How to Make Beef Jerky - Tips and Tricks

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hey what's going on guys Jax the bearded hiker here so I'm here with Bryan Ducharme at smokehouse Bayou in Ocean Springs Mississippi he's invited us up to today to share with us one of his recipes for beef jerky that I believe you started off with this before you got to you that's right yeah this is the first one we ever did all right well we're gonna we're not gonna mess about we're gonna get right to it he's gonna show us how to make it so let's get busy all right Jack hey man thanks for coming out man I really appreciate that and look I just want I'll share with you guys I know that a lot of guys on your channel or hikers and you're in the outdoors and of course jerky is shelf-stable portable guys that are hikers hunters military guys man that's what makes jerky such a great product for them protein source or whatever the recipe I'm going to do today is probably the very first recipe I ever developed I was a hunter we would make deer jerky and so a friend of mine or my cousin actually taught me introduced me to how to make jerky and he would do it on a dehydrator now commercially a hundred percent of the jerky that I sell is made on a smoker all right but I know that a lot of guys are me right behind me I've got a southern pride you know 500 it's a very expensive smoker most people can't relate to that but you can go to Walmart and get a dehydrator and get in this get started with making your own jerky very cheaply so I'm gonna go into a recipe that I don't mean when I was a kid man my mom I can't remember ever my dad ever grilling anything okay my mom did all the cooking and when she cooked steaks she made it with wishes here sauce right so that's the flavor that I identified with was steak and so this very this first recipe that we did is got wish the shear sauce in it soy sauce look man I'm from the I'm a Cajun so I got to the cayenne pepper garlic and a little brown sugar and I can tell you all this in the south brown sugar garlic and cayenne pepper make the world go around with Johnny green yeah so anyway we'll just get started right here look I just picked this up at a local grocery store it's just wish the shear sauce and what I typically do and you can do this to your flavor liking but I typically put three parts of which this year or close to that to one part of soy sauce we get rid of that get the soy sauce here pick this up I believe it's Sam's this is a little measuring thing so we're gonna go up here to about 16 ounces and what I found for our recipes is about a pound of I would call this a marinade about a pound of marinade to four pounds of meat is what season is it the best for me you got some brown sugar here look man there is no real recipe I cooked like grandma when it comes to this flavor that's a one cup so I'm gonna call that maybe 3/4 3/4 of a cup of brown sugar because that's gonna give it some of that sweetness there and you're gonna see how I do this garlic and cayenne it's just very simple man I just kind of put it in there to flavor I love garlic most people will do the cayenne pepper just give it a few little puffs of that you know you can make that to your liking as far as your spice level he cause that a pump that's it man look I used curing salt because I have to make sure that what I seal has a long shelf life okay you can go out and get some celery powder or something that's high in nitrates that could be a maybe a little more natural alternative but I'm just gonna put a few little little bit of this pink salt in there you said you got that at an Academy Adams boards man I got that at Academy and so that's our recipe right there I should have had we ask right here let me grab a wheel we're up alright so we got our we got our marinade going and look when I when I first started our company come here we started out of my my back porch you know and it really wasn't a company but uh we started letting people try the jerky and I did a little facebook video and sent that out see if anybody wanted to try it and Jackie had forty two thousand views on it oh you know so the next thing I know I'm getting requests from like 20-something states I'm like man I'm not even a business yet you know what am I doing here you know but anyway I had a friend of mine he's a cabinetmaker and he made me this little board it's got these guides on it and what it does is it helps when we cut the meat oh wow at the right you might have right over you on one of those I'm gonna have to DIY me one of those yeah this is a very simple thing but what it does is it gets that meat cut fairly thin you know cuz we're gonna put it through this slicer right here okay so how many pounds is that about right this is probably gonna be about four pounds so I've got about a pound here in the marinade said now you are gonna make all four pounds of this yeah we're gonna go ahead and put all this on the dehydrator so this is exactly typically how you would use your like smoked it if you were like making it for commercial purposes right pretty much the same process here pretty much I mean I've got a slicer over here it's the ten thousand dollar slicer it'll cut 2,000 pounds an hour you know so we're gonna use that if we're doing a commercially got you but I wanted to show your viewers like how they could kind of do this simply at home okay you know with not a lot of investment there so we got these and uh you know I need to tell you these this is our round that's the cut that I using right here and you can see it's a very lean could okay and it's it slices out nice long thin slices and when we run it through here it's going to be about a quarter inch slice okay on it now you can do this by hand you know when I first when I actually first started I would just take the eye around and slice it and you know it very in in thickness or whatever but I was going for about that quarter inch thickness when we did it but I tried to we've made this just so we could be a little bit more uniform you know so man it makes nice little thick cuts like that another thing that you can do is you can go to Sam's and they've got a cut called London broil and London broil is going to be cut out pretty much about that thickness right and so you can go right from the