Chicken Chow Mein Take-Out Style | Chicken Recipe For Dinner #subscribe

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today I am going to be making chicken chow mein  this has been requested over the last two weeks   so I decided that's what's for lunch today for the  chicken I have one pound of thinly sliced chicken   breasts I'm going to add a quarter teaspoon of  white pepper you could just use black pepper   if that's what you have a tablespoon of soy sauce  and two teaspoons of baking soda sometimes I like   to do egg white with a tablespoon of corn starch  but I'm gonna do the baking soda today and this   is going to sort of you know velvet and marinade  marinate the chicken and you'll want to set it   in the refrigerator but take it out maybe ten  minutes before you are going to cook it to take   the chill off of the meat so that's done okay so  to start I'm going to be using a 12 ounce bag or   340 grams of chow mein pan-fried noodles and on  the back it has instructions to basically place   the noodles in boiling water for 20 seconds  drain and then you can pan fry I'm actually   going to boil them and shock them in cold water  and set them aside until I'm ready to use them noodles in okay so it's been long enough now I'm  going to place them in my ice water bath okay so   my noodles have stopped cooking so I'm going  to place them on a baking sheet to sort of dry   so here I've drained all of the water I have them  sitting in this wire mesh strainer so now I'm just   going to place them on a large baking sheet that's  lined with parchment paper so they don't stick and   it's just I want these to dry out they're just  going to get a lot crispier than just a soggy   wet noodle when you add it to your wok so just  to help just kind of go over with a paper towel   just like that okay so this is just going to hang  out until I need it okay so let's put the sauce   together here I already have two tablespoons  of oyster sauce and to that I'm going to add   two tablespoons of dark soy sauce here I have a  teaspoon and a half of rice vinegar one and a half   teaspoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of sambal and  the ratios of these ingredients you know you want   to give it a mix taste it and if you find that  you want things to be a little more sweeter or to   have not necessarily sweet but balanced from the  sugar then you know add another pinch of sugar if   you want things spicier then you know add that so  this is mix now I'm going to add just a teaspoon   or two maybe that's more like a teaspoon and a  half of sesame oil and that's it this is going   to be what coats the noodles and you know sauces  this dish so for the fresh ingredients it's very   versatile this dish you can use whatever you have  on hand for example here I have about three ounces   or maybe one and a half cups of thinly shredded  cabbage fresh cabbage I used the whites and the   greens of five scallions and you can chop and  slice them how you like here I have two large   celery sticks that I just cut diagonally into  thin slices and one medium carrot that I julienne   and I'm also going to be adding fresh garlic my  husband loves garlic and he likes pieces or like   Findley sliced chunks in his stir-fry but you can  definitely mince this but this is what I opted to   do because it's just what my family likes but  I'm using about four to five cloves of garlic   and here is the marinated chicken so I'm going  to start preheating my wok and we're gonna start   stir frying and cooking these okay here I have  a large wok that I've preheated over medium-high   to high heat you really want this to kind of get  smoky I'm gonna add a good amount of cooking oil this is nice and hot and I really want  to get a good sear on the chicken so I'm   going to spread it out trying to do that  this you have to and I'm gonna cook this gonna add my oil and I'm gonna start with  my celery and carrot and I'm going to stir   this for about 20 seconds it's not  gonna I don't want this to get too   soggy or overcooked now gonna do a quick  saute of the cabbage again not very long okay so for the noodles I'd really want to fry   these so I'm going in with it I'm  gonna go ahead and add in my white now in handfuls I'm going to add so now I'm  just going to create a little space while   these are still kind of getting little char bits  and little toasty I'm gonna go in and do a quick   saute of my chopped garlic in the center I  don't want to burn it this is why I add it   last sort of let it cook so I love these little  bits that get crispy and crunchy on the edge so   again I'm gonna let these just gonna hang out  on the side I'm gonna go back in with my chicken now I'm going in with my sauce and this smell is so good already once I get this  kind of work then at this point we want to have   your veggies add the greens from the scallions  and that's it I'm gonna give it maybe another 30   seconds in the wok just to mix everything in  you could finish with a little bit of sesame   oil but remember I did add it into the sauce  but this is chicken chow mein and it's ready   to serve I hope you give this recipe a try  I hope you like it and thanks for watching
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 9,924,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simply mama cooks chow mein, chicken chow mein, chicken chow mein recipe, chicken chow mein restaurant style, easy recipe, street style chicken chow mein, street style chow mein, home made chow mein, chow mein, chinese stir-fried noodles, chicken lo mein noodles recipe, chicken lo mein recipe, chicken stir fry with vegetables, chicken stir fry with noodles, chicken stir fry tasty, cook with me, chinese food recipes chicken, youtube recipe videos, chicken lo mein
Id: b3dMfLZayt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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