How to Make Bone Broth - Heal Leaky Gut

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hi I'm Holly Morrison with the Goshen team and welcome back into my kitchen today we're gonna do something that I absolutely adore we are going to talk about how to make bone broth and we're gonna talk about why you want to make it how to incorporate it into your diet what the benefits are to drinking it and eating it it is a real food it is powerful for healing and it tastes wonderful so come on into my kitchen and let's do some cooking together [Music] I'd like to spend a little bit of time and just tell you why you want to drink bone broth I've been drinking bone broth really probably most of my adult life and didn't know it I would cook a chicken and have broth and I would use that to make soup but when you prepare it properly and traditionally our ancestors have been making bone broth for thousands of years honestly and I mean all cultures have been making it with whatever remnants are left of an animal like the carcass and they cook it very low and slow and by doing that you're preserving all of the nutrients that are in there and there's tons of minerals there's amino acids there's magnesium phosphorus there's like tons of amazing minerals but the I think the most health benefit thing in there is the gelatin and what gelatin does for your body is it preserves it it preserves your gut it seals your gut it reverses leaky gut syndrome if you don't know what that is you can look it up and if you have any issues with digesting grains or digesting food or any diverticulitis there's lots of gut issues that can be going on in your tummy but it is so nutrient dense and it's so digestible it is actually considered a first food for a toddler or like a baby that's transitioning off of nursing bone broth is considered a first food for people like me I'm in my early 50s and I drink it for the joint health I've had a wreck a long time ago and had a lot of issues with joints and with arthritis and the bone broth has been miraculous for my joints I mean like powerful and when I'm neglecting drinking it or neglecting it in my body I can tell so it is just powerful for any autoimmune disorder any gut issue but it's really fantastic for your children fantastic for making your bones be strong and your hair and your nails anything that makes your nails and your hair healthy it's making your bones and your teeth healthy so it is also part of a protocol for people that are healing their teeth obviously if our ancestors were doing it and there were things they were not battling they were not a lot of the diseases that we battle they were battling infectious diseases they were not dealing with degenerative diseases like you know the osteoarthritis and you know there's so many I don't want to go into the long list but like any of those diseases where it's just because our body is just breaking down they were not battling that they were dealing with infections that were coming because they had no knowledge of how to prevent infections so bone broth rocks it is amazing for your health it's amazing for growing babies if you're pregnant or nursing moms it's there's not a person on this planet that cannot benefit from drinking at least a cup to two cups a day a lot of people talk about how to put it up after you've made it our family consumes it it's never sitting in the freezer we make soup out of it we make foam noodles out of it we'll just sip it and add a little bit of seasoning to it but there's it's not going to be hard for you to work it into your diet so we're gonna get cooking I've got a lot of ingredients over here and it's really not a lot it's actually quite simple but I'm going to bring them out I'd like to cook with herbs and when I make bone broth I put herbs in there so these are my favorites they're all organic I buy them in bulk rosemary which we crush with the mortar and pestle because it's really hard to find it already crushed and yeah these these are components of my bone broth every time and I've been making bone broth for years this is just parsley flat leaf parsley it's organic again and thyme and they're well-loved I probably should have what my containers off but they're used nearly every day and then pepper and now that's not organic I just find that's another high spray item so I don't worry about it and then we're going to need organic unfiltered raw apple cider vinegar and I just use the good stuff for everything I mean I imagine you can just use standard vinegar but I always try to stick with organic especially when it doesn't make a difference in price because this is just pennies to get that so all of these are going to go into our bone broth I'm going to move these over to the side because what we have cooking already over here is a pot of chicken I have found by accident what is the most effective way to make chicken bone broth found it out a few years ago and I used to make barbecue chicken in the crock-pot with drumsticks and so I would just put the drumsticks in the crock pot cover it with barbecue sauce and let it cook for seven hours on low and one day we had a little bit leftover which is rare in my family and I put it all in the refrigerator and I just scooped it all up threw it in the fridge and the next day is I'm getting