Monthly Plan With Me | November 2021 | Digital Planner | iPad & Goodnotes 5 |

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to today's video so today we are going to be planning out the month of november and please bear with me i have had a tickle in my throat like all day today and i keep coughing so i've got water handy just in case but yeah anyways let's go ahead and get started i up here just kind of wrote in all the things that i wanted to be sure to remember to put in my planner i also need to grab while i'm thinking about it i think in this drawer i swear i need to go through all of my drawers and um get things organized my drawers in my office are just really disorganized at the moment but i've got this little perpetual calendar from erin condren that i've had for like years now and i have all of the like birthdays i want to remember and all that kind of stuff so two birthdays this month we have my grandma's birthday and my friend kelsey's birthday so i will be able to write those in and as far as the sticker kit that we're going to use today i think i'm going to use sweater weather i absolutely love this kit it just has so many like fall feels about it i love the colors i love the florals so i'm going to use that kit for my monthly view for november i was torn between this one and the rustic thanksgiving but i think i'm going to save that just for thanksgiving week so and if you're new here hi my name is stephanie and i do digital planning digital budgeting videos i have an etsy shop where i sell digital stickers like this as well as planners like this and for my monthly plan with me is i really like to just sit down with you guys plan out the month live because then you guys can see the tips and tricks and different things that i do when i was learning all about digital planning in the very beginning i would honestly watch a ton of digital plan with me videos i feel like that is one of the best ways to learn just to kind of see what other people are doing for my weekly plan with me is i usually like to kind of do like a screen recording speed through and i kind of just do like a voiceover but for my monthly plan with me is these tend to be longer videos because i like to just sit down with you guys like i said kind of give you updates on what's going on and then just show everything in real time so anyways let's go ahead and get started i like to get started just by putting in date dots and i'm gonna use i always gravitate towards this one over here i just i don't know i feel like i like the font a little bit more so i'm gonna go ahead and lasso the date dots that i need for november here's a little trick if you find that you lasso something and it's just saying take screenshot you want to make sure that images is checked on i just had that checked off because i was working with my budget inserts so that's a little tip i can share i do primarily use good notes i have looked at other apps and i just feel like this one's the most user friendly i don't know i i personally prefer good notes but um okay so then what i do is i as everything's lassoed together i'll resize my date dots as a group and i'll kind of like i'm looking at that four right now and getting a feel for like okay is that how big i want it you can make these as large as you want you can make them as small as you want i usually like to think like right around there will be good and then what i do is i will just move them over in groups and place them out i will have dated um planners here very soon in the next like week and a half or so my new planners will be launching which is super super exciting so i am currently the planners are are finalized i'm currently just switching out the weekly views for them but i went through them all with a very fine tooth comb made sure it was exactly how i wanted it to be i made some pretty big changes to the monthly view of the portrait planner and so i had had the portrait planners all done already but i just kind of redid all my work i really want these to be exactly how i want them because these are the planners that i plan to just like make little tweaks here and there each year but then this will be like it like this is the planner that i want you know to be like the main foundation planner of my of my shop of my business so and i feel like it's just naturally evolved to what it is because i feel like it's such like a good combination of everything that i have shared in my shop so far um yeah i i'm honestly beyond excited to share them with you guys like i really can't wait i was just telling andrew i was like i just feel so anxious because like i can't wait to share and i also can't wait to like use it myself and see it come to life and everything like it's just it's everything i had hoped it would be and it's taken a lot of hard work to get it to where it is but it'll it'll be worth it the weight will be worth it you guys i promise you that i know i've gotten a lot of messages of like any updates on you know when the planners will be released i try to keep you guys in the loop as much as i possibly can and my day-in-the-life videos and stuff i know my day-in-the-life videos have been very like focused on the planners because that's literally my life right now it's all i've been working on but um it's looking