How To Make Smoked Beef Sticks At Home ~ Sausage Series Eps 2

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welcome to smokey ribs barbecue i'm russ jones in today's video i'm gonna be doing some snack sticks smoked snack sticks gonna show you a brand new smoker we're gonna get started with this right after this [Music] [Music] you come to the right place [Music] all right let me do a little walk around this really nice smoker right here this is going to be my sausage smoker this is going to be for hanging bacon this is going to be for a lot of things now keep in mind this smoker can also do a brisket it can do ribs it's electric smoker electric is ideal for sausage because you can really dial in those low temps that you need and do that incremental increase in temperatures as sausage making requires so come on in for a closer look all right this is a little pk smoked cows this is made by pro smoker now for those of you that don't know it ps seasonings was a smoker company before they were a seasoning company there's actually two companies but this is pk smokehouse pro smoker this is all stainless steel now they build commercial smokers that are shipped internationally all over the world but this is a home version and it's ideal for backyard enthusiasts like myself when it comes to sausage making all stainless steel now i believe these rags are a plated rack i don't think they're stainless if i remember reading that right it has a water pan here in the bottom this is also a drip pan it can double as both they recommend you keep that wrapped in full for easy cleanup now down here this is your sawdust pan and there's your burner that is the heat source for this so here's your basic functions right here you got two different watch settings you got your own off this is where you will dial in your temperatures it's even got some like quick read instructions here if you forget like drying if you want to dry your meat it tells you exactly what to do about with your dampers smoking and then just cooking and it even gives you some reference on cooking times and things like that now if you look around here on the back side this is your damper now i'm getting ready to burn this in so three hour burn in it says to hold this at halfway open so that's what we got there and i'm about halfway on this bottom vent at the bottom of the door here now if you look at the casters there's four swivel casters this thing is easy to rotate easy to move and they are locking casters i really like that this is a well-built little smoker here i can't wait to use it so i'm going to go ahead and get the burn in going on this and uh you'll see it back in play here a little while later but we're going to put some bee sticks together before we can smoke them so as i said i'm making beef sticks and what i'm making exactly is this seven pepper snack stick from ps seasoning this seasoning is enough to do 25 pounds and it's two pounds that's what it weighs two pounds of this does 25 pounds of the beef sticks all right so what i have went and bought is just chuck roast and i was looking for something a little bit more leaner than this on these beef sticks you really want like 90 percent lean to about 10 percent fat and i just absolutely could not find it but i'm not too worried about it i'm not going to use this bigger pieces of fat here i'm just going to go with this marbling right in here same true with all of them and i've got more than 10 pounds of meat here so i'm going to cut out exactly what i need and the thing about beef sticks is they're not going to be shelf-stable not like the ones you buy in your grocery stores like your slim gems and everything those have had uh have had preservatives added they got certain procedures to make them stable like that these vacuum pack you do want to vacuum pack them these vacuum pack put in your refrigerator will last two to three weeks if you put them in your freezer eight to twelve months and uh you can't just leave them out i'm gonna tell you that straight up if you're not aware of that so i've had the meat it's all cubed up i've had it in the freezer for around 40 minutes just getting good and cold and now i'm gonna put my grinder together put our hopper on top i've got this i'm not sure what they call this it's like a jacket that i just keep it in the freezer keeps it ice cold goes around this head here just ensures that all this stays really good and cold all right we're going to shove all this meat over here make room for our ground meat here we go [Applause] by the way i'm feeding this through a 10 millimeter grinding plate and later on we're going to run it through a 4.5 millimeter this is probably going to be about a 85 15. it don't really look like a 80 20 or anything but like i said 10 fat is really what you're looking for i'm just going to take in the spurs this over the meat all right i'm gonna put some gloves on and we're gonna give this a good mix by hand just to start with all right so just take and work that in best you can all right so once again i'm going to pile this up to allow room i'm going to go ahead and fill my hopper up too and that'll allow me a little bit more room all right so i've got the 4.5 millimeter screw our head back on as you can see that is a much smaller grind by grinding it twice it's going to start the emulsification of this the protein extraction even though we will do more later looks like store-bought hamburger meat donut well what i'm gonna do is put this back in the freezer probably another 30 40 minutes let it get good and cold when i get back we're going to put in a mixer with the of rested ingredients and get this mixed well and from there we'll start stuffing these collagen cases meat spinning there i know 45 minutes maybe longer so what i've got here is my mixer i've got it hooked to my grinder now it comes with a hand crank too you know most of them do but uh since this since this will adapt to my grinder guess what i'm doing all right here we go we're just going to load this meat in here by the way these seasonings