allow this to start to get just a little bit Brown so I'm going to just bow way and allow this to get a little bit brown when it starts to get brown because it appears that my stove is really not heating like a sugar when it starts to get brown I'm gonna bring it back and show you what this looks like be right okay now I'm back I've got my stove to heat up a little bit more now I want you to look now it wants to heat up too much you see how it's beginning to turn dark you see how the sugar and the butter is beginning to turn dark you don't want to burn it you just want to get it to turn dark like it is and that just comes from continually mixing the sugar and the butter now once I get this mixed now as you notice I have not burnt this do not burn it once you get this mixed then you're gonna add your milk to this when you get it to the desired darkness that you want it okay so this really for me is dark enough okay now once I put this milk in here it's going to start to bubble okay so we got that about the color that we want you can take it down a little bit more if you choose to so do not burn it so that means you have to constantly sit and stir or stand and stir whichever going to you prefer my mom used to make this all the time and this is like something I could probably make in my sleep okay now this is the desired color that I want it so now you're gonna go ahead and you're gonna add your your carnation milk now once you at your carnation milk you're gonna get a little bit of a splatter okay so here we go okay now this was about a cup of carnation milk that I added to this you heard the little splatter now we're gonna sit here or you know you're at your stole so now I'm going to and I'm sitting in my stove now I'm going to sit here and I'm going to stir this until it reduces down you can see a little bit of the bubble but I'm gonna stir it until it reduces down now once every deuce is down then you're gonna have to let it cool before you can actually put it on your cake so what I'm going to do I'll stir it and as you can see it's beginning to thicken back so you can see the little light bubbles over there it's beginning to stick thickened back I want to stir it and once I get it down a little bit lower where it's really started to get thicker then I'm going to bring it back now it's not a constant stir at this point but you have to stir it you have to stir it now once it gets down a little bit then I'll go ahead and now add my vanilla but I'll bring you back when I get ready to do that because what you don't want to do is you don't want this to to stick so you want to be aware and you want to continue to stir so when it reduces down I'll bring it back and I'll show you what it looks like be right back okay now it's been cooking roughly about five minutes and it's at this point I'm I had just a little bit of flavor not a lot that's about 1/4 of a teaspoon full it's not a lot and as you can see it see it's glazed up real well but it still needs to cook that's raw sugar in there so what it needs to happen is all of that sugar needs to cream down but in the creaming down process you do not want this to stick to the bottom of the and you want to keep it smooth now this is very hot this is very hot I remember back in the day my mom used to make this and she used to put it on cakes and those were the best cakes I've already baked the cake but I wanted to make this for sherry so she could see actually how it's done so this is pretty much like a sugar ruler because you don't want to burn when you're making rules you don't want to burn your oil and your flour mixture and this is the same way you don't want to burn this but if you keep this on a low heat you really won't have any problems with it now when I take this off to cool this is going to thicken up even that much more see how it is it's thick this is one of those old-school frostings but it's real real good on a cake more like the finger-licking type cake this is what you do and see this is got exactly the caramel color now you can get yours a little bit darker if you want to just don't burn it because if you do burn it you need to throw that away and start all over again and what I'm basically doing now is really cooking the sugar and the butter and the milk now this whole process takes about 15 minutes to do because the hardest part is getting your sugar and your butter to a point where as it's dark enough brown for you and then once you get it there then you just go ahead and add that milk and be careful with that milk because you're gonna get a splatter but once you get that splatter that's it now some may ask me why do you use carnation milk as opposed to using regular milk carnation milk I think that's repeated this I can't stress how many times you know I have repeated this but carnation is a very good milk when you want something to be smooth and creamy and that's exactly what you want with this frosting you do not want to taste any granulated sugar crystals you don't want to taste that okay that looks good and that's about where it should be and it is not burnt okay now I've already baked my cake but before I get ready to frost my cake I'm gonna bring you back and show you what this looks like when it's actually cool because this is just the consistency that you want because as it cools it's going to thicken up even a little bit more and you can tell when it's onion undercooked because you're still gonna see the granulated crystals in it and you can tell when it's there because you'll see the bubbly type sickness which is what you see now so I'm gonna go ahead and stop this from cooking right now I'm going to allow this to cool and I'll bring you back as soon as it cools okay now I want you to look at this look at it because that has cooled down some not quite cool enough for me to put on my cake yet but you see how it looks that's the way it's supposed to look and it does cope see let me see if I can turn it and to the camera see how a coats that's exactly the way it's supposed to look now you hear the sound in the background cooking something on the other side of my stove but just to run it up the side of the pan see how it coats that that's what it's supposed to look like now when it totally cools our frost my cake okay and this is enough to cover your 8-inch cake like I said if you wanted to cover a 10 inch cake you just has to make a little bit more but what I will do when I post the recipe I'll post it for a 10 inch cake that way you'll have enough in order to make it and this is just like this is not your fluffy frosting this is more like your drippy type thick glaze type frosting okay alrighty I'll be right back now we're back and I just wanted to show you what the cake look like first of all I'm going to tell you so people don't start when you're writing me and saying well you didn't show us how to bake the cake this is just a 7-up cake batter and I do have that on line instead of putting it in a two pan which is what I normally do I just did it in the cake pans itself okay when you're dealing with a frosting like this one that drips it's best to just cut little strips of wax paper and then put it all around the bottom and that way you won't get your cake plate whatever it is that you're going to be serving it on you won't get it all messed up and then you just take this what I did was I've just cut out some sheets that's about this long took it and I stuck it up underneath my cake and really I don't need to be removing it right now because the cake is really not cool enough it's still in the dripping stages but I'm gonna go ahead and remove it just so I can show you actually what it looks like and what I didn't do was to mess up my cake plate that I'm actually gonna you know serve this someone as you can see right here is still dripping just a little bit but if you can see the color of the frosting the color of the frosting is exactly what you would want it to be it's that caramel type color or that brown type color now one of the things I want to show you about this pot and remember this was the pot that I cooked it in when you get ready as soon as this is cool enough for you to go ahead and frost your cake go ahead and frost your cake don't let it completely cool because if you let it completely cool it's gonna be much harder to deal with see how it's a little bit harder to fall now I can get this to stick to the cake but it's not without having to rub it a couple of times and that's something that you really don't want to do see I had to rub it a couple of times in order to get it on but I was able to use every bit of this they didn't stick to the bottom of my pan that's all done now this is one of the cakes that I am going to have for my custom state dinner it just ended up working out like that so that's one of the sweets that I'll go ahead and use and yes I know they went three days out from Christmas yeah but it's okay to cook the cake that far in advance then go ahead and just cover it and have it out just went to show Cheri how this is actually done I promised it - this is not only for sherry it's for all of my viewers if you don't know how to make that old-time caramel is what we called it caramel cake caramel cake whichever one you prefer this is the way you do it okay that's what I'm bringing you today caramel caramel frosting okay bye [Music]
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 978,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caramel, carmel frosting, frosting, dessert, cake, sweets, how to
Id: 7Wh4Ilk-8JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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