it out I'm like look at all this gelatin it was barbecue gelatin and I was like this is the best way to make gelatin bone broth gives you that's what you're after when you're making bone broth is you're after the gelatin you want your broth to gelatin eyes and you want it to be thick so my trick for making really gelatinous bone broth is using drumsticks or leg quarters but I find drumsticks are the cheapest they're the easiest to find and they make the richest nutrient-dense bone broth that you can ever make and I mean hands down there's lots of other ways but this is the least expensive organic chicken bone broth you can ever make so we're going to begin with an empty crock pot and we're going to put in the crock pot three packs of drumsticks and the way I buy them is usually at Costco that's the cheapest place to find them they come in a tri pack and each pack has five drumsticks usually occasionally they're six or I'll buy them at Trader Joe's I always buy organic you want organic bones you really do not want to fudge on this is the area that you don't want to you know fudge on this is where you want to buy organic meat organic bones so we're taking the drumsticks putting them in your crock pot a cold crock pot and then we're gonna put on top of the drumsticks we're gonna put a whole head of garlic and some veggie scraps and I have a little trick because I don't like to put food in there to cook down and then throw it away because when you let food cook down for a long period of time you're not going to eat it so like if you put a whole carrot in there whole pieces of celery you're not going to eat that after it's cooked for a long period of time because it's just mush so what I do is when I've chopped up my vegetables when I'm cooking supper is I keep a little bag in my freezer a gallon bag or sandwich bags it doesn't matter and just every time I'm done peeling an onion I put all those veggie scraps is that you would call them put them in the bag you don't the wash time you have to do anything to them just put them in the bag throw them in your freezer and then when it's time to make bone broth you just open your freezer out and there you've got the ends of celery the ends of your onions the peelings the peelings our leftover pieces of garlic and your carrot tops the ends of the carrots there's other things you can put into some things you don't want to put it or like potatoes you know bell peppers are great too I love the put bell peppers in because and it's just the pieces of the bell pepper that obviously you're not eating so all of those are your veggie scraps and that is really common in restaurants where they take veggie scraps and they use them and they make broth out of them so it's just a cost-effective way to add flavor and nutrition to your member oh so this is my crock pot I'm unplugging it it has been on low for the last eight hours that's the longest you're gonna cook it with chicken because we don't want to waste our money we are cooking low and slow so that we preserve all the nutritional benefits I wish you could smell this I take my lid off and we'll keep my lid clean because we're gonna put that back on cuz this is we've put all of our chicken in and oh my gosh it smells so heavenly I put as you saw earlier a whole head of garlic now that garlic right now I can just take cut the end off and squeeze all that out that's garlic paste that's been cooking in chicken these are just all the veggies that you saw in the picture that were put on top and then here is your beautiful chicken tender cook perfect and then there's all that gold in there so we're gonna pour that off but first thing first I'm gonna collect some of this and I'm only doing this because I want to show you how gelatinous this is so I'm putting this in that's going to push that on my veggie straps and I'm going to collect some just for you to see the beautiful color but I'm gonna put this in the refrigerator I'm gonna let it cool down for a little bit first but I'm gonna put it in the refrigerator and I'm gonna let it cool and then I want you to see how gelatinous it turns once it gets cold because when you cook with these drumsticks this is really the key it's just amazing how much gelatin comes out of those really large bones so yeah that's like such a happy discovery because I used to make bone broth and I still kept making it even though it was a gelatinous and I would read well you know if it doesn't get gelatinous you can just add some gelatin to it I'm like if I went to all this trouble and I didn't make gelatinous bone broth why do I want to go to all this trouble it's not really that hard you'll learn a rhythm to it but I want the I want it to be what it's supposed to be so I'm gonna put that in the fridge in just a little bit of sauce set that over here and let it cool and now what we're gonna do is we're going to pour this all off in a colander and that's not a fine colander so if I had put bell peppers in there you would want to run it back through a fine sieve like this because there's seeds that come through the bell peppers but I'll show you that in just a minute so we're gonna just keep going so here's my colander here's my bowl I set that right there we're gonna try not to splash but you know real life right so we're gonna just