How to make Cowboy/Campfire coffee

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[Music] hello folks welcome to horse pen ranch and the horseman ranch chuck wagon my name is Justin Jackson and I'm glad you're watching our video today we've done some videos some how-to videos cleaning a pot making it from rusty to back to kind of new again a cast-iron pot we've done how to how to agrees with wagon wheel we've done just one on hanging out on the ranch in feeding cows but today we're doing our very very first how to cook video and so I've been wanting do one of these for a while so I'm just kind of excited about that and I've chose cowboy coffee or can't fire coffee and so I have made my rounds around this world and I'll tell you there's a lot of folks who do not know how to make good old-fashioned campfire coffee and so we're going to teach you today it's really easy and it's some of the best coffee that you'll ever ever drink okay and so all you need is fire water and coffee and a pot to put it in we'll talk about pots later but we're gonna that's it that's it that's it's it's really simple we're gonna start you can use any coffee we'll talk about coffee in a minute - I've got some Arbuckle's here and this is a coffee that one the west I've got some of that and we're going to give us a couple scoops of this and going over here to the fire and we're gonna put it in there going through two cups cup and half to two cups of coffee in this big pot I got alright so here we go we've got this coffee right here we're gonna this what this water is what I call room we're gonna put one cap in there I think we're gonna go ahead and put two cups in there about five to three quarters or so just like that right there and we're gonna let that boil [Music] while coffee's boiling or starting to try the ball we're going to talk about a tops of coffee and the types of pots that you need so coffee and you can use whatever coffee that you want to use this is our buckles like I said it comes with a fancy peppermint stick in it that's old school these came this is the the brand that actually started roasting beans before this company from New York City started roasting beans back in the late 1800s you bought beans green and you roasted them in an iron skillet over the fire and then you ground them yourself in a coffee grinder like this one here this is an elder antique coffee grinder from the late 1800s but all buckles is the first one to actually sell beans that were roasted and so but you can use Folgers you use Maxwell House whatever coffee you want to use you can man I'm all about good coffee okay and so you can use good coffee beans we got a local guy shout out to Caleb Hobday who does our beans for us we love them they're great he does a great job and so you can ground them yourself and all that so whatever comfort that you want to use okay and the amount and that big pot was right at 2 cups I'll give you a conversion for that here a little bit for smaller pots now let's talk about pot so this pot can be probably found on Amazon okay and this is a pot that we use a more in the house for me and my wife and so it's a lot smaller of course they're easy to find on Amazon sometimes at Walmart in the camping section okay you can find that and then these bigger pots that will make a lot of coffee I just actually found this at a local antique store they are hard to find these bigger ones are but the one I got here over there with coffee and this one right here they're really hard to find I've got about four or five of these things now and they don't make them anymore so they're harder to find so that's it and so sometimes when you bought ones like these they come with a percolator stuff inside take that percolator stuff out and toss it you don't need this is a lot better way to make coffee okay another tip is when you wash these okay when you wash these you can clean the outside all you want you can clean the inside warm water but these are a lot like cast iron on the inside this one here is good and seasoned on the inside this one here is brand new for me and it's really not okay so the best way to season these is to cook coffee in them when you're done pour the coffee out rinse it out with hot water but don't scrub it inside and don't scrub it with soap at all okay it's really even best what you can do is you can make coffee in these and don't drink the coffee necessarily and let it sit for about a day in there and that'll really seasons the sides up ok real well and then you can dump it out and it's like I said rinse it out with hot water and you'll be good to go but these are a lot like cast iron inside don't scrub them with an abrasive brush and do not put soap on the inside of these things okay so that's no tip for you all right so we only took a few minutes and we are rapid boiling so this is what a process need to take about four minutes or so is that yeah I do I let this boil hard rolling boil for four minutes I will say if you grind your own beans and they're a little thicker than a thing what you can buy out of a package in a store like a Folgers or Arbuckle's you might want to go five or six minutes on an Ohana thicker grind but this right here is about a four minute process and that is it okay we're almost to the four minute mark like I say they don't have to be perfect you know right around four minutes Michael time it necessarily I will say this real quick tip here for you when you start billing if you're in the house on a electric stove or a gas stove even out here on a campfire when it starts to boil and you might have to adjust the heat now here we adjust the heat by moving it here or moving it here for harder okay because when it first starts boiling it can boil over alright so again when I see it in the house when I see it start to try to boil turn that burner down just a little bit on our gas stove and so that's a little quick tip for you alright we've got it off the fire it's sitting here it boiled for about four or five minutes and it is gonna be ready to drink here in just second you're probably saying well how in the world am I gonna get coffee out of there with all that with without all of them grounds coming out right all them coffee grounds coming out well we're going to put a cup of cold water okay in that in this here just a second and so while we're waiting likely wait a couple minutes for I do that I got a real quick tip another quick tip for you so your conversion if you have a smaller pot like we talked about earlier is gonna be about a quarter cup of coffee to a quart of water and so again that's your locking to you know if you like your coffee a little stronger or a little weaker you know that's going to be something you have to play with a little bit but it's about a quarter cup of coffee to one quart of water is about the conversion and the longer you let a bowl the the stronger the coffee will be okay and so here we go we're gonna come up here we're going to pour this we will pour a bit down this spout right here is to make sure we have it all down off the spout sometimes they get caught in there we're gonna pull this right on top okay and that is it what happens that cold water pushes the grounds all the way down the bottom and that's it guys you don't get as those things about throwing an egg shell in there and this and that and man I hear everything guys with his coffee and I pour some in a minute and show you how smooth it'll look I here I've done this for youth camps Church camps for the adults the the sponsors for years and years and and that you know though everybody at first is like you know I don't I don't know about Tet that's that's gonna be too strong or that's going to be to this to that I'm making for one time and they want me to make a forum every more they don't want that drip coffee they want this good cowboy coffee alright so here we go we're gonna pour a cup of this and I'm just going to show you right now I'm going to put a glove on cuz I know it's gonna be kind of kind of not kinda but real hot someone came over here close shot I want to see how smooth this is gonna be look at that right there look at that right there beautiful alright so that's your cup of coffee right there and so as you can see it's a good color I'm gonna pull this I just kind of show you look here you see any grounds in there anybody nobody nobody nope no grounds whatsoever just good good stuff and you can just keep going and keep going and keep going look here look at that slow pour boom okay and so it is this makes great coffee great coffee and would drink this when I want wasting more coffee that's it that's a foul okay so guys that is it I'm trying to think of anything else like I said you want to be careful when it starts to boil when you first start seeing it bull you might have turned your burner down if you're inside because it can boil over but once it starts rapid boiling you're safe well it starts boiling you're good to go again use any coffee you want to use I tell you it what's what's I love good coffee beans but this seems to bring coffee to a more of a level playing field you can use not as fancy beans or or a coffee and get a really good cup of coffee and so that's just how it is all right guys hey thanks for watching I really really appreciate it man you know comment let us know what you think about it if you got any questions ask them I'll be glad to answer them and hey it's hard to beat coffee of morning and in the afternoon and just whenever all right so enjoy and make this at home and and let us know how it goes Thanks [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Horse Pen Ranch
Views: 65,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coffee, Cowboy coffee, Campfire coffee, Chuck Wagon, How to make coffee, Horse Pen Ranch, Horse Pen Ranch Chuckwagon
Id: E55rWDk-bx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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