How to Make Beef Sticks | Beef Snack Sticks

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Meat* sticks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ewok_party πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love this sub, and this has to be the most valuable video on it that I've seen. Thank you!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Klepf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

6 pounds of pork

6 pounds of eye of round

2 1/4 pounds of bayou dust

1/2 ounce of pink curing salt.

1 pound of jalapenos

2 pounds of cheese.

17 to 19 mm sausage casings.

Cheery and hickory wood for the smoke.

smoked was 4 1/2 hours total

The first 3 1/2 hours smoke temp. was at 160Β°

last hour bumped temp to 185Β°

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_Bearded_Hiker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm not sure of the contents of the particular brand of bayou dust you are using, and the website doesn't list the ingredients either. But over 2lbs of this seems like a very excessive amount of salt if the bayou dust is like others out there.

I've been making sausage for years, and know the dangers of under seasoning, but holy hell, 2.25lbs of seasoning for a 12lb batch seems incredibly excessive.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SnoDragon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you so much for posting this, I've been looking into starting making my own. I just bought an attachment for my kitchen aid and it is both a meat grinder/sausage stuffer. Happy Smoking.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shadle2001 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video. Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to try the recipe sometime.

I’m digging your Kudu shirt. They make excellent Biltong and Droewors down here in South Africa with Kudu.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nixopax πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whoa, shocks my brain.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/frenchtoastking17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like, β€œincludes pork” needs to be added to the title. I got excited thinking it’s 100% beef and then the FIRST ingredient u have listed is β€œpork”.