smell incredible i dug out the meat that was left in the grinder tube shoot where you feed it i formed into a patty and my wife actually cooked it and she loved it so that seasoning could double as a good burger seasoning as well this is where we add the sodium nitrate i'm going to add one teaspoon let me measure that out i'm going to add that to a water then another quarter all right it's all dissolved into this one cup of water and we're just going to pour it in here so we're going to mix for however long it takes to get a good emulsion get everything tacky the water eats the net so here we go [Applause] been mixing for around five minutes i just felt of it let me show you what i'm looking for here this uh beauty of this one is it will tilt so look at the protein extraction it's just all holding together right there put it in your hand it'll stick to your hand pretty much all day long so that's what we want now what i'm going to do is get this blade out of here and scrape it down then i'll be able to take and get all this meat off of here all right so i've had this piece that goes with my stuff or in the freezer for a long time at least three or four hours so i'm gonna take this meat and we're just gonna fill this up and as i stated on my last video this is only a five pound capacity so i will have to stop this twice before all this is completely done now you do want to take before you get too much in there and really poke that in there work any air any air pockets out of this to help minimize air pockets in your cases so let me go ahead and get this filled up so on these bee sticks we are using collagen cases last week we used the natural hog casings these are also made by the ps seasoning they're available there on our website so these do not have to be pre-soaked or pre-anything you just simply take these you start them on your tube here now these are these are 21 millimeter we're gonna hold that right there i'm gonna go ahead and clip this i've been using the same cutting board this is a disposable cutting board been using this through the whole process up to now so i just took a lost saw wipe i'll sanitize this and we should be fine i'm going to extend these out to the edge of this cutting board and that way they're all pretty much same and they will fit into the smoker so we're going to go ahead and get it started all right i got my son over here turning this is just about a two-man operation i'm just watching the size of it as he's turning there we go one day i'm going to invest into one of those now i tell you i want you to back off on that handle a little bit more hold right there back off all right so we're just going to pull some of this excess out just like that give that a cut and there we go we got one stuffed sausage all right so i end up putting some duck fat on this nozzle just to get a little bit of lubricant and as you can see that turned out pretty darn good so i've got all this meat we've got all these cases so i'm going to start stuffing this and next time you see me we're going to take it to the next step outside on the smoker all right so let's open her up our burn-in is over with i let it burn in for actual little over three hours i have dropped the temperature down to 100 degrees i've got the bottom then and the top vent completely open what we're going to do is dry these out for around an hour so i need to i don't have no way to hang this yet so what i'll be doing is finding me some rods that would go from here to here that way i can actually hang sausage in here so i cut these shorter on purpose because i know i had to get them in this smoker so what i'm going to do is just lay them right on the grates itself these need to dry out for about an hour at 100 degrees no smoke all right so i made some of these a little too long i end up just cutting them in half and make them fit now i got the thing i said well shoot down here i just went diagonal at an angle and there was enough room so i shouldn't have cut them should just laid them diagonal but what i should have done was measured the distance i needed and not went no further but the next time i do this i will have a hanging method where that's not an issue they can hang from here all the way down so i can double up on them you can always cut these down to the size you want them matter of fact we're gonna probably have about you know six inch sticks when it's all said and done and vacuum pack them so let's get the flies out of here close this up we're gonna let this dry out for one hour from right now all right so what i've got in here is sawdust this pan comes with this smoker and what you got to do is whip it you got to get it good and moist as you can tell that's good and moist they recommend it somewhere between one-quarter to three-eighths capacity of this and i think that's about where we're at we're about three-eighths so i'm going to open this cooker up all right we'll put our pan in the bottom now i'm going to add some water to that water pan as well but i'm going to go ahead and set my temperature first i'm just going to close that one for now we'll go in here and set this we're going to raise set it again we're going to raise our temperature up to about 125. all right i just added some water to the water pan i put four cups in there and i also i ran a probe for my uh know if you can see that my thermometer right there i run a probe down to the middle rack and i've got one saucer right in the middle that i stabbed to monitor that internal temperature and we're going to gauge all the sausage off that one single in the center all right as you can see maybe you can see we got a pretty good smoke but it's a light smoke it's just really what you want now after one hour at 125 i went ahead and brought it up to 130 and right now it's showing 132 and it'll drop down to like 128 129 it's holding right in that three or four degree range which is really good can't ask for better net my internal probe on that one link in the dead center here is reading 113 degrees now after it's ran one hour at uh 