How to Make Cowboy Coffee

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I'd definitely like to see a perspective like his on making it the best possible (like does boiling it in there have any disadvantages vs taking the water off the fire and steeping?)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 21 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Actual_Anonymous šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

If he will do that video, I hope that he will wear that sick mustache from Bripe video ;)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 7 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/AdamBera šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

After reading the April 1 post by u/redsunstar in u/coffee, I made my husband watch this one! (Husband was the one who got me hooked on James's videos.)

We both agreed that James should make the "Ultimate Cowboy Coffee" video.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/totaltriffids šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™d watch it, if it has the SAME cowboy accent. And hat.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/beyes87 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

I would also love to see this!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Jcraft153 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

I got one of these huge pots for Christmas. Haven't made a full pot of coffee with it yet šŸ˜.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Forged_Trunnion šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

he is a fun fella, i could see james doing this

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Logan_MacGyver šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

I love this, I can never get cowboy coffee super smooth.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Engr242throwaway šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Absolutely not. What I wouldn't give to get something like that...

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Caleen0 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
hey you looking for that perfect cup of coffee don't want to stand in line to get it nor pay twenty dollars a cup I don't blame you folks we are going to show you the tips and the tricks go in-depth answer your questions about cowboy coffee the smoothest cup around [Music] hi welcome to camp my name is Kent Rollins and who we have got something good going today it is a beautiful day a great day for what cowboy coffee yep you heard me right now a lot of y'all might have found us some years back by our cowboy coffee video that we had out there cuz man they did take off but let me tell you we are going more in depth we're gonna answer some of your questions that y'all have sending to us and ask us in years past I can remember back when I was a small child people was making coffee about any way they could it bowling it in a tin can down there by the creek boiling in an old coffee can at a branding pen why coffee's been around forever and these coffee shops all over the world I'm talking about them old timey ones where you could go in there and sit down and for 25 cents you can get a cup of coffee and talk and visit with your neighbors best way to start the day but it's time when own things have changed yes they have there is stuff like vintage Grundy's lattes I don't know what kind of coffee that stuff is I ain't even got a clue but coffee is coffee but when you make it the right way folks it is gonna be the best cup of coffee in the world drinking this cowboy coffee has health benefits I'm telling you it does because I've had people come to me and say oh can I really would like to drink your coffee but I have acid reflux gives me heartburn indigestion this won't if you cook it the right way when you take the bitterness out of it that coffee is smooth I mean you can drink it you won't have no problems with your stomach you don't have no heartburn no indigestion you won't even belch out loud at church no work because you have drank the right kind of coffee now y'all don't forget everything you need to do we'll be right down there below but let's talk about some of these myths and stuff that people have tried to give this cowboy coffee a bad name don't listen to all them other folks that be telling you that this stuff is too stout it is too dark it is too burnt cuz it ain't none of them things when you make it right folks it's a little chilly out here so let's go on over here told birthday and let's get us some cowboy coffee started the folks you got to get you a coffee pot but make sure that that coffee pot that you get gets well-seasoned and Shannon link your video up there to where you can watch how to season your coffee pot to get the best flavor out of it because just like cast-iron you got to take care of the inside of that pot and let me tell you something you ain't never gonna wash it with soap and water yep you heard me right it's just like cast-iron but now I have made a lot of coffee at times coffee for maybe 3,000 people I'd have ever been pot in the world we'll going making coffee bold and in there straining it out of there running it back and forth so don't be afraid of making it anything because like I say them old timers and then Brandon pins back when they used to make coffee in a metal can that's what we used to make coffee Hey as good as gold we have got water to the bottom of the spout right here and it is yon because you won't let the water warm before you do anything else you can see we got the eye out of Oh Bertha and she is generating just the right amount of heat which is six hundred and ninety