take it right out of my crock pot and here we go I'm just gonna pour it in slow it is very hot so slow is good now what are we gonna do with all this chicken it's chicken that's gonna pull apart it's not gonna be big chunks but it can be alright so your crock pot looks very dirty but guess what it's clean enough to start your next batch of bone broth so the rhythm of bone broth is that this is your first batch you're gonna cook it about 7 hours on low with meat because that's how I always make my bone broth I'm starting with meat so all of this is going to drain off this is going to cool off and I'm gonna just put this right over here just for a minute because I need to grab a bowl to set that on of not a bowl but a plate and it's gonna keep the thing so we'll set that right there this is going to cool and in the time that we're recording this once this cools all the way down I'm going to debone that and everything but the meat goes right back into this crock pot that looks like it's dirty but it's not because we're gonna put it all back in and we're gonna turn it back on but this time the you're gonna run it for 24 hours now you can go as long as 48 hours I personally don't I just I like the taste after that first 24 hours you can pull the liquid off and start all over again and put more liquid in and let it go another 24 hours but I prefer the first round which is 7 hours with meat and then this is bone broth right here so this is going to be gelatinous and I just pour it off now I often make soup out of this so it's going to go in my mason jar or back into a soup pot you know so we're going to pour it right in here carefully of course and there will be a fat layer at the top you can pour that you can use that fat layer to cook with or you can just leave it in here and there's gonna be all of my herbs that I put in there initially they're going right back in because I paid money for those and they're in good shape so and isn't that beautiful let me pull that around so you can see how pretty it is now that is delicious right now you do not put salt in when you're cooking it initially so pretty oh my goodness so but this is the time where you're gonna salt it so about a teaspoon per quart this is obviously a half a gallon so this is two quarts so but I don't I don't just put salt in like that cuz like when I'm cooking I'm sauteing vegetables and I'm putting salt in there so i season at the end I like my bone broth to stay so okay so here is my head of garlic I have not done that until recently I used to buy my garlic from Costco and it would already be peeled I always try to find garlic that has the roots on it that reassures you that it has been grown properly if it hasn't been grown properly they'll scoop that off this is organic so I got this whole head and got a big bag of them or you know a good-sized bag of one but we're going to just cut off part of this at some point I'll do that while we're here and and you're going to just squeeze it and all that wonderful chicken garlic paste is going to come out now this is not something that I would recommend doing when you're doing the longer broth this is your first seven to eight hour broth this is why you still have meat on the bones so your garlic it's not going to be overcooked but when you go to do it with your longer broth you can still put garlic and you're just not going to necessarily eat the garlic so here's our chicken and I'm actually going to take it out and let it cool down and it's just gonna fall right off the bones now what am i doing with this chicken there's your meat right there very tender very moist dark meat is very moist you can make chicken salad out of it if you don't know what you want to do with it you can just debone it take all that because all these bones are gonna go right it back in this crock pot but here's your chicken and if you're not ready to use that in a meal then you can just put it in a ziploc bag it will fill up a quart bag so this amount of chicken and have no pounds everybody wants to know pounds it's three packs of the Trader Joe's Trader Joe's organic chicken so 15 drumsticks is what I have here and 15 drumsticks when I debone it it ends up filling up a quart bag and I will put that in the freezer sometime and that will be my convenience food when I'm in a hurry and I want to come home and pull something together there it is I can just defrost it the night before or put it in some warm water so I'm laying these out only purely to let them cool down so that I can debone them because these bones are not done they still have a lot more love to give to us a lot more nutrition and as you can see there's the cartilage the skin all that's going in there now I don't use the vegetables once they've given me one round that's it you can if a few of them fall through that's not a big deal so I'm just spreading these out on a plate so then in about ten minutes I can take all my chicken off and put my bones and skin and cartilage back in the crock pot so the rest of this I'm just going to leave spread out in here and the cool thing is I got to play it under there so it's collecting all this underneath that in a short amount of time will turn into gelatin so this is some rich broth on here's that is actually the end of my celery and so again I just keep