EASIEST way to make GHEE at home and SAVE money $$ OFF GRID | HOMESTEADING

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hi welcome back to log cabin my name is Stacey and if you're new around here my husband and I live in this log cabin that we built ourselves and we have no public utilities and I cook on a wood-burning cook stove and today I thought I would show you something where you can save lots of money for the new year and get healthy at the same time recently I did a video when I combined sourdough starter with some apples and made apple fritters and I used ghee and we had a lot of people how many wanting to know how to make e and so I thought today would be a great way to start and a lot of people are like what is ghee and ghee is what you might call clarified butter it's sort of like clarified butter it's basically where you're gonna take and separate the milk solids from like the pure butter fat just by heating it and it will separate it and when you do that it is kind of cool because it gets rid of the lactose and the casein so some of you guys that might be sensitive to Dairy you can tolerate it and it's wonderful and it's gained so much popularity recently especially in the United States a lot of people are on the Paleo diet and the whole thirty diets and it's just it's gaining kind of like a new resurgence and it's something that I cook with all the time ever since I've been a young girl my grandmother cooked with clarified butter growing up and friends would come over to my house all the time and they would say your food always tastes so good and check-in my own to see if it's warm enough and they said our food just had such a good flavor to it and it's because when you do heat your ghee it just makes it taste a little more nutty it makes the food taste much more flavorful and it's just something that I love I call it liquid gold I love it I use it all the time and all of my baking and today we are going to be making it with two pounds of grass-fed butter so we make the grass-fed butter here but if you're gonna go and you go to the grocery store just make sure you just need to go to the store and get you know one pound or two pounds of a grass-fed butter and then you can make this so I have two pounds of my grass-fed butter in a pan I like to use a glass dish because that way I'll be able to see the separation of my butter fat as opposed to make a scene in my lactose so all you're going to do this is so so easy because I've seen this at the grocery store I'll tie it for $21.99 and that is like oh my gosh I can't believe it because you just get your butter and you just what it's going to cost us a little bit of your time which is hardly any time at all and the butter so and it's something that is loaded with so many health benefits it's been touted for years I mean I use this you can put it on your skin it's really good for your skin it's uh it's actually very good it kind of nurses your colon it's very good for your digestion and your digestive tract just to help assimilate and digest your food too and I can't tell you guys how I love the ghee the ghee makes my food taste so well you can do so much with it I like to if you make it make submit that popcorn it makes a great stir-fry I did those animal fritters potato chips even eggs if I'm doing baking it just intensifies the flavors and as you can see here I need to bake smaller because I use this this is this is my choice over anything because we have lamb the tallow and the beef I use that and then sometimes coconut oil but really overall the ghee is my go-to guy I use it really for everything because I think food does taste so much more flavorful so let's get to it you just need your two pounds because this is gonna make about four cups or so of ghee so if you did 1 pound you're gonna get about 2 cups of doggie so I'm gonna put it in the oven and your oven needs to be preheated it should be about 250 degrees you don't want it too too hot so I'm gonna put it in my oven hmm now I'm gonna keep the ghee in the oven for about I'm gonna about an hour or so on I'm gonna look at it and it'll start separating and the cool thing about the ghee is early on or off great adventures I found I guess way people used to find out about it hundreds and hundreds of year when they started doing it butter doesn't really last if it's in the heat we don't have air conditioning in here and hundreds of years ago people didn't have air-conditioning so the butter would be sitting out and then over time it would get rancid it wouldn't be good but then you'll start noticing that the butter separates so I would have my butter outside or I'd have it here in the house and it would get hot we have days it's 9,500 degrees for days and days and days and days and I would notice how the butter fat would separate and you could see the casing of lactose separate at the bottom and I'm like oh my gosh you know this is how they made it so the ovens gonna of course make it go a little bit quicker but if I have a hot day I just make my ghee basically I'll just let it set out on the outside kitchen or here on the counter and then I'll have ghee and it's so so simple so you guys are gonna get a little bonus here while I'm waiting for the ghee to cook I'm going to heat up some of my leftovers our kids are all in town so I had a traditional Armenian meal with lamb kebabs and some rice so I'm gonna go ahead and warm up some rice so I'm gonna put some ghee in my pan goes like this I'm gonna go ahead and put the rice in there and the cool thing about the key is you don't need quite as much because it's an oil so butter is a little bit more creamy or you would use more butter the ghee I don't need to use quite as much and the ghee has a very high smoke point 485 degrees I mean it's that's spot-on way up there butter hands a smoke point of 350 and how many times do you guys you know put something on the pan and it starts to smoke and then your butter turns brown that's not gonna happen with the ghee because a lot of times I left my pan on the stove and when you have butter it burns but like the ghee I'll leave it there it's like oh my gosh I forgot it and you come back and it may be really popping and cracking but it's not gonna burn it's not gonna change the flavor so that's why it's very stable for 185 degrees it works out great so we're just gonna put my rice in here kind of make like a fry rice heated up we're gonna have the leftover lamb with it tonight [Applause] [Music] but our lamb in there oh and if you guys can see you can