packaging right into your slicer I got this from Academy Sports as well I was made by game winter you can probably get it online and whatever I think it cost me $100 but you're gonna see what's gonna happen here is when we feed this in there move this out the way we feed this in there and rotate it around look at that right there you just can't light oh right to put in little sticks yeah so now you've got these great jerky slices a wide anyway great jerky slices I mean you talk about I mean like a hunter or somebody you know hiker or whatever this thing right here that's a great Christmas present for somebody that wants to make jerky and they want to make consistent slices you know so nice slices there yes the very uniform that's what you're looking for when you do jerky so everything kind of comes out at the same time you know yeah all right so we're gonna take the mirror that you hear or down here now Jack I have what they call a meat Tobler that we use here that smoke outs by you and what it does it's actually a vacuum tumbler it puts a vacuum when you put it in there it opens up the pores of the meat and it rotates and tumbles the meat so it kind of helps tenderize it but it also gets that marinade in a lot quicker than if you had to just put it in your refrigerator but I'm going to say this to people out there this is what I found a lot of people have great marinades great flavoring they either won't use enough of it or they won't let it marinate a long enough ok so when I wouldn't you know when I started instead of marinating it for a date in the refrigerator I started marinating for two days all right always just do a little extra and you're gonna make a lot better product so if you want to make great beef jerky you kind of need to think in advance you know you know don't don't wait the day before a hike and try to make a feature that's not going to happen start thinking a few days in advance let it sit in the in the marinade at home or in your refrigerator and it's going to have a lot better flavor okay all right I'm just gonna tumble this for just a second here and then I'm gonna pour it in that tumbler so in other words at this point if they didn't obviously don't have a tumbler they're just going to shake it about like that stick it in their refrigerator for a couple of days and then why be ready yeah yeah all right what you can do is you can put your meat in the marinade like this and kind of tumble it about and get make sure that you got some good coverage put it in your refrigerator all right and then every so often over the next two days do the same thing again kind of tumble it a little bit all right and that's going to make sure that that flavor gets in there really good all right let's put the jerky in a marinade in this back I know I may have to give me another credit card man so I didn't get one of these tumblers oh man this thing is awesome I mean you can imagine like going from having to marinate this stuff for two days to having to marinate it for 30 minutes all right you know I just changed everything and right here so how long did you say already how long you were gonna have to put that in there we put this in for about 30 minutes and it's about the equivalent of a day and a half to two days oh and the marinade so you just hooked a little hose up right here I love this thing man of course you go to real big USDA facilities they're gonna have a vacuum tumbler that holds a thousand fans right this thing right here is capacity is 50 pounds so but it's a good entry level I mean I can imagine somebody want something like this at home if you want to you can use it to tumble chicken you know like kind of seasoned anything anything so when you graduate and have to end up getting a big one because I know you will maybe we'll talk about me getting this one from there you go you know this is like a real good size for like caterers or something right where they're gonna they're gonna do chicken wings they're gonna smoke chicken wings so they can put 40 pounds of chicken wings in there and they're rub in there and let it tumble this is a great product let's set it for 20 minutes and let that thing tumble so just tell me all right they're just gonna tumble with that vacuum on it and I still get that get that flavor in there all right see you guys in 15 minutes all right jack we're taking it off of the of the tumbler and this is how I do it I mean you want to give yourself if you if you press it up against it and fill the whole thing up it's not gonna it's not gonna dehydrate it as quickly so I like to give it a little bit of breathing room so on a different note just for those out there that maybe they don't have a dehydrator I'm thinking a lot of people do or at least a lot of people I know if you wanted to do this on your smoker at home would you I mean what kind of temperature are we looking at and how long do you think it'll take well typically on a you know these are cut at a quarter-inch thick I would put it on the smoker at like 190 190 degrees and let it smoke for probably about three hours and you're looking at you'd be it'd be pretty close to being jerky at that point time you know right now I'll be honest with you just a little side note we have soy you know in this recipe that we showed I have never had so I smoked wells okay so if you're gonna smoke this flavor I think I would opt out of putting the soy in there and just go with the wish this year okay that's been my experience now somebody might say yeah I can do it I like it you know so it's totally up to them but just my flavor and the flavor profile I like so just doesn't seem to smoke too well right for me you know and you are also telling me something about I'm just get in here good shot you were also telling me something earlier you now forgot everything you said but you were saying something about maybe we were talking about the safety issues or whatever or yeah about people maybe putting this in the oven after it's dehydrated you well I tell you what and I'm not a food scientist but I've been around enough of them to kind of know a little bit about that and back some bacteria can actually go dormant while you're dehydrating or smoking at a lower temperature like a 155 or 160 and so what we always do in our commercial jerky and I would