How to make Deer Smokies (sticks) & smoke them on a pellet grill, by The Bearded Butchers!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/krishkitchen 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys sub Perkins here whitefeather meets one of the beard of butchers today I want to show you how we make Smokies you could use this practice for beef bison elk venison lamb whatever you prefer Smokies aka sticks we're gonna grind them we're gonna stuff them and then we're going to take them to the trigger grill and we're gonna smoke them so follow along today we're going to start with just over ten pounds of meat that we've trimmed up taking most of the fat out of there's no gristle or anything like that and we're also going to use just over a pound of pork fat so we're gonna go ahead and add your meat now the meat that we use it's gonna be about a 85/15 or 90/10 somewhere right in there with meat to fat ratio so we want to go ahead and add the pork fat to it and it's just gonna give us a nice juicy product in the end when we're done so this is the same principle we apply when we're making our bratwurst so if you watch the deer bratwurst making video this is pretty much the same practice that we use there want to go ahead and mix the fat end a little bit now what we're gonna do is go ahead and we're gonna add our seasonings this uh Scott had total now of 12 pounds of blended lean and the fat trimmings and he's going to add one six out shaker of our Cajun blend we've chosen Cajun as the flavor for this smoky the ratio for this is obviously you can use a 1 ounce of our blend to any two pounds of meat so you want to double this recipe obviously just use two shakers so 12 pounds of meat 1 6 ounce bottle of seasoning go ahead and just mix it in blending it as we go we like to put the spices on the trimmings before we grind them and then what we're actually going to be doing a triple grind on this just because we want to make it a finer bite when we do our our Smokies so we'll flip the spices on before we grind and then that'll blend it in as we grind so we'll go fourth ground one time and then we'll do a finer grind two times so after we add our six ounce bottle of Cajun beard butcher blend seasoning you also want to use a tinted cure so this is a nitrite for 12 pounds we're going to use half of an ounce of pink tinted cheer you can get this Waltons ink you can get this at butcher packer com2 comes usually in a one ounce pack - does 25 pounds of meat we simply split that pack we're gonna go ahead and add it to our mix so you want to get this this pink hearing salt mixed into the meat thoroughly so not only will we mix it here but we'll also it'll get another mix in the grinder we're gonna go ahead and add the nitrates in there mixing it as we go so you notice I mixed about half of the bag the first round I'm gonna go ahead and just add the rest this is gonna give the meat a nice pink color also it's going to help control the risk of botulism the cibot the the spores could survive a low-oxygen which that's what happens when you smoke something environment you you basically give it a window of time so by by adding the nitrite expecially with game meats it's really going to help prevent that botulism spore from causing any problems with your Smokies so this product in the end it will not be shelf stable so we are going to plan on vacuum-sealing them you can freeze them you can keep them in your refrigerator but once you open them you do want to eat them within you know the day or so so let's go ahead and let's just get started grinding so we're using the Westin number 12 we like this grinder and so that's gonna go ahead and put it through our seven millimeter which is just over a quarter inch coarse ground plate first they'll grind the entire batch through and then we'll repeat that with the smaller four point five millimeter which is just over an eighth of an inch and we'll plan on doing that twice so as you can see it's nice to leave some of your your trimmings into strips when you leave your meat in a strip the grinder will actually grab it and I'll pull it into the worm a little easier so just keep that in mind when you're cutting it's a little bit easier to grind when you do leave it into a little bit of a strip so let's go ahead and get started you want to put a little bit down inside your grinder before you turn it on that way it doesn't run a run dry and cause any friction with the metal with the blades in the in the grinder as you can see this number 12 will go through this 12 pounds of meat in a pretty big hurry one of the great things about training multiple times is that we have the mat the lien ratio we're gonna we're gonna blend that up each time we grind we're gonna continue to reduce it in size and then it's just gonna make a much better blend for the finished product so we found that practice spices before you brine grind it with the spices you don't have to worry too much about your fat to lean ratio at the trim level sending in other words when you send it through the grinder just kind of because we're going to be hand mixing I'm a sports ground [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there you have it just a face of just over two and a half minutes we ground found with our course plate now we're gonna switch to our client plate and grind it two more times at this point you're just gonna want to take and blend everything with your hands one more time smelling really good that's just going to evenly distribute a spice and then also like I mentioned the fat to lean ratio so we like to just knead it fold everything back together this is after the coarse grind and before we start the fine grind so we've