seven thousand degrees let's talk about the different grinds of coffee now sure I got a coffee grinder that I used to have on the wagon and I'd grind them beans in the morning and make coffee it's a coarse ground now to me that coffee needs to bowl longer than a fine ground coffee so remember that when you're going back and forth as to what coffee you like to use I'm medium roast here so that's what we're going to use but you can use anything you want now for this big pot it's about three handfuls which makes about what a cup in 3/4 to two cups so we're gonna go with that right there the water was warm we put it in there now we got to just sit and wait patiently for it to bowl and I'm talking it ain't gonna go bubble bubble perk perk it's gonna bowl because when you let that coffee bowl like I said you taken away that bitterness that acid and everything's gonna be good in world now y'all might not be having one of these great big pots in your kitchen but we have took care of you because it is 1/4 of a cup of grounds to one quart of water and that way you can make it at home for just you or you in one or two months we are gonna wait on Oh Bertha to get this you well while we're waiting on Oh Bertha they do here job here we are gonna answer some of them questions that me and Shannon's been getting for quite a while and a lot of people say where you get them big pots now folks that's one of them finder phase deals I'm gonna charge you for telling you what I'm telling you where you can get them ok now every once well antique stores junk shops sometimes eBay you can find them on there but be careful if you go to an antique shop and you find one of them old coffee pots like that grab it up take it outside tell them you ain't gonna steal it pull it up er and look to the Sun make sure you ain't got no pinholes in there because you got to be real careful a lot of these things have sit and got a little rust in them then they get them pinhole so when you got them holes in the bottom if they're just little tiny pinholes you might think about trying to get them with some solder and fix them but folks usually when you're setting on a hot surface like this they might not gonna last I'm just to tell you right now watch pot never boils remember that saying but I guarantee you walk off and get busy Bertha will Bowl it over if she gets chance so I'm like a corner bird dog old Frank I'm gonna keep first polling starting there uh-huh Bertha is trying her hardest to bring it to a good bowl there's a lot of things going on in here and it ain't gonna be long folks till things is gonna really come up here to the top now that's when you got to be careful especially if you're in the house because that may want to bowl all over so when you get to that point to where you can see it just fixing the bowl turn that fire down a little bit in the house so it don't bowl over because you done really reduced that water level a little in that pot so we're gonna let it keep on continuing here till it will sneak up there and really roll I'm talkin churning that's what makes good coffee it is what we call rolling over rolling over now we gonna let it sit there and roll over as long as it ain't up here tryin to bowl over we can leave it right there if it was trying to bowl over a little I'd scoot it off that hot spot right there and just let it slow down a little now we ain't gonna burn this coffee we ain't gonna scorch it but I like to let her go about four minutes just a rolling bowl right there get everything broke down good to where the everything is smooth it seal or you remember me telling you about the Safeway chicken what is smoother than a Safeway chicken well Safeway was a grocery store down there in some parts of the country and I had never seen a chicken be plucked so smooth and shiny I think they waxed them every day because them chickens shine a silver dollar in a goat's book that is smoother than a Safeway chicken [Music] well in about four minutes she has so let me cover this hotspot up and let's set it right back over here on the warm inside of old Bertha to where it can just sit there and mind its own business now I like to let it cool off there just a minute and then we'll do the rest to it but the longer you bowl that coffee the stouter it will become at some point make sure you get it to your desired strength when you like to drink coffee you'll know by the amount of time it bulls how much coffee you won't put in the pot if you like it a little stouter than that but these methods have never failed me and they have served thousands of cowboys early in the morning the middle of the day and late at night well it is said about two minutes it has and we're gonna take about a cup full of cold water I'm gonna pour some down the spout a little around the edges here so bear with me see them a little tiny holes right there where them comes to that spout now any of them grounds that get caught up in there that's why you pour that back down through the spout and look who has joined us for a cowboy coffee it is the bead so you want to make sure you pour a little down the spout and then a little around the edges now the little smaller coffee pots a lot of times them grounds will get caught up on the sides and hung up in here so I just can take me one of these little what you call paper towels wet it in a little water and you can just make a little circle around there and a lot of times in grounds will stick right to it and you're a done deal looky there it's like magic you might be saying well how come did you weaken your coffee well we didn't weaken it folks we have to put the cold water in there to settle the ground the cold forces into the