How To Make A Man Chase You With 1 Simple/devilish Trick | The Subtle Art of Insinuation

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it's not what you that work Lee says that gets into a guy's head the most reductive language is though it's in the long run which is to say what you don't say what you indirectly communicate and this is what we're going to be talking about the power of insinuation because why because words are very deceptive and they're easily forgotten you see and the thing is is that by using words you don't and you don't allow people to read on to what you're saying you don't allow men to actually interpret you all right and people got to realize that the subtleness in your words when you become subtle when you become someone that people have to interpret it becomes fun alright and that and that allow something that allows your target which is the guy to actually think of you and interpret you and once you get a guy thinking about your intentions and trying to understand you that's when he's hooked and what I'm gonna teach you how to make him chase through the power of a situation so the reason why this is important because you need to make the man feel as though he needs you all right and that there is that that being with you that there's an added benefit all right and that losing you is catastrophic but if you're too obvious by being direct your the gods gonna get defensive and none of your taxes are going to work right so in this video you're gonna learn how to plant ideas into a man's mind that will make them chase you can literally learn how to Incept a guy's mind in a very subtle way and I gotta tell you this man like I always say this but I cannot I cannot reiterate this be careful with this [ __ ] man be careful all right so be very careful how you use it all right so let's start it this is how I use it I'm gonna show you how I use it I don't really use it in obvious in the obvious in the obvious sense in seduction when I'm meeting and attracting women in the daytime right the the way uses is this bias to my vibe all right so I'll talk I'll talk I like for example I meet a girl right out approaches she lets say she's walking down the street I walked her and say hey what's up I'll try to be as normal and as bland as possible with my words but with my vibe and when my body language up communicate my interest in my desire for it all right and so you could easily tell for example have you ever talked to someone and you you like they have some negative intentions you feel as though they're being nice to you but deep down you feel like they're they have some bad intentions you feel it in their vibe they're insinuating their intentions with you to sub communicating it you see so that's what I that's what I that's what I would normally do out talk normal it looks very boring the inspection looks boring like hey what's up we up - okay all right cool now you just talk normal but underneath the surface there's a tension you see that she will only she will only understand if she tries to interpret it if she tries to say easy we easy trying to pick me up easy gaze you straight what's going on here you see and so by giving that vibe that allowed them to actually seduce women in almost like an under an hour sometimes in under like ten fit five minutes you see but the thing is that the the reason why most people don't ever get to that level is because we because of fear fear of not being enough so as a result they overcompensate by words by using words talking a lot and try to be as direct as possible but the thing is that being you have to be bland with your words and loud with your subtleness talk less cook directly and communicate more indirectly you got to learn how to plant the seed of doubt in your targets mind and make insecurity so now on do you use insinuation through your vibe communicate an ultimate word for communicating a lot with your with your vibe but also by planting a planting insecurity in the targets mind like for example I if I know that my I've I know that the girl is from the is formal now I like the Midwest I'll say you are love girl I love girls I love girls who are from the East Coast and so adventurous okay when you say that and then you change topic change the topic don't weigh well don't even let her ask why you say that what girls in the Midwest are not fun no change the topic right and so that's why I do so what would happen is that interest subconscious mind deep down she says what stuff wow he thinks that people from the Midwest and have fun and she has some minimal investment in the interaction she's gonna want to prove to me that she is actually adventurous yeah it's pretty crazy right so now and this is how you would normally use it in in your intro with men because that's what you do right make them doubt themselves remember a guy you get you the way to get a guy's to his ego make him doubt him selves right for example like like make him doubt himself about any security that he has but in order for it to work it has to be a hint you have to hint at it all right you have to like just just insinuated insinuate about an emotion issue it's a part of his life a sad part of his childhood you know and because if you just insinuated like for example um let let's say that let's say that the guy's not strong and masculine right you just talk about a guy you just talk about you love it got you love guys that I'm asking even change the topic change the topic immediately change the topic right and make because what's gonna happen is that he's gonna quickly forget it he's gonna quickly forget that you said you like gods who are masculine strong even though he's not masculine strong but because he quickly forgets it he's gonna be his get let's say a couple days later he's gonna be walking in the middle of the day right and subtle he's getting feel this insecurity like oh my god I need to get bigger like I want to impress her he's not gonna know the source of it of his desire to to actually get in shape in order to impress you right but you have controlled them is it is and so it so for example is for example let's say he's from you usually say it's from the Midwest so you like and and and you want him to be more adventurous like I said let's talk about how you feel like people from the Midwest people from the Midwest are not as adventurous and change the topic just change the top and go in with let me elaborate on that top it just change the topic and that and that makes somebody secure at a subconscious level and more receptive to you the thing is that it the subtleness makes the target forget but think about it some other time and it'll feel like it originated from them I'm reading off of my notes right that's how you incept someone's mind and it's not like you're making a [ __ ] directly you're just insinuating that you pipe as a person's natural resistance okay but this is the list but this language communicates are ready to the unconscious because you're not fortunate you're not fortunate you just put it in out there you just put it in out there put a hint about right for example when I give an example of sucking techniques right I sometimes smile right for example like when I talk about um um let me see let me see like when I talk about how to seduce women in how to seduce women in under an hour right when I talk about that some sometimes oh you met like when I talk about certain techniques like silence when I think about it