switched over to a smaller plate and let's get started on grind number two so if you notice on the first round we did not have to use the plunger because the way the stuff had the strip's cut you're going to want to have it ready for this second round just because it's not it's not gonna really feed itself what's that's gonna be doing here is just making sort of gulps all got golf sized balls and drop them into alder walkthrough at its own pace as you crying second grind and then of course you're using a finer plate take a little bit longer you're breaking this muscle down even further it's not gonna go quite as fast as that for so you'll just want to work through this process whatever pasted Reiner campaign don't want to overdo it [Music] all right grind number three second time through the fine we call it a fine but seven and a half excuse me four point five millimeter translates to around an eighth of an inch you can see that this still has some of the the fat pieces in there that are a little bit big so we want to go ahead and give it one more grind just to break those pieces down a little bit more that way and the finished product makes a little bit more palatable a little bit easier to choose let's go and get started now mind you you can you can get probably even another grind out of this eventually what will happen is this will get so warm in the the proteins will start to bind and you just you almost not get it through the grinder there's tricks to the trade you could add ice certainly don't stop here if you feel like you've got the time and the energy to keep going you'll just get a smoother smoother bite but we found for all reckless purposes that you need we broke that down quite well course Brian and two football fine grinds get this drowned out start stuffing all right third grind is complete now at this point we're gonna add some water because it'll get sticky as you grind it and so there's no way that you're going to get this through the stuffer without moistening it up so how much water you have there Seth I have two cups of water now you can kind of feel as you mix this the consistency and if you feel like you know a lot of it depends on the species that you're working with whether it's deer or bison or beef or you know lamb or whatever you're working with it's gonna kind of react differently to the moisture that you put in it so just kind of use your own judgement you can feel when it starts loosen up you may not need the full two cups so I would say I have this at a point where you can see it's it's very pliable but yet it's not too mushy because if you make it too mushy you're what will happen is your Smokies in the end don't wrinkle up real bad they're just they're not gonna be as desirable so go ahead and get it to about this consistency right here and then at this point we're gonna go ahead and add just over a pound of high temp pepper jack cheese to our Cajun Smokies so this is like Seth mezack mentioned a high milk cheese it comes in these nice little diced up cubes and the reason it's high melt is when we put it in our smoker it won't actually melt it'll still be pretty much just look like just like that now we get this cheese for our shop in large quantities we happen to live near Amish country one of the bigger cheese suppliers in the world for cheese you can find this online just look for a high temperature or high Mount cheese you can use any flavor that you find we like to go at about a 10% ratio so stuff mentioned yet 1.2 pounds here and pull that into the mixture and then at this point we can convert it over to our stuffer and start making some sticks all right so mixture goes into your stuffer now all these are not created equal but similar manual crank stuffer this one happens to be a little bit more of a commercial model just because it's what we have here at the shop it has a 25 pound capacity obviously 12 pounds they're gonna kill half of it so start 4 loaded and we're gonna go ahead and get started cranking out some Smokies so we like a 17 millimeter mahogany collagen casing now in this case it doesn't actually fit on our stuffing horn otherwise you could just slide the entire thing on there but it's too tight so if you have this problem you can just manually transfer it if you will right on to your something warm so that's just a little tip you can make a smokey smaller diameter with a stuffing one that's a little bit G based just by transferring the casing this way so just to stress normally we just stack the whole thing on there if we have a smaller stuffing horn but in this case we manually transfer it so it's up ties a little knot and he's going to start bringing out some Smokies so at this point you want to try to avoid air gaps this stuffer has a feature where there's a little valve in the top of the plunger that you just press and it will shoot all all the air out of the top of the plunger if you did get air maybe when you start at the end you could just simply poke a little hole in it but there's our first strand so we'll go ahead and get these twelve pounds out of here cut them to length and get them on our smoker so there's the result 12 pounds now what we've done is we've just go ahead and link them or loop them rather 24 inches in length as we know that's what's gonna fit on our smoker tray so we're just gonna lay it in there you can individually link these at this point you could twist them yeah so that's that's up to you what we've done the method that we like to do is we just go ahead and smoke them and long strands like this and then after we're done smoking which we'll show you we just go ahead and chop them up into portions that you'd like as you can see there's no air