like the 17th will be the release date for them so we shall see um if i can get them up sooner i will i don't necessarily have to release things on wednesdays it's what i've always done historically so just like what i'm used to but if i get them done a little sooner maybe i'll release them like tuesday of that week or monday i don't know i will keep you guys posted these next couple days i'm planning to get all the planners like done and then i'm going to start working on all of the like accessories because there's a lot of accessories for for this planner system so and this is like a build your own type of planner system oh whoops i was like that doesn't look right that needs to be down there it's a build your own planner system but but it's not overwhelming as far as build your own like there's very very minimal work involved with making the planner work for you so that's what i can tell you because there's planners out there and you know i've purchased planners in the past and you know that are more like customizable and you know they'll make it to where there's templates that you copy and paste throughout the pages my only issue with that is that i wanted the links to be more interactive than that because if you copy and paste a page like a bunch of different like budget templates they don't really like interact with each other you'd have to like kind of scroll through if that makes sense um to get everything like to get to the the page you want to be on so that was my main issue with it i wanted to make sure that there were i feel like there's like dust or something coming down from my ceiling um anyways but what was i saying but yeah i wanted it to be very easy to customize i don't i don't want there to have to be like a whole bunch of copying and pasting pages and things like that so you guys will see it all come to life when i release it very soon but i am definitely definitely anxious about it i'm super excited so and there will be like i said a dated version and an undated version okay so date dots are in and then let's see next i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and like i think i'm gonna move all of this handwriting make sure i grabbed it all actually well no i'll leave it up there for now i think i might put i like what i did with my budget i put like washi down here so i kind of want to take a look and see if maybe there's some washi like i really like this plaid pattern what do i want to do oh i really like this too i think what i might try let's see how this looks so i'm just gonna paste this what i've been doing for washi lately is i've been putting my planner into landscape mode and then i'll expand this and kind of like put it up here and kind of see how i like that and i think i can actually have that come down slightly and yeah i like that when i cover up like the monthly links up here i'll just know that i can kind of swipe over or you know or use like the next month to get to the links and stuff not ideal but um that won't be a thing by the way in the new planners this whole blank this whole top spot won't have like hyperlinks in it so you can put washi up there okay and then i think what i might do is i might go ahead and use let's let's see what this looks like let's grab this one and put it here so i really like the glass screen protector but the only thing i will say is that with like you guys can probably see the screen just fine but i've got my filming lights on and when they're on there's like quite a glare so that's the only thing i don't like but okay i think i am like loving that that looks cute okay so i think we'll just yeah i think we'll just stick with that for now i really like that i love this like textured washi there and then just like the little pop of florals up here is pretty so now i think i'm going to turn images off real quick and i'm going to lasso all this handwriting and make it a little bit larger because i'm going to move it like down here and that way i can kind of see a little bit better so okay so for mondays this is a monday start month with a monday start week planner but the new planners will have a sunday start month with a sunday start week a sunday start month with a monday start week and then the monday start month with a monday start week so there'll be three different options for that but okay so we have bible study on mondays so i think i might do oh and you know what let me go ahead and grab like a november i need to turn images back on see okay and then i'm going to actually take a screenshot we will save that image you can also copy and paste it but i already copied the text for november this is how you can cover things up super fast and easy by the way you can use you know like a white pen and color it over but that is just super quick okay and then we're going to paste that and we'll do the november right there all right and then let's see for bible study i really like using this like book that's over here in the clip art section so i think i'm going to grab that and then i'll do i'll do split screen this is um when you're using stickers i feel like it's best to put it in landscape because you can kind of see like it's more half and half when it's in portrait as you can see but when it's in landscape you get more of the planner and like