sometimes I like get like a cheeky smell like like my favorite type of example like my favorite technique are it is using silence um because it just keep talking right you see like that little like I'm thinking show you ahead and talk again right that insinuates the technique like this that is soon as I move the technique is good right and so people want to listen more you're not saying like I use it is like my favorite technique you I'm insinuated through the subtle communication and then just tell you and it just keep talking you know for example another one could be like um uh like saying I'm not gonna go and I'm not gonna get ahead I'm gonna let's just keep talking cuz I'm gonna I don't want to get head of us alright but in things that you had to make him doubt whether or not you likable bit as well right so not only do you make him doubt himself but also insinuations in terms of your attraction to him talking about Sarah did you like that doesn't look like them I can keep talking about this but I want it I want to put this into your head because this is such a powerful tactic that is so subtle all right talking about how you have a crush on this gay dude who was a total episode by how he looks you see like using a gay guy because he's no competition but at the same time you could compare higher looks you know and also another way you could use um another way you use it is using negs for example like a famous as famous neg dad in the pickup community is when you talk to a girl be armed it's fascist ask her I like your nails are they real most of times you say no and then she said oh okay anyway isn't just change the topic but deep down here subconscious she's gonna say oh no I don't agree but it's just giving subtle names like for example you talked into talking to her and let's say she spit on you oh sure you spit on me oh [ __ ] that's nasty anyways keep talking you see you she spit on you that's nasty ill she feels embarrassed and I just change the topic and keep talking okay the same thing what a guy for example like he's talking about um I don't know I'm asking him how how tall are you really owe you five not you five down Oh anyways Brad laughs you're talking alright you say oh he's five nine okay and keep talking but when you talk make sure to it make sure to actually um in a way to make them feel better to raise your self-esteem because he already experienced a low through your words so now the next thing you say make him feel better so now you're making me feel shitty and then you make me feel good suddenly you're controlling him the controlling how he feels and because he felt low when you give him the validation maybe through compromise flattery or even an insinuation that's good for him he's gonna feel that hi and I rewards make them do what chase you more alright another thing you do with our slips of the tongue like saying something and backtracking it makes people want to know more for example um saying you know what somebody is about to tell you something and then they say you know what never mind okay for example like say yo dude like I got you know what never mind when you say you know never mind like that means you for say sake what the [ __ ] what Tommy Tommy Tommy you see so when you do this with a god there's so many different things you can do so many different things all right and so it slips to the time or a way to actually insinuate that kind of stuff alright so anyways if you come make them make them when they are but the thing is that okay you got you you gotta find the right time to do it cuz you can't you can't really just do it just don't [ __ ] insinuations anytime you got a make a wins either relaxed very relaxed or distracted like don't worry bad tune I got it from the artist reduction so the reason why is because when he's relaxed that that's when you actually more have more access to his subconscious mind but also he's distracted you could you could insinuate that you like guys that are bigger muscular right and then you just keep talking like you can't you say that and and then you just take change of topic because in his mind's everything about to say next so he registers but he barely register it barely barely grazes his conscious awareness but it gets deeper his subconscious because it triggers a subconscious insecurity it's not that you're consciously communicating you just you're just like poking at insecurities you see it's also great because it's a language because insinuations is also the language of pleasure it's it's it's subtle and vague like people love suddenness they love what's not complete they love it they love things that are not like classes like we love mystery we love a woman who's a mystery for the mere fact that she's a mystery and we love subtle words that's why we love crossword puzzle that's what we loved mystery we loved problem solving all right for example like like if Sutherlands could be like when you're like you know we have like your friend's girlfriend i hear in the middle you talkin to all your friends and your friend your friend's girlfriend gives you like a subtle look like you guys it's just chilling and just just gives you a subtle look and nothing happens you know the sort of look you see that's what we're talking about that that subtle mix like she just gives you a quick glance and looks away but what does mean like what's you're just looking at you oh that's she liking me oh now you like just saying but what she's just random look at me or does she like me now you're not even thinking it's so sudden as that matters right you put in the interviews you put in his mind and so this is the technique that you could definitely use to to really mess with a guy man it's it's something so insanely effective because it taps at people's insecurities you know it really really doesn't and end and I've used it so many times all right what else um yeah that's pretty much it but wait yo on the next video I'm gonna be making it's gonna be called I may be making a video on how to approach how to how to directly approach a guy because I haven't taught that because I'm like we want to learn how to approach guys aren't they shy but I was like you know what maybe that's a good idea teaching you guys how I approach my way of approaching is very simple where we direct very straight to the point and I feel like you guys can definitely use it if you guys learn how to go because I bet there's a lot of guys that you seen the streets that you want to approach but you're just afraid you know like me you guys see me walking down the street you know you guys may feel scared of approaching me yeah I completely understand that you know I'm saying anyways Alex for my for traction 2.0 this is how you get into a minds a man's mind take care
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 227,722
Rating: 4.8594494 out of 5
Keywords: How to Make Him Chase, how to make him fall in love with you, how to make a man fall in love with you, how to make a man miss you’, how to make your boyfriend want you more, how to make a guy miss you, how to make him crazy for you, how to make him obsessed with you, how to seduce men, make him fall in love with you, how can I make a guy chase me, how to get a guy to chase you, make him yours, how to make him chase you, how to make a guy like you, how to get a guy to want you
Id: SHhVv_N1NRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2017
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