130 degrees i'm going to ramp it up to 150 for another hour and then from there we're going to do 60 160 for 30 minutes and then we'll finish it off at 180 but uh just so you know i did close my lower and my upper vents i closed them two thirds of the way so they're one third of the way open and uh we're going to roll with that right there i'm not going to open the door i'm not going to look at them i'm just trusting that everything is doing like it should the whole thing about these collagen type cases is you can't bring it up real fast you got to bring it up slowly let the casing actually bond to the meat if you try to do it too fast or if you get these too hot you will rupture the casing and that would not be good so we're following procedure here we're doing everything right by the way i don't think i mentioned it earlier but this thing is fully insulated fully insulated i mean it's built in wisconsin where it gets nice and cold so it's definitely made for those kind of environments so it's going to do really good down here in the south i've been going another hour at 1 30 and what i want to do at this point is kick in this 1250 watts i want to set this to 150. and we're gonna run with that right there for another hour well we have been going one hour exactly since i went up to 150 so now let's bring it up to 160. i'm not making any changes on the vents or anything at this point i think most of the smoke is over with i don't see really anything coming out other than maybe just a little bit of steam that's what i feel is a little bit of steam we're gonna rock it at 160 for 30 minutes all right we have been another 30 minutes and i just opened the door on this so i'm losing a few degrees and i had to add more water into the water pan i wanted to check it and it was dry so i want to keep this humidity going so let's go ahead and set this to its final setting of 180. now here in about a minute that reverts back to the actual temperature that's inside the smoker here that's just where i have it set to the actual temperature we'll automatically go back to that here in a minute i'm up to 124 degrees internal inside my sausage and uh at 155 in the middle i'm pulling these all right i have reached my target temp we hit 155 just swung the door open i've got some ice down here that's saturated in water we're going to give this a real fast cool down and drop these in the water i'll tell you what these look great look at that they're firm oh yeah this water this ice water is going to shock these it's going to stop the cooking process and the biggest thing it's going to do is stop them from shrinking they're going to remain kind of plump like the way you see them now those turned out absolutely fantastic let's get these under the water here it ain't gonna take long for them to cool down i'm gonna bring this inside i'm gonna i just cut the power off on the smoker here we're gonna shut it down i'm gonna put everything up just let these hang out on the counter i'll be back with you momentarily now this has been a long ordeal i started this at about nine o'clock this morning and uh from the the processing of the meat all the way to the drying out that first hour and then the different stages working it up then you know it took quite a while it's what 10 30 at night i started 9 o'clock about 12 and a half 13 hours from start to finish but man is it worth it now i ain't gonna lie to you i've already tasted this i was floored here we go man now i've eaten a lot of snack sticks at different convenience stores and whatnot man it's got them all beat i know y'all think i'm just saying i'm telling you this is good stuff that case and you can barely tell it's on there a lot of these you get in this tough and it's dry this is really good and it's dry for the most part but there's probably enough moisture retention in there that it requires refrigeration like i said earlier these ones you buy in the stores they go you know they have a lot of preservatives they're probably gas they have mega bucks invest in this equipment to have that chef stable like that so this is home stuff right here and i'm very impressed really good i'm very very very excited about this now i'm going to do a little quick recap to make sure y'all understood not on the whole thing just on the smoker part of it and why it's important to do that when you're using these kind of cases these casings if you just put it in a smoker and think you're going to set it to a certain temperature and just let it rock you're going to mess up what's going to happen is your casing is going to cook before the inside has a chance to cook it's going that splitting on you rupturing you're going to have a big mess on your hand now i'm sure that having different levels in that smoke or some cooked at different temperatures than others because heat rises right but overall hey i'm very pleased with the results i'm looking at them most of them look very very good i don't see no blowouts on any of them well i hope you all learned something from this video and i hope you enjoyed it and uh hey if you want to do something like this check out ps seasonings they have the smoker same smoker i used they had the seasoning they had stuff to do all kinds of stuff with like i said last week you're going to see a lot more from ps seasoning until next time smoky ribs barbecue [Music] you
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 82,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make beef sticks, how to make snack sticks, how to make sausage, smoky ribs bbq channel, smokey ribs bbq, smoked beef sticks how to make, smoked beef sticks recipe, how to make smoked snack sticks, smoked snack sticks recipe, how to make sausage at home, how to make sausage links, sausage cooking temps, homemade beef sticks, how to make homemade beef sticks, beef, meat, sausage recipes, beef sticks, snack sticks, beef snack sticks, ps seasoning beef stick kits
Id: ycoc23JTvTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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