bubbles in there there's their stuff real nice and tight and you can also see our chunks of cheese and folks these are ready to go on the smoker so we have our trigger ironwood 80-85 in super smoke mode our tray of Smokies and we're just gonna go ahead and get them loaded in the smoker we're gonna stair-step to some temperature we're gonna start out at 165 two hours then we're going to go to 185 for two hours and that will finish at 205 for two hours until they hit an internal temperature of 160 to 165 so we're actually using triggers big game blend it's white red oak hickory with rosemary herbs and so we've just filled up our smoker left flip of an air gap between so that way the smoke can go through there obviously you want to probe it right in the center and then like mention 165 for two hours 185 for two hours and then 205 until it reaches an internal 165 come back when it's done all right so four hours have passed we hit internal 165 and we never did have to bump up to 205 we just went from an oven temp of 165 up to 185 and our internal temp of 165 and it's time to pull these beauties off of here we're going to transfer them onto a wire rack and multiple ways you can do this in this case we're just going to rinse them with cold water so that way they cool down a little bit quicker we're gonna mount we've reached that internal high temp we just want to bring the internal temp back down and a so that gives in and puts them off with some cold water so the idea here is we're just gonna use cold water feet up the process of cooling these down at this point it'll also soften the King sings a bit the steps optional you can also put them in a cold water bath once we've got an ice bath say a minute or so we'll transfer these to the cooler and then once it cool down to 40 degrees internal we'll go ahead and cut it off and tack them up all right so these Smokies have beautiful color they're cooled down and we're gonna go ahead and cut them so we we had 12 pounds of meat we add the spices the cheese that the water so we'd had it right around 14 and a half pounds of start weight and we're left with right around 9.5 we we already ate a little bit so maybe a little closer to 10 pounds finish wait so that's just gonna go through here and show you a good way to measure these out you can do a number of meta times so just go ahead and line them up usually what I do is use the palm of my hand to about the tip of your thumb you measure them out that way gives you a nice sized stick filled with that delicious cheese we'll start stacking them up so we wanted to mention we obviously started with the trimmings we added the pork it's summertime and your season's gonna be right around the corner here before we know it so if you have a freezer with ground meat in it just plain ground venison it could have four kin and or whatever and you feel like you're not gonna go through the remainder of it just as ground venison by the end of this year or before the new season starts you can by all means go ahead and grab those ground venison packs and put them in put them through this process obviously they've been ground one time so you can forget about you know brining starting with the trimmings like we did but you can you can mix your seasonings in before you grind and basically if you're sitting there going what am I gonna do with my ground meat I haven't eaten it take a day and you with with the use of a a grinder of stuffer the seasonings and then obviously a smoker you can absolutely turn this product out just like this now the smoker that step if you if you have something that's absolutely used the trigger but if you have so that's a pellet smoker if you have anything that you can really control your your house temp what we call the house template you'll be their smoker temperature and you can you can start it out around no higher than 165 you could be cooler if you wanted for a couple hours just just let those pores are open in the meat before they close up and get that smoke in there and then then you can just stare step your temperatures up to bring your internal meat temperature up it's just gonna be a matter of time at that point like I mentioned we did this in in four hours flat just a little four hours to reach an internal 165 so what we can do at this point is we can either put these in a ziploc bag we can put them in a simply a poly bag with a twisty tie or we can vacuum seal them and freeze them that's what we like to do if you have this many and you're not going to go through them because what we what we say is they're not they're not necessarily shelf-stable that's more of a water activity thing and you'd have to continue drying them down a pH water activity things so these we would not consider these to be shelf stable um they're gonna be fine and you're you know a day or something like that if you're packing around but what we'd like to do is as we say like a week or so in your fridge obviously frozen pretty much indefinite so what we would do at this point is we just go ahead and stack these in the free in the freezer and put them in your lunchbox pass them out to friends take them out one at a time they're gonna thaw out really quick you can see that cheese at high temp cheese in there and a very successful day of turning some ground meat trimmings whatever you have into some wonderful Smokies delicious don't forget check us out on Facebook Instagram and here on YouTube and don't forget subscribe what more videos to come thanks guys
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 904,317
Rating: 4.9010262 out of 5
Id: zEFhqBVY-zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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