How to Season Your Coffee Pot for Great Flavor

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you know coffee comes in all kinds of sacks in different kinds of cans but to make the best cup of coffee in the world you got to have the right pot stick around we're going to show you how to season it to get that great flavor of cowboy coffee let's talk about what it takes to make a good cup of coffee and there's a lot of things involved mostly about three of them fire water and coffee but the most important one good coffee pot now you can buy these coffee pots like this it junk stores antique stores find them on eBay stuff like that the folks be careful if you're ordering one online you need to make sure that you ask that feller if you're buying it off eBay will it hold water now when I get one of them I find one and I want em Oh antique stores or something like that I say excuse me folks I got to take this outside hey so what you gonna do with it as an angle steaming I'm gonna hold it up here and I'm Alyssa see if I can see any pin holes in there that way I know it's gonna hold coffee now if it's got all this on there and a handle and everything which you do need make sure that there ain't no cracks around here anywhere because it'll leak if there is a crack I used to have one look like this and I epoxied for like 21 years and chefs finally made me get it up anything on that spout I'm sure there ain't no cracks but the most important thing after you ain't got no cracks in it is the inside of that coffee pot you want to zoom in here Shen so people can see in there that thing is what we call well-seasoned a well seasoned coffee pot is like well-seasoned cast-iron still make everything taste better now when I first get me one of them coffee pots if it's never had any coffee made in it and I'm going to always smell you can smell it if it's got that coffee taste in there from way back but you look in there a lot of never have had anything in them they might just be brand new just be shiny in there set it on heat source fill it up to about right there let that water get high pour you some coffee and this is not coffee we're drinking this is coffee we're seasoning with and let's just let it secretary bold bold and bold I'm talking a 10 minute bolt then I'm just going to send over someone I'm gonna let it set all day long maybe part of the night pour it out the next morning rinse it out good and I'm gonna make me a pot of coffee in there but just make sure to look for that good one the first time and folks I'm saying it round $85 for a pot like this is it plenty watching people cause some of them want a whole lot more than that in a very haunted fire now I know some of you y'all can't drink this much coffee in a day we got a little one in the house it's like a 3/4 we we got it from Amazon it's enamel hey we've used it on this we've used it on a gas burner Channel have you a link there to to where you click on Amazon and get you on the little O 3 quart coffee pots when I get ready to rinse this old coffee pot out if I'm on the ranch or anywhere in the world I always take it over under that water barrel put me some water in there pour it out I'm ready to make coffee again because it's well-seasoned but one thing it never gets just like cast on I never put soap in there most of them old Cowboys on them on ranches if they had their own cup then every whence they cut out I've never seen so coffee pots are like cast iron they got to be seasoned the inside what does that they can come over and over and over say we got though using that coffee pot and we're fitting a pack up move camp so all the coffee's drink out of there it's clean I've rinsed it out and we'll turn it right just like that and then we'll let that heat off if I've dry on the inside now I've seen them on coffee pots that them old people use years ago and they wouldn't drown mouths they just put that lid on and put them in the chuck box take off they might not use it for a month look at it later it might have a little moment growing in there so always make sure when you get through and you rinse it out let it dry good before you store it you don't have to have a lead that's hots been sitting there while mommy now a lot of the leads I had a flew off blowed off bounced off every while so this one is just a manufactured pizza that's really hot shin piece of metal with a nice cabinet knob on top but it made it in shop just fits right in there how you keep out the bad things which is bugs and dirt everything else so you know coffee has played a very important part in a lot of cultures for many years but in a cowboy's life it's the first thing you look for when you crawl out that bed rail headed towards that old cook Shack er towards that wagon and that is that first cup of coffee now Oh cookies got it ready and me and Shannon always do but it's the first place they stop they'll come in morning camp morning Shannon you got some bad coffee we will avail hunting a cup and pour them up a drink so that old coffee is a lifeblood of many but to a cowboy it's a go-to thing every morning we'll keep her on all day and to get to share a cup of coffee with a friend means a whole lot whether it's in a starlit sky out in the middle of nowhere or maybe you're just sitting in the backyard to be able to share that cup of coffee with a friend will bring you closer together you want to make a good cup of coffee remember how we start first of all we look make sure they got no cracks any work make sure the scene down here is good look at it through the sunshine make sure they know our holes because if it is if it leaks and good for nothing but a flowerpot make sure that you put the water in there you boil you some coffee extensively I'd say let her mobile 10 or 15 minutes longer it bowls better it's going be just let it sit in there let it you Center love that old coffee pot for the first day we showed you how to take care of that coffee pot how to season it and if you're interested in how to make the best cup of cowboy coffee in the world we've got a video up on that channel have you a link there at the bottom where you can click and go right to it more folks like my daddy always told me don't judge a man but what he rides or what he wears on his head it's what he's got in his heart same thing don't judge a coffee pot that's old pop by hon the outside because I guarantee it's going to break some of that black magic - its coffee on the inside thank y'all stopping by pour cup god bless each near one
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 407,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cowboy coffee, boiled coffee, coffee pot, campfire coffee, cowboy recipes, camp cooking, ranch life, outdoor cooking, grilling, dutch oven, cast iron, cowboy
Id: hmjLgic62s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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