Homemade Bread with Jamie Oliver | Keep Cooking and Carry On • The British Binge-cation on Hulu

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i'm going to show you how to make homemade bread [Music] there's thousands of bread recipes out there with different flours some have fresh yeast some have dried yeast some have no yeast and there's so much choice but i want to give you the most basic one because there's so many of you that have never made bread before so first of all get yourself 650 milliliters of tepid water that means kind of like warmish and we're going to put that into a large bowl and i'm going to add one sachet of dried yeast give it a nice little mix up with a fork if you want to put a little pinch of sugar in there or a little honey you can do that as well it just helps to wake the yeast up and if you leave it for a couple of minutes you'll see the bubbles starting now those bubbles are carbon dioxide okay and that carbon dioxide will become the little bubbles in your spongy bread and listen if you haven't got yeast please don't worry about it you can make flatbread fantastic so we've got one kilo of strong flour that we're going to add into this water so i'll add most of that kilo holding just a little bit back and i'm simply going to mix it up with a fork so i'm using a fork at the moment because it keeps your hands clean i'm going to give it a nice pinch of salt and then you can use your hands now look whether it's adults or kids this is a brilliant thing to do so you can see it's getting sticky so if you get sticky hands just take some of that flour and dust your hands down move it around and we can pretty much clean the side of the bowl so look let's get that bowl out give it a little dusting with my hand i can get rid of this board so there's no right or wrong way to knead just kind of move it sort of move it apart like this stretch it and you can move it around like that you can pick it up and throw it down all the different flavors you can do the shapes the sizes in a tin on a tray in the cheesecake mold little ones big ones do you flavor it do you take leftovers and put it inside a bread you do pizza pizzetta focaccia calzone there's so many different things you can do and i think now more than ever it's quite nice to do this actually i can already feel the yeast working why because it's warm now i think it's had a good need i'll give it a little dusting from a height i'll use my two hands just to go underneath it like this a little bit of flour on top just put your hands underneath it like that to create a little ball and then my friends there's your dough that's going to double in size like that it's going to be amazing let me show you so i'll put this in a bowl like that and we'll cover it with like a damp cloth and in about an hour hour and a half this will happen and have a little look same quantity same recipe look at that very cool look at the comparison so what we want to do is now knock it back okay so we'll do that by punching it like that and you'll see it just like boof collapse once you've knocked it back you know you can just take that out we'll give it another little short need just for a second you can see all the little bubbles see look at that so we'll knock that out now this kilo batch of dough is enough to make two large loafs so let's turn half of this dough into a sort of rustic loaf okay so i'll just slice this in half like that look at the bubbles guys look at the bubbles it smells amazing already so i'll get a regular tray give it a little dust i'll just give it one little knead like this so as you knock that air out if you wanted to you could shake this to anything you want you could make it into a nice round loaf i quite personally like making it into a sort of rustic slipper just give it a little tap like that and just stretch it now we're going to let that prove again for about half an hour to an hour and that will double in size right so just have a look at it now you want it to be at least twice as big at least and just put it in a draft free place a bit of flour on the top like that i quite like doing it rustic like that because it kind of breaks and puffs up and it just looks really really rustic so that i'm going to leave for an hour okay so the room smells absolutely incredible i proved those two breads until doubled in size then whacked them in the oven at 180 degrees celsius for about 35 minutes and here goes this is a lovely rustic loaf hopefully look at that spongy simple nice thin crust and you know if you haven't got any bread available in supermarkets then have a go
Channel: Hulu
Views: 32,725
Rating: 4.8508773 out of 5
Keywords: hulu, jamie oliver, homemade bread, bread baking, how to bake bread, make bread at home, bread loaf, keep cooking and carry on, recipe, baking, british, british binge-cation
Id: aUtxKeupYFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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