a little bag I'll get that out when we go to set this up I'll show you how I collect them in my freezer bag and just put them in the fridge I put them in the freezer alright so we're going to transition to devoting these and setting up our crock pot for our second round of bone broth so the first first batch the most flavorful most nutrient-dense most lovely you're not gonna have to talk anybody into drinking that second batch is going to be tasty it's still going to taste like chicken but it's it's going to be a little bit more blank but it is still very nutrient dense and it is worth the trouble to do this second batch okay I'm gonna finish deboning this so it's still pretty warm but it's not piping hot so I'll use my tongs a little bit and I'm just gently there's bones in here so just be watchful just to encourage you there's these little bones right here so you want to be watchful that you get all of that that's all going back in the crock pot here's my pile that's gonna go for a dinner or a meal or a casserole or a pot of soup and there's all the skin and obviously I've got 15 of these so I'm gonna just keep on going and deboning everything and getting it great but again watch for the little bones and there's your chicken I don't even chop it I just put it right in my ziploc bag or right in the soup just like that and I will just keep on going so here's our whole head of garlic and it is cooked in chicken so the flavor in this is just amazing so you basically have garlic paste passively made for you really super easy now I'm cutting it real care because it's cooked so if I just went like that everything would have squeezed out all at once and I didn't want it to do that because I really wanted to show you how to do this okay so now that you've cut your ends off all you're gonna do is squeeze and there's your garlic paste coming out now you can do whatever you want with this it's gold its flavor but it is incredible nutrition that's a whole head of garlic nobody's gonna have trouble eating that I promise you because it tastes like chicken and garlic there's no heat anymore it's all calm down I'm not going to reuse this some people reuse their vegetables I just think I've got veggie scraps in my freezer all of it would have otherwise been composted so I don't I don't have to get you know Mincey with it but there's probably more flavor in that that you could have kept on cooking but I'm not going to do that there's a little bit of paste here but I'm trying to avoid the paper so you still can get some garlic paste out of this too but you're probably going to be more likely to get some paper you know your garlic paper in that now you could have just peeled the garlic and put it in I've done it that way too or I've already bought it already peeled but this is just one little trick that I'm doing and you know we're always learning right all right now we're setting our bones up for the second batch of bone broth so the first batch we cooked with our meat which is gold it is gold you're not going to have anybody not drink that the second batch it's not going to be as chickeny so I've got some tips on how to still make that taste just as good as the first batch so here we are we have put all of our skin cartilage and bone a few pieces of chicken that just not pieces of chicken yes there are a few pieces of chicken which is fine it's going to add flavor there's a few carrots that got back in there which will be fine but everything that was not to be eaten goes right back in the crock pot and now here's all my veggie scrap bags that I was telling you about so every time I chop up an onion celery and we do eat a lot of onions and celery we save them and then those are gonna go right in they're frozen and they're just going to get dropped right in the more the merrier you really honestly in my opinion you can't overdo it and then these are just celery ends I just cut the ends off of your celery and that goes in and then I cut the other end off of the celery so there we go we just do dump there's some carrot pieces in here so I'll get some of the carrots in there I probably won't do any more celery even though I love celery celery and bone broth and garlic and bone broth and onions those are like happy happy I don't do a ton of carrots because carrots are sweet so I think they do have a tendency to change the broth a little and there's a few more onions we'll add those in and why not we'll just add that last little bit of celery so those are empty the last thing I'm gonna add and when I add garlic in with when I do it as a whole head in order to actually consume the garlic you want to pull that back out after about six hours so I'm gonna grab a head of garlic and we're gonna put it in just like that I put it right to the top so it's easy to pull back out and I will set a timer on my phone so I don't forget because you know garlic is gold it's good for you I don't have any bell peppers cuz we've used those in the last batch that I made a while ago so that's all gone so now I'm gonna add this is a secret ingredient and you hear a lot of people use vinegar in it but sometimes I never hear people talk about it so but this is just organic apple cider vinegar you're gonna put a quarter cup in why are we putting this in it's not for flavor this is