Just my opinion as someone who does like to make her own snacks when she can

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WhatsInYOURSkillet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] what's going on guys Jax the bearded hiker here at smokehouse bayous international headquarters also home of the best beef jerky on the planet I'm gonna leave a link below where you guys can go get some of this bomb-diggity beef jerky if you want it you guys are gonna want to stick around for this video because today we're gonna be doing some jalapeno cheddar Smokies we're gonna show you how we do it all right so we got about 6 pounds of I around here we got us about 6 pounds of Boston but correct am i ready to start slicing this up in smaller pieces so we can fit into the grinder to start grinding this up and we haven't trimmed any of this I'll around or Boston but I would say if your guys are gonna be doing this at home just check make sure you don't have any hard pieces of fat thank ya I would say you know if you want to get a shelf stable product maybe you trim it on Allen or whatever but we're gonna leave a little in there for your flavor man all right sounds good all Ryan's gonna show us how we slice this up to put in the grinder there we just gonna get it into smaller cubes where it'll feed in there we'll you can just do the pour but basically the same way yeah mm-hmm all right we'll get that with you and all this is sliced up all right so what you we got some Bayou dust right here you sell that product on your right on your website to link will be below you're gonna use two and a quarter pounds of the Bayou dust we're also going to use a half ounce of the pink curing salt here you can get being picked up here and salted up at Academy right we can so let me ask you something this is a curveball for you then you just let me know okay so we're about ready to put this on there but my question is do you think it's a difference between seasoning this now before the grind or after the grind you you see any difference oh well I like I was season it before and let the grind and do the mixture of it you know I mean I just don't know if you go wrong as soon as you get all the ingredients in there and it's ground and mixed up I think it'll be fine okay alright well I'm gonna go ahead and they're seizing this up I don't think there's any rhyme or reason about that now if I do this jack and I don't sneeze it will be a miracle obviously we're going to have some seasoning that's not going to stick to this meat and then once we run it through we'll probably just add that seasoning back into it but we'll get it all into me and so I'm gonna change my gloves we'll get this grinder down here and start getting to work on this stuff hey Jack this kind of points out why it doesn't really matter if we put it in there before or after this is all the the seasoning that we're gonna use that didn't stick to the meat originally you know and so as we grind it through then the next grind will help we'll work it all in and regrind it into there that makes sense that makes perfect sense okay [Music] [Applause] Hey look one thing I want to point out on this particular grinder is we bought an attachment and basically this this is this part right here is the attachment and it's got two of your grinders inside in one so normally you would grind through a big a bigger hole and then you would take it and refeed it through and grind it to a smaller one well this one's got the bigger knife on this side and the smaller or plate I guess is what you would call it and so anyway it's a real nice attachment that'll save you some time now we're gonna run it through twice anyway simply because we're doing beef and pork but if we were just grinding up one type of meat we probably wouldn't have to grind it twice you know you start factoring in the seasoning and all that kind of stuff that might dictate that you're gonna drunk the grinder twice but otherwise like when I make boudin something like that and I grind it through here not only have to grind it just one time so it saves you saves you a complete additional Road when you get that attachment which i think is worth the money totally off topic but are you going to house start selling that boudin pistol because that was some good boudin balls yeah we've been working on up all the things we need to do to sell that online so if somebody I go to smoke out Viacom that's our web page just kind of keep up with that and I'm sure we'll be announcing it on our YouTube channel but yeah we're gonna start shipping boudin balls man what did you like them they were I mean I know I keep saying this and you know it I keep saying it's the best I've had but man as I'm trying their best boudin balls balls I've ever had that's all that means a lot to me hey I had a roll up my sleeves for this one you know all that seasoning work back in there right there you keep doing it till I get tired tell me along we bout food forgot these jalapenos I'm just cutting these up and the little rounds here and we got one pound of jalapenos so that was one pound to 12 pounds of meat you know and we're leaving the seeds in because we like it spicy all right so listen drop these jalapenos in there you're gonna mix it for us right sure all right go ahead no that's you okay my turn to play in the ground beef I'm not showing up on camera but those how to pin up pieces to definitely see them in there yeah so I got a question for you yeah are you willing to uh you know that body dust that we're human season 2 here you willing to give up any secrets on that well I tell you what when our Chipotle jerky that you that we sell that's what we use is buy you this so this exact seasoning is how that season so yeah it's got a good Chipotle flavor so the only thing you're really giving up so maybe we should change the name of this to jalapeno cheddar chipotle smoky I think that would be more accurate yeah yeah yeah you could call it jalapeno cheddar chipotle Smokies made by two studs from the south if you want to get real real accurate you know but that's up to you right you know what I can hear people clicking off this video right now as soon as you men where you going alright so for those of you who have stuck around this long we're about ready or Brian is about ready to give you one of the most valuable tips if you have one of these grinders and you can see it's always tough to get right there in the in those little grooves and stuff the meat out so you're gonna give us this tip and this is for free folks show us how so what are you gonna do Brian we're just gonna go and get this out of the way here but uh you can just run a piece of bread through your grinder like this and it'll help kind of push that stuff out he's our bread all right [Applause] [Music] working for food but that's about it that's probably where we were in that but it got you quite a bit more meat out yep hey man we got it ground up we got the hell opinions in there now we just got to add the 2 pounds cheese we had 2 pounds of cheese we have 1 pound of jalapenos six pounds feet six pounds of pork yep and then let's see a half ounce of the Cure pink salt yeah and about two and a quarter pounds of the in about 185 pounds a good loving right here so we're not selling any of this right so if any beard hair is to get in there yeah we don't have to worry about any complaints right after we get it mixed up we're just gonna get the case her out and I might have misspoke on one of these segments for some reason I said seven to nine millimeter I meant seventeen to nineteen millimeter is actually the diameter of the of the snacks thick casing the case seventeen to nineteen millimeter did we say we those casings that yes there'll be a link below Academy man that's the mister place to get it is the place to do no but I'm sure people that don't have an Academy if you have Gander Mountain Cabela's aspro nice Pro Shops yeah you should be able to find some casings folks yeah all right I think that's good what do you think Brian that loose good enough worked into me all right let's catch this stuff up all right so be ready to fill this thing up I guess yeah I believe I'm not a host at certain I think this is a 15 pound capacity hopper so we shouldn't get it all in one one UH one field do I even need to ask where you got this all