suggest that they do it even if they're you know you're gonna use a dehydrator like this mm-hmm is when you get it off the dehydrator man just go ahead and have pre heated your oven to like 260 okay 260 to 275 put the put the jerky in there and let it let it sit in there for a few minutes to get that surface temperature up and that will ensure that you've killed all that bacteria right might go dormant and not only you are also saying not only does it do that but also you said something I think about enhancing the flavor teach y'all a secret right here okay if you think about anything you cook or whatever it's made up of individual ingredients so in this particular case a marinade is made up of individual ingredients well each one of those ingredients has a burn point okay if you get an ingredient I'm sorry all right let's start over sorry guys then cut that off just for a second ad phone call anyway so the burn point yeah the you know this is kind of a cooks love to you know every every marinade that you use seasoning or whatever each each individual ingredient in that seasoning or that marinade has a burn point right and so if you get the meat in this case that has been marinated close to the burn point of individual ingredients in that marinade it's going to be the most flavorful if you go over the burn point it's gonna become bitter right so what we try to do with that safety step you're also kind of taking that marinade close to the burn point and it's going on enhance the savoriness of the flavor of that jerky man it's gonna make it a step ahead I don't know if I still a cut above I should say you know so well how long is it gonna be you think now before I can smash my face into this man I would say let's give this a good solid four to four and a half hours so you got to be patient Jack all right you're gonna battle minutes yeah let's go yeah we right here Faye yards we go get a great good po-boy well hey look you ready for the tasting I'm ready I'm ready I'm been waiting on this all right well it's been on the dehydrator and I've said it you know it was set at 160 which is the highest setting on this particular model four and a half probably closer to four and a half so let's take a peek at it and see what you think look at that I guess we need to maybe pick up a piece here where they can see you know yeah let's get here I'm gonna get in right there that's a nice close-up there all right hmm we'll just tear into this thing here you go Nora see what you think yeah it's customary that we do - cheers - Cheers all right I think we're a little crooked that tastes exactly fine thank you sir so it's a little different than the burnt ends which is when I first met you that's what I taste it right oh you're up is it doing it yeah sliding a little bit I'm getting taller technical difficulties folks so anyway what I was saying when I first met you I tried the burnt ends right so this is a different flavor obviously the burnings tastes exactly like bernie ins and I must say that I think this tastes almost exactly like I'm eating a steak mm-hmm no it's delicious I'm gonna show you a little variation here that I would do after the fact okay cuz I like spicy a lot of people like spicy but uh good we move the camera here I mean if you want to you know kind of taking cut it up in more bite-sized pieces like you would find in a jerky bag a little bit here for the kids lunches or something I mean look I like to put a little wish this year after the fact because I love wish this year we just take a little crushed red pepper put that in there Jack you like spicy as well I love spicy this is not off to change spicy but it's I mean if you really want it spicy you can add some cayenne pepper good look man get you a piece of that all I could ask the we hide here and dies that's on point right there that's the bomb diggity guys man you got a little mashed potatoes and some green beans you know that right there well Brian man I sure appreciate you uh you don't want to solve this so tell these folks how they can get some of this beef jerky okay well we have a website smokehouse Bayou calm they can go on the website and it's an e-commerce site so they can order some all right and uh but we will do want to say this guy's it the beef jerky they did the dehydrator all your beef jerky is smoked none of its dehydrate right smoked right any how many flavors do you have right now on the website we're gonna have four we're doing some changes so that'll quickly go to six or seven so yeah well I'm just gonna throw this out there folks the burnt ends are my personal favorite right and also guys you also have a personal like a personal YouTube channel or yeah we have a smokehouse Bayou sham channel okay just started but just start on six okay so do is maybe so okay that being said we're gonna try to throw you a little bone here right now so I think I should doing giveaway because you gave me some packs of this so we've got two packs of this beef jerky here guys so if you want I'm gonna give away two of them this is you know he's giving it to me I'm giving it to you all you have to do is comment below go over to your YouTube channel and give him a subscribe to him you comment on his videos each like I said you don't have a lot out there just are alright comment below go check out his YouTube channel give him a sub and I'll pick a winner off my youtube channel you know with the comments below that's how I'll tell but anyway we'll do a random giveaway like that and we'll do it in just a couple of weeks so alright that folks hey no problem Anthony Shadid mark alright but
Channel: Jaxx Drinkwater Southern Cooking & BBQ
Views: 821,938
Rating: 4.8687658 out of 5
Keywords: how to make beef jerky - tips and tricks, how to make beef jerky - tips, beef jerky, jerky, smoke house bayou, smoke house bayou jerky, how to make beef jerky at home, how to make jerky, homemade beef jerky, how to make homemade beef jerky, food dehydrator beef jerky, food dehydrator beef jerky recipe, best food dehydrator for beef jerky, beef jerky recipe, smokehouse bayou beef jerky, smokehouse bayou jerky, how to make beef jerky, beef jerky dehydrator, jaxx drinkwater
Id: 7xc2SFcFauM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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