the stickers are over here so it's a little easier okay so what i want to do i think maybe maybe i'll do this and see how this ends up looking um [Music] i don't think i like that maybe i'll just grab like an appointment label i want to incorporate more of this gold color so we'll copy that and paste and then i'll use my photo tool i find the photo tool is best for resizing your stickers it gives you more options and when you copy and paste something over with the lasso it'll look crooked um when you first copy and paste it over and you can you can fix that by using the photo tool the photo tool will straighten it out so i'm gonna resize the book and maybe put that right there oops here's another trick okay so i'm gonna move this book over here so when you've got a sticker going behind another sticker all you have to do because i pasted that book first it's going to go behind the appointment label so all i have to do is cut it and then paste it again and it'll layer right on top of the appointment label just like that okay and now for the text tool i'm going to i just usually like make this a little bit larger and then i'll size it down if i need to but i'm going to do bible study and then i usually like do a combination of um writing it and using the keyboard okay so i'm gonna make that centered and then [Music] i'll use my lasso sometimes when you use the lasso with the text it can make it crooked so i usually just try to be like really careful and do that right there and then the beauty of it is once that's done that looks good to me i'll take images back on and then you can copy and paste this whole thing so we do this every monday so i'll know and actually i'll move that one that's up towards the top towards the bottom because it's later in the day so then i'll just go through and paste it you don't have to redo it each time which is really really nice it saves a lot of time i'm all about the lasso tool and copying and pasting you don't have to rewrite things which is nice and i need to use the elements tool more because things that i like do you know frequently i can save as an element in fact i think i saved didn't i save bible study i totally did i forgot that i saved it there but i saved like the font i liked and everything because then you can just tap on it and then it's going to pop up right here and look i could i didn't have to like retype that at all i could have just brought it in like that but that's okay um so let me go ahead and move this down i need to go get my nails redone at some point okay so bible studies in so what i'll do for that is i will just erase it so that i know that that's in wednesdays are half days for maddie for school this is another element that i can save because i use half day all the time and i think i'm going to use paper flowers and i'll just make it larger and then we'll do half a day and i'll use the lasso to resize it i'll just do that and then um kind of i don't know if i want that just like plain like that or if i want to put it on top of something like i'm kind of wanting to maybe put it on top of like a flag or something like that like maybe one of these um [Music] let's see what colors do i have i've got maybe this blue let's see what this looks like i'm just just kind of curious like again i like to use the photo tool but i don't want it that big maybe like around there and then i can use this well actually let me go ahead and move that down and then we'll center it and then i can cut paste and do like a little flag cute okay i think i like that a little bit more than just the text so now i'm going to copy and paste all the way down the wednesdays maddie gets out of school a little earlier those days okay so that marks half days and you know what i'm gonna do is i'm going to turn images off real quick and move this and save that as an element and i'll just put reoccurring save that reoccurring that way when i go into my elements i can just again grab it just pulls it in so i can just layer it right on top that way i don't have to rewrite it each day i feel like that half looks weird do you ever have like moments where you're like did i write that correctly that's how you write half right oh my gosh yeah that's anyways okay i'm out of it i am out of it okay so half days are in my sister is in town i need to call my mom today i know she had plans with my grandma this week and everything so i'm trying to figure out like when she's gonna come and hang out with us so she's here the first through the 11th so i'm gonna go ahead and um move all of this up real quick oops i must have images off yeah because i think i'll put some thin washi down and for thin washi i honestly like to just use like the solid colors and i might pull some green in because there's not really any green going on but there's green up in the leaves there so i like to use the solid color because i'm using i like i don't want it to look too too busy i don't know if that makes sense but um so what i like to do for thin washi is i will stretch this out to where i want it to be and then i will make it as like thin as i possibly can like right there looks good yeah and then i will copy and paste because we'll put some of this down here too i need to move this up a little bit and then we'll move this over [Music] and