bottom that's when then people used to say you just crack a egg and put it in there all the grounds go to bottom I don't like my eggs in my coffee people say well you used to could just put a horseshoe in there and make it go no no traditional cowboy coffee has always just been put a little cold water in a spout all the grounds settle to the bottom smoothest coffee in the world I guarantee that reminds you something folks like one of them spitting spewing coffee dripping makers in the house where it just gives you here there and yonder every once in a while and the water temperature ain't hot enough to take a bath in now when people don't put enough cold water in this coffee to settle the grounds you would see grounds floating all around the top of there and you can see it is sort of built up through the years really don't take but about two weeks setting a little Bertha or a Kemp fire to get that suit if you want to keep yours clean take you this to rag any kind of cheap vegetable rub around the bottom and everywhere just give it a little light coating that thing will clean off so easy when you get through with especially if you're cooking with a really city wood over an open fire that's anaerobic working puck you get you a bunch of them together and lift them up here like this all day you'll be working out now that is a lot of coffee and it will fuel Cowboys up on any kind of morning and most of the time they'd be 12 to 15 in camp always make two pots this one will always get through but I always have another in just in case a back up because you don't never want to run out of coffee so let's talk about do you make a bunch of this at the house and you don't know what you're gonna do with it well sometimes I'll just pour it in a mason jar anything in the world and you can just set it in icebox tip that pot upper and go to pouring now when you get down there pretty close to the bottom of the pot especially if it's one of them littler pots you might ought to do it from the first just get you on them strainers or lay your coffee filter up there in it or whatever and just pour it through there that way you won't have no chance of any grounds getting in that coffee when you reheat it the next day you can microwave that coffee the next morning if you need to or just pour it back in a sauce pot and heat it up if you're wanting to store it for an extended period of time an icebox just make sure that you got a good seal on that liyan that coffee will last you a good 4 or 5 days in there so you can make it first the week just warm it up after that now I poured this coffee and I want y'all to see as it goes out and tell me did you see any grounds come floating out there I ain't seen none and we need even got to the bottom of the cup so it is good to go folks I want to tell you what this coffee has done for me this coffee has made me thousands upon thousands of friends and people that I call family just like y'all that watch our videos coffee is something that we always have on with the wagon the very first thing that's on every morning and it's the last thing that's pulled off there every night because I never know when somebody's gonna come in and no camp like this and say hey cookie you got a cup of coffee and there's nothing finer to me than see people just sat down over morning to get a cup of coffee when they come into camp and it's time to visit time to reflect on maybe what's going to happen during the day but it all starts with that good cup of coffee but on them old cold days I can remember when I'd have to chop ice in a water barrel to make coffee because this froze solid them Cowboys getting in huddle around old Bertha get a cup of coffee in their hands and you can see I'm just trembling like that Oh Bertha and that good coffee it's all about it done its job getting a little breezy and cloudy here in camp so I'm gonna go back over here my Bertha and warm up here in a minute but we thank you so much for stopping by me and Shannon the beagle never take it for granted that you watch our videos and who thanked our veterans and all our servicemen and women for keeping that old flag flying high above that wagon and the freedom we have in this great country that we can do what we love to do Lac share and subscribe and if you got a neighbor and he ain't subscribed go very ring his doorbell dingdong and say honey you watch that cowboy Kent Robbins guy on YouTube you should I promise you he'll help you out and bring him some coffee that's right god bless you each and every one and we'll see you by the fire and drinking some cowboy coffee sometime birthday and the coffee pot got to have a little pep talk you can do it you can do it well it's a little breezy here in camping I think I'm gonna go back and huddle up around Oh Bertha but we hope you learned something today there's also there well that was really good I was going somewhere thank you so much for stopping by me and Shannon the beagle never take it for granted that you watch our videos and there will be a little link on what was we linking to
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 2,991,827
Rating: 4.9413681 out of 5
Keywords: cowboy coffee, how to make cowboy coffee, how to boil coffee without coffee maker, how to boil coffee, how to make coffee, how to make coffee without coffee maker, campfire coffee, camp cooking, camp coffee pot, outdoor cooking, camping gear, coffee pot, boiled coffee recipe, cowboy coffee on the stove, cowboy coffee at home, cowboy recipes, outdoor cooking asmr, coffee shop, RDR2 coffee, Old Town Road
Id: 7UAoT21eqXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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