actually going to help the bones leach more of the nutrients that we want out so we put that in and then I add all my herbs I love rosemary it smells amazing my daughter loves to do use the mortar and pestle so I buy it whole and then we just crush it I put about a teaspoon in there and then time which is anti all of these herbs all herbs are anti-cancer and they're therapeutic and medicinal but they had flavor so there's our time smells great and then parsley and I have parsley you're getting potassium in your parsley you're not really getting a lot of flavor from parsley it's just minerals and nutrients and it's a green parsley is agreed so anytime I can add greens and so all these herbs are actually a green all right and then now we're gonna add clean water I just ran this water through this is a berkey water filter it removes all the junk but leaves all the minerals so clean water we're pouring that in now I cover it and you're covering your bones by about two inches so you don't have to cover your vegetables your vegetables are gonna settle down in so that's about two inches we'll just go ahead and do the rest of it I don't normally measure it I just put it underneath the Berkey and turn it on and said that you're gonna let sit for about an hour before you turn it on because the vinegar and the water is going to leach out all the minerals that's in the bones and then let me put the lid back go on and we're gonna turn we're not gonna turn it on yet I'm gonna turn it on because I want to see you let you watch how I set it up this is actually the promised quart of chicken and it's in big pieces as you can see I love to put chicken in soup where it's chunky and it'll just fall apart over time while the other things and they are cooking and I've got some great recipes for soups that we can do but don't want to take up all our time with this so we're gonna turn this on well we're gonna plug it back in then we're gonna turn this on and we're gonna put it on low and the way that mine works I just go backwards and then add a little bit and there's my 24 hours and mine goes to warm afterwards and then we're gonna do the same thing we did before we're gonna strain it off except we're not going to debone it if you will cook everything in this pot one more time so we're gonna cook this 24 hours we're gonna strain it and there's our broth you're gonna have almost not quite but you're gonna have almost another half a gallon of bone broth now it's again not going to be as gelatinous is the first round and but it's not going to be as flavorful in my opinion the second batch but I add this little item you always add salt at the end before you get ready to use it but this is just a wonderful product you can get it at Whole Foods kind of costly you can get at a Costco in a really big tub but my teenager has learned this trick so he'll add this to water and it makes like delicious broth but it's not necessarily like bone broth but we've run out of bone broth so this is what he does so we just add this about a teaspoon per cup and the flavor is off-the-charts good I mean you would it would take somebody who really cooked a lot and has cooked a lot of broth not to be able to tell that that was not homemade broth but what it does is it takes this second batch of broth and it makes it taste just like the first batch and obviously the first batch was super golden mmm your second batch is going to be a whole lot lighter in color and there won't be as much fat because you know that was all pulled off mostly with the first round of cooking here is the finished product we pop them in the freezer just to get our gelatin eyes for you but as you can see we have don't brought gelatin there's the gold this is what changes your health and for anybody getting over a cold or the flu sip on some of this so there it is and that beautiful little fat beads on top yeah obviously you'll have to warm that back up but as soon as you warm it up it will just it will just melt like butter there we go beautiful that is going to make all kinds of goodness and a pot of soup just warm it up and sip it and enjoy but simmer your veggies with it I mean you can put it in everything you're warming up some rise warm up leftovers you know you can actually freeze it off in some ice cubes or you could freeze it in ziplock bags or mason jars and put it in your freezer if you need it but my encouragement is use it up in five days so that you need to put another batch on and just keep it rolling it's winter so it's super easy to drink something warm and toasty thank you for coming into my kitchen thank you for watching our video on how to make organic wonderful chicken bone broth and if you liked our video please give us a thumbs up please hit the subscribe button and the notification bell so that you'll find out when we do produce another video and if you've got any comments please put them below and we'll try to answer every single one of them thank you for coming into my kitchen and thank you for following along our journey to Goshen
Channel: Goshen Farm and Gardens
Views: 1,065,539
Rating: 4.9001551 out of 5
Keywords: bone broth, broth, leaky gut, holistic, collagen, collagen loading
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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