i need to actually i'm going to crop this oops maybe what i'll do actually is i will tap on that and she's only here through the 11th so and sorry for the sniffles i swear my allergies are crazy i had a bad reaction to my flu shot so i'm feeling a little bit better today i had to go in and get some lab work done just getting like my thyroid checked and my glucose levels and things like that just annual checkup type of stuff i had to ask for my thyroid though i was just my mom has hypothyroidism so i wanted to get that checked because that can impact your weight loss and stuff so okay all right i really like the look of that so i'm gonna move this up a little bit more i think and then i'm gonna put a little arrow in um and that says like amy's here i haven't seen my sister in years like i haven't seen her since maddie was not even a year old and i am gonna go blow my nose real quick okay sorry about that i needed to go blow my nose but like i was saying i haven't seen my sister since maddie was not even a year old it's been forever she lives in florida now so yeah i'm excited to see her and for her to see the girls all right and then we will put an arrow in and i think i'm going to use as far as like the color i use do i want to do maybe i'll do like this blue and we'll kind of layer it on top let me make it like a little thinner and then i'll use the text tool i always gravitate towards this extraordinary font i just love it honestly like it is probably one of my favorite cursive fonts um so i'm just gonna write oops um amy's here and that works and then [Music] i'll expand that hello there it goes and we'll do that centered i'll resize it a bit and then i'm going to change the color of it to white all you have to do to change the color is lasso the item so right now it's black so i just lasso the item tap it click color and then choose the color you want you can do a custom color as well too if you want to use like the same colors of a sticker kit i'm going to do white and then you will see when i layer it on top over here it is now white and i just love the look of that so amy's here she's um here for a while she hasn't been like i said she hasn't been here for like years now and i'm just excited that she's able to come and like spend time with my mom my mom has her last chemo treatment for breast cancer in december so we're gonna do like a celebration lunch and stuff like that but my sister wanted to come and see her you know um for the month and then she'll be here for my grandma's birthday as well because my grandma's birthday's on the 10th so that'll be nice okay so we have my sister's trip in so that's good to go there and then andrew and i had doctor's appointments which i'm gonna back plan a little bit because i want to make sure that i like remember that we had doctor's appointments so i'm gonna grab um this little doctor symbol right here and i'll need to cut and paste it but i'm going to layer it on top of an appointment label and i think i'm going to do this like this will be a very colorful spread which i'm excited about so we'll use this like purple sort of color and andrew's was at 9 30. i'll put his up here and then i will resize well let's cut this and paste it first and then we'll resize it pull that on over here and then i will put um again the extraordinary font because i'm obsessed and we'll do andrew's annual at 9 30 a.m it was just annual we needed to find a primary care doctor in the area and we had been putting it off for a while and then we finally finally finally got around to like doing that so okay so i'm gonna go ahead and resize this and put that right in there and then what's really cool is now i can just lasso that whole thing copy paste and then i'll use the text tool double tap and i can just put my info in so my annual okay um oh and i need to change the time so let's do that so it was at 3 3 30. oops i liked the doctor that we saw she was really nice so hopefully it works out i feel like it's hard to find like a really good doctor sometimes so okay so i got the doctor's appointments in so we'll go ahead and erase that i also had a meeting with my attorney for my trademark yesterday it went really really well the one nerve-wracking part about it is that once my application is in and everything um anyone who has like a similar business name has 30 days to tell you like sorry you can't use it so that's a little like nerve-wracking um i did do like a general google search of the name of the product and nothing really came up there was like one company that had a similar product name but hopefully um hopefully they're okay with me using it so i think for that i'm gonna do this yellow strip here to mark it that was on the third and i'm going to grab the little telephone android julia just got back from the park so i'm like oh hopefully i i really prefer to like film when it's quiet um kelsey and the twins and chris have all been home sick unfortunately so i haven't been going over there to work so i've been filming here still but um eventually i'll film over at their house and it'll be more quiet but if you hear a bunch of noise they just they just came in so i'm just gonna do trademark meeting and then at [Music] eight o'clock a.m and we will center that and then i'll resize it [Music] all right