How to Make Ghee from COSTCO BUTTER | Clarified Butter | HOW TO MAKE GHEE | Homemade GHEE RECIPE

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[Music] hello friends welcome back to my kitchen today i'm going to show you another recipe on how to make pure homemade ghee this is a very simple recipe and takes about anywhere between 20 to 25 minutes from the start to the finish so growing up as a child my father owned a beautiful farmhouse and we had all sorts of animals and birds and we had the privilege of tasting the purest milk key and butter so this recipe that i'm bringing to you today is the closest one that i could make with the ingredients that is available in the market so come along and i'm going to show you how to make this recipe so for today's homemade pure ghee recipe i'm using about two boxes of unsalted butter each box is about one pound which is around 453 grams so i'm using two boxes i've brought these to a room temperature and i'm also using the stem of curry leaf so here if you see the curry leaves has held onto a stem so i remove all the leaves and just i preserved one of this stem so i'm going to cut this into um about two inch long i'm going to take one more stem here so i'm taking two stems just the stems all right i'll set this aside i'm also taking about i actually counted the fenugreek seeds and you don't want to add too much i have about 35 fenugreek seeds the secret to a fantastic ghee are the turmeric powder a pinch of turmeric powder fenugreek seeds and the curry leaf stems so here i'm taking a stainless steel pot and you may want to take a heavy bottomed pot or a white clear pot uh try not to take a non-stick pot because you will not be able to appreciate the color that is changing while the ghee is getting prepared so here you can actually see and you can just make sure your ghee is coming to the right consistency and to the right color that you need so here my pot is nice and dry so here i have my unsalted butter to a room temperature so i'm going to go ahead and add all of this to the pot all right so here i have all my butter sticks into this pot this is about two pounds of unsalted butter now we'll go ahead and turn on the heat and try to keep it on medium low so very important point when you are making homemade ghee you must stand in front of the ghee while it's getting prepared you cannot just put on that stove and walk away this needs your full 100 attention while you're making this won't take long the whole process from the start to finish will take about 20 to 22 minutes so you have to just keep gently stirring until the butter starts to melt is the purest form of butter i'm just turning up the heat a little bit until the butter completely melts and dissolves but constantly you have to stir there's nothing like homemade ghee and you'll really appreciate the flavors that ghee brings out in every dish that you prepare however is still a very good option and the healthy option you see the butter is starting to melt down and i am continuously stirring it's been about five minutes now and you start to see um the foam that is getting formed as a layer that is normal it's just that the water content from the butter is trying to start to evaporate but you have to continuously keep stirring so it's been about a total of nine minutes now and still continuing to stir the butter that is yellow color will start to turn like a light golden brown almost like a color of a syrup it's starting to boil which means the water is starting to evaporate from the butter that's been about 12 minutes so making this ghee at home doesn't take a lot of time one of the weekends when you are having some free time on hand you can just make and store it so this two pounds of butter will easily last for you at least for minimum of two to three months depending on your usage so to this i'm going to add about 1 8 teaspoon of turmeric powder today i'm using organic turmeric powder this gives a beautiful color to your ghee as well once your ghee is ready you can store it in the refrigerator or you can just leave it on the countertop you see the moisture is almost trying to completely evaporate you have to continuously keep stirring and this requires some level of patience as well friends once you make this homemade ghee you will never buy ghee again you see all the white bubbles on the top is still the moisture content in the butter keep stirring so if you notice in my ghee preparation i have used three secret ingredients the first one that i put was the turmeric and i have two more secret ingredients so this is coming along really well you see almost the moisture has almost evaporated probably another two minutes it also starts smelling the nice nutty flavor from the ghee so that's when you also know that your ghee is coming together really well so now i'm going to go ahead and turn down the heat so friends here we are at the very final stage of the ghee almost getting ready so you see the bubbles at the end of the preparation which is absolutely normal so don't get alarmed so this is really good you have to just keep stirring in between just check the color for your key i still wanted a little bit of on a browner side like a honey color so i'll just keep it here for another just another minute so to this now i'm going to add the fenugreek seeds these fenugreek seeds and the curry leaf stems are tempering agents and they give a delicious flavor to your ghee and this when you put these two ingredients so give it a quick stir and turn off the heat you see the color has completely become nice and golden brown you put the fenugreek seeds and the curry leaf stems you have to turn off the heat you don't want to burn those two ingredients there so this is a nice golden color if you see in between if i just move my spoon you can see the nice honey color alright friends again is ready so at this point we'll leave it in the pot and it has to completely cool down to room temperature before we transfer it to a glass jar and i prefer to put in a glass jar because if you have to reheat it you can always stick the glass jar in the microwave you see a nice beautiful honey color i'm still waiting for my ghee to completely cool down i just wanted to show in between so here the ghee has completely cooled down and it does have some impurities at the bottom so we definitely want to strain that off so i'm here i'm taking a glass jar and i'm also taking a strainer so you want to go ahead and gently pour the ghee i have a little bit more left so i'm just transferring it to a smaller container you see all the dark brown impurities that has settled at the bottom you definitely want to discard that and not use it friends if you can see we have obtained a very beautiful honey color and this is this is exactly what you want for your purest form of ghee which not only looks good but also tastes delicious so friends i hope you enjoyed making this recipe with me this is the most easiest and most delicious ghee that you can make at home do give it a try and let me know enjoy and god bless [Music]
Channel: Cook-with-Priscilla
Views: 3,217
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Keywords: homemade ghee recipe, Pure Ghee recipe, How to make Ghee, Clarified Butter recipe, Tuppha recipe, Recipe for Ghee, homemade ghee from butter, correct way to make clarified butter, Purest ghee recipe, வெண்ணெய் எடுக்கும் முறை, Fresh Ghee recipe., வீ ட்டிலேயே மணல் மணலாக நெய் தயாரிப்பது எப்படி, NeiKachuthal, #ಮರಳು ಮರಳಾದ ತುಪ್ಪ, Desi Ghee recipe, Nanak Ghee recipe, Ghee from Butter, Easy way to make Ghee, दानेदार घी रेसिपी, butterrecipe, cook with priscilla, cook-with-priscilla
Id: hzrYz28b1Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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