right so we're gonna feed that or he's gonna feed that casing on there now that's just a regular college education yeah all right you know what I'm gonna need this with scissors or something if you pull that off and tie a knot in and I'm guessing yes yes sir all right right here you want to kind of work it when you start seeing this come out you tied that knot too quick it'll give you problems cause it's catch air in it okay he I know y'all can't see close up but he just tied a knot in the end of that and then he this is a two-person job in my opinion or it makes it a lot easier so he's gonna run this out and I'm gonna work it on this tray here and one thing that's helpful is I've got a foot pedal on this on this stuffer so I'm able to control the speed of it all right so we're at the back of this smoker out here of the international headquarters what we going to be smoking these Smokies on well we talked about it in there how about we use a mixture of cherry wood and hickory wood sounds good to me hey where'd you get that wood at Academy Sports we're gonna throw it in this five-gallon bucket of water and let that soak for about thirty minutes before we put it on the pit okay just before I forget to ask what do you plan on smoking this what temperature do you plan on smoking we're gonna smoke it between 160 and 165 for the first two hours then we're gonna bump it up to about 180 we'll smoke it there for about another two hours that's my guestimation if we need to bump it up from there we will we're gonna get that internal temp up to about 145 150 and we've got to try to do that in increments because we don't want to bust that casing that's what we're trying to keep from doing if you go ahead and smoke it at 185 that case is gonna bust yeah all right there we go we've got 12 pounds of Smokies all right going in the smoker and they just gonna sit in between the little rat runs here I mean they're gonna offset each other they're gonna all be uniformed yeah yeah all right we'll see you guys and uh I don't know what I'm on I'll shoot a little bit and after the first smoke they're two hours from now hi guys look we've had an old 158 to 160 for about two hours and so we're gonna open them up and check them now when i crack this there's gonna be a lot of smoke so I'm gonna kind of let it sit for a second let that extractor pull that smoke out you got some pretty mahogany looking colors come on in here and get some of that look at that [Music] we don't have the best light here but trust me it looks good pull that out yeah there you go oh yes that's what's happening there now we're gonna let these go for at least another two hours put me in their pretty color and something tells me they're gonna be real good no all right guys look we've uh we've had these on the smoker for four hours in about 25 minutes okay and we started out at 165 and basically kept them there for about three and a half hours then we went up to 185 for only about an hour I guess maybe a lot an hour so we're gonna check the internal temperature we're looking for 165 right anything above it go in the center of this puppy right here we are right there where one just make you a minister all right we're 167 I don't know if you can see that jack yeah no I can see so we're hitting internal camps we'll check it on one more yeah 177 all right so what we're gonna do we can we just roll this cart around got a little ice path here I'm gonna take them out just throw them in this bag we want to cool them down get it down around 40 or so but you're gonna see a change in this casing just gonna get a little more firm and you know how when you eat your snitch stick the Smokies or sticks they have that pop to it it's gonna add to that pop a little bit there's snap I should say and then once we get them cool down we're gonna cut them to what our desired length is yeah okay these have got a pretty color on I can't wait to try them out all right so we cooled down yeah these been cooling down for I guess some of them about ten minutes and we're gonna start you gonna start cutting them and then the best part pull these out again the same thing what do y'all think Jack you want I'm about like that yeah we reckons yeah sure but look if you put these in your refrigerator with the career and salt that we have in them and the length that we smoked them if you have a vacuum sealer I mean if you were gonna have this many for yourself you can see we're producing quite a bit with that 12 pounds of meat I've got this many more to cut up so there's quite a few here but if you vacuum seal them you can throw them in your in your freezer if you like and then the ones you kept in your refrigerator man you you would get weeks of shelf time on this you know so as far as like hikers and people that want portable protein and that kind of thing great option you know all right so bronze finish cutting up and that is a stack that is a stack of Smokies right there can we try this out down it's time for a taste - all right let's do this all right so you can let me try it first yeah buddy all right wow that really did stiffen the things up mm-hmm got a little snap to it that's good tell us what you're tasting what what are you what flavors were you tasting I mean I'm getting the spice from the jalapeno can't really distinguish the jalapeno like in a specific sense the cool thing is it's got the Bayou dust has a sweet heat component that's the whole flavor profile that we go for you know mmm and so you can taste that sweetness and then here comes at Chipotle Chipotle you just smoked in right now man I guess the cheese I mean kind of just kind of mellows it out a little bit as far as like the texture mm-hmm but man that will snap I mean the thing about it is when I eat this I just want another bite you know that's I know I can hear what we're trying to get you to say so I tasted the Bayou dust like you a minute ago well an hour or so ago who on its own so definitely I'm kind of amazed that the Bayou does flavor that whole thing without you putting anything else in there so whatever you whatever your secret is to the Bayou dust I would look I'll be honest with you I think you could wrap up the pal opinion for my taste I love spicy so you could work with that at home if you we all we used a pen a pound of how he knows 212 pounds of yeah and if you're a spicy lover man you might might wrap that up you know I could put put a little bit more help in in it and I can see the cheese in there oh yeah delicious look if you make these at home get ready to have them because they will grow legs and disappear you leave that sitting around or gets out you got that the this this is better than any beef stick I've ever had right I mean you know and you can tell like this is like legit homemade deal as far as the other man let me ask you this okay that's 12 pounds we hadn't we haven't weighed what we have left I don't know exactly what this is we can figure that out but and maybe we put it in the description below but if you have a stack of that sitting at your house man that's meal replacement right you know if somebody wants this January they're trying to lose weight this is not the other something like that is a great meal replacement yeah you know you can take it to work with a bag of almonds how to get you through the day you know all right guys you want to take this home for me look not take this home all right did you want to take this video home all right guys Smokey's homemade do see I thought I was gonna do the do way all right you do it like you do let's redo this all right Smokey's at home homemade now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jaxx Drinkwater Southern Cooking & BBQ
Views: 78,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make beef sticks, how to make snack sticks, smokies, beef sticks, teriyaki, how to, snack sticks, slim jim, slim jims, slim jim recipe, meat snacks, beef, cured meat, easy slim jims, bbq, barbecue, recipe, recipes, easy recipe, sausage, how to stuff sausage, smoke, smoked, smoked meat, smoked snack sticks, smoked beef sticks, jalapeno cheddar beef sticks, jaxx drinkwater, beef snack sticks, DIY, DIY beef snack sticks, jalapeno and cheddar, beef jerky, Smokehouse Bayou
Id: y7eD_zk5OIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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