so trademark meeting is in i don't think i'm gonna put the labs in i again i went this morning but i don't feel like i need to like remember that for any particular reason so i'm not gonna put the labs in um they had to take five vials of blood from me and i hate hate hate needles so much like i build it up so much in my head i did this with the flu shot when i got it it was like two days ago i was like ugh i don't know i just hate needles but like i couldn't even feel it like it's same with getting my blood drawn couldn't even feel it the guy was awesome i told him i was like you are literally the best phlebotomist i think that's what they're called like person that i've ever been to like i he did amazing so um okay so that is good to go and then i do have a lash appointment on monday so i'll need to put that in that's at four o'clock i think i'm gonna try to go um just every three weeks because it's coming out of my personal money now and i might like i was kind of doing the math and i'm like i want to be able to go get a pedicure and get a gel manicure and pop and probably like a polish change too once a month and so i feel like if i just get my lashes done once a month that would give me plenty of money to do um which sometimes there are months where you have to go twice but if i go every three weeks most of the time it would be just one time a month and then um because i've noticed too like the retention of my lashes ever since i started washing them and like really taking better care of them rather than just like splashing them with water like i actually have like a dryer to dry them off and like brush through them and i have a like a special cleanser i use with like a makeup brush so i've been more diligent about that and ever since i've started doing that like the retention of my lashes is awesome so i feel like as long as i continue doing that i could probably still like i could probably go every three weeks and then that would give me more money to go get my nails done and then if there's like something else i want to get like if i want to get a book or if i want to get you know tease out with friends or something i don't know anything random like that it would give me some more wiggle room so okay so to mark my lashes i think i'm going to use this like little salon thing even though it's not really lashes but you know i'll know what it is um and then i'm gonna use one of these up here what color do i want to use i'm gonna go with this like purpley oh that's the transparent one oh it's red um i can't tell because of the glare what color oh that's that deep purple so i'm gonna use that and we'll just resize that so again i told you guys like these videos are longer um because i like to just walk through but i feel like it's just a really good opportunity for me to catch up with you guys and then also to do like a little digital planning 101 if you will so i like to just take the opportunity to do that um i've had a lot of people join our facebook group which is super super exciting and um you guys are so excited for the new planners which i'm like i gotta tell you like that just makes me so happy to see how excited you guys are and like oh i just i can't wait to share them with you guys i i hope that they are going to be like i hope it's going to be like the planner of your dreams honestly like i know we all strive for planner peace and i'm i'm hopeful and confident that this will be it for you guys so i'm really excited um okay so let's do lash appointment at 4pm which now i can go like really anytime because andrew's no longer working so that makes that a lot easier to do as well um because i'd like to go earlier in the day ideally so um put that there but then actually here let's do here i'm gonna put this here for now and then i'm gonna actually make this a little smaller move it over and then i think i'm gonna go ahead and move that back up that's not what i meant to do and [Music] we will move that over like that and now i will change the color and resize and we'll see what that looks like kind of want it like all on one line like that i'm gonna make that even smaller maybe and then i'll turn images off and there i feel like i like that okay so lash appointment at 4 p.m so that is in and then we have a couple no school days so uh let's see oh and the 24th is a wednesday yeah so i don't have to put that in um okay so let's put some no school in so the 11th and 12th is a no school day so she'll have a half day next week and then she'll be off the 11th and 12th okay so how do i want to mark that maybe i'll just put i might just put in the extraordinary font i think i'll just make this a no school and then maybe like highlight it whenever trolls goes to the bathroom how she goes icky um let's do she's also obsessed with cats lately yeah i think i'm gonna do so she like goes like meow meow she really wants a cat but i don't think it's gonna happen okay so we got d nine this is how you put in custom colors by the way 6 c and let's see what that looks like oh you know what i'm going to make the highlighter a little bit bigger there okay i like that so then we will resize and put that up there and then i'm gonna just copy um oh except this needs to go over here so the 11th and the 12th it is a no school day and then