start to see how it's already starting to separate to use my oven space wisely it's been about an hour and I want to show you guys something happening let's look at this so right now the milk solidus milk solids have dropped to the bottom and the water is starting to boil off now as you can see the top of it is getting a little brown my oven I put some wood in and it got a little warmer so you guys that are on grid you're not gonna have to worry about this but you don't want to burn your your ghee it may give it a little bit more of a flavor to it but that's not gonna be a problem I'm just gonna go ahead my oven I've turned it down a little bit and you're gonna let it go for another you know twenty thirty more minutes so generally it's about an hour and a half total time at 250 degrees and then you're gonna have this liquid gold wonderful ghee in just a few more minutes so I'm gonna put it in here for a little bit longer and we're gonna get it at 30 more minutes the time is here it's time to go ahead and take out my G and the good thing about cooking in the oven it gives me time to do other things because a lot of times people will do ghee on the stovetop I don't like to do it on the stovetop because I have to watch it and this is so easy for me I went out did chores I got my eggs I took care of all the animals and so now I'm ready to take it look at that the next step you're gonna do is you need to skim the top off so let me show you a little trick I use these little strainers just like this little metal strainers and look how easy it comes off look how easy that was and this is a special treat for my dog so I'll just know nothing is gonna go to waste here and all I do is just take it look at that I used to use a spoon and it took forever and you can never get everything out how many of you guys use a spoon to skim your stuff off this works so easy so if you haven't done it try a little skimmer it really works well so I'm going to get it all off of here and then I'm just gonna wait you know maybe five minutes or so and then I'm gonna pour it in the jar [Music] and there's a lot of different ways of doing this I find this is the easiest way for me to do it a lot of times people will now put it in a strainer you can strain it through like thin t-shirt or possibly cheesecloth but after I've strain mine really good what I do is I use a little ladle like this it all I'm gonna do is I just skim it and put it in my jar and I leave the milk solids on the bottom and I'm really careful about doing it and then that way I can get all the butterfat in there and I'm just gonna go ahead and reuse my jar and like I say this I use two pounds of butter two pounds or about four cups or so of ghee and if you use one pound of butter you're gonna go ahead and get about a pint or two cups so what I do is get my little ladle and this is the best ladle I love it to get scream off the top of her milk see I just have that beauty pure beautiful oil just like that so I'm just gonna skim it off it's very therapeutic Molly our puppy is just waiting here she knows she's gonna get a treat she loves me it's good for their skin their coat as well as ours so if you wanted to possibly make dee before or you bought it and spent millions of dollars to buy it because it is expensive it is so simple and easy to make so simple and easy to make and I tried it whenever I'd have my butter I have go ahead and make it and then I try to save as much as I can one of my favorite ways to use the ghee is on roasted vegetables especially roasted sweet potatoes from our garden it's so good I chop them up and then you just put a drizzle a little bit the ghee on top of it and it tastes amazing so I'm gonna go ahead I'm tilting this a little bit I don't want to get any of the milk solids in it so I just tilt it get the last remaining parts and then nothing goes to waste the cats the barn cats love the bottom part of this and when I was growing up my grandparents they used to use the bottom part milk solid part and they would spread it on I remember my grandpa used to do that so they never wasted anything either so everyone's gonna get a bit of this key today some of you might be saying you're sure spending a lot of time doing this but when I strained it before a lot of the oil gets stuck on you know if I'm using a coffee filter if I was using cheesecloth and you waste a lot of the ghee and I didn't like doing it like that so I just do it like this it doesn't take that much time very therapeutic and then I'm almost done here's your treat girls sit sit [Music] okay okay well the dogs really enjoying their treat and so now what I'm gonna do is put a lid on my B and I'm gonna kind of put it outside just to cool down so you can see what it looks like when it is cooled out well Doug and I have a great leftover meal and how many you guys like leftovers why don't you leave a comment below on what your favorite food to eat is leftover so do that for me right now but you know what I put the gear outside so it would get cooled off and I just wanted to show it to you because this is something here living off-grid that we need shelf-stable foods and this is totally shelf-stable look how beautiful it is so this is something yeah I could just keep here in the house when we have our summer days and we don't have the air conditioning that I'll just do fine it might get a little bit more liquidy but it's gonna be totally fine and if I had refrigerator to put it in its gonna last many many many many many many months we have a root cellar now so if I make lots of extras I would keep it down there and it would last so much longer but for years and years before we had a root cellar I just kept it in the pantry and it does great I have some ghee in there that has probably been in there for three years so you know your nose always knows so we always smell it and if it doesn't look right you know if it is mold or something on it I definitely wouldn't be using it but it's definitely for off-grid situation it's a great shelf stable food and we use it for everything and especially with I love it with roasted sweet potatoes that's my favorite and let me know about your favorite favorite leftovers in the comments below other than that guys you have a great day and I will see you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 378,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living, how to make ghee, ghee, grass fed butter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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