also the 25th and 26th is a no school day because of thanksgiving so put that up in the corner i like the highlighter because it just kind of makes it stand out on the page a little bit more so do you know school and then thursday is thanksgiving so i might actually grab from the rustic thanksgiving sticker kit i feel like i feel like that'll match pretty well but i'm kind of wanting to see what this looks like um is that i thought this was like two stickers no no it's one sticker okay so maybe i'll do um [Music] yeah maybe i'll just do this one because it's kind of got like a blue color blue tone to it so we'll see if that matches well and then maybe grab like a little piece of pie i do want to create like holiday stickers in my shop here pretty soon here i feel like that matches just well enough so that works so we'll put thanksgiving in and then what else do i have left just oh the release date of my planners which is tentative but i'm planning to release everything on the 17th if not sooner than that if there are any delays or if anything happens i will certainly let you guys know but let's hope that that's not the case so i think i'm going to use one of these little post-its and we'll put that there and then i'll grab one of the little thumb tacks let me do this actually let's do this one and i don't know maybe i like this one more and we'll do the extraordinary font my go-to and we'll do 20 22. planner launch day [Music] let's see what that looks like and then change the color to white and maybe try to find like a little party thing or i could do those balloons let's see what that looks like yeah i'm gonna do the balloons okay i might change like straighten that out okay and there you go okay i like that so now we'll just decorate a little bit and i think i'm gonna put this little tree down oh we need to erase this stuff down here i'm gonna put this tree [Music] and [Music] i really like this little hat [Music] so i'm gonna put the hat let's see i'm gonna put the hat over here and what else do i want to use this little owl i'm pretty obsessed with so we can use the owl maybe put him like right there i really love this little hot drink as well i love just putting clip art in random spots just to add a bit to the page and everything and then i want to put maybe like a couple leaves near the tree andrew said it's nap time for you you can always tell when it's nap time so okay all right i think i like that that is cute so here we go you guys november is finally planned out i i feel i feel on top of things once again oh you know what i need to put kelsey and my grandma's birthday in so hang on one second how do i want to do that um [Music] i need to open up my kit again and i think what i'll do is maybe just okay let's put this open in a new window again and i'm kind of thinking of grabbing this circle [Music] and then we'll grab this little party thing sorry if you guys can hear joel's starting to get a little a little upset out there and then i think i might just write this in so we'll just do grandma's um i don't like that okay so i'm gonna move this for now and then i might use the balloons again but i'm gonna use i swear now that i've got like fonts i can use i like pretty much never do handwriting so sorry i decided to mute some of that because jules was a bit upset out there so i figured you guys probably wouldn't want to hear that okay so kelsey's birthday okay i feel like that works all right so now we are all set to go so there is my november monthly spread and i absolutely love how that turned out so i feel much more prepared it is what it day is it's november 4th and normally i would have had my budget done my month planned everything like last week but things have just been a little crazy lately so anyways i hope that you guys enjoyed this nice long plan with me i hope you found it to be helpful if you guys have any questions at all let me know down below if you have any questions in general about products you purchased or if you need help at all the best best best way to get in touch with me is to message me on etsy that is the quickest way you'll get in touch with me my emails are insane i need to go through and like unsubscribe to a bunch of stuff because i swear i get probably 10 to 12 emails at least a day and i have like over 5 000 unread emails so definitely message me on etsy please if you need help with anything that is the best way to get a hold of me but anyways that is it for this plan with me again i hope you guys enjoyed it i hope that november is turning out to be a great month for you and i will chat with you all later bye [Music] you
Channel: Planning to Prosper
Views: 1,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPad planner, digital planner, digital planning, digital plan with me, digital stickers, life planner, plan with me, goodnotes, apple pencil, iPad, planning to prosper, weekly planning, monthly planning, August plan with me, best digital planner, how to plan digitally, iPad Pro, iPad Air, planner stickers, monthly plan with me, November plan with me, November stickers, autumn stickers, fall stickers
Id: